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Predicting someone's illness or death

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When someone shares a health condition with me,  I know the outcome.  Several years ago someone close to me was diagnosed with Melanoma.  He had 3 moles removed and all had clear parameters yet I knew this was going to take him.  Rather than tell him this, I told him that his skin cancer had to be watched very closely.  I prefer to plant a seed of hope rather than one of fear.  Prayer and the human spirit can create miracles when there is hope, and we never know when spirit may feel a little flexible and change course.

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Posted by: @jtp

Still not sure how I will put this vision to the side. I am the type that would step in to change it, so not being able to change it leaves me at a loss.

I'm not much of a medium, but here's my two cents from a more mundane spiritual perspective.

You said that you didn't have a clear vision of the entire situation in the second case, and you appear to have interpreted that as meaning that you are or will be unable to change the situation or circumstances of that potential event.  I would look at it in one of two ways, I think.

1) If the events are not imminent, it is possible that some of the specific details of the situation/events may not yet be set.  In that case, if you are meant to intervene, this could have been just a "heads up" that something is coming, and you may be given further information or guidance at a later time about how, when, and/or where you may be able to be involved.  As Jeanne suggested, you might try further meditation about the situation to gain clarity.  Alternatively, (assuming you are patient enough! ;-) ) you can simply file away the information that you have and wait for any clarification that may be forthcoming.

2) You may not have been complete information because the events need to take place to complete something in that person's life plan (which necessarily includes the life plans of all of the people around that person who may also need to experience the results of those events for whatever reason.)  If that is the case, any actions you take to prevent those events may interfere with the life plans of those more directly involved.  While you are being informed that these events may occur so that you are prepared to help the others involved afterwards, you may not have permission to insert yourself into the situation otherwise.

If this were me, I would want to meditate to see which of these scenarios is more likely, and it is also possible that neither one fits and it means something else entirely.

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Thank you for your thoughts. I have also had dreams that did speak to my being there but to not get involved, however well intentioned. Be there, witness, experience and learn from it but do not try to stop it. I do understand that passing through to the next lifetime is a part of our existence and I've thought that this may simply be his time. Something else that came to me in a dream. I was lucky and blessed to be given the to speak and for that I am grateful. Again, thank you for your thoughts. 

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@jeanne-mayell thank you very much for your advice. 

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@theungamer I so agree with you that we never truly know someone's medical future. I have seen a number of people who had fatal prognoses end out surviving. The challenging part when we do a reading is that opinion, including medical opinion, is often mixed in with our views.

I knew someone whose chances of survival were zero, according to medical experts and statistical analysts.  No one, as far as anyone knew, had ever survived this condition, which was CML Leukemia back in 1993, unless you could get a DNA match and a bone marrow transplant, which itself had a forty percent chance of killing the patient. 

She didn't have a DNA match but she survived.  She had asked me to read it early on, and my feeling in my body and mind was fatalistic, but but I overrode my cards and the feeling in my body, and went with the hope. I don't know why I pushed the hope at the time because I was pretty inexperienced as an intuitive. I think it was because I knew she demanded it although she never made any explicit demands of me

Her prognosis had been four years to live, maximum of ten years. She's alive and healthy today.

There are many others out there.  I saw another such "miracle" at once point.  I think it was because I believed he could beat this prognosis with diet and when I told his brother in law my own view, his brother in law became so hopeful that his view inspired the whole family. The young man recovered from his hospital death bed where he had been receiving the last rites.  People were calling it a miracle related to some saint. But a year later, having resorted to old attitudes and so much family negativity, he got sick again and expired. 

Back in the 1990's a Massachusetts physician Bernie Siegal studied what he called "the exceptional patient."  One trait he noticed is a refusal to accept the prognosis. Another trait is a single minded focus on beating the prognosis. Exceptional patients, he found, were not cooperative, obedient people. They were feisty, even difficult.  They told physicians what to do rather than let the physicians tell them. My friend assembled her own team of physicians, even though she was on Medicaid. Perhaps today there has been more study of the exceptional patient. 

I do not think it is hocus pocus that saves these folks. There is something in their drive, something in their inspiration, that saves them. Inspiration comes from the old French and means spirit being taken into us, i.e, in-spirito.  

When we don't understand something good, we often call it a miracle. That's okay and gives us such a great feeling of faith and hope.  Still, I think there's a scientific explanation that involves the workings of hope and enthusiasm.   

That said, we must always remain open to the mysteries and never  EVER blame the victim for not surviving. We just can't truly know how it all works. 

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@jeanne-mayell Completely agree. My husband is a retired ER MD and has seen a lot. He never throws in the towel on someone's chances and has noted that its the quiet patients they worry about the most.  

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@jeanne-mayell  As one of those exceptional patients I can attest to our drive and honoring our instincts of what we need.  In seeking answers about my 4 auto-immune conditions ( which took YEARS to get diagnosed much less treated) because this patient? Didn't "read the book" and present as commonly done nor did medicines work as they should on my system.  I learned to be my own advocate, to find a doctor who understood and worked with me. When meeting a doctor for the first time... I say " You have to understand..this is my body... I am the one that lives in it, I am the one that knows it best, and I have the final say about any treatments/tests/medications apply to it. If you can be a partner with me and accept that? You have a new patient.. if you can't? I'll stop wasting both your time and mine. I have many anomalies in my body( one being Uterus didelphys )   and also in how it responds to medicines and therapies. I have astounded the medical community quite a few times in my life LOL  The bottom line is? We are each unique beings... and... there is much out there that is still unknown.. but.. we DO have the power to heal ourselves...and...each other.

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I love what you have said. I agree with all of it. My approach is very much the same. 

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I am not doing card reading so often, I use Crowley Tarot , but maybe they are just a help. I see them as more deep emotional cards ( Lenormand I see as the daily affair cards). I alos tried using a persons photo or personal item like a ring, often with the same outcome as with the tarot cards.

As this is the Death and Illness section, I would like to get some advice in how to deal with:

  • I often feel pain in my body on places that the other person has an issue ( like a soar throat , stomach pain)
    • I only read cards for people that are also doing card reading and which I can tell more than I would to a strangers.
    • It sometimes is really bad, I get headaches, muscle pain, I even felt fever once.
      • Can you learn how to suppress it? I am asked to do more readings, but I am completely insecure and hate the site effects
  • Same for seeing ( or better said feeling) death of a person, that is a dilemma. Because I never ( thank the universe) saw the death of the person in front of me, but often the death of someone near to them
    • Are there good ways to make them the other person aware without mentioning the death, maybe that they should take care more of that person, spent more time with etc. My dilemma is that it happened a few times that someone died , and I often ask myself would it been a help to deal with the losses if they had extra spent more time with them?
  • And I feel sometimes relationship issues , seeing how well people are connected and feel if it is a good partnership or not.
    • When a couple ask if they would stay together forever and you feel they are not, what are you doing?

I did not post so much lately, due to work and being the Family (unpaid) "uber" for my wife and daughters :-) . I try to follow some topics. it is still a great website. Such a shame that most of you are so far away from me ( Living in the Netherlands)



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This is one topic I've always wanted to share my experiences. One morning, I was walking out to my go to heard to work, it was still dark out, nothing really going on, just me going to work. Suddenly, I realized someone was watching me from across the street. I looked over but couldn't see anyone, but I knew someone was standing there watching me. It's hard to explain but I knew a dark figure was there. I didn't feel fear though, I don't know why, it just didn't really make me feel anything other than 'what is that all about'. I brushed it off and went to work. A few days later a woman that worked in my office but not with me in my area, suddenly fell out of her chair. She passed away a few days later from a brain tumor. Something about her death made me think of the figure watching me. I really didn't give it much thought until a short while later I saw the figure again one morning when I let my dogs out in the back yard. Still no fear, just curiosity about the presence there. Again, several days later another person in my orbit passed away. At that point my brain started to make connections to the presence and death.

Boy once I allowed myself that connection, the presence came all the time and a death was always after! I started to become afraid that someone close to me would pass away. But it was always people in my orbit around me that I really didn't have a personal relationship with. This went on for years.

I started googling what it could be, I didn't really know how to explain the 'presence' to do a good search. It wasn't one of those shadow people that others see. This was a dark, cloudy, figure, that would be right in front of me but off a little in the distance. I started calling it the grim reaper. I just could not figure out what it wanted because I never knew who would pass. I just knew death followed.

After about 10 years of this, one day I was doing laundry it came to me in a way I never experienced before.  I was bent down getting clothes out of the dryer when suddenly, the presence was as big as the house came from behind and went through me! I turned around and said "what was that?! someone close to me just died!". About four days later my sister called to let me know she found our brother dead in his house. He had be dead for several days. At this point I couldn't take it anymore. After his death, the presence stopped coming around. I think I managed to block it somehow. The presence has tried coming around again in the last year but I mentally tell it to go away.

To this day, I just don't know why it comes to me. I did speak to Jeanne about this during our reading a few years ago. She did say that I have rare gift of predicting death, and probably have untapped psychic abilities. I am not intentionally predicting death, maybe something is trying to break free and reveal something I can use for good somehow. Maybe someone can help me understand this thing.

Thank you for this awesome forum!

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@kudra What a fascinating and scary set of experiences! I think @jeanne-mayell is right in that you clearly have untapped psychic abilities. I think it is really interesting to read how you handled/analyzed the experiences over the 10 years, making connections with this figure and the deaths in your orbit. I am sorry for the loss of your brother and can only imagine how frightening it must have been to see that death figure go through you, realizing it meant someone close to you.

I also find it interesting that you somehow blocked it after that and can tell it to go away now (or that you are not ready to see it again.) Others may have some good advice for you here on shielding yourself, setting psychic boundaries, etc. I do believe you can set those boundaries with the spirit world while you learn more and work out how this ability (and others abilities you may have) can be used in a way that is helpful/useful to you and others while also protecting yourself.

There are some great threads here that talk about shielding under the How To Cope and Even Thrive in Difficult Times topic:

Do People tell You You are Too Sensitive Let's Talk About That

What if you get sick from giving readings, giving psychotherapy or any form of holistic therapy, energy work, medicine, or just helping others?

Hope you find these helpful!

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@cc21 I did take that sensitivity test the other day! I scored 15 or 16.

I'm not sure what I did to invite the dark figure, maybe it is someone I knew once or something other beyond my comprehension trying to wake me up. I was told once to tell spirits they were unwelcome if I didn't want them around. They seem to listen to me, at least for now lol. If I ask spirit for information, they tend to give me answers I need to hear. Sometimes, they approach on their own to give me a message. I have a white figure that showed up after my mother died two years ago. I was in my kitchen days after her death and there it was standing right at my side. I told it that I knew it was there and it shows up often. Not sure if it is my mother or maybe someone she sent to help me in life. I don't really feel like it is her energy.

That dark figure never frightened me, I just didn't want to hear about the deaths. At this point in my life I am finally finishing my degree that I have been pursuing while working full time. Because of the demands on my free time, I haven't been able to pursue working on my abilities. However, that shouldn't be a problem in a few months. Sometime this summer I plan to join on of the classes offered here and hopefully one day get up the nerve to join a RTFN with everyone. But it's time to work with what I've got whatever it is. Spirit has been tapping me on the shoulder for a long time.

I appreciate the links and advice for shielding because I do believe that is important when working with spirit.


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Not sure where to put this, so here goes my story. This morning as I was just coming awake,  I was told that a good friend of my husband, who died 6 months ago, had died from a heart attack. Wow. This has never happened before. It also felt like the message was from my husband, in his voice. Not sure what to make of this. Thanks, Pat.

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