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[Sticky] Circle of Light info and dates

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@tesseract Sending you healing.

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@jeanne-mayell  sorry… I realized quickly after my post that the  error was on my end… I apologize… I’m off my game lately… big time.

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Thank you ❤️ I felt it, lovely and clear.

Bloodwork showed platelets ARE down. Still in the red flag zone, but down from last time, so ultimately a positive. I'm sure the hematologist will say "good, keep taking the dose you've been taking" but I take the good over the not as good (yucky med-drains energy) Besides how often, really, do they ever REDUCE a dose? 🙄 I think Circle meditations have helped enormously. I don't want to miss any more Mondays, it's not the same start to the week when I miss the full experience. EVEN as crazy 🤪 early as they have to be on this side of the world! 

I will be there for Thursday class. 🌼 

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ECLIPSE meditation!  Meditating this day on a reset, a rebirth, new awareness, waking up for ourselves, and all people of earth, as the full eclipse of the sun crosses Mexico and the  U.S.A. from Texas to Maine. 

For myself, I am asking spirit to awaken me to things I had not previously seen or understood.  I am asking for a new awareness.  The sun will so very powerfully, be blotted out by our moon, our deep unconscious, our emotional selves, that can blind us to seeing from our own perspectives.  

I am asking spirit to give me a new perspective, an awakening, even if it is painful for me, an awareness that will raise my consciousness to a higher level.  Then when the sun returns, when the moon moves out of the way and the light, returns, I will awaken with an understanding that heals myself, and enables me to rise with new sight. 

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May it be a cleansing moment, a spiritual bath for all living things.

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Circle of light dates: we meet every Monday 10 am eastern time, and Wednesday 7 pm eastern time except these dates:

No meetings: 

Wednesday May 8, Monday May 13, and Wednesday May 15.  


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Wednesday's Circle of Light 04172024


Last Wednesday’s Circle was powerful. Jeanne’s meditation, which I heard off and on, expanded to include even those we do not love, but who need loving kindness and compassion all the same. This, according to what Spirit has given me, is the most important comprehension we can have—that although we are not required to condone ANY dark behaviors, we are required to not hate. Where we cannot send love directly, send it to the Angels and the Great Teachers of Light and let them take our negatives and transform them into the unconditional love of the Creator. I have to acknowledge that that concept, drummed into my being over and over by Spirit, is why I now note the past president as smaller case   t   and the Russian leader as smaller case   p    and other tyrants the same, first letter surname. I do this because I am simply not capable of forgiving any of them, but I know the Higher Beings are, and DO. It is why I no longer use those marvelous nicknames (oh they were soooo descriptive and choice!!!) because even that, though mild, can be the start of a path into outright hate, which they tell me over and over and over, is FEAR. Using t is the only way I can combat my own internal fears because it diminishes the negative power both his name and his nicknames contain. I do love the nicknames so forgoing them makes me a cranky child, a very cranky child! but I trust Spirit.

Ultimately, back to Circle, it does not matter that we are not as evolved as the Angels and Higher Beings who do attend and participate by their presence, in the meditation. What matters is that Circle is not just a group of folks on Zoom, having a lovely meditation and experiencing the joy of a group meditation.

Circle of Light has become a vortex of Energy gathered over the years of and from the people attending the meditation, and now Circle of Light is an actual construct in the etheric dimension, with power to offer healing (I am requested to type—please note: Free Will is always a part of healing, and that which those who are incarnate think of as healing is not always what the soul itself wants. Choice is a factor in healing, sometimes known, sometimes part of the Soul’s Higher Self. Don’t ask me to explain that, I can’t. You will each have to determine what it means to you.)

I went so deep/or high? I no longer know which is which or if it even matters. Call it zoned out of one dimension and into another. I was slow returning to my body. Once I left the Zoom I had to take some time to properly ground, and ask Spirit to help me remember what I had felt/seen—the "great silence" and the warmth of Jeanne’s voice enfolding me. This is what I remember, this is what has not lessened in its impact since Wednesday.

A golden chalice with a healing elixir available to all. Gold is my symbol for Wisdom and Goodness, and also for prosperity – prosperity in terms of health and happiness primarily, with financial prosperity in there too, but not as vital as health and happiness. So to see a golden chalice means wisdom to me and the fact that it was huge, and glowed golden as well as made of gold told me Spirit was gathering in the compounded Energy of/from Circle and this chalice and its elixir are the result of years of Circle’s group meditations. I could also see a vortex of energy, again created by the compounded energy of meditating people at the same time in the same format for many years, with only individuals changing from time to time. The vortex is comprised of all the energies of those who sat in meditation for Circle. If you once sat in the meditation your energy is there in the chalice, and in the vortex—as will be the energy of any person choosing to attend be it once or many times. If you are unable to attend, your energy is still there and all you have to do is think of the Circle and your energy will light. You don’t have to alter responsibilities, (working, driving, whatever) just a THOUGHT is enough for you to add to and receive from this amazing vortex. The vortex and the chalice are made from our energies, gathered in, in tender love, by Spirit—those we love who have passed as well, and the Archangels and all their hosts/gatherings across the globe. The vortex is the integration of all of our energies and it created the chalice from those energies. It is so strong now, that even when Jeanne cannot hold the Zoom, the Energy will sustain as if it were being held. So send your thoughts and energy every Monday and Wednesday whether there is a zoom or not. It will be received and given, as you give and receive. It is one motion. The elixir is my symbol for healing. The meditation is, after all, a healing meditation. Reach in to imagination and take a sip of the elixir (my imagination provides mini goblets or spoons) and drink in the medicine of Light! It will taste like whatever you wish it to be. This too has come into being because of the energy of the recurring group meditation. Spirit is simply giving us a visual way to receive what they tell me we have created. The work for PEACE,TRUTH and of course Democracy, starts within each of us. Micro creates macro. Every thing we do from meditation to visualization creates the future. Stop dwelling on t and p (get that, they are TP!!!!) ooops, Spirit eyes twinkle at me, even as they say that too is a negative nickname, if only a borderline negative one, best not to go down that slide! Try the merry-go-round instead!

It is a tightrope to face reality, to choose to utilize Energy to CHANGE what is so “loud” in happening without becoming mean ourselves. If our energy flings back even a super silly negative, it feeds dark energy, & before we can blink we have helped the darkness. Sigh. So t and p but not TP even it did make me laugh outloud. We must Diminish the darkness rather than feeding it. Circle of Light Energy TRANSMUTES darkness, let’s make it even stronger, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day week by week, month by month until we see Joe Biden solemnly take the Oath of Office then with that great grin of his take the podium and deliver an Inaugural speech that puts us back on the bright road instead of the one of fear and violence. And then CONTINUE those Lighted thoughts as Democracy and the world heal.

As I was remembering all that, (and being gently chastened as I typed) Spirit showed me @Dannyboy and his cousin in an operating room that was white with the brilliance of what I call Christ-Buddha Consciousness not the clinical sterility of an actual operating room. I saw all seven of the Archangels, with Raphael at the forefront standing in-between Dannyboy and Kevin, one wing touching each man. The room was so filled with angels, Master Surgeons of Light, Healers of all cultures that if they were in the physical there wouldn’t be a molecule of space open. The physical surgeons also had Higher Beings standing with them. There was kind of a joyous vibe, not scary. I think I could say hey Dannyboy, you may find yourself out-of-body and if you do, my sense is it will be fun! I can see you ducking around all those Wings and having a great time!

The vortex Energy and its Chalice&Elixir are available to all who choose to accept them, whether you ever participated in the Zoom Circle Meditation or not.

That’s all. Now maybe I can get something else done since I finally got this all written out! I hope there are no typos because I am DONE!

Blessings! ❤️ 

PamP, Unk p, Lauren and 5 people reacted
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@tesseract this whole thing is beautiful.  And thank you again for the reassurance on Monday and the surgery (can you believe only 3 more wake ups?). I haven’t decided yet if I want to go to sleep and wake up at the end of it like it was seconds later or if I’d rather have an “out of body.” I’d love to see what you saw but - my brain may not want me to.  Lots of blocks I put on myself long ago.  if do though I hope I can work “metasurgically” on the blocks I put up.  

but mostly I want to see that light you’ve all built!  I haven’t attended a circle of light yet but one of these days!

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I clearly see the act of cups in your chalice description. Sending light to our Dannyboy and all the angels who can best love scammers, schemers, dreamers, troubled ones around the world tonight.

PamP, Vesta, Lauren and 2 people reacted
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@ghandigirl Dannyboy's surgery was scheduled to begin at 8:30 AM CT this morning. His wife texted me that he was in great spirits when he was prepped for the surgery. 

PamP, ghandigirl, tybin and 5 people reacted
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Circle of light is on this morning -- 10 am ET. :-)

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@ghandigirl  I clearly see the act of cups in your chalice description. 

Ghandigirl, because I don't think in cards, the Ace of Cups never even occurred to me. 🙄 (duh!!) I have 40 years of symbols in my intuitive brain/heart/consciousness, but even after purchasing a Thoth deck, that Ace had not as yet been included in my symbolic imagery. You may find it amusing that after initially writing that post but before posting, I googled "gold chalice" to see if I could find one that fit my vision. I found some close ones, but nothing like what I had been given by Spirit. I also googled vortex to see if any fit my vision, some were very close, but the graphics of intuition (at least for me) rarely fit anything exactly. Air sign. It is all in the "air" and etheric consciousness for me. ANYWAY! I immediately looked at the Thoth card and although it did not exactly fit my visual either, it struck me (with Spirit smiles abounding—the kind of smile a great mentor has when you have grasped a concept that has been put before you.) struck me, that my vision chalice and the Thoth chalice, although not the same in looks, came from the essence of our @jeanne-mayell and the Circle of Light because Circle is a wholeness created by and through Jeanne's willingness to lead such a meditation, and offer it freely to the collective. The Ace of Cups visual is important not because it is or isn't my visual, and is an integral part of her intuitive lexicon, but because it showed me, once again, (duh) that ESSENCE, not literal "seeing it the same" is the mechanism that brings intuitives together.

Now "Essence" is a lesson I thought I had learned years ago. 😊 I've mentioned sending one healing color and having it received as a different color, yet healing occurred because HEALING not color was the purpose. I thought I knew all there was to know about that, 🙄 and then Circle, Chalices, and in particular your post, took me to an even deeper understanding of how we (intuitives) translate information into our own comfortable lexicon of words and images. Thank you for Lighting my way to that comprehension!

All those words when what I began to say was a chalice, to me, represents the spiritual gathering of humanity and the rituals that we, humanity, build within our need to address the Creator's Presence. The elixir is not only healing, but, coming from the chalice, represents nourishing the Wholeness within each of us. The chalice "gives" the elixir, and we receive knowledge and healing. I suspect the Ace of Cups probably fits that "Essence" in some way. I don't really know how exactly though, as Tarot is a field of flowers I have not yet ventured into, although I now have a deck (and incentive) through which to explore that meadow of knowledge.

I have been pondering this ever since I read your post, (and your other post as well in a different thread), which is allowing me to follow a path of thought that I might otherwise never have traveled. Truthfully, I was kind of balking at studying tarot, now I am much more inclined to gather in its blossoms. Thank you so much!

Namaste ❤️ 

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Circle of Light is on tonight at 4 pm PT/7 pm ET.  No Circle of Light on May 8, 13, and 15. But back to normal times after that!  

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HEADS-UP: Jeanne asked me to post that Circle of Light has to be canceled for tonight, May 1st. Apologies!

She has something come up at the last minute.

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@cc21 and Circle of Light community.  I apologize for having to cancel Circle tonight.  It's gardening time and I got bitten by some new climate creature I've never encountered before and my doctor wanted to check it out right when Circle was starting. But all is well except that I missed our lovely meditation.  We will be back on Monday morning at 7 am PT/ 10 am ET.  I hope to see you all there. ❤️ 🌹 🥀

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