Welcome to Prophecy, Peace and Intuitive Wisdom

with Jeanne Mayell

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Jeanne Mayell is a professional intuitive counselor and author who gives private life readings, intuitive guidance, and offers tools to help people develop their intuitive abilities. In 2015, Mayell was listed on Coast to Coast AM radio as one of America’s most gifted Tarot readers. Holding Master Degrees from the Harvard School of Public Health and the Harvard Graduate School of Education, an MA in Counseling Psychology from Framingham State University, and published in The Atlantic and other national journals, she is not only a gifted intuitive, but brings an academic and intellectual perspective to the world of intuition.

Sensing that an era of profound and accelerated change is upon us, Mayell has been teaching people to expand the intuitive gifts we were all born with. In this way, we will be able to navigate this changing world for ourselves, our families, and others. She feels that expanding our intuition is necessary for our civilization to evolve.  This process will bring us closer to each other, nature, and the whole Universe.   She teaches classes in Tarot, intuitive visioning, Positive Psychology, and mindfulness — all ways to find inner guidance.

Mayell has also worked as a health writer (Atlantic Monthly, American Health Magazine, and EastWest Journal), an has held positions as the Massachusetts Medicaid Director, a policy analyst for the City of New York’s Office of Management & Budget in health and welfare, and a research consultant on national health and welfare programs. She has co-authored two books on health and welfare and is currently writing a book on intuition and becoming a heart warrior.

World Predictions Forum  

The World Predictions Forum is a place for readers from around the world to come together as a community to talk about world affairs as they are unfolding and discuss intuitive insights we have about world leaders and events now and into the future. All are welcome to join in the conversation.

World Predictions Group

In late 2016 Mayell began inviting her website readers from around the world to attend her trainings and meditate on the future with her in online gatherings. She regularly holds  online prediction sessions, called Read the Future nights to those who come to her Forum or classes or Circle of Light.  (click Join List button at home page and World Predictions 2018 & Beyond page). Over time a regular group of talented intuitives have formed a meditation group that feels the future.


All psychic or intuitive  readings, predictions, and visions are intended for interest and enjoyment only.   Although we have the highest accuracy rate I have yet to encounter, (see our hits for 2023), many psychic or intuitive predictions do not come true. Do not  rely on other people’s psychic or intuitive predictions for important life decisions. Always consult with appropriate experts and with your own intuition and common sense. There is no better compass than your own.

The Intuitive Wisdom Forum and the discussion boards on this website are open arenas where Jeanne Mayell, as well as readers from the general public, may express their views and offer their intuitions. The predictions and views expressed there are the sole responsibility of the person who made them, and do not necessarily reflect the views or the intuitions of Jeanne Mayell.


To know that someone thousands of miles away can tune into my energy and read me so clearly, providing such an in-depth and accurate picture of my inner soul path that I KNOW to be true even when I fall prey to doubt, that was as much of an encouragement as the actual messages.
Alessandra, Alberta, Canada
I’m really blown away by your information. I’m not new to the transformative nature of the spiritual quest, or psychology; 30 years on this journey and I have to say, I perk up when someone is doing something important … you have quite a gift. I’m actually kind if shocked at how for me, you make complex concepts, simple.
…your work, your energy, your words really spoke to me.”
Gena S.
Jeanne has been the most awesome resource for me for over 10 years now, helping me to solve countless difficult life problems in all areas of my life: career, financial situation, love life, family, and my health. Her extraordinary intuitive ability to see my situation; my true needs, fears and motivations, and those of other important people in my life, and to see where my current path was leading me, has been unbelievably useful. With an accuracy rate of about 95%, looking at literally thousands of insights and predictions over these last 10+ years, her insights have guided me to many successful outcomes, and helped me to see that it was not the end of the world when I failed! This validation of who I am and my situation by itself was valuable, but she was also very often able to find a way to change the path I was on if the outcome was not what I wanted. Her belief in me from the beginning, when very few people could see the value of what I was trying to do, helped to give me the strength to carry on. And she was right! – I am achieving my dreams. I will always be grateful and thankful for the help Jeanne has given me, her extraordinary gift and the effort she makes to help others in need.
Rebecca, Boston, MA
Today was the most profound and amazing psychic session I have ever had.
Mary K., L.A.
I want to thank you for the wonderful reading you gave me this morning. …so many things you said were deeply insightful and meaningful. I was stunned at how accurate you were; I felt as though you could see inside my head and heart. Although I’m sure you already know this, you have a rare and special gift. Thank you so much for sharing it with the world, with the rest of us who are out here, a little lost and seeking guidance!!
CK, Boston
Your work is incredibly helpful, magical. I want to share it with those who would understand the energy and meaning of your readings.
Mary M., San Diego
Your work is so important and life affirming. Thank you from my soul.
Kate M., Los Angeles
I’m an American expat living in Singapore and I’ve followed Jeanne Mayell’s blog for quite a while now – so I was very excited to listen to recent [Unbounded Potential] interview with her. I really enjoyed it and signed up for a reading. Jeanne said I was the farthest away person she’d ever read – but it was amazing – most everything she said was dead on and tremendously helpful.
H.V. Singapore
Things are much clearer now and it feels like a weight has been lifted from my heart.
D.S., Vancouver, B.C.
Jeanne has an extraordinary gift that has been honed with education and discipline. I trust her judgment because her understanding and insight have been tempered on the crucible of life’s deepest challenges and mysteries. I trust Jeanne for her honesty, intelligence, and positive energy; I give her full credit for
re-energizing my creative life.
Donna, ME
Not only are you a link to those we have lost, but you have been able to give us a sense of peace and equilibrium after all the turmoil in our lives. You have been an anchor for us in this time of recovery and we are profoundly grateful.
Cathy, Alexandria, VA
Meeting you changed my life. You were able to see me vividly and recognize essential qualities, dynamics, realities, and potential in my life from the deepest levels. I felt such ease in my innermost being. I am forever grateful.
Maria, Boston
Thank you for the wonderful connection that we made on Tuesday. You are such a warm, energetic and passionate woman and I feel blessed to know you. I believe in my heart that it was a divine appointment that we met.
Kathy M., Kansas City, KA
What my husband can’t get over, Jeanne, is how smart you are. ‘Fire the lawyer.’ he said. It was Jeanne who figured out how to win that lawsuit.”
Alexandra, Englewood, N.J.
Jeanne’s reading was crystal clear, caring and deep. She connected with my soul and brought forth much about my purpose for this time on earth. She is a dedicated and honest channel for good.
KG, Vero Beach, FL
It’s incredibly impressive that you decided to put predictions up by month and topic. It’s just a wonderful way to really visibly see which predictions come true, and how many, and see how they fall into the grand scheme of things. It’s incredibly big picture, and just from a kind of scientific standpoint, it’s the best way I’ve ever seen of getting to see how accurate predictions are.

It’s hard for me to fully express how much I appreciate what you’ve done here. But at the core, this site does something few fully manage – it has built a supportive thoughtful community, and not only posts psychic predictions but thinks about them and their context and does not extrapolate, but also lets whatever is seen (whether simple ‘flowers in spring’ to a specific event) be left in a list to see the outcome later. Thank you so much for the work you do, thank you so much for the work everyone who contributes to this site does. I just wanted to remind you how amazing all this here is.

John, Portland, OR

Jeanne’s intuition was spot on and I received just what i needed. She highlighted areas for growth and gave some great insights. She is the real deal and I highly recommend her if you are looking for some help with self understanding.

Bill, New Zealand

Jeanne Mayell is an excellent intuitive. Her impressive educational background is surpassed only by her deep knowing. She’ll help you get in touch with your own intuitive abilities.

Karen W., NYC

You’ve been a gift to me. Everything you said about my child was true and so helpful to me. I’ve had many other psychic readings and nothing comes close to the information you gave me. 

Mary M. CT

Thank you for the reading today.  It was so meaningful to me.   Your genuine loving kindness that you extend to all within our community has been a real inspiration to me.  When I find myself irritable (or being irritating…), I think of your example and hope to be able to share that loving kindness with others in my life.

Lorie, S.C.

Thank you so much for the reading. It meant more than you know. (Or maybe you do know!) Not only did it make me feel like I am NOT crazy, it gave me a sense of determination to keep doing what I can to fight for good. 

Karla, N.C.

Jeanne is the real deal, but not only that , she uses what she sees psychically to help you be a better person. Highly recommended. The reading was an amazing experience.

Ginny, MA

Jeanne has been of enormous help to me. Her intuitive ability has been stunningly accurate, providing me with important information and perspective at critical times in my life. She also combines her intuition with with a strong logical left brain, experience in a wide range of matters, and a caring and empathetic approach to help you find practical solutions to problems.

Becky, Lexington, MA

I had a reading with Jeanne last week. I couldn’t believe the amount of personal information she picked up on, things only I know. Her interpretation of what she received was incredible too, it felt like speaking to a person who knew everything about me and was guiding me to improve myself. She is the real deal, but more than that she is generous, kind, caring, compassionate and motivated to help her clients. I very much recommend her.

Natalie, Cambridge, MA

Jeanne Mayell is a wonderful phychic and teacher. She not only does reading but also teaches classes on phychic abilities, tarot cards and more. I am presently taken classes ( online) and love them. You can sit back and just learn or participate, your choice. If you feel you are somewhat intuitive you should give it a try!

Donna S., Long Island, NY, Your Content Goes Here

Jeanne is an amazing intuitive and teacher, but for me what truly makes Jeanne standout is her gift for guiding you toward your best self in particularly trying times. Definitely check her out–it’s in your best interest!

Avy S. Cape Cod, MA

When my mother died, it was hard. I spoke with Jeanne and she spoke to my mom and what she told me I carry to this day. With two masters degrees from Harvard so she has intelligence coupled with the gift of sight that makes her readings transformative. From cards and beyond, she is a true gift.

Andrew P., Los Angeles, CA

Jeanne uplifted me and saw into me. She understood my issues and for the first time in my life, I felt a transformation happening. I don’t know if I was just ready for someone like her to come along, or that she made it happen, probably a little of both, but something shifted within me during that reading. It’s true that she has psychic skills but psychic skill alone is not enough to help a person.  It’s her open heart together with her perceptive ability that made the difference. She can also read the future, insofar as that is possible.

Perry M., Los Angeles, CA

I’m really blown away by your information. I’m not new to the transformative nature of the spiritual quest, or psychology; 30 years on this journey and I have to say, I perk up when someone is doing something important … you have quite a gift. I’m actually kind if shocked at how for me, you make complex concepts, simple.…your work, your energy, your words really spoke to me.”

Gene S., Wisconsin