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When does a vision constitute a bonified psychic vision?

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@seeker4 "Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feelin'
Streetlights, people"

The lyrics apply here too 😊

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Research casts a wide net these days. Qualitative research, a big umbrella with many approaches, has taken its place alongside the methods of logical positivism. Many scientists have always worked with intuition and imagination - now more than ever. Have a look at the work of evolutionary ecologist Monica Gagliano who listens, actually listens, to the voices of plants with which she works:

Even so, those who are troubled by approaches other than their own can be relentless and vitriolic in their critiques. Sometimes I wonder if they were burned (perhaps literally) for working as a healer or seer in a past life or timeline - when you were either a saint or a witch. We should never fear these people. They wear or are saddled with blinders.

Jeanne simply does not work within the framework of logical positivism, end of story. She beautifully lays out her framework of exploring consciousness in her post above. It is more closely aligned with that of seers and shamans and poets and artists and philosophers of old (way old). You might also think of it as aligned with action research, if that does not seem too much like pigeon-holing.

I have a hard time keeping up with the pace of the forum in terms of responding - many here are so skilled at elegantly and promptly responding. But I have been thinking about this for a couple of days and wanted to add my two cents, from the perspective of one who has been thoroughly grounded in logical positivism research methods since undergraduate days in the 1970’s. It was a happy day when a little later I was introduced to qualitative research. And who now practices etheric healing and listens to the plants and writes about what she hears!

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Posted by: @marigold

But I have been thinking about this for a couple of days and wanted to add my two cents, from the perspective of one who has been thoroughly grounded in logical positivism research methods since undergraduate days in the 1970’s. It was a happy day when a little later I was introduced to qualitative research. And who now practices etheric healing and listens to the plants and writes about what she hears!

I'm a bit confused by your post.  For the most part, we are aligned in our research methodology preferences as I prefer qualitative approaches and taught qualitative research at a local university.  I hope your references to "vitriolic and relentless" were not directed at me because there was nothing in what I wrote to suggest that.  I am in total agreement that positivistic research is not designed to study areas of intuition.  In fact, I've published and written about choosing a methodology to fit what it is one wants to study. Researchers in search of the vaccine for Covid require a quantitative approach.  Studying culture requires qualitative.  I offered constructive criticism in the hopes of avoiding unfair criticism of what this forum does. I read carefully and offered a second suggestion for consideration based on some great ideas that were posted.  However, I accept that there were a handful who misread what I posted which, perhaps, was my failure to communicate clearly.  I also accept that if the majority does not share my opinion or concern, then the majority reigns.  I have no problem with that.  

I love your final paragraph.  I look forward to checking out the website.  And, yes, I talk to my plants.  So far, they haven't talked back, but I can always hope.  

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@seeker4 Oh no, heavens no that was not directed at you. I do apologize that it came across that way. Rather, it was about those who get SO critical about anything related to psychic/intuition, demands for statistical significance and experimental design etc (which do have their place ).

I understood your constructive criticism immediately and recognized the personal experience that it maybe comes from. Same here.  What I meant to convey is have no fear. For me that fear feels like a tightening of the heart. And for me I lose that fear by relaxing and knowing that, as you suggest, other ways of knowing require other ways of exploring.

The book I read by Gagliano is "Thus Spake the Plant." And you know, I bet those plants you talk to are listening.

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@marigold Thank you so much for clarifying.  Yes, we are kindred spirits.  I read The Hidden Life of Trees a few years ago. I'm going to speculate that you've already read it.  I will definitely check out Gagliano's book.  Thank you for the reference.

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@seeker4 I apologize for a poorly worded comment, and I can see why you took it as an insult although I never meant it as an insult.   I respect  your sensibility which is both analytical and intuitive. I too have a research background and find research important and useful. I have tried  to balance this forum in that way, but have explained why I consider all visions valuable.  You said you were coming from a research point of view and I meant to just point out that quantitative research, while important, can be limited in its viewpoint because it puts reality into packets and is not nuanced or expansive.  If you disagree with that point, that's okay.  But I apologize from the bottom of my heart for offending you.


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@tesseract You have nailed what I have hoped to do here. You get it and I thank you for that. 

That said, we could catalogue our seers' predictions according to specificity, such as levels A (very specific), B (moderately specific), and C (vague). But I always want to include them because they almost always unfold. 






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I accept your apology and offer my forgiveness—I never mess around with forgiveness!  Yes, quantitative research is limited in its viewpoint—deliberately and necessarily so.  The researchers furiously searching for the Covid vaccine had to describe their perimeters and results with precision so that other research teams could refute, expand, replicate, or build on them. Their life saving success came as quickly as it did because it was built on a wealth of previous (very precise) virus research—It’s the right research methodology choice for that research goal.  In other words, they cannot afford to be expansive and free without data driven certainty—lives depend on it.

     You say that you consider all visions valuable.  I have no problem with that although speaking for myself only, mine aren’t.  However, I hope you noticed that the discussion that my post triggered led Bluebelle, CC21, Deetoo, and others to describe how their predictions form and how they consider them as they are forming. That was incredibly valuable information for me with which to reflect on my own processes.  That also appears to have led to your decision to “catalogue our seers' predictions according to specificity, such as levels A (very specific), B (moderately specific), and C (vague).”  That Jeanne, is a very exciting outcome because my intuition tells me that there is much to learn there that may potentially help me and others grow as intuitives.  But BEWARE, Jeanne, it may also lead me to think about new research questions and speculations to post. 

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@seeker4 After further thought, I will probably not catalog the visions. I find too many vague visions turn out to be just so valuable!  However, I would encourage people, when possible, to  put in brackets anything that came to them as they got their visions that might give us more insight into their process. Some people will be able and happy to do that, but others simply can't remember what they were thinking. The process is like art and many artists also don't like to think about the how or why of their process, when it for many is so spontaneous that they themselves don't understand it. Most of all, I do not want people to feel afraid to say what pops in their minds just because it is vague or requires explanation. I have made special effort when teaching people how to do this work not to worry about understanding what they get. I want them to be spontaneous and feel confidence in what pops up, regardless of how ludicrous or vague it is. That is where the gold is. 

How else would @journeywithme2 have received and remembered her wondrous hypnogogic vision of turquoise eyes, binoculars at a Journey concert. 


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@jeanne-mayell After attending many Intuitive Way classes with you, I’ve noticed that students often start out with vague impressions during read the future exercises.  They may sense colors or simple images at first.  Then after practicing more Read the Future meditations, many of their predictions become sharper, coming into focus.

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Thank you. The realization that what I perceive about this site, and your Intention were in harmony [We are not providing our visions in order to convince people we are authentic. We are exploring consciousness and the untapped gift of the mind. JM] filled me with such a lovely sensation of love and validation. Validation comes in many forms, you to me and me to you! This direct confirmation made my day...maybe my year!

I also am impressed to say that the idea of intuition/visions being akin to art also made tremendous sense to me even though I had not thought of it in those terms before. I strongly believe we each have our own process and although the theory of "how to" can be taught, and taught well, ultimately every individual finds their own way through the aetheric highway, which is much less tangible than the digital one and that's saying a lot!

I have made special effort when teaching people how to do this work not to worry about understanding what they get. I want them to be spontaneous and feel confidence in what pops up, regardless of how ludicrous or vague it is. That is where the gold is.

Yes. This "not to worry about understanding" is exactly like giving "Messages" in a group. This fits like a glove into what and how I was taught even though I STILL have to remind myself of it at times. (Libra! Over Thinking!) This is where the gold is, indeed.

I am going to take you up on " I would encourage people, when possible, to put in brackets anything that came to them as they got their visions that might give us more insight into their process."  by sharing (well more than in brackets! 😊 some of my process, and how it came to be—although the example is more about how I came to my Intuitive Focus Tool [aka my Oracle Stones] than reading the future visions. Reading the global future is not my forte. But I am working on it!

Back in the day, when I was learning Tarot and constantly wanting to look at the book, or the notes from class instead of "listening" or "SEEing" the card, AND because the host of the Psychic Fair told me he had too many Tarot readers, I got really REALLY mad at Spirit (as well as at the Faire host). Later, at home, I kind of screamed at the Universe for "something" that no one else had, something I wouldn't need any book for, something that would be mine to use and would be unique if I was going to go work any Psychic Faires (It was the 80s) It took some weeks, and I won't bore folks with the entire results of that YELL (yes, Spirit can take our yelling!!!) but the first inkling was an apport on my empty living room rug (I was vacuuming), that I took to be one of my sons' pieces from a board game. It was not from a board game, although I really tried to find a game board in the toy box that it matched. No luck. What it was, was a natural, double-pointed, fluorite crystal, about the size of my thumbnail, which became the first of my Oracle Stones and came to represent Spiritual Power when it was drawn during a reading. I will not go into all the details of the rest of the Stones, but my process at the time was asking for something (OK, yelling!) that "no one else was doing! that was ONLY mine!" Then I had to accept what I saw in the rug as a tangible gift from Spirit, not a toy piece. No game board for toddlers and primary grade school boys has double terminated fluorite as game pieces! Trust me! Once I accepted this was a gift, a VERY tangible gift from Spirit, I spent a fair amount of time looking in gem shows and stores, for the rest of the initial Stones. Then I realized I only had positive stone meanings and folks who came for readings wanted to deal with not so positive stuff so I looked for a few stones to represent those things. I meditated with each stone as it came to me and listened to it tell me what it wanted to represent. Sometimes the meanings matched the generic meaning (rose quartz, love) and sometimes it didn't at all (Bloodstone, a very positive healing stone which insisted on being jealousy because it is green with red spots). I'll stop there because the Stones are for readings not visions, but the process kind of stayed with me. That is, ASK for what you want, be it a tangible or an intangible. I later asked and learned over time that when I got "shivers" over all my body, during a reading or even a simple conversation, it was Spirit saying "YES, you are on the correct path." Readings in some ways are easier than Visions. When I read for others I step out of myself and let Spirit Speak through the Stones. When I have a "feeling" or an intuition about myself or the world it is far FAR less tangible and I doubt myself.  But I still follow the same kind of process, ASK. LISTEN. Write it down. Let it Be. Wait for confirmation. Sometimes confirmation is loooong in coming. Sometimes it is immediate. "Listen" doesn't necessarily mean with your ears, either. I used to yearn to actually "hear and see" but my "seeing and hearing" is not tangible, and I cannot explain it, it just IS. (Like ART!) Then you wait for the universe to respond.

Reading one-on-one is my comfort zone. I am trying (because of this site!) to move past that comfort zone and allow more visionary, global, collective-oriented information to come in. It is scary and I constantly doubt myself. I do, however, ask, listen and write things down, then I look in the predictions and realize that quite often I receive the essence of other predictions & that's the final thing, really, if we are " exploring consciousness and the untapped gift of the mind." It stands to reason many of us will get similar things, but the key is to realize we get them in different ways. I stand in awe of you Jeanne, and your Visions from 2014. I stand in awe of Baba, who gets the most interesting things! & others (Lovendures, Dee2, Journeywithme, Bluebelle and more) who consistently get "hits."

But more than anything else I value what you created for us, and that "we" gathered in and made Family.

I may have 40+ years of one-on-one Readings and channelings, but I am a novice in this kind of global read the future, and have only very recently even contemplated wanting to test that kind of incoming knowledge. I still tell Spirit NO DREAMS of bad stuff since 9/11 and Katrina did a real number on my dreams....but I don't block scary stuff if I am awake.

I miss my little in-person Spiritual Center that Covid really decimated, but I am heart❤️ened by what you created, and how it helped that hole in my life become Whole here...and especially, I value how it has evolved and matured and well, DEEPENED.

This site is anchored in the aetheric (that I see easily) and that aetheric Ray of Joy/Light/Knowledge comes down to anchor in planet reality and within the hearts of our visionaries when they ask, and I will be ever grateful that it exists.

Blessings 🌼 


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