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"Ascent" & the 4th and 5th Dimension

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@ana. I love this method. Thank you. 

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Welcome to the forum.  I am so happy you decided to post and shared how you don't let negative emotions consume you.  I hope you continued to join in our conversations.

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Posted by: @theredone

I think this election/world politics is causing some people to stay behind with their negativity and the rest will evolve and move forward.  So as many have predicted the earth is splitting, not physically, but metaphysically and some will stay behind.  

I've been reading for years about the "coming ascension" and how those who "can't make it" will be "left behind".  It sort of parallels the pseudo-Biblical idea of the "rapture"-- and, because I have a deep mistrust of fundamentalist religion, I in turn have a bit of skepticism about this "left behind" bit.   

But my degree of skepticism depends partly on what is meant by "left behind".  The fundamentalists picture it as all the "good" people beaming up to Heaven to float on clouds with the angels while the "bad" people remain in a literal hell on Earth.    I do not think that is what the spiritualist/new age/whatever-you-wanna-call-it idea envisions.   

But I do not grasp the what they *do* mean by "left behind".  Are the less-evolved split out into a different reality? Do the more-evolved end up on an Earth similar to what we know, but where everything is much more loving and conscious and kind, while the less-evolved stay on something like (or worse than) the Earth we know? Do people realize that a change occurs when it occurs?  Do the less-evolved suddenly "disappear", from the perspective of the more-evolved, and vice-versa?  Or maybe it means that when our current lives are done, the more-evolved reincarnate into higher dimensions/more loving realities while the rest keep grinding out their karma on the same Earth?

    I realize these are questions to which no one really knows the answers, but I would like to hear some ideas about it. 

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I don't believe in the split world idea. Like you said, it's just a 21st century repackaging of the Christian Rapture. I think a lot more of us will be integrated ("ascended"), but we will all still be occupying the same plane of reality. And those of us who are integrated will innately aid those who are stuck just by our presence and the strength of our inner light. I think the spiritual thrust of the entire universe is towards integration, not entropy.

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For me it is possible. When I feel something I feel it fully. For example, grief. I feel the grief. I allow it to fill me. I look for it's message. I am also an observer of my feeling of grief. I see myself. I watch me grieve. I feel it and then I am outside of it, looking in. I am able to then release it, and I observe that too. 

I suppose the trick is realizing you can hold contradictory thoughts ad feelings. You can be happy & sad, grieving, and healed. You can detach from all of it and you can also be brave enough to feel it and then part with it. 

It is an act of acceptance and remembrance, being able to recognize you are more than the feelings. Ypu are more than the observer of the feelings. You are endless, timeless, and it all serves a purpose to grow and then return back to what you are, an infinite joyful soul having a human experience.

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@theredone. Hmm, this is profound.  (And  might help immensely with my mom's situation.) Thank you for your post! :)

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Posted by: @ghandigirl

I suppose the trick is realizing you can hold contradictory thoughts ad feelings. You can be happy & sad, grieving, and healed. You can detach from all of it and you can also be brave enough to feel it and then part with it. 

F. Scott Fitzgerald said that "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." I've been thinking a lot about that quote because it just seems so true for those of us living right now (especially in the Trump years and their aftermath). Thanks for giving me an opportunity to sharer that quote!

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@ana I've been thinking about this supposed "ascension" as well (probably because I'm reading a book on it). It seems no one really knows what will happen.  I've read the our entire universe is moving into a high energy zone, or that energy is being beamed to us via the sun or the earth is splitting in two, etc.  What i've been noticing is that people are creating different realities for themselves, like trumpers truly believe the election was stolen and Democrats truly believe Biden won (not that i'm disgreeing- my reality is that Biden won)  And we can't understand how the other people can't see the truth and vice versa, so we seem to co-exist but in different realities.  Democrats went through what the trumpers are probably going through right now for 4 years; despair, depression anger, but we processed, we dealt with and moved on.  Now the "others" in their reality will have to deal with their negative emotions and depending on how they deal with it, evolve or not.  I did read that when we all come together, that is when we shall evolve as a planet and that we should maintain our positivity (light) and send positive vibes to the "others" but pretty much ignore them because we can't change them or we will get sucked into that reallity/plane/vibration.  

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To get a better grasp how this 4D/5D energy transformation is happening, we must stop viewing the process from a 3D perspective. To wit, time and space are actually just illusions of this slower energy state we find ourselves in.  In reality, everything has happened, is happening and will happen, right now, right here, in this instant.  What we experience as time and space is really just an echo of this Big Bang of instant creation. 

For a better understanding of how this is so, science gives us a peek into true understanding. At the macro scale, Relativity tells us that matter and energy are the same thing, E=mc^2 (or that everything is energy).  It also tells us that as we approach the speed of light, time stops.  Thus at the true state of energy, there is no time, just existence. 

At the other side of the spectrum, Quantum Theory gives us the clearest hints towards the illusion.  With particle entanglement we see particles (the basic structures of matter/energy) act as if they are one with each other; almost as if time and space don't really exist. It is a marker of the Greater Reality: that at the most basic, we are all One, United.  Our consciousnesses are simply different aspects of the same, all encompassing, Source; learning, growing, creating and experiencing through this unique reality. 

The laws of this universe did not just happen randomly.  They are in place to give us one of the greatest opportunities available for soul learning and growth: Duality.  Something that is not possible in the true state of "Knowing of Unconditional Love through Unity."  Duality comes about through this illusion of time and space. Both of these things allow us to experience the law of cause and effect.  Thanks to time and space, we fully learn how our actions and thoughts in any given moment lead to changes in our reality in subsequent moments, in either positive or negative ways.



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Another way to think of the progression of time/space is in terms of higher energy states.  We, as a collective, are here, learning through cause and effect, creating and growing towards an ever higher energy state of Unity, or Unconditional Love. I've heard it said that we could refer to our current time period as the Dim Ages.  However, we are on the precipice of the shift to the Bright Ages, where we will finally be cognizant of our true nature of Unity.  This, in turn, will offer the souls, who are ready, new opportunities for learning, creating and growth. 

Souls who are here right now, but not necessarily ready for the shift will and will not divide off onto another path.  To understand this we must, again, shift our perspective.  Souls who are not ready will simply continue to incarnate into different periods of the Dim Ages until they have achieved all the growth and learning available in that energy state and are ready for the new opportunities of the 4D/5D world.  In other words, there is no separation and no one will be left behind.

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ 

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I'm really glad, Frank, that you shared your thoughts. I wondered what perspective you have on this topic, and I wasn't disappointed. ? 

Unk p, Jeanne Mayell, Frank and 3 people reacted
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I hope this post doesn't derail the discussion, but I have to be honest...I don't get the whole "we were in unity, but we have to learn about duality in order to return to - or rather maintain, since we've never actually left it - unity."

We were (and are) already there.  We were (and are) already in unity.  Why do we need to create the illusion of duality if the sole purpose of doing so is to destroy that illusion?  What purpose is served, and what is to be learned from that?

These are rhetorical questions, btw...I don't expect anyone to have the answers anymore than I have them.  I'm sure many of us will have opinions on the matter, but unless and until I get an answer straight from the universe, I'm probably not going to be satisfied. 

It's like when I was a kid and mom and dad said I had to do something, and when I asked why, I was told "Because I said so!"

Yeah, no.  That's not really an answer.

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I'll take a stab at it.  Let's see, explain the un-explainable... Here goes nothing:

At It's very essence, The Source/The Creator/God is the conscious "field" of potentiality.  All That Is, Will Be, Could Be etc, etc.  However, potentiality alone implies stagnation and that brings a paradox:  How can All That Is only Possibly be All That Is? In a word, that is not possible. ? So there must be creation as well as potential.  As emanations from Source, we are both that creation and also, as that potential, creators in our own right. 

Another way to think of God/Unity is Unconditional Love because with True Unity there can only be Love.  It is thus the basis for Being and All That Is.  It's difficult for us to completely and utterly Know this in our current form, and that is literally the point.

If Love is the basis for All That Is, how does one create?  By creating more Love.  However, here comes another paradox:  If All That Is is Love, how do you create more?  You both can't and must at the same time.  One answer is this reality-illusion.  In a nutshell we are here to feel the absence of Love and thus be able to create more Love.  Every time we overcome our lower impulses, go against the anger and fear surrounding us and spread kindness, compassion, and sympathy when everything is telling us not to, we are Creating Love and Growing.  Literally we are paradoxing the paradox!

Clear as mud, right?  ? ❤️

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@tgraf66 I`m with you...duality....aren't there better ways to have the human experience? I've always thought I could/would evolve so much easier with positive experiences...why do I have to go through "tough lessons" and negativity when I feel I would do so much better with positive experiences.  I honestly don't like it and I find it hard to stay positive when sometimes life is so hard.  I used to be joyful, I used to have love for everyone...and then constant bombardment of negativity has really kept me down.  How do I get back?  How do I find my joy again?  Right now I feel like I am in a holding pattern waiting for a stimulus or really just waiting for something to get me back to that joy.  I'm ok, I actually am doing great in my life, but I know I have that spark in me, and I can do more.  so much more.

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Wow, such great ideas and thoughts. It seems as if we're all coming to the same place through different lenses, so I'll give my take on this if no one minds.

For me, I feel as if we "ascend" the more we're in tune with ourselves and those around us. I agree, in part, with Frank. All of us are made of energy. So when I say the more we become in tune with ourselves, I'm speaking of the energy that we're comprised of. Energy flows from us and around us. Positive and Negative energy influences us in our thoughts and in our actions.

We "ascend" - I'm not sure I really like that word - when not only can we plug into our own energy flow and keep it healthy, but when we begin to feel the energy flow from others and from all things of nature and start to work with it, not against it. As we "see" these energies interact with one another, begin to realize how that energy shapes our reality and if we're really lucky (open, in tune, advance) we being to shape the reality around us. We're never separate from people who can not, we simply no longer are living a reactive life, but a more proactive, or profound life. I think we grow even further when we realize that this ability to shape our reality around us only works when we do our best to not only keep our energy flow healthy but do our best to keep all energy flowing in a healthy manner.

We won't ever not experience sorrow or anger, or any other "negative" emotion, nor will we exist without challenges we must overcome simply energy isn't necessarily good or bad, it is how we deal with that energy that will influence our reality. For example, the thought "I don't want to be fat" isn't a positive thought, but it can influence us to choose healthy foods or to exercise. 

Anyway, that's my two cents. I think we're all seeing the same thing, but different "physical world" analogies make sense to us.

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Posted by: @coyote


I'm really glad, Frank, that you shared your thoughts. I wondered what perspective you have on this topic, and I wasn't disappointed. ? 

Thanks Coyote. All these concepts have been a jumbled up mess in my brain since I first read your post and I've just been waiting for them to coalesce and show me the right time to post. The time was apparently today because all of a sudden they just begin to flow out coherently, lol. 


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I understand your perspective and feel much the same way. 

While growing up, I had a mostly happy life, was taught to be fair, to treat others well, to look for the good things in people.  My childhood was a little bit sheltered and left me with a naive belief in other people, that I'd be treated fair myself, getting an education would land me a good job, and that the universe would provide for my needs so long as I did my part too.

My experiences as an adult have been almost the exact opposite.  I've had much struggle - jobs, finances, relationships with people, etc..  I've had to learn not to trust others because so many have taken advantage of my good intentions or even betrayed my trust. 

While I continue to strive for a hopeful, loving, and optimistic viewpoint, I find myself becoming more cynical, bitter, and frustrated with life because of all the challenging people and circumstances that have been placed in my life.

I don't really know the answer to getting back to a totally positive and loving state of mind.  I think some things in my life have marked and scarred me to the point that it may not even be possible in this lifetime.  I also think it's important to acknowledge ones feelings and stop trying to label them as good or bad (as long as you aren't deliberately trying to harm or take advantage of people).  Some feelings we have like anger or frustration help us to realize something is wrong in our lives and we need to work to fix them.  Being less trusting of others helps protect us because not everyone plays by the same fair rules we try to.  It's "street smarts" in a complex world.  Life isn't all fluffy rainbows and unicorns, nor is it all doom and gloom.

All this is duality, but I am not necessarily a dualistic person.  I tend toward finding the middle road between extremes and looking for overlooked third ways.  I think peace is found by trying to be a good person, but recognizing that we live in an imperfect world.  It's also about standing up for yourself, those you care about, and your dreams in spite of whatever the universe seems to throw in your path.  I wonder if that isn't ultimately the whole point - to aspire to love, hope, and fairness in spite of it all.

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Posted by: @theredone

How do I find my joy again?  Right now I feel like I am in a holding pattern waiting for a stimulus or really just waiting for something to get me back to that joy.  I'm ok, I actually am doing great in my life, but I know I have that spark in me, and I can do more.  so much more.

I often find that bringing joy to others often brings me joy.  Random acts of kindness are wonderful ways to create more positive experiences around you.  Think of the acts as something you "get" to do.  You never know what the impact of your act of kindness will bring forth either.

2 years ago, my daughters, my mom and I were shopping at the mall before Christmas.  A young boy of about 8  approached my mom.  His parents and siblings were abut 10 feet behind him, watching.  In the sweetest voice, he told my mom he was passing out gift certificates to Dairy Queen to people.  He wanted to bring Christmas cheer to as many people as he could.  Turns out, his Christmas wish was to be able to do this random act of kindness for others.  

My mom was stunned.  She is usually the one doing the giving,  she was not to used to being on the receiving end of a random act of kindness. She thanked the young boy and began to cry a little.  The boy left with his family but  my mom soon caught up with them.  

My mom explained to the little boy how she used to be a school teacher and how she was touched by his act of kindness.  She verbally recognized how much his family loved him by how they supported fulfilling his wish to spread joy to others.  She then asked if it was all right for her to give him something so that he could continue to bring joy to other people and  presented him with a $10 dollar bill.  Most everyone was teary eyed and they all chatted for a few moments.  My mom thanked his parents for raising such a caring young man.  I took out my phone and took photos from a distance knowing something special was happening, but not yet knowing what had  actually occurred. 

My mom is a giver.  She has spent her life giving to others and yet, it was little boy's desire to bring joy to mom who had the biggest impact that holiday season.  Everyone who was there will remember that little boy who "got to" make a memorable impact which was felt long after Christmas was over. 

Be a pebble in the water and trust that a positive act, no matter how small, will have ripples that will make an impact.  It might just impact you too.



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@lovendures  Yes.  And you don't even have to give anything material.  A smile, a compliment, a small deed (like opening the door for someone)... anything can go a long way.  I have taught my son that you have no idea what ripple effect your tiny action can have.  Maybe some guy is in a bad mood.  You (not even knowing about the mood) let him in front of you in traffic just because that's what you do.  Maybe this calms the man's lousy mood just enough so he doesn't yell at his family when he gets home, which helps his kids be calm and happy and concentrate on their homework, and if they do their homework and become used to a calm home environment, then maybe they can get a good education and be good, calm enlightened people who can pass it on in the world.  Sounds a little extreme, maybe, but that's how the universe goes.   

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Posted by: @tgraf66

Why do we need to create the illusion of duality if the sole purpose of doing so is to destroy that illusion?  What purpose is served, and what is to be learned from that?

I'll take a stab. In December I came across an NDE account ( that addresses this problem, and I'm delighted @frank used the same language the woman who had this NDE did. She learned that:

"everything that we do here on Earth, all that we are, all that we experience, allows creation to exist. Every beautiful thing, every wonderful being and creature, whether on earth or in any universe, relies upon people who are on the extremely rare places like Earth. The Great Intelligence (god) is a paradox. It is completely loving and fully unlimited. Which by the definition of paradox, means it is impossible? It cannot be limited only to love; it cannot be limited to only being unlimited; or it is not unlimited. Earth is a place where the unlimited becomes limited; where the singular becomes many. Here, it can know community and loneliness. It can know heartache and hope. It can know all which an unlimited being of pure love cannot. It can conceive and perceive evil; which in truth it cannot do this either. To solve the paradox, it must experience helplessness and limitation and all as it is Real. In this place, it is all so REAL. So what is free will? Free will is the option to come here to help solve the paradox of 'god'. To be all that we are not, so that everything wondrous and joyful may continue to exist. So that love itself may continue to exist. So that the Unlimited is not limited to being only unlimited."

This is just an NDE account from 1 person, so you don't have to take all of its contents as absolute Truth. But it certainly offers an interesting perspective.

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