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Has anyone seen Trump go to jail?

Illustrious Member Moderator
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I had a strange dream a few nights ago in which Trump was surrounded by a forest of evergreen trees and he said that there was a fire in there that he couldn’t put out. In the same dream his youngest son was outside one of several large, white, expensive looking buildings in a forest clearing. He said that he had advisors who could tell him just what minimal repairs to do that would make the buildings appear to be worth more than they are. 

I am guessing that the fire is the Mueller investigation and the buildings are his purported money laundering/tax evasion activities. I would hope that his son being outside would indicate that he isn’t implicated. That all being said, if anyone has any other ideas, I am happy to hear them.

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I just did a 3 card spread on Trump (past/present/future) and got the following:Past - The Hanged Man reversed, Present - Queen of Wands reversed, Future, Wheel of Fortune reversed (Rider Waite Deck)

I was surprised to get 3 reversed cards in a row, but I think they reflect the person and the situation. 

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Reversed cards can mean many several things, depending on how the energy comes through to the reader when we look at them.  But a simple read of an upside  card is (1) either the negative of the card, i.e., put the word "not" in front of the card; or (2) the person is unconscious, i.e.,out of it and  not aware of what is going on.  When someone has all upside down cards, it usually indicates the person is out of it, i.e., unaware of reality.  Here's how I'd read that spread:

1. Past: If the Hanged Man card had been right side up, it would mean he felt he couldn't control his situation; he felt stuck.  The lesson of the hanged man is to breathe and surrender.  But Donald Trump will never  breath and surrender.  He  responds to tough situations not by surrendering but by becoming very nasty.  He has rallies to  boost his base and his ego and formulates his fascist policies.  He invites his adversaries into his office and gives them a talk, threatens them if necessary, and fires them as a last resort. This is the behavior we've seen in the past - hanged man upside down.

2. Present: Queen of Wands reversed.  That could be his UN Envoy, Nickki's Haley, resignation. She had stood up for him when the famous anonymous NYTimes op-ed released, writing her own op-ed defending him.  Her resignation was not good for him but he pretended he already knew about it. Haley by the way is cunning and plays people.  She is not a straight shooter and, like Stormy Daniels,  she can be a nemesis for Trump. Chances are that she wrote that op-ed piece knowing she would be retiring and wanting him to be nice to her about it. She's a sly fox and a true Republican. 

3. Future: Wheel of Fortune reversed:  Right side up, this would mean he is going to have to deal with the chaos of of his world.  But he won't.  He lives in an alternate reality where he always is in control.   If things were truly to get out of hand for Donald Trump, he'd have a stroke.  

I threw a card on him and see that the man is going more dark.  He thinks he has the courts now, like his mentor Putin does.  He's impressed by the Saudi Crown Prince's bold murder of a journalist.  He's  horrified by it, but impressed and unfortunately he's learning about what it means to be a fascist dictator. Let's hope he has that stroke before he morphs into something more monstrous. 

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Baba, interesting spread. This is how I understand it:

The Hanged Man I have always connected with the myth of Odin, that spent some time hanging from a tree and gave one eye in return for wisdom. It represents a worthwhile sacrifice. The opposite of that is a pointless sacrifice, or stalling in order to avoid a necessary hard choice. I think that sums up most of Trump's moves so far quite well.

The Queen of Wands is a very positive card, courageous, determined, happy and generous. So the opposite is somebody selfish, mean and insecure. Again, it describes Trump perfectly.

The Wheel of Fortune represents the natural cycles of time and history. The opposite is somebody is attempting to go against the natural course of things. The good news is that this never works in the long run. The way I'd read this, if something can't go on, it won't. I think it's telling us that Trump's run at the presidency is about to end fairly soon, because he's done too many things that go against the grain.

I'm getting a strong feeling that the Mueller investigation is wrapping up and ready to do the last indictments shortly after the elections. Mueller has everything he needs to do them now, but he won't because it would be seen as interfering with the elections. I get the feeling that this goes up to the Trump family and very likely to Trump himself.


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I just read that Ecuador is going to end the asylum of Julian Assange and is willing to allow his US extradition. If Mueller gets the chance to charge and capture him, it seems like he is a good candidate to roll over on Putin/Trump. Can anyone see if something is coming from this?

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Interesting read at Politico. Has Mueller Subpoenaed the President. Article refers to an apparent legal battle going on between the Mueller investigation and "someone". Interesting part is that the fight is being appealed up the ladder at lightening speed. The author, a former federal prosecutor, points out that Giuliani has switched to radio silence lately. Another article in Kos points out that Trump has completely stopped calling the probe a "witch hunt" in the last month. Pace might be picking up.

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The interesting thing about the legal battle between the Mueller investigation and Someone is how little information has come out of it, apart from the fact that it's happening. The silence is deafening. Which in itself suggests that Someone is Trump.

I don't see Assange getting involved in the Mueller investigation, and Mueller probably can do without him. It would neaten up a number of loose ends if Mueller could get hold of all the details of the contact between the Russians and Wikileaks related to the leaks, but Assange is only one possible way of attacking that question. There are others.

On other Halloween news, Trump seems to have celebrated Halloween by waiving a staff aimlessly and complaining about fake news, and Pence had a blackout on his Halloween celebration (remember when Trump had one as well?)


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I read a legal blog several weeks ago where the lawyer noted that it wasn't a matter of if Muller indicts Trump, but rather a matter of when. 

It wasn't that the blogger had any inside information on what has been discovered, or if there was enough information discovered to put on a good prosecution of Trump. The entire thing was predicated upon the fact that under DOJ rules, a special council cannot make their findings public, except in the case of indictments, which need documented evidence. 

It was pretty much the same for Ken Starr. That is why he trumped up the charges of lying under oath as an indictable charge for impeachment. If he hadn't done so, even tho the odds of actually getting a conviction were slim. If he hadn't produced a form of indictment, nothing he found would have been released to the public for decades. 

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If Assange were to be extradited successfully, I have no doubt he'd be subpoenaed by the Special Counsel, but his fate still feels highly unstable, making successful or swift extradition unlikely (at this stage) to me.

If any other president were in office, a great deal of manpower and resources would be guaranteed toward his extradition to the U.S. (not that this was effective in Snowden's case), but this time there's far less political will on the part of the president. Plus, Russia, China, et al will likely move to either smuggle Assange out alive or ... well, you get the picture. 

However, Nigel Farage, conservative UK darling of the pro-Brexit right, is on Mueller's list (along with Aaron Banks). Roger Stone was the likely link between Trump and Farage, who was photographed meeting directly with Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy, and is alleged to have passed Assange a thumb drive. Perhaps direct from Russian agents.

Mueller will have to decide. 


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Somewhat synchronistically, The New York Times presented this today: 

Roger Stone Sold Himself to Trump's Campaign as a WikiLeaks Pipeline. Was He?



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Hi there ! So, I'm new to this forum and was unsure if I felt comfortable sharing this dream I had, but it sounds like no one else has posted anything similar about visions of Trump going to Jail. I had a dream shortly after the 2016 election about how Trump's presidency might end. 

I'm a little nervous about posting this, but here goes:

The image of a tarot card becomes clearer in the darkness. It is The Tower.

The card fades away, and we are viewing Trump Tower. I'm getting a kind of "Tower of Babel" vibe from this tower. It is a den of corruption and crime. 

The next scene occurs post inauguration. It's the month of February, some time after the Commander in Cheeto has been in office. The authorities are on to him, and on to members of his family. The cops and men in military garb have been surrounding him any time he makes a public appearance. And Trump has gotten increasingly spooked and paranoid about that. He has now barricaded himself inside Trump Tower and refuses to come out, like a frightened naughty child caught redhanded. For a little while he tries to conduct official business from inside the tower. But then he stops, and we get radio silence. 

The news outlets have reporters placed outside the tower, reporting on whether or not the president will make an appearance and explain his abrupt withdrawal from public life. This goes on for an uncomfortably long time. Atmosphere is tense, with much nail biting. Eventually a man wearing a dark suit and ear-piece, together with others, are waiting outside for the president; the authorities announce that he must come out or they will forcibly arrest him for undisclosed crimes. There are tanks and armed soldiers surrounding the tower with weapons drawn. Bannon waits outside the tower with the men. His hands are in cuffs. He is crying and blubbering. 

Trump finally calls a press conference from the lobby of the Tower and declares something along the lines of, "you know what? This has been great! I did a stupendous job. But I'm going to quit now while I'm ahead. It's your loss really. I tried my best, but most Americans are too stupid to appreciate me . . . you've been a great audience!" He blows kisses to the crowd . . .  and cuffs come down on his wrists.

Cut to the future, sometime post 2020, or 2025. I'm being shown a Time magazine cover. The headline reads, "Donald Trump: The Man Who Conned America" with an image of some sort of correctional facility by the coastline with palm trees. I'm on the street in NYC, and purchase the magazine from a street vendor. I flip through the magazine. Other articles detail the "wild and wacky times of post-Obama America," the "meteoric rise and fall of a crime family," conflicts with Russia, something about Cuba, Guantanamo, and a timeline of indictments. There is an image in the magazine I can just barely make out as I begin to wake up. It appears to be Trump in a jumpsuit sitting on a bunk and looking in the direction of a window with bars on it. The view out the window is coastal. I'm getting a very "Napoleon in Exile in Elba"-vibe from it. I'm gathering from the magazine that at the time I am reading it, he's dead. However, I'm not getting that he was executed or assassinated. The article is vaguely worded but makes it sound like he's deceased, but was incarcerated for crimes that led to his removal from office. End of dream.

Much of what I saw in that dream in November of 2016 seems to have already come to pass, what with so much of the investigation having to do with things that occurred in Trump Tower. I think as much as my precognitive dreams tend to be more symbolic than literal, my money is still on a very dramatic late winter/early spring (February?) shake up of some kind that ends his presidency.


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Welcome to our community, Fior.   From your imagination to God's ears. 

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Feels like the real deal to me, Flor.

I threw a 4 card reading using the Golden Tarot deck, on the question: How accurate is Flor's intuitive perception of Trump's fall?  I got 2 of Coins, Chariot, 8 of Wands, 9 of Swords.

My  interpretation is thus:

Control is maintained in difficult times, tempers are maintained, and tact and diplomacy (surely not Trump!) sees us through difficult times. I take this to mean that despite Mueller having to balance conflicting priorities, his measured and cautious approach sees us through. The Chariot card in this deck looks a lot like the Statue of Liberty in the harbor, with the Manhattan skyline in the background, surmounted by stars.  I see a victory obtained by working with others, i.e. this is a collective effort on the part of the Anima of the United States. It is not one man's victory, but the result of hands as numerous as the stars in the sky. There is big news coming, it will arrive swiftly, and the time for action is immanent. Trump will be rendered powerless, and all his egotistical wallowing in self-pity will not improve his situation. The manner of his downfall will be his worst nightmare: public humiliation.

So, yeah, I think Flor's on to something!

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Thank you, Jeanne and RunestoneOne!

 I had noticed previously that there had been previous predictions posted by a number of people on this site about Trump going "silent," being "removed", or "no longer being relevant" at some point in the timeline post-midterms. When I read them, the hair on the back of my neck went up because, to me, this checks out with my dream imagery of "radio silence" and barricading himself away. Those posts, in addition to the comment about a comedian joking about Trump being asked "to just leave the country," prompted me to lend more creedence to my dream.  I'll definitely be sitting with and meditating on the cards you pulled for a while, RunestoneOne! ?  Here's hoping the sun will be coming out soon for us all.

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Flor, a lot of times I run with the visual images of the deck I'm using, rather than conventional meanings. Here's a link to the Chariot in the Golden Tarot.

The hair on my head went up when I saw this--to me, it speaks of women armored with the truth; with a Presence larger than individuals, with the collective Anima of America. She stands in the Manhattan harbor, about as opposite to the ideology of the Trump Tower as you can possibly get. 

The Rider Waite deck, or Aquarian or Alchemical Tarot will show different images of the Chariot. You may pull different nuances from reading those. R1

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Posted by: RunestoneOne

The hair on my head went up when I saw this--to me, it speaks of women armored with the truth; with a Presence larger than individuals, with the collective Anima of America. She stands in the Manhattan harbor, about as opposite to the ideology of the Trump Tower as you can possibly get. 

The Rider Waite deck, or Aquarian or Alchemical Tarot will show different images of the Chariot. You may pull different nuances from reading those. R1

Thank you so much for posting the image of The Chariot, and sharing part of your intuitive process with me. That's a stunning card, and I love your intuitive hit with it. (I also love The Golden Tarot! ? ). 

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Fior, Your dream fits the feelings I've had for two years in terms of Trump going silent. Also it fits how I expect he will behave if he's cornered.   Because the election is on top of us right now, like a sacred event or a great hurricane, I can't bring myself to predict a thing tonight.  But I so appreciate how consistent your dream is with what we have been seeing.  One reader, back in 2017, I think,  even saw him lock himself in a vault and say, "That's all folks!" 

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Hi Flor, welcome.  ? 

The contents of your dream certainly resonate with what many here have felt and seen, so let's hope they come to pass in whatever form.

R1, welcome back! Glad to see you survived your busy-busy season, and happy to see you posting again. I've been thinking hard about whether or not to get this same deck—it's so beautiful—and absolutely see the same thing. Mother America, Lady Liberty, the Rising Feminine. The winds of change and the air of Justice sweeping over the waters again. 

Here's to that.✨

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I think The President Show in Comedy Central did a good “documentary “ I think it starts out 2030 and they are looking back and the end of his presidency. It was funny but to me it had an actual ring of truth. Especially when he lost his re-election bid and refused to leave for 2 weeks and there was protest and then as a toddler they conned him out of the office. It was funny. There is more. If you have time and want to laugh you should watch it 


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Jessi was awesome enough to post this little doozy from Vanity Fair, "I'm Very Worried about Don Jr." Forget the Midterms - WestWing Insiders Brace for the Mueller Storm, in another thread.

It's a short, hilarious read. 

And it poses a good question. What the heck happened to Giuliani? I think someone here posted a prediction that he's going to eventually double-cross his master and keeper, no? Maybe he's preparing his get-a-way.

At the end of the article, this:

"[A] source said Trump instructed Giuliani to stay off television to avoid hurting Trump’s midterm message. 'Trump’s thinking is, 'I gave you a lot of rope and now you got a lot of rope marks around your neck,' the source said."

Perhaps what Trump was actually thinking, if only unconsciously, was: "I gave you a lot of rope so you'd have plenty enough to hang us both."  ? 

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