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Has anyone seen Trump go to jail?

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Whatever gets him out of there, I guess. Thanks for the insights.



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Posted by: VestraLux
Posted by: RunestoneOne

Vestralux, agreed. I've had occasions to use herbal poultices, to pack on wounds. Nettles, while they can sting, also draw deep or hidden pockets of infection up to the surface. Pus is drawn out: a crude analogy for this time in the American polity. 'Sunlight heals' is another metaphor. The bright light of day shone on the fungal underside of America is the best thing for us in the long run.  R1

RunestoneOne, that's an beautiful corollary. I see Trump as a tangible manifestation of the collective American shadow. It's no accident that he's a reality star whose business has been far more successful at licensing the Trump name than in legitimate real estate or other ventures. He's a potent expression of our excesses in materialism, grandiosity, and self-interest to the point of narcissism. He is our egocentrism, our greed, our avarice, our denial of the sacred—our willingness to remain asleep.

To heal anything in the collective (or individual) shadow, we first have to bring it into the light of consciousness. And that's a painful process, just like drawing out the infection. (I'm calling to mind Paul Levy's Dispelling Wetiko.)

The intense divisiveness and discord Trump's rise has evoked is endemic to the root ailment, not a consequence of it. That's the lesson, I feel. That we are not separate. ...I, too, manifested Trump. 

There are also global and cosmic layers in this collective hero's journey, I think. Putin represents something vital within the global collective that the world will need to integrate, and influence from other, unseen forces—also not separate from us—maybe do as well.


The two of you have said it all. 

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I do think Trump is a stroke waiting to happen.  Last Jan. after Trump released his faked physical with Ronnie Jackson, Dr. Sanjay Gupta on CNN said that he had spoken with Jackson who conceded that Trump does have heart disease.  His Diet Coke habit must be harming his kidneys, liver, and heart.  However, I am not sure a stroke or heart attack would get him out of the White House.  After all he is “the healthiest man to ever run for President.” ? His ego would never allow him to be seen as sick.  Trump is dangerously mentally ill as the recent NYT Op Ed and the Woodward book confirmed.  The people surrounding him have demonstrated they won’t use the 25th  amendment even with his illness threatening the nation’s safety and world standing.  Look at how they covered up Melania’s long absence after her surgery.  Reagan’s administration covered up the beginning signs of  Alzheimer’s.  Woodrow Wilson’s wife ran the WH while covering up his stroke.  It wouldn’t surprise me if the GOP went all Weekend at Bernie’s and propped up Trump’s lifeless body just to maintain power.   However he ends up leaving will be shocking enough that it will shake his supporters out of their stupor.  

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Posted by: Anita

I don’t understand how so many see trump resigning for health reasons when there is a massive amount of info Mueller has accumulated. There’s already shown enough to indicate he was at the meeting at trump tower.To resign leaves us with Pence, Gorsuch, all the executive actions and further harmful changes.

Mueller has been too precise to let this end with trump resigning.



What I've been seeing or feeling for a while now amounts to a combination of factors, as follows:

  • Trump already has dementia in progress, those around him know it and do their best to hide it.
  • I love R1's Liver Fire Rising, and I have also pointed out in the past that having one serious medical issue does not preclude others. (When I worked in healthcare, I used to tell colleagues "Just because you have Alzheimer's does not mean you won't get cancer."
  • I have also felt a stroke coming on, I don't get embolic, more like aneurystic. I don't see it being 100% incapacitating, I see it as recoverable.
  • I think the GOPers at the top echelon will use the stroke as their out. They will NOT invoke 25th amendment. What I have seen (not entirely psychic in nature), is that they will pressure Twitler to resign so they can install Pence in his place. They will make a "Devil's Bargain" - i.e., they'll tell Twitler and family to get out of the WH, and if they do so, no prosecutions at the federal level will occur. They might even offer some type of lifetime immunity for all of them. I've never seen any of them going to jail, not even Jared.
  • Unlike in the past (vide: Pres. Woodrow Wilson, whose wife ran the country secretly after his stroke), information flies around very quickly. I don't think they'd be able to cover up a stroke or other medical event. One reason why is that Cheetolini's supporters would want to know what's going on, and I predict that in the event of this kind of cover-up, the conspiracy theory from Fox News will be that those closest to 45 are the ones causing the harm, the supporters will want "proof of life".
  • I also think it's slightly possible that the Russians may attempt to poison not only Mango Mussolini, but also Pence. I don't see success, just attempts. So the medical stuff we are all seeing may be a result of an unsuccessful assassination attempt.
  • Bottom line through ALL of the threads what I see is Putin's delight at destabilizing the West.

I don't know about anyone else, and I know I've said this before, but I'm sick to death of toxic male psychopaths running the show worldwide.


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Oh I'll give you a big AMEN on the last line Laura F.  My best friend and I were just discussing how sick and tired we are of the old white men of the GOP.  We are going to do eveything in our power to prevent Mitch from being re-elected in 2020.

I don't see trump being jailed, I do believe he will be offered a deal-leave or you and all your snarly off spring will be jailed.

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First, I appreciate your bulleted breakdown; thanks for offering that. And here's an amen, sister on that last line. 

I also sense that a stroke event would be recoverable ...to an extent. I see Trump rebounding partly from shear will (he mastered Norman Vincent Peale's craft of thinking his desires into being long ago), but mostly from the energetic contribution provided by the neutron core of his base. Key among them are occult practitioners—they've been supporting Trump's rise and influence all along. (The Wolves of Vinland are a fun example; a key member works for the National Policy Institute and has an internet company with longtime friend and alt-right darling, Richard Spencer.) But from what I've seen, it won't be enough. Trump will never regain momentum, and his health will continue to falter.  

Like you, I haven't (yet) seen his children doing prison time for their crimes, but—and this part isn't psychic interpretation—I don't believe it will be solely within the power of the GOP to offer the devil's bargain, i.e., "go and your children won't face prosecution." While the Department of Justice falls under the Executive branch (somewhat weirdly), I believe Congress will be organized differently after midterms. I see Democrats stepping into the mix, and old guards of the party agreeing that quiet departure is best for the country.

I also see cases coming down the line (through 2022?) as a result of Mueller's work which will impugn the standing of many key Republican and Democratic legislators, as well as longstanding lobbying organizations and big name donor groups. Everyone will have pointed to Russia as the enemy, but many careers have been greased by Russian money. 

Trump campaigned on draining the swamp. He didn't honestly intend to be successful—or to see himself pumped out with it.      

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It wouldn’t surprise me if the GOP went all Weekend at Bernie’s and propped up Trump’s lifeless body just to maintain power.    -- TaG22

-- Agree this could happen.  They'd even take over his twitter account. 

If Mueller or some other jurisdiction, like New York State, indicts Ivanka, Don Jr., and/or Jared, then the closing of the net would be final.  They are all he has other than his "base" of cheerleaders who go to those Mussolini rallies.

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I saw an article a couple months ago.  I believe it was on Daily Kos.  It was an opinion piece by a former prosecutor.  He said that what might happen is that The Trump Organization itself could be declared a criminal enterprise.  The company and all assets would be seized.  Then all the people that Trump stiffed over the years would be able to file to be repaid.  That might be a better punishment than him or his spawn sitting in a jail cell.  He couldn’t pardon his business.  His name would be mud, his money gone, he is shunned, and he might be dealing with lingering effects of a possible stroke.  So even if the deal is for him to leave the WH to avoid jail, it doesn’t mean it would be Ollie Ollie Oxen Free.  


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TaG22 - thanks for the link, and that's a great thought someone had that I had forgotten about. There's a federal law called RICO that could be invoked quite well in this case. I agree none of the "crime family" would be free and clear - I see it almost as house arrest at Mar-a-Lago - as if they are told to stay in one spot for some years until we know we are back on track.

Link to wiki for anyone unfamililar:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racketeer_Influenced_and_Corrupt_Organizations_Act



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Laura F.,

RICO! Yes.  I blanked out on the name of that law.  Thanks! I hope Mar-a-largo is the first place they seize and they all end up on house arrest in a Motel 6 somewhere.

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If I recall correctly (too tired to look this up at the moment), Mar-a-Lago—previous to Trump's procurement of the property—had originally been intended or offered up as (?) a kind of tropical Camp David for the Office of the President (don't ask me which one). And I think it was declined. So when Trump calls it his "Southern White House," he thinks he's being doubly cute.

Anyway, if the government were to seize it, its original purpose would be fulfilled in a weird way. I like that prospect. 

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I'm getting the sense that the first week of October is going to be very significant for the Mueller investigation. I see Trump making one last-ditch attempt to disrupt it, with help from a small group of people who still profit from him staying in office. It will very likely fail, but if it succeeds, it will be a dark time for the USA.


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Now that the famous Rosenstein meeting is happening next week, and also the confirmation of Kavanaugh has been postponed for another week, my feeling that the first week of October would be significant for the Mueller investigation makes a lot more sense. I now feel that the time window may stretch a little more, till the middle of the second week of October. And that there could be big revelations about the Trump administration during this time. 

In the remote viewing section you can see an exercise with what some psychics saw about potential revelations about the Trump administration. It isn't too late to participate, if you have some sense of what they could be.


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As I said on the last post, there were revelations last week on the Trump administration, with the New York times article about Trump's tax dodges. 

I recently got a timing on Trump's resignation: "three days before the frost moon".


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I have felt there is going to be an Oct surprise, possibly tomorrow on the 10th.  Do you see our mid term elections going to the Dems and causing Trump to resign in fear?

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Im not at all adept in lunar phases so please correct me if Im wrong. The frost moon is the first full moon in Nov correct? So that would be Nov 4 and your timing would have his resignation on Nov 1st? 

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I think the frost moon is on Nov 22 this year.  Around the time Trump is in Europe or wherever he goes after the Armistice Day parade in Paris.  Not sure how long that trip is supposed to be.

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Thanks for the correction. Apparently I was looking at trhe lunar calendar for 2017. Oops. Lol

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Mas,  I did the same thing when I looked the first time.  ? One of my calendars says the 22nd and the other says the 23rd.

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I had a little vision in the dream state of the Idiot holding a mask with a handle over his face, then pulling it aside. His face looked all mottled red and puffy, and there were white tags all around with tiny writing on them, but, unreadable, ugh.

I'm hoping this means the indictments are going to come out soon!

I feel he will fold and slither away, but would love to see him held accountable... with the whole legion of his reptiles. And soon!

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