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Help! I need a new job

Illustrious Member Registered
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How are you doing?

I hope that you are feeling a bit better. Here for you.

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I honestly don't know. I'm doing my best to keep myself in the present and not allow myself to worry too much, but I'm not very good at it. 😖 I've been listening to Jeanne's meditation before bed, but I'm not very good at judging whether it's helping. I'm checking in with the temp agency on a regular basis, but they either tell me there's nothing available or try to offer things that have an hour or more commute. I'm also trying to be more consistent with walking a bit each day. There is a nice little park close to my house where I sometimes walk, but it's mostly just in the neighborhood. I'm just feeling lost, confused, and completely at loose ends. I don't want to get to the point of desperation and just take the first thing that comes along, so I'm trying to be discerning about what I want and really think about each thing that does come up, but again, so far everything offered has been well out of driving range.

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Illustrious Member Registered
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I'm sorry to hear that.

Sometimes words just don't help all that much.

I will say this though, it can be hard to sit with feelings but I feel you are strong and can do this. 

In the meantime I will picture you being offered a closer job.

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Famed Member Registered
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Visualize an offer that includes transportation to and from work! Tell the Universe what you need.

My greatest lesson in visualization was 40 years ago when I moved from Seattle to Tucson with my first husband. I did a Treasure Map that specifically asked for a three bedroom house, a huge backyard for the kids, and a nice, safe, neighborhood. I did this with written specifics and photos detailing exactly what I wanted. I got all that. I listed some additional "it would be nice if" there was a dishwasher and a garbage disposal, but I didn't bother with a photo or further descriptions.

There was indeed a dishwasher and a garbage disposal in the house we rented. Neither worked. I hadn't asked for WORKING appliances 🙄 😲 😳

Be as specific as you can, even if it seems absurd and silly. Put into your affirmations/meditations, if you haven't already, that detail of transportation! "I NOW have a work position that I travel to with ease and grace in a timely manner." Or really go crazy, the Universe responds to what we think/feel, so go for it, "I NOW have a position I love with transportation included with ease and grace for reaching any and all locations."  Who knows? Be like Alice in Wonderland and think of six impossible things before breakfast. Visualization is using your imagination to CREATE a new reality. Imaging is a spiritual meditation for manifestation. Remember to say the main affirmation as close to the same time as possible, each day. Then repeat repeat repeat. Give yourself ten minutes, maybe half an hour, when needed, to shout scream express anger and frustration to get it out of your body and mind, and then have clarity and discernment about what you want and need. Be diligent about affirming it many many times a day.

Manifesting takes determination, details, and a willingness to trust what may seem impossible. You can do it. My husband used to say, with twinkle in his eyes,  "It could happen!" Yes it can!

Treasure Map: Illustrations on a piece of paper or poster board of what you want, photos from magazines and/or drawings, with statements IN PRESENT TENSE AS IF YOU HAVE IT ALREADY! and details about what you need and want to receive. (i.e., the perfect job WITH appropriate transportation included either in money or a vehicle, or the range of distance between home and job that will not create financial or travel stress)

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Illustrious Member Registered
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@tgraf66 I’ve been thinking of you and your situation a lot the last few days.  I hope you’re doing well my friend!

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