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Thank you Paul. Good point.

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hi Shawn,  so properties been on market for over a year, and yet he is "insulted" that you need a few days for inspections?  sounds like he is trying to rip you off.  (This is just coming from life experiences, not psychic intuition)         best wishes to you

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Thank you Paul and UnkP, I really appreciate your feedback. My gut instincts are to sit on it awhile... his energy feels weird, and he would be my neighbor. So not sure at the moment how I feel about that. I’m going to let things cool down for a day or two & re-evaluate then. Again thank you for your advice, it has been a help ?

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Hi Shawn, I love what both Paul and Unk said.

I want to add that houses have the vibration of the people who lived in them. The people’s consciousness, and their lives are recorded in the walls and floors.  

This owner’s energy is not good for you.  You may be drawn to the house but this move is a chance for you both to evolve to a better happier higher vibration. This is a chance for you to both shed old ways that you have outgrown. You are a beautiful person who is opening like a flower right now. It is worth wait for the right place that fits you, a place that has been home to some nice people. 

 That homeowner has an entitled attitude that doesn’t fit you and your family. He’s unable to sell because he’s got an ego problem and that vibration is keeping you from that house.  There also may be somethings about the house that don’t serve you.  

I think you are going to eventually get a better situation.  


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I realize I’ve opened up an issue about buying homes to live in and considering the energy or vibration of the home. 

It’s not black and white, just like people.  People are inherently good and can evolve.  That man might realize his mistake and come running and try to bring you back into a deal.  If he does then do consider his energy and realize he’s saturated the home with it.  See if you can find a good heart in him that you can live with in those walls. 

The energy of a home can be healed with renovation and prayer and other means. Sounds strange but we could open a topic here on how to raise the vibration of a home.  

Marley, BlueBelle, Shawn and 9 people reacted
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Hi Jeanne - I would be very interested in a thread about raising the vibration of a house!

Shawn - I feel for you and am sending you positive thoughts for clarity. I also have been in a long time of discombobulation on several issues in our family the last few years. I completely understand that frustration of not being able to "see" the clear path forward. Hoping that the advice you get here from others and any positive thoughts we can send will be helpful!

BlueBelle, Shawn, Jeanne Mayell and 5 people reacted
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Thank you Jean and CC21 as well :)  It's so wonderful to have a community to share with and get/give support. Jean, so funny that you said about how a home's energy can be changed. We have only lived in old historic homes, and I do feel our family has changed the vibe of the homes we have been in. As for the situation with the home owner, I kinda feel like irregardless if we wind up in the house, the exchange we had with the homeowner was a lesson for me. It gave me a chance to calmly try and clear up a misunderstanding - and to honestly and compassionately offer a possible win win for all of us. If he did not want to respond in kind, or our proposal doesn't work for him- that's ok. At least I feel our family represented ourselves with honesty and were genuine in our offer. I have been trying to detach from the outcome and trust the universe has our back. I may be open to re-negotiating if he comes back with an open and fair approach. If he doesn't, I think you are right,  I will hold in my heart that a better situation will open for us. In the meanwhile, the exchange was a learning opportunity for me for sure. All of your insights have really helped me to sort out my feelings and calm down a bit. Thank you <3

BlueBelle, Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle and 1 people reacted
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Hi Shawn

speaking from my background as a Realtor for 16 years Jeanne is right on all counts.  I have found that when there is a resistant seller it could very well be that there are things that have shown up on inspections with previous offers and this gentleman is on the defensive caused by his ego and unwillingness to see the reality of his situation. 

Sometimes I have had to have agent to agent talks laying out the reality of the situation and showing that my clients’ offer is the best chance for the seller to achieve his/her goals. Your agent needs to be a strong advocate for you regardless of which home you choose. Some questions your agent might ask if they haven’t already is have there been previous offers? Were there previous inspections? If so would the seller be willing to priced the most recent one for you to review, thereby saving time and money. If your agent hasn’t advocated for you, it may be you need to find someone who will be that advocate.

Your idea of taking a break from this for a couple days is a good one. Sometimes one’s focus can narrow down and leave out other perspectives. If this is the right house for you it will work out.  I trained in Feng Shui and other methods of clearing homes and have helped clients when they needed something to help clear old energies or settle more deeply into their new home.

i would agree with what Jeanne, that your move feels like an evolution for you and I feel there is a house out there waiting for you that will work for all your needs. Keep focusing on the big picture as this is, in the course of things, is a piece of a larger picture. 

I will keep you in my prayers, good luck!

Jeanne- I would love to participate in a thread on the subject of  buying homes and considering the energy and vibration of those homes. Very exciting!

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Thank you Lauri H. ? I did tell my agent today that we are focusing on the move to a rental (which we need to do short term either way) & getting kids in school. We weren’t submitting another offer at this time. I must admit, I feel sad & still unsure what our next best step is, but I/we are trying to be open & looking for signs or guideposts. Thank you for your insights.

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So I was out feeding the neighborhood cats and strays (not easy on SS), when this guy thanked me for doing it, I told them the other day,that a lady stopped her car and told me to stop feeding cats.Well that was when it go political. He did most of the talking or I' would have been in trouble. He said only a democrat would be so unfeeling. A demon democrat who wants to make sure the little guy doesn't get anything. Said how democrats want to take away housing, but Ben Carson won't let them. He calls his senator all the time and asks him where the money is, and he is told it's coming. He said he is in contact with ex army and ex lawmen who are ready to go to the border anytime. They are also ready for a civil war.  I'm confused, who will we be fighting in a civil war? Blacks vs Whites? Mexican vs Us? Democrats vs Republicans?  Trump wants Sessions to end the probe again, but he can't 'cause he recused himself, so why ask him? 

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Best of luck in all you do, Shawn.

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Wow, Elaine.

When you hear conversation like that it truly points out the polarized viewpoints and how some view the power of guns over conversation and finding out who each other is and most of all what the other is most afraid of or will stop them from having or doing what they want, even if they think it could extend to feeding stray cats.

The political divide and political viewpoints are consuming all of us.

No wonder there is such an overwhelming sense of fear and anxiety in everyone

I finfind myself focusing on extending good energy every where I go now  and getting to know even store clerks and customers in the line at the grocery store more and more.

This morning, things were going wrong at a store I was shopping in with digital coupons on phones, cash registers, store employees (only 2 clerks among a dozen registers came to work today) and tempers were rising around me.

I cracked jokes, smiled, told stories until the air softened and people weren't as cranky around me.

But on the drive home, I foresaw the challenges ahead and how easy it will be for tempers to escalate. I live in Salem, the capitol city of Oregon and our only Salem newspaper is going under. No more store ads, sales flyers, paper coupons, etc. for all our stores in town. Alternatives would be too expensive so it'll be primarily apps and ads on computers and phones. The haves and the have nots divide.

We live on social security too and so i finally understand the "this is all we'll ever have" mind now and how feeling abundance has to be about joy and spirit and feeding strays and giving kindness because there is belt tightening by need not choice.

We are becoming a fear driven society. We worry about our kids, grandkids, health, finances, and now climate change, survival and our country.

A big polarized nation with so much fear of one another that many feel driven to band together and use force. Last night's news mentioned the forming of more militias, just like your neighbor was describing . Fear for personal safety, then home protection ,  the borders and country.  Scary sad to see and hear about our triggers so intensified everywhere.

Love, light, and blessings to you.  Keep the faith that caring about one another and holding that love even for stray cats is what will keep us free of the panic and fill our hearts with love not fear.






BlueBelle, Paul W, RosieHeart and 3 people reacted
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Me and my little family have been going through our ups and downs lately. My boyfriend always says to me I will see my son grow in a passionate loving young man, and I think to myself I hope so. I'm afraid I won't ever get to. There is so much ahead of him and everything happening and going to happen brings me down.

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i think you need to accept that you will have good days, bad days and days of despair.  Those are just emotions.  Emotions change.  This life situation you’re in is one where you are experiencing life changing emotional growth.  You are feeling those growing pains.  It’s normal.  You are going to be okay.  Your son and your botfriend are going to be okay.  Now is the time to breathe.  Much love to you and yours.

Shawn, Jeanne Mayell, Michele and 3 people reacted
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It's not a vision, but in my mind, I keep seeing Trump being dragged away by shadows like in the movie "Ghost". I feel he is that evil. Does that make me a bad person?  

Unk p, Jeanne Mayell, Unk p and 1 people reacted
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You are not a bad person.  

I see him not as evil but as a lost soul.  

A friend who I respect calls him the anti-Christ.  I’m not sure what that means but it means he’s a very bad man.

He’s lost the understanding that we are all one.

I don’t even know what or whom  I could call evil. For every criminal mind I can think of how they just lost their way at some point after birth.

And that said, he may very well end up dragged away or consumed  by his own darkness like in “Ghost.” 

Unk p and Unk p reacted
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I hope this is ok to post here. I’ve had issues all my life about loneliness, abandonment, isolation, empty feelings.

Sept 4th to 17, my spouse of 27 years will be in Africa on a safari. I don’t know precisely what happens to me when 

without my S.O. overnight and definitely for multiple days and nights without any contact. I have a therapist. I’ve set

up things to do, people to talk to. But there is something empty in me that I have not been able to fill. Believe me, I’ve tried.

67 years young now and have never faced this to this degree. I’ve lived alone for years at a time, but there is something that

comes up when feeling too alone, too isolated. The pain is unbearable when it happens. I can’t just sleep and I don’t drink.

I can’t drug it away, either, not CBD. Not anything I’m aware of. If anyone has insight on what is causing this and how to

get through this once and for all, please tell me!



BlueBelle, Jeanne Mayell, Paul W and 3 people reacted
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hi Anita!

i hope this isnt too simplistic, but i was thinking that the animal shelters are always swamped this time of year. Sometimes having someone who really needs you can help with the loneliness thing.  And it doesnt have to be a baby animal, there are tons of older animals that are already housetrained, but who's people have gone on.         peace and love to you!

BlueBelle, LalaBella, Jeanne Mayell and 5 people reacted
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Thank you for the idea. 

We had a wonderful dog die in June. I couldn’t take the quiet, so we now have a crazy puppy to watch and train here in the Portland area. But a good idea.?

Jeanne Mayell, Unk p, Jeanne Mayell and 1 people reacted
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Anita, sending you love and surrounding you with angels to be there and comfort you. 

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