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So ita offically my son is going to have surgery to his skull to fix his forhead. He will be cut ear to ear ontop of his head. I wanted to cry right then and there. We have to see a neurologist to see when the surgery will be. Thank you all for the support.

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All will be well. Its a major op, so he is going to feel a bit weak and disoriented for a few days. But Thats normal, in such ops. he needs to take a deep rest, relax, and take his time. The young are resilient. best wishes, and will send healing energy. When is the op? Zoron

Jeanne Mayell, Grace, Starpath and 3 people reacted
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Zoron, I feel that you are a mentor to me, espically in these dark times. I will become a senior with 9 classes left to take before I can graduate. I am doing four classes in the coming fall stmester, three in the following semester, and the last two in after next Summer. I wanted to quit, but I am so close.

In May, I wasn’t able to attend the read the future night, so Jeanne sent me the link. We were told to listen to the angels; I saw Guanyin, or Goddess of Mercy, where she said “Do what ought be done at your pace, it will pay off at the end” and “Everything will be better at the end.”

I feel that during the 2016 elections I was blinded by my hubris and ever since then I became a Sanders supporter. I feel that Ocasio-Cortez will win in the elections, which will become something spiritually utopian.

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Laynara, will hold you and your little one in light. Try not to worry (ridiculous, but has to be said!). Young children are extremely resilient. 

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Laynara, I woke at 4 a.m. thinking of you and your son.  I had a strong sense that your son’s surgery will go well and I saw you surrounded by support, both seen and unseen.  Sending you love and healing light to your son.  

Jeanne Mayell, LalaBella, Paul W and 3 people reacted
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We see the neurologist Monday and we should schedule it then. They want him to be between 7-8months old to do it. I watched my boyfriend hold him last night and we cried with the love we hold for this precious boy, he has such a heart warming smile already. Thank you all for the support through this challenging time. He is such a strong boy. Bluebelle, thank you so much for the reassurance.

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Laynara, He will be okay, and you will learn what true strength is. Shine your great radiant mother's light on him. We will shine our light on all three of you.

Grace, Laynara, Paul W and 5 people reacted
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Thank you Jeanne and I have so many people planning to be there for his surgery. This lityle boy know sno strangers and wins over heart.  I could be very upset and he smiles while kicking his legs. His grandmother is 36 and lost her last baby horribly and has a high risk of having anymore he helps her cope with her loss. I look at him and I feel the love for him and I will do anything for him no matter the cost. Sorry if im babbling. When he has the surgery there is a possibility I can stay with him and its going to break my heart seeing his poor head cut but I know I have to be strong for him. Anyways, Thank you all for the silent prayers and thoughts I appreciate the care and love from you all it has give me hope and eagerness for my future as his mother and watching him grow into a loving person.

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Sending you, you're little boy and your whole family lots of love Laynara. Please keep us posted. xoxo

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Laynara, I'm sending light & good thoughts to you, your boy, and the rest of your family. One of the positives of the situation (besides better health) is that your little one is so young, that he'll forget the surgery. It won't be a bad memory he carries for the rest of his life. 

Elaine, and others who feel like they are drowning or treading water in the current atmosphere-remember that hope floats! Grab on and let it be your life preserver. That doesn't mean you just float and let the currents take you wherever they desire. It simply means that when you need a rest from swimming, you have a way to remain afloat while you rest. When rested- resume your efforts. 

Jeanne just closed a thread by accident. That thread showed how we get what we think about most. If you think negatively, you'll attract negativity. That's exactly what that thread demonstrated. Negativity was injected, and it begat more of the same. Positive things, like hope, joy, love-they are all buoyant and help uplift. Darkness can't break the light, but light, once lit, will always pierce the dark. 

The more we let our hope and light shine, others will find the light in the darkness, and will turn on their lights as well. It just takes time and patience. 

Michele, Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle and 3 people reacted
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Hello everyone, sorry I haven't updated you lately I have been busy and extremely tired. My little man while have his Pre-Op August 27th & His surgery at 7:15am August 30th gotta be there by 5:15am. He is not going to be thrilled about being in a carseat like seat for the first 3 days of recovery and the other 4 they will allow more and more movement. I am donating blood directing for him! I will update you more when I can. Sending love and light to everyone here! 

Michele, BlueBelle, Grace and 5 people reacted
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Many blessings to you and your precious little one, Laynara. Stay strong, healthy, and positive and your little one will feel your love inside and out. You are so filled to the brim with love and love is always stronger than fear. Radiate love and remember you are never alone. ?

Jeanne Mayell, Laynara, BlueBelle and 3 people reacted
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Many blessings to you and your precious little one, Laynara. Stay strong, healthy, and positive and your little one will feel your love inside and out. You are so filled to the brim with love and love is always stronger than fear. Radiate love and remember you are never alone. ?

RosieHeart, Jeanne Mayell, RosieHeart and 1 people reacted
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Sending you much love Laynara, to you, your little one and the whole family. You popped into my head yesterday.  I had a good feeling when I thought of you. Please keep us posted. xoxo

RosieHeart, Jeanne Mayell, Laynara and 5 people reacted
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Laynara, all of the kind words of comfort here feel like gentle prayer promises.  Please know you won't be alone as you and your little guy journey forth.  You both are so very Loved, and we will all be praying for you and your son throughout his surgery and recovery, too.    

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So a bit of an update, his surgery is rescheduled.  I'm trying to deal with everything but had a breakdown today, so me and my little family went on a 2-3hr walk. Thank you all for the love and support. Mire updates to come!

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Laynara, when you first posted the surgery date and then the rescheduling, I was uncomfortable because of the astrological influences mentioned in Michelle's category of interest (i.e., some people refrain from scheduling surgeries during Mercury retrograde periods) and then relieved because it was postponed.  This is all to suggest that a successful surgery will happen when all of the best medical personnel for the situation are available to produce the best outcomes for your little guy.  

Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle, Laynara and 3 people reacted
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They rescheduled it for September 11th. I hope it all goes successful and he has a good recovery. It will take a few months for him to fully recover. They want to see him for 5 years after the surgery to make sure it heals back correctly. 

Jeanne Mayell, Michele, Jeanne Mayell and 1 people reacted
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Hello Everyone. All you kind intuitive light bearers, I need some advice, psychic or otherwise....I am at my wits end. I have some psychic connection, sometimes I'll hear phrases or just get very strong impulses with complete ideas-not sure where they came from. Usually they are very direct and completely catch me off guard. Most of the time I follow them, when I don't - because they make no sense at the time- I usually understand later why I should have listened. I am absolutely empathic though, without a doubt. However, this current environment in our country along with major disruptions in my personal life have me all confused. So if anyone had any advice regarding my current dilemma, I would greatly appreciate it. My husband had been working for a very large national company and about 2 years ago we were told there were going to be several rounds of layoffs as the company restructured. My husband made it through the first two rounds, however ( as I/we had suspected for quite some time) the next round to be happening in about 8 months -he was told there would be no position for him. He began looking for another job about 1.5 years ago, and although he had gotten several interviews, no position in our geographical area. We have kids who will be heading into college in the next few years, and I have had misgivings about the economy ever since Mr. Trump has gotten into office, and have worried about us being able to afford their college education. We had such a hard time with the last recession, I have huge fears about our financial obligations- with kids going into college- in the near future. So he just accepted a job at an Ivy League college- that will offer significant college tuition discounts for our kids in four years-but we need to relocate about 4.5 hours away. The new job however comes at a whopping 35% pay cut. Initially, I was really happy and excited about moving to the new area ( I still am) because the cost of living was so much cheaper in the new area. I/We had found a property, that was affordable, albeit smaller than our current house and offered the possibility for me to expand my business (artist and I make custom ceramics for special occasions, wedding planner, and I was thinking of doing small cute pie stand). The property is in an agricultural zone, and I checked with all the town officials and everything we were planning to do was legal and zoned correctly. The property has been on the market for over a year- has been reduced in price several times. We made an offer on the property with a contingency to sell our own house, we were a little low, but I was expecting the homeowner to counter the offer and we would meet in the middle. The homeowner instead, declined the offer and said he was insulted-because of the number of days we needed to do the inspections. This sounded insane to me. We are relocating 4 hours away- I physically can't get there in 7 days to do inspections- we need an extension. We wrote the homeowner a letter- clearly and respectfully explaining why we made the requests we did (our realtor, I think is new & we also weren't sure she clearly presented the offer) and offered to try to re-negotiate & asked what exactly he was hoping for. His response was a bit obstinate. This property has been on the market for over a year. I really like the property, it seems to fit all the requirements of what we need, but his response is so off putting my spidey sense says he's gonna be a pain, and is he hiding something? Is the property worth ( is this right house) worth dealing with his difficult negotiating style? We are not sure if we should just rent, short term, hope and pray our house here sells quickly, and go house hunting again after our house sells. Or should we try to work with him one more time? I must say I am praying (and hopeful) our house where we currently live sells before October, after that we are out of money and we will have to try and rent out the property, which will put a huge financial constraint on us. In renting long term in the new area, I can't work from home ( like I have been for the past 8 years) and all the work I've put into developing my business will be put on hold, for I have no idea how long. If I can't work in my current business, should I consider getting another job? But that makes me sad and mad since I've put so much effort into this and it was part of the reason we were looking into moving to the new area in the first place. Add on top of that all the political turmoil, shootings, kids separated from family at the border and financial worries for us and the economy ( I totally feel a really bad recession coming on)- I am a big bundle of discombobulated nerves. Any advice... on whether or not we should try again with the difficult property owner, look for a short term rental in the new area and resume our house hunt after our house sells, should I trash the last 8 years of my professional life and do something totally different again, or will our current house never sell and we will go into financial ruin. ugh! So sorry for the long winded post. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I have no idea which way is up right now. Thank you.

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I would say that you have to weigh your business against the flexibility you would have renting. I assume there is equipment, like a kiln etc., that wouldn't allow you to pursue this in a rental house. If the new job is close to a rural area you might be able to rent an old farmhouse with outbuildings that would fit your needs. You may be able to find another one to purchase too that didn't have a cranky owner. Good luck! 

Jeanne Mayell, Lola, Shawn and 3 people reacted
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