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Yes we are a magical group of wise women and men.

There are also some souls out there who read the posts and send their light even though we haven’t met them yet. 

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Dear ones whom I've never met but am so grateful to know through this site...

This month has been too painful, and I'm struggling. 

I've mentioned here on a few occasions that I volunteer as an administrator and social media strategist for an activism group based in the DC metro area. I spent the last two weeks pulling together a rapid-fire campaign to help bring awareness to the atrocities our government is inflicting on migrants at the border and to reach out to government officials to stop the detainment of asylum seekers. The entire endeavor meant immersing myself in the news stories around the clock, reading testimony and listening to the audio of children crying for their parents, and sourcing as much information as I could to help appeal to those who have a shot at influencing public opinion or legislation. I did it in addition to my day job, on lunch breaks, into the wee hours. 

While this was happening, a friend of mine who knew Antwon Rose shared her story with me in hopes I could use my position to combat misinformation about him and try to spread the truth about the incident that lost him his life at the hands of a police officer who had been fired twice from other departments for violent tendencies. 

My heart hurts so much, I don't know how much more I can take. There's no time for self care. There's just one horror after another, and my position prevents me from looking away. I cry nearly every night.

All my life, I've been a believer in God's omnipotence and omnipresence. I think I still believe. But this week has pushed my faith to limits I've never experienced before, and I wish I knew how to recharge it. Knowing our country could descend into tyranny so quickly - feeling helpless despite the thousands of people who look to our group administrators so they can feel less helpless - I'm at a loss for what to think or what to do to heal my aching soul. I especially find myself missing my grandmother who was an intuitive like many of you and who had endured incredible trauma in her life only to emerge more faithful, compassionate, and loving than anyone I've ever known. I long for her guidance, as my nightly attempts to pray and feel the presence of something greater than myself have left me sitting alone and disappointed in silence.

After the election and before the inauguration, I had a dream in which a catastrophic meteor was headed straight to earth. Everyone I knew was sheltering in a local school, and looking around, you couldn't tell from anyone's faces that the world was about to end. Everyone seemed peaceful, sharing a laugh or playing a game while the sky darkened and everything outside began to turn red-hued. As I walked through this school, I entered the gymnasium where a man sat alone, waiting for me. It was Barack Obama dressed in one of his state-of-the-union suits - only it wasn't really him. Approaching and sitting across from him, I understood that this was a spirit of light or angel who decided to visit me in a form that he figured would bring me some comfort. He said not to be afraid; that I couldn't stop what was coming. He said everything would unfold the way it was meant to unfold. I left the gymnasium and saw people in various stages of life engaged in celebrations and gatherings. The last thing I remember from this vision was walking back to the window to watch the meteor descend.

I think of this dream whenever I feel my heart breaking at what's going on in the world. But this week... it couldn't bring me peace.

I'm not sure what I'm hoping for in writing this out for all of you, but I'm grateful to anyone who will read it. 

Light and love,


Jeanne Mayell, Timo, BlueBelle and 5 people reacted
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Dearesr Vida, this post struck every cord I had and sent them vibrating and my heart is filled to bursting with love and compassion for you and for all the good you serve.

You said it all, shared it all with such  such truth conviction and honest. And your very words will reach into the very heart of everyone you meet, touch   and hears your commitment, your dedication, and the strength of your own character.

I honor and applaud you in all ways!

I But your post also told me that you have it within you to fight this good fight and to be all that you have been called to, to be for yourself and for all others, and that you already have all that you need to be and  do within you! Your vision was right on. "Barack" said it all!

It is indeed exhausting, it is often debilitating; emotionally, physically, and spiritually. But this is a fight that's part of a deeper one throughout time and the ages. One that those of us who heard the call have risen up to answer. We are all part of spiritual warfare for our very survival as a race again time.

Your grandmother saw and knew who you truly truly were and she is there, her energy and spirit part of you, part of all you do, and guiding and cheering you on with a brigade of angelic forces that surround and seek to rebalance, energize, and lift you up.

Learning to balance this emotional connection you carry for the pain and the challenges is the hardest task we all bare. But you are learning and showing that you have the tools, you will find the boundaries, and most of all create new and easier ways to do the work without depleting your own Spirit. God bless you Vita and may love and  righteousness prevail!

Jeanne Mayell, vida, Timo and 7 people reacted
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Oh and dearest Lorie,

I need to add that I missed both my father and mother's passing and I totally understand how hard that is to not know or not be able to get there in time.

My family and I live a thousand miles apart and even though I bought tickets, made arrangements, packed a suitcase, and headed on my journey the same day through as many as 5 airplanes and no available flight staff for the only 1 of 2 flights going into Juneau those days, it took everything that fate would allow to just get me there in time to say goodbye before each of their cremations within a very short time frame.

No chance to see their precious faces, hug them, and be part of them before or while they passed. I had to accept that they passed when and how their spirits chose and settle for loving and giving a kiss and a heart touch as they and I were.

And even though I have deep spiritual understandings and acceptances of things as they are, understanding does not take away the missing or barely even diminish it for me. It's been 8 years since my father passed, and 5 since my mother's, and I still miss them every single day. I just accept it as part of who I am and who they were, and what our bond was, and I try my best to be at peace with those feelings.

I talked to them both out loud and in my heart almost every day, and many times I hear them answering me and I laugh as they laugh with how silly we all are, because they didn't really go away. They're still with me and I know that, and I feel that, but my human part of me just misses them so terribly much!


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Oh and dearest Lorie,

I need to add that I missed both my father and mother's passing and I totally understand how hard that is to not know or not be able to get there in time.

My family and I live a thousand miles apart and even though I bought tickets, made arrangements, packed a suitcase, and headed on my journey the same day through as many as 5 airplanes and no available flight staff for the only 1 of 2 flights going into Juneau those days, it took everything that fate would allow to just get me there in time to say goodbye before each of their cremations within a very short time frame.

No chance to see their precious faces, hug them, and be part of them before or while they passed. I had to accept that they passed when and how their spirits chose and settle for loving and giving a kiss and a heart touch as they and I were.

And even though I have deep spiritual understandings and acceptances of things as they are, understanding does not take away the missing or barely even diminish it for me. It's been 8 years since my father passed, and 5 since my mother's, and I still miss them every single day. I just accept it as part of who I am and who they were, and what our bond was, and I try my best to be at peace with those feelings.

I talked to them both out loud and in my heart almost every day, and many times I hear them answering me and I laugh as they laugh with how silly we all are, because they didn't really go away. They're still with me and I know that, and I feel that, but my human part of me just misses them so terribly much!


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These are incredibly trying times and with you completely immersed in the news cycle, it is that much harder for you.  I sense an amazing strength in you!

You say you cannot take a break, but you can.  There are others working with you who can fill in for you for a day or two.  When you feel your faith cracking, a break is a necessity.  None of us are alone in this battle, and we need to carry each other when one of us needs to recharge.  And we are fully equipped to do that. 

In your dream you saw celebrations against the coming of the meteor.  This to me is a sign that you must take time to enjoy the good in life in the midst of a pending disaster.  Your Angel Barack was telling you not to lose sight of the good things, which is what we're fighting for.  

Take care of yourself so you can continue to lend your strength to the world.  

Much Love!

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Michele and Lorie,

Count me among those who did not arrive at my mom's side before she passed.  And I was only an hour's drive away when I got the call. We all long to be there for a loved one in their final moments, to say goodbye and tell them how much we love them and how much we will miss them.  

I also know many people pass when their loved ones are not present. Even those who are attended by family will often wait until their loved ones step out of the room, or pass while the vigil keeper is asleep.  This may not make it easier for us, but it is often the way of things.

My mom is still present to me and I still miss her being here two years on.  Shortly after her funeral, I felt her kiss my cheek one night when I was on the cusp of sleep.  I also talk to mom out loud and in my heart.  I hear her laughter, and I hear her singing sometimes.  While I miss her being physically present, I am so grateful to have her with me in spirit.  She had MS and her mental capacity had declined, but now she is fully clear and back to her witty, puny, sharp as a tack self.  Over all, it is a blessing.  

All will be well - the pain will diminish and a new relationship will emerge.

Much Love as always!


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This is so true, so dear, Luminata. 

My mother was in her 8th year of advanced Alzheimer's. Bedridden, all but comatose and barely able to say a word it or two, unable to feed herself, stand etc.

We did everything for her by the end, but we did it with love and out of absolute necessity as limited social services were all but non existent on our island in Alaska. She was blind and diabetic as well so insulin testing, daily shots and other medications and daily showers and dressing.

It was such a challenge to do complete care but we figured out ways and even my brothers learned how and jumped over their holdings to help with so much hard work.

It raised up each of us, her children and one DILaw to our individual highest senses of selflessness and acceptance and the understanding of life and death being parts of the same. She was both and neither at different times.

It was a profound experience in all ways.

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i hope I’m putting this in the correct place.

Our wonderful Ruby suddenly had pain about 2 weeks ago. It was thought to be a sprain or strain. After 2 weeks, Ruby is gone from a devastating cancer in her spinal column. The tumor ate bone in her neck and gave her horrible pain. It happened

so quickly. She was in ER for 3 days before the MRI was done. They didn’t believe she was critical. I don’t know if an MRI sooner with immediate radiation beginning would have changed anything,  but the tumor was so aggressive, time was critical.

Ruby was in so much pain late last night, even with the painkillers and CBD, that we had to make the painful decision to

let her go. Ruby was 11, a funny girl with loads of life and a great character until this. I thought she’d be with us for a few more

years, at least. Now she’s gone and I feel her loss so deeply. We have 2 other dogs and a 15 year old diabetic cat that need our

attention and affection. I’m so tired right now. So depressed. And angry. We have a president destroying the country which has been depressing enough. 

Further, I was just feeling better in my body. My back, ability to do more activities. A recent diagnosis of ADHD at nearly

67  years of age has increased my energy at long last. But my lifelong struggle with allowing myself to be happy without fear that something bad will happen if I am happy, is once again front center. 

So I have many issues right now . I feel devastated by the loss of Ruby. She has been a great source of joy for me, being the

comedian she was. Her energy was wonderful. She was a wonderful friend that I needed. I’ve dealt with depression all my life.

ive had trouble making friends that I hang out with. I have one and she lives about 1500 miles away to a place I don’t want to

move to.

I’ve been told that our dogs are always around us after they pass. She might be right here, but I don’t see or feel her. The loss

is worse than when either of my parents passed away. 

I’d appreciate as much help as I can get.

Thank you.


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Anita, I am so sorry for the loss of your good friend Ruby! The pain is always greater when we do not expect them to go so soon. You did the most loving thing by letting Ruby move on from her pain. Dogs are amazing spirits that can uplift even our darkest hours. They are the angels to humanity! The only problem with dogs is that they have short lives. Hang in there...


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 Oh Anita, I am so truly, truly sorry!

The loss of a beloved pet can be overwhelming. They are parts of our family and parts of our heart.  Every single pet I have ever had since I was a tiny child still touches my heart and makes me miss them terribly. 

Just yesterday, I had a single thought about a little malformed kitten that was born out of 11 little one to my mama kitty in my bedroom closet when I was 10 or 11. Oh, how I loved them, every single one, but especially the precious little that I knew was not long for this world.

Suddenly that tiny little kitten set off a whole set of emotions in me in relation to current events. I thought all of the other animals that have loved with all my heart and all of the babies and all of the children who suffer or as seen without value in this often very cruel world. There is always connection after connection.

Now, I think of  a dear family member who had a sudden and unexpected loss such as your beloved Ruby's. They were so devastated they could hardly cope. Making the choice to let their beloved dog go was devastating.

It's many months later now and they still get tears in their eyes at the mention of her name, but that's how it is with love and loss. In time it will ease up but for now it is overwhelming and on top of everything happening in the world as you have said, it only becomes the tip of the iceberg that sets off everything else. That is how it is. The more we love, the greater the loss but oh that wonderful bond of love makes it all worthwhile!

Keep believing that Ruby's spirit is with you.  Every single  time you think of Ruby, it is  as if your heart is calling out her name. Every time a thought connects to her, what she meant to you, how sweet her smile was, how she seemed to understand everything you said or did, how she seemed to be laughing or loving, or easing your pain, you will be connecting with her.

She may come in funny little things that happen, or little momento that remind you of her, or something will show up in your awadeness she always loved to do, or see and it will touch your heart with such love. That will be Ruby.  In tiny little ways and great big bowl you over with loss ways, that will be Ruby.

You gave her so much love, such a good life, and she will live on in your heart because you will never forget her.

Big hug and lots of love to you and to Ruby ?

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Michele and Luminata: I'm so grateful for the wisdom and support you've shared with me. Deep down, I feel the truth of those words - my fear has been the one true obstacle to maintaining my faith through this dark time, and as my sister put it to me over the phone, "if caring for others depletes your spirit and destroys your faith, there's a good chance you're probably doing it wrong." ;)

I really do need to unplug for a bit and take better care of myself in the midst of all this. Thank you for the gentle reminder that being immersed 24/7 is, in great part, a choice. With less noise in my system, I know I stand a better chance of listening to Spirit and detaching from the horrors around me - I just need to make the concerted effort to turn off the feed for a while. 

Anita: I'm so sorry for your loss. I truly believe that our pets rejoin us in spirit after they pass away, and that Ruby will still be there to comfort and lift you up from a realm where she is free and without pain. <3 As for the weariness of spirit you are experiencing... I am right there with you. Please read the wise words shared with me by Michele and Luminata. They really helped. 

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It can be really hard to fathom that we weren't meant to be at our loved one's side when they pass, but that's how it's meant to be sometimes. If we were meant to be there, we would have been. Sometimes the soul leaving prefers to do it alone, sometimes they think that watching them take their last breath will be too much for loved ones, and sometimes it's a simple as they don't want their death to be the last memory a loved one will have of them. Sometimes there's simply a lesson to be learned for the individual-like learning to let go of guilt or learning to let go of control issues. We will see them again. We can feel their presence and if you talk to them and listen with your heart, you'll hear them from the other side. 

I'm sorry for Lori and Anita's losses. Having had my fair share of losses in life, I know we never 'get over' some of these losses. What we do is learn how to cope and adjust to the loss. One of the best mechanisms I found that worked for me was to imagine trading places with the lost one. When my daughter died, everything hurt for so long. I felt guilty when I heard myself laugh at a tv show for the first time,  guilty for living, etc. So, I started asking myself what I'd tell her if I was the one who had passed, and I was trying to help her from the other side. Go to the movie. Go have a good time with friends. Travel. Be an activist. Figure out what advice you'd give to your loved one, and then take it yourself. Being happy and fulfilled will never make me miss her less. Doing things that would make her proud always helps. 

Vida, it can be hard to step back and take care of yourself instead of others. I had people telling me I was taking on too much too soon after my daughter's death. In reality it is what kept me sane in the beginning. I had something to focus on besides my 5 year old. When my ex walked out on my son and I on the first anniversary, all my activism stopped cold. I saw it coming, and testified in front of congress as scheduled, and that was my last (other than calling or writing letters). I had a six year old who needed a mother now more than ever, so I had to stop and take care of myself first so that I could take care of him. They tell you on an airplane that if the oxygen masks drop, put yours on first and then help others. As a mother this sounds wrong-help your kids first is how we're wired to think.  However, if you don't don your own mask first, and you get altitude sickness, you won't be able to help your child at all which could be much more dangerous to the child than having them suffer a little altitude sickness. Life is like that sometimes. 

I have no doubts that just like our loved ones, our pets also wait for us on the other side. 

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Cindy, I am so glad you are still here with our group and continue to share your thoughts and experiences.

I have never forgotten your story of your daughter's field trip and the returning plane crash that killed her and the other students.

I think about that amazing sign of the angel cloud, the timing of its photo as a message from your daughter. 

I've wondered how you are doing now and your young son, as well.

Please know that it had a great impact on me as I could truly relate to it and to you. And every time I see your name and a comment now, my heart remembers your own precious angel.

 I found and saved this link as it matched all of the parts of your story. Is this the correct link?


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Thank you for your kind words Michele. Yes, that was my daughter's crash. There are still tons of articles about it on the internet. The media attention was yet another aspect of the tragedy we had to deal with for years. It took me about a decade to get sites to take down pictures of my daughter's coffin going into or exiting the church. I did manage to shelter my son from the press (minus the pics at the funeral and one at a bill signing with the president), at least for about 18 years. It wasn't just news stories, but tv specials recounting the events-and this went on for years. Then some conspiracy theorists wanted recognition and put out a movie about their conspiracy theories. It too made headlines, and this time neither of us saw it coming. So for the first time (as an adult), my son turned on his computer and was slapped with his sister's death out of nowhere. We're used to what the approaching anniversary date does to us, but out of the blue can really blindside us. He then realized how much I did to protect him from seeing such images and stories over the years, and why. We both still refuse to watch or support any Final Destination movies, as they were 'inspired' by our crash. Likewise, books by popular authors were written with our crash used as a convenient backdrop or plot point were published. 

My daughter still shows me she's around. She did so just yesterday. I travel north in a few days to help my parents. Two days after my sister passed she came to me in a dream and showed me that the folks may not be here on earth much longer-if I'm interpreting her visit correctly. Both of my parent's health has declined in the two months since my sister's death, and I'm getting conflicting readings when I toss the cards. First I was being shown that Dad would go quickly, and now I'm getting mixed signs like it's a toss up with both parents. Mom is not doing well physically, her health is definitely suffering. While eating lunch yesterday, wondering about the specifics of the trip, I looked out the window of the house I was visiting, and out of the day lilies stumbled this tiny, freckled fawn. I wondered who sent it to visit me-my daughter or sister? It nosed around the flowers for a minute or two, and as we heard a dog start barking,  off it took into the tall grass down by the intercoastal waterway. I did get a pic and a case of the warm fuzzies. 

I was pondering the question of who had sent me the visit as I pulled into my driveway yesterday evening. I took my mail out of the box and got my answer. There was a letter in the box from someone I don't know, but the return address told me it was the annual thank you I get from the recipient of my daughter's scholarship. I was a little puzzled at the fact this was a letter, I usually get a thank you card. And I also was thinking how recent recipients weren't even born yet when our kids perished, so other than knowing their names, which are inscribed on the town monument, these scholarship recipients won't know much about the kids who perished so long ago. I was wrong. That's why I got a letter instead of a simple thank you note. It seems this year's recipient was told all about my daughter by her mother and neighbor, both of whom knew Monica. It brought me to tears reading how well she was represented (all the way to her poise and political activism) in this letter from someone who never met her. It also answered for me who sent me the fawn. 

I have had songs on the radio, rainbows on sunny days, and other signs that my daughter is around more often recently. She typically makes herself known in difficult times. We all get signs and whispers, if we only take the time to listen with our hearts. I love it when I have questions over who is aiding me or around me and I'm given very specific answers!

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Bless you for opening yourself up to more memories by responding to my post Cindy. I didn't know how to ask but knew in my heart that there had to be just such depths to this story.

From a number of other commenters on this topic, I could tell that others have not had the painful opportunities through loss to have the extraordinary experiences that you and I have had. And while my loss was not my child it was of a 12 year old who was the next closest thing to my own, and she and her mother were killed in roll over car crash en route to the Jr. Olympics where she was competing for a running title 21 years ago.

Losing my best friend of 20 years and my daughter's best friend since birth was followed by so many events, signs and symbols,  all doubts about an after life experience vanished.

Tragically, the surviving father died in a different accident 17 years later leaving son's and now grandchildren without a life with the three of them.

These supernatural,  angelic experiences have to be personal and change ones life forever to be truly understood but if nothing else, perhaps our discussing this here as brave as we have to be knowing just what it does to one's privacy is needed now in this time, in this world. 

I am so inctedibly sorry so much happened afterwards to take away from your privacy and your grieving.

I keep you and your son in my heart with empathy, compassion,  and understanding love.

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I'm an odd mix Michele. I'm very open, yet I manage to keep my privacy. Something I had to learn over the years, given my circumstances.  I had to open up and speak about what went on in the aftermath. The general public doesn't really know about the tragedies that occur after the initial tragedy. The intrusion of the media, the ineptitude of some of the 'officials' involved. I was in front of congress in 6 weeks to try and get changes made so that others who may find themselves in the same situation in the future would not go through what we dealt with on top of losing a child. I was only one voice in a chorus of other voices who had started the process long before our crash, but since it was a fresh tragedy,  our kids were featured in so much of the media (even without our consent), it made an impact on congress, and we got legislation passed on how families of victims and survivors are treated. Once we got a central government agency appointed as an advocate for the families and survivors, I was literally assigned my own agent to try and sort out some of the mess that other agencies (like the coroner's office) had made. I was sent personal effects that weren't my daughters-they had my daughter's name on them, but a different toe tag number.  I was sent human remains, internal documents that described my daughter's condition. These documents included errors of fundamentals, like height and weight, that had even my funeral director asking if we had actually received and cremated the right body. I had enlisted the help of the FBI even, yet it took 7 months and getting a law passed for the coroner to get answers that should have taken 24 hours. No one needs that kind of trauma on top of what they are already dealing with. So, dear one, you did not disturb me with your questions. I'm used to dealing with the issues both in private and even in congress, in front of cameras. I never knew I had it in me. 

As Gracesinger and I have discussed, I had a very hard time being heard in my own family for much of my life. It was a trans-formative experience having officials all the way to the highest offices of the land listen to me. Once I was done with my activism, I was concentrating on taking care of my son. There were so many more transforming experiences, and most came from visits from angels, my daughter, guides, etc. I've learned so much, yet the more I learned, the more I realize how much I don't know. It's unfortunate that much of my ability to remote view, or astral travel while meditating has diminished. The more I've become grounded in life on earth dealing with daily 'reality', the less I've let go and been able to experience the spiritual as much as I used to. I find it hard to even get into a meditative state in the last few years. I'll get back there, once the hard work of dealing with my family member's illnesses is over. 

As for my son, he's less temperate than I. He's no longer a believer in things that are spiritual or metaphysical. He's kind of like me in that way-I believed in my youth, lost all faith, and then found it again. I see a day when he'll come back around. In the mean time, he's just gotten on the subway in LA to go and attend protests outside the ICE detention center there. He'll wake me when he texts me, letting me know he's leaving for home and he's safe and sound. I'll go back to sleep knowing he's watched me over the years, and he too is willing to stand up for others who can't do so for themselves. So, I'm very appreciative of your good thoughts. He's always in my good thoughts, and I always pray for him and send light, as well as ask my daughter to stay by him and guide him. She'd be proud of who he is, just like I am. 

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What a heartbreaking series of aftermath events. It's incredibly unfortunate if not totally unacceptable to have so many horrific errors.

I read about the infighting for control between the FBI and the Airlines/Aeronautics Board and how that created enormous delays for identifications but all of these other errors all but brings me to weeping for you and the other families.

But it also shows me how strong you've had to become and to be such an incredible activist for your family and the others, and to feel that same drive in your son does show incredible,  courage, and strength of conviction in both of you.

How could Monica be anything but incredibly proud of both of you? You did such wonderful things and made a huge difference.

I completely get "the strange mix," Cindy. I am an introvert who is probably seen by many as an extrovert. I've had to force myself to share and take risks with my privacy both in groups and in my online presence in order to do what i felt i was meant to do in this lifetime, as well.

Just writing here, what I share shows up in searches because i already left a large online footprint. And this site is so big so connecting.

Its not easy when we feel so private inside,  but your sharing here has had a huge impact on me.Thank you for that.

PS I don't think our expanded gifts ever go away. For me, the more extraordinary experiences I had in my 30s and 40s settled down energetically..astral travel dreams,  huge energy gifts, etc.etc. Just like you,  I've found there is an ebb and flow. It seems to be where our focus is at the time. Horrible loss and pain followed incredible acts of helping others opens us up differently in deep spiritual ways that ebb when we go back into day by day being,  coping, and raising children.

I think you and I both hear our callings now,  after all we are here talking about so many intensely private things and times.

Sending you so much love and positive hopes for your and your sons future. You are both making/have made a difference and deserve to be proud of yourselves and each other.

Our children have to go on spiritual journeys of their own, just as we did.  They just see it as different than spiritual but the search, and the need, and all the ways and pathways they take still brings each of us to where we need to go to learn and grow and become our expanded,  understanding,  uniquely gifted selves.

Bless you.



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I know I'm just a whimp. I tested for the thoth deck, and I'm The Innocent (The Fool). I'm very afraid of what is happening to America. What can we do to save our country?

Jeanne Mayell, RosieHeart, Jeanne Mayell and 1 people reacted
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What can we do to save our country?  -- Elaine

Stay informed, stay faithful, call out the wrongs, support the victims and the vulnerable, donate to the ACLU and to the candidates you believe in and to the vulnerable, attend protests and rallies (that will ensure you are heard and it will help you feel strength in knowing others feel as you do -- protest rallies are very strengthening), take a break when you find yourself becoming weak and pessimistic.  Self care!  Keep your heart strong.  Have gratitude for what we all have.  Know that the darkness brings out the light. Have gratitude for all the people who are working so hard to stand up to the corruption and darkness.  Join them when you can and take care of yourself when you can't.  Give love.  Feel love.  Love the earth.  Love each other.  Have faith in love. See all of this through the eye of love.  Know that life and love and truth always prevail. 

Think of our courageous friend Cindy and how she has seen right through to the light where her daughter is, and how she has kept faith.  Cindy, I know you have kept your strength for your family and for your daughter.  You are an inspiration to us all.

RosieHeart, Laynara, Paul W and 11 people reacted
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