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Migraines: Bane of Intuitives? Synchronicity? Discuss here!

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I saw this after I posted. I hope you are feeling better!

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@lovendures, wow, that must have been miserable for your daughter.  Really glad to hear that the manipulations helped her.  Yes, in my experience if you've sustained any kind of injury, that can contribute to or even cause migraines.  The neuromuscular manipulations for your daughter that you mentioned are in line with the body work that has often helped me.  My physical therapist does all hands-on work very much like a DO, and unlike a lot of cookie-cutter PT, a lot of what she does extends outside the box.  She does the myofascial work I posted about, cranial sacral and other modalities.  She is also a rolfing practitioner and lymphatic drainage specialist.

My husband gets fewer migraines ever since he received balloon sinuplasty for his sinus headaches.  He was getting both kinds of headaches, the sinuses sometimes triggering a migraine.



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@laura-f, @polarberry, @kateinpdx, @sistermoon, @bluebelle, @lovendures, and anyone I may have missed,

How are you feeling today?

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I used to have both migraines and headaches several times a week and regular days of them relating to hormonally active times similar to @Laura-f. I still get them but much less often as I am navigating peri menopause/menopause. The worst was when they would last up to 3-4 days. Luckily, a couple of years ago I tried sumatriptan and that helps for the most part with the migraines. I also once got a major migraine that was directly related to the arrival of the monsoon when I lived in the tropics. As soon as the rain arrived, it cleared up. 

Luckily, I don’t have a migraine today but I am sore all over and completely out of energy. I really hope that I sleep tonight. The last two nights it was very hard to settle down and sleep and even then, it was a light and interrupted sleep with vivid dreams. It feels like the weight of the collective is getting ready to shift. As chaotic as everything seems right now, it feels to me like this was what it was going to take to make meaningful change occur. 

I hope all of you are well and feeling better. I have enjoyed reading your posts about the reasons - both physical and metaphysical - that a lot of us tend to have migraines. 

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Morning deetoo & all,

Still hanging on. It's better but still there under the surface.

Baba, it's really odd that you posted about being tired and sore. All week, I have been abnormally sore and exhausted. I attributed the soreness to working outside but I'm not really doing anything I don't normally do. And draggy tired. Trouble staying asleep. I watched the video of the older gentleman protester in Buffalo right before bed. That was horrible.

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@laura-f, @polarberry, @kateinpdx, @sistermoon, @bluebelle, @lovendures,@baba, @jeanne-mayell, @frank, @deetoo

To all the migraine sufferers out here (in case I missed someone) I have been reading this and thinking back to my childhood and the 1980s. I had migraines when I was in 3rd-6th grade because I needed distance glasses (astigmatism) and it turned out my parents just didn't believe me or realize I needed glasses.

Then when I was in my 20s I was hit with occasional SEVERE migraines that actually caused me (when they occurred) to feel a pain in my head then suddenly I would pass out. I was in a work-related graphics class in the mid-80s and I woke up suddenly with everyone standing around me. I had no idea what had happened. They told me I passed out suddenly at the beginning of the class. I was even afraid to drive all the way home occasionally. So I "feel" your pain. What is amazing is that after I hit my late 30s, the migraines went away! So I can only assume that I grew out of it and that it was hormonal. I mention this here in case this information is helpful to anyone who suffers from them and perhaps natural remedies that help hormones might be useful.

blessings and namaste! ? 

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I am feeling better this morning - the first day in awhile that I haven't woken up with a headache.

The weather pattern in this area remains the same (and will be the same for the next few days), so I know my improvement is not related to weather.

I'd like to believe it indicates a positive change in the collective, but I don't know. Today seems to be a low hope day for me -- need to snap out of it.

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@polarberry @deetoo @sistermoon

Yes, today finally feeling like it has passed. Not wobbly. LOL

Glad you're feeling better too.

Now I have to play catch up on all the stuff I back burnered this week.

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Yesterday was a day, headache and vertigo.   So I was definitely a bubble off.  Thank you for asking and I hope your are feeling better yourself.

i am pain free today after a restless night alternating between wakefulness and vivid dreams.  Feeling much better, just tired.  
@laura-f I am cutting my caffeine intake by half.  

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I definitely had more nausea/vertigo/brain fog than actual head pain this week... très bizarre...

Glad you're better too!

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Your comments reminded me of an acupuncture point that works really well for my husband, who suffers from migraines, and also for me for some dizziness and light-headed feelings I would get. It is located on the bottom of the foot and is called kidney 1 (or Yongquan KID-1). It is also known as bubbling spring, which is a name I just love.

Interesting that you mentioned the kidney meridian that runs through the eyes - he often gets a squinty left eye when the pressure is getting bad and leading to a headache. There have been times that our acupuncturist was able to halt a full-blown migraine in him just by using that point. It is a very grounding point and I get it every time I go to her now. A few months ago, we tried going without it and my light-headedness returned. I believe it helps with anxiety, as well, so it is really helpful.

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Boy, did I get walloped this evening with an ocular migraine.  I purchased a new Vellux blanket.  I removed it from the package, washed and dried it, and put in on the bed.  As I'm working in my computer room I said to my hubby, "where is that chemical odor coming from?"  It was that damn blanket.  I could smell it from across the hall.  I've had plenty of them in the past -- never had a problem.   I turned the ceiling fan on high and ran two air filters, but I couldn't open the windows because we were having a bad thunderstorm.  So now the blanket is downstairs, stinking up the basement.  The crazy thing is, I've liked the vellux ones in the past because they've worked well for my dust mite allergies.  Ha!  Maybe so, but the chemicals will kill you.

Anyway, the combination of the chemicals in that blanket and the thunderstorm created a doozy ocular migraine.  Haven't had one that bad in years.  The psychedelic light show has passed, thank God.


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I get ocular migraines too-  sometimes it is just the light show and sometimes it is followed with pain. Generally the light show is so intense I can't do much but sit and watch it. 

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Ugh. Feel better. They're worse when they're semi-self-inflicted! I have chemical sensitivities too, and those vellux blankets I've had problems with in hotels, so I never bought one for home.

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Lately I've been more and more attracted to all organic bedding, including the bed. Looking at some mattresses now that are totally chemically free ... a bit pricier but well worth it I'm waging... pillows too.... the organic bamboo is interesting. ?

TriciaCT, deetoo, TriciaCT and 1 people reacted
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Thanks, everyone.  I'm feeling better today.  I'll be staying inside, though, because the weather is supposed to be hot (92) and humid, which can set off a headache for me.

@sistermoon, @laura-f, @bluebelle, Glad to hear that you all are feeling better.  @polarberry, I hope that funky residual stuff has completely passed by now.

@triciact, you passed out? Yikes!  That's quite a reaction.  I had a co-worker who temporarily lost her vision in one eye for about 2 days because of a migraine.  She was terrified and her primary care doc sent her to a specialist, who confirmed it.  He gave her some kind of injection and more powerful meds.  

@cc21, thank you for suggesting the acupuncture/acupressure point.  I'm going to try that.  I bet it can  serve as a good grounding tool too.  

@laura-f, funny that I've purchased those Vellux blankets in the past and never had a problem.  I wonder if they're using stronger chemicals, or I'm just more sensitive now?  

@stargazer, I understand what you're saying about the bedding.  About 6 years ago my husband and I went bed shopping and I tested some of the floor samples.  The off-gassing just about knocked me out.  We went to another store and purchased a 100% natural latex and organic cotton mattress.  No smell and very comfortable.  It was more expensive, but well worth it.  We also have pillows made from organic bamboo and organic wool & cotton.

@ghandigirl, you're right, all you can do is patiently wait for the light show to pass.  It is kind of fascinating to sit and watch it -- as long as I'm not driving on a major highway, which happened to me one time!  

@baba, I hope you got better sleep last night.  I haven't been feeling sore all over, just really exhausted and periods of anxiety.  I've been having vivid dreams and sleeping really hard (i.e., not waking up much during the night).  Interesting that you get fewer migraines as you are navigating perimeno/menopause -- that was true in my case too.  I'm post menopausal now.  


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I finally had a good long sleep last night, so I am feeling better. However, now that my body got some rest it just wants more of it so I’m doing my best to slow down and not do much today. 

I still feel an energetic heaviness. I know there is a lot going on out there - including the big protests going on all around the world (and especially in DC) today - and it feels like we are reaching the peak of something. It may also have to do with the lunar eclipse. I’m not sure what it is, but I am doing my best to stay grounded and ride it out. 

Take care of yourselves and I wish you all a peaceful weekend!


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Bamboo is the sustainable future I see, deetoo.... it's an amazing and versatile plant! Have you seen the organic bamboo fabrics? They're like silk, only lusher. Nice clothing!

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Posted by: @stargazer


Lately I've been more and more attracted to all organic bedding, including the bed. Looking at some mattresses now that are totally chemically free ... a bit pricier but well worth it I'm waging... pillows too.... the organic bamboo is interesting. ?

A warning about all organic mattress stuff: I went and got one last Fall. Holy crap. Long story short, it was a high quality product but SO uncomfortable. I couldn't sleep on it. The store would not exchange it even though I let them know within 24 hours, so I reached out to the manufacturer, Ivy Organics, up in L.A. The owner was lovely - I told her it was totally my bad, nothing wrong with the product, I just can't sleep on it.  She told me to come up to her warehouse/showroom, that she'd exchange it, I just had to pay her delivery guy $100 cash directly for the exchange.  When I got up to the warehouse, she greeted me herself and told me she had several alternatives that should work a lot better, but she said they were not 100% organic. She also explained that we've all been lied to - as we get older we need a softer mattress, not a harder one, because our joints and even our nerve endings grow more sensitive with age.  At that point her very large dog ran up to me, she apologized but I told her I like dogs and sleep with my pets anyway. So her dog helped me try out a few mattresses! I ended up going with one that was about 50% organic materials, with some recycled materials and non-out-gassing materials. Very comfy.  The only other thing she asked me to do was leave a good Yelp review for her business but without mentioning the store I got it at locally, which I gladly did. And then she gave me several dog toys to take home that she makes with remnant materials.

So bear that in mind, and if you're on the west coast or in the northeast, Ivy can ship to you directly, and you can see where her beds are in stores if you want to try them out.

Good sleep is really important for pain management, especially migraines!



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HI All, since there are too many here to list about the migraines, I have to say that I notice my ocular ones are from overuse of the computer screen. I work on a computer 8-9 hrs Mon-Fri so I tend to take the weekend off (from even posting here typically) to rest my eyes. I not only have to read tons of emails of my own at work, but my bosses too, and then there's my personal email which I only check a few times a week now. I've had folks like Jeanne mention eye issues and I also know that during heavy computer usage -- especially during the winter when we use heat in our homes, my eye issues (I have blepheritis) will flare up.

I hope everyone here feels better soon - I think since we're also empathic we are feeling the stress of the collective.

Point is we need to use our computers, phones, tablets etc. a bit less so I just want you all to know when I'm not posting here I'm resting my eyes ? ? ? 


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