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Migraines: Bane of Intuitives? Synchronicity? Discuss here!

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@triciact, have you tried the blue light-blocking glasses for computer work?  I haven't but am tempted to check them out.  They may even have the type that fit over your prescription glasses.

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@deetoo @triciact

I've got those glasses! In fact, for the first time ever, I ordered glasses online through Warby Parker. You pick 5 frames and they send them to you free, to try them on for a few days. Anyway, my glasses through my local place were over 400 dollars - the vision in my left eye is so bad that I need to pay extra for a special lens. Anyway, the WP glasses, even with the "special" lenses, were only like 150 (and if I didn't need the special lens, they would have been $95 bucks!).

Anyway, the long and the short of this story is that the blue light filter is included and I've definitely noticed a lot less eye strain since using them.

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@sistermoon, thanks for the info about Warby Parker.  I want a second pair of glasses but don't want to pay $375 for them -- and that's with insurance!   I've been paying extra for a thinner lens because, like you, the vision in my left off is significantly worse than the right.   

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Before we understood the source of my youngest daughter's migraines ( concussion)  and solved the cause with her DO with Neuromuscular skeletal manipulations,  we tried acupuncture.  2 types actually.  One with Chinese herbal tea brews and the other with  needles.  The needles gave her temporary relief as they occurred. It definitely helped them subside but only helped for a day or 2.  

The herbal brews and suggested diet changes were from a China trained acupuncturist and these actually helped the once a month headaches she had from hormones.  

A really good Chinese or Korean acupuncturist might be helpful. They can concoct herbal tea brews specifically for what your body is having issues with.  They  Acupuncture doctor will create different blends  over time according to how your body responds.  We did this with my eldest daughter too for a different issue.

 Wait.  Actually it was related. As a teen she had cyclic vomiting syndrome aka stomach migraines.  Many people who have this end up having bad migraines in later life. Anyway, after a host of specialists tried to figure out what was causing her to throw up for hours on end ( she would park herself in front of the toilet and stay there for hours sometimes) we turned to a Korean acupuncture specialist in LA, a state a way from where we lived, for help.  His treatments over a span of 4 months changed everything.  The herbal teas where kinda yucky, but she kept improving until bingo, she was fine.  No other doctor or specialist could help less we wanted to try some major heavy duty meds to address the symptoms, not the cause..  She was only 13.  

We found someone similar but from the Chinese perspective who was local for my youngest.  Traveling to LA again would have been tricky, but I would have done it again for my youngest if I could not have found the right person here. 

I am considering seeing him in the near future for one for my own issues, not migraine related.  Western medicine is good for some things but not all.  

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After 3 days of being tired and achy and finally ending up with a dreaded migraine last night, I slept for 10 hours and finally feel normal again. I noticed that I wasn’t able to see anything when I meditated the whole time I wasn’t feeling well. It feels like the fog has lifted and things are flowing again. Has anyone else had this kind of experience of feeling blocked what they were in a migraine phase? Or could it have to do with the lunar eclipse or the strong energy of what is happening in the collective? I’m just relieved to feel good again. 

I hope that you are all well and that everyone is feeling better!


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@deetoo @sistermoon

I am wearing blue light prescription computer reading glasses. They make a big difference in how my eyes feel and my sleep. Prior to having them I had severe eye strain, and now I do notice a difference. I also purchased some blue light blocking readers for when I am in bed reading my kindle - definitely helps. I got the bluelight block readers on Amazon that were about $20 (I know it's just so easy to get those kind of things there). ? 

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I think it was the eclipses and the collective combined this time around with the headaches. Just can't be a coincidence that so many of us were affected! I hope you are feeling better too - and everyone else here who has had migraines and headaches lately. ? 

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@lovendures, did the one acupuncturist you tried with the herbs also give your daughter needle treatments?  That was unclear to me.  I am happy that the herbs helped her.  That's horrible for someone that young to go through.

When I began receiving treatments I never knew there were different schools of acupuncture.  I first began treatments when I was in my mid-30's, for asthma.  The person I saw was trained in China.  In addition to her work as an acupuncturist, the NIH was financing her research, development and testing of herbal remedies for treating women's hormonal issues.  I only saw her for acupuncture.  During that period of time her needle treatments eliminated my asthma and spring allergy symptoms.  

Years later I saw a Vietnamese doctor of OM who treated me with those herbs that you cook yourself.  Is that what your daughter was using?  They sure tasted nasty!  I went to him for my chronic fatigue but never saw much difference in my fatigue level, so I didn't complete his course of treatment.  

For the past year I've been seeing an acupuncturist who was trained in China.  He also offers herbs, both the pills and the fresh ones that you cook, which I haven't tried with him.

I used to receive acupuncture treatments from my sister-in-law.  I'm probably biased, but I find her very gifted --highly intuitive with a wonderful needle technique.  She sometimes uses a Japanese modality called Toyahari Meridian Therapy, a very gentle needle application which uses direct perception and treatment of the Qi.  Needles are not usually fully inserted -- instead, the Qi is manipulated at the surface of the skin, with the tip of the needle only very lightly touching or not touching the skin in most cases.  Toyahari was originally created by a blind acupuncturist.  It sounds kind of woo-woo, but I found it extremely effective. 

Unfortunately about 5 years ago my sister-in-law and her husband moved to Prescott, AZ.   Unless we visit her or she comes here, I'm out of luck!



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Similar here. The migraine is mostly gone, but I keep going in and out of vertigo and brain fog and nausea. And my body temp is even lower than usual - 96.6 (I usually hover around 97.7) - a doctor's office I go to did a temp check today. In general, I'm feeling off balance and out of whack. Still not sleeping well due to kitty sundowning behaviors, so today I decided a one hour nap was in order. I made sure to cue up some Solfeggio frequencies on my phone, and the nap was more floaty-meditative-light than a pass-out snooze.  Feeling better after that.

@deetoo @triciact - You all inspired me to order some blue light blocking readers from, only $18 plus shipping, I'll let you know if they help.  Your discussion made me stop and think, and sure enough, since lockdown I've been spending way more time on screens than before.  So that may be contributing to the increase in migraines too.

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@laura-f @baba @deetoo

So sorry you and anyone else here is feeling so Ill. I am sending some healing light to you right now and hope you feel better soon. ? 

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I was fine all day yesterday, but then towards evening I developed a headache so severe I had to go to bed very early. Got up in the middle of the night to take a pill, something I almost never do. Still with me this morning, not quite as bad but still feeling crappy.

I've read from several sources that a devastating Twitler story is going to drop. Lincoln Project tweeted a nuke emoji. Anyone else?

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@polarberry I’m so sorry to hear about your migraine and I hope you feel better soon. I don’t have a migraine yet but I’m getting a lot of the preliminary signs that I might be about to get one. I hadn’t heard about the possible big story about to drop. If you feel up to it and have any links, I’d be happy to take a look at them. In general, I have just felt the angst of the collective lately and it is a heavy thing right now! Take care of yourself!

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@polarberry @baba

Sorry to hear about the migraines! My husband just had one this morning. He usually gets them from weather changes and he has had a good bit of stress from work (a project about to launch tomorrow.) I hadn't heard about a big story about to drop, but interestingly I read somewhere in the Oct. predictions that the 19th would be a big day. I just looked and saw several predictions related to a mid-October timeframe - perhaps you are sensing this??

P.S. Hope you are both feeling better soon! The collective energy is definitely not helping.

  • Mid-October there is another bombshell revelation about dirty deeds done by Trump. I hear the AC/DC song “Dirty Deeds.” (Baba)
  • October/November: I hear the AC/DC song “Dirty Deeds, Done Dirt Cheap.”  I feel it has to do with this Administration.  (Deetoo)
  • Not what you expected for an October surprise. A surprise on a surprise. (TriciaCT)
  • Something unexpected has occurred and there is a national upheaval. Scrambling for answers.  How to deal with this? (Deetoo)
  • There’s a stillness coming, a stillness in public life as everyone stops to watch something surprising unfold. It’s unexpected and it works for the good of the collective.   (Bluebelle)
  • There are shocks ahead. (Bluebelle)
  • There is a surprising revelation about Trump. (Deetoo)
  • Someone well known takes a fall. A fall from grace.  October 19th not a good day.  (Alisa)

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Thanks Baba and CC,

This isn't a migraine, at least I don't think so, not like what I usually get. This is an all-over headache that is going down into my neck and permeating throughout my skull. I can work through some serious pain, just because I'm used to it, but this one sent me to bed.

Links give me fits, but Scaramucci tweeted this yesterday-"The wicked witch of the west (slightly rust color now) is about to get hit with the bucket of water. Watch what the "guards" do." He also tweeted that "Putin and Erdogan have a direct line into POTUS, and we'll soon know why."

LP simply tweeted a a nuke emoji. Several other sources on Twitter who claim to be in the know have tweeted similar things. I know, Twitter, gigantic grain of salt, but hopefully there's something to it all. Top it with the predictions you listed and it just seems something's up.

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@polarberry, I'm sorry you're hurting.  That sounds nasty.  Do you feel grounded at all through your feet?  I know everyone is different, but for me, I get those bad headaches when I'm "up in my head" and disconnected from the lower half of my body.  When that happens, I feel zero energy moving through the soles of my feet.

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deeroo, thank you.

What I mostly notice is that I will get flashes of everything and everyone around me being surreal, like it's all just some kind of dream I'm in. Then I have to do something like sit down and pet my big, sweet, furry, warm dog, who is better than any psych, because she knows the sense of unbalance somehow.

Even more odd, I've been relatively headache-free for the last several weeks, and then yesterday-BAM.

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I’ve been having headaches and GI issues. My anxiety is through the roof.

Took a four hour nap today and feel better.

I have heard wsj has something. NY Times also still working on taxes. And Jean Carroll’s lawyer got the apprentice tapes. So who knows what’s brewing.

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Addendum... as I wrote the above post I heard in my head: “something wicked this way comes...”

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@polarberry feel better.  A few of us here  are feeling the same thing.  We all have to hang in and hang in. Easier said than done.  Peace and love to everyone. We need an extra helping. ❤️

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Breaking news on CNN, per NY Times, that Twitler has a Chinese bank account.

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