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[Closed] Danger: Trump Honing in on North Korea

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So the latest is that Trump has ordered a strike group (an aircraft carrier with missiles and planes) to sail towards North Korea. This is challenging for all of us.  When Trump won the election someone wrote to me this:

"This is like giving someone a Formula 1 car who has never driven before, not a station wagon nor even a bicycle, yet delusionally thinks he not only knows how to drive but is actually one of the best drivers in the world, because he's watched on tv how other drivers have sometimes skidded off the track. We know with almost 100 percent certainty that he is going to crash the car. The best that we can hope for is that he does it on one of the first turns, in a low gear, and disables the car and driver for a long time. The worst case scenario is that he does it after getting into high gear and hitting a straightaway where the inevitable mistake will be fatal for driver, passengers, and viewers, to say nothing of permanently destroying the vehicle."

This week we are seeing the man now in front of the wheel of that formula 1 vehicle. The missile strike on Syria was his first time in front of the controls. Now that he has a taste for military power strikes, the next is nuclear arming of South Korea. Reading today in the Washington Post: Will North Korea Fire a Missile Capable of Hitting the U.S. Mainland?  Probably.  They outline why North Korea maybe able soon, we don't know when, (but they are making steady progress towards), be able to take out San Francisco and Portland and even go another 2,000 miles inland from there. Their leader is as insane as Trump.

I was looking through our visions of this period made last year. In April, I'd seen something shocking which forever changes our view of reality.  In May, another one of us (Yaeko) saw, "The world stops."  At different times between March and May, we'd seen missiles.  


Let's send prayers.

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I had a dream a few years ago that there was an anouncement in the area where I live that a nuk was going to hit within  a short amount of time, not enough time to evacuate the area. All the citezens localy were  rounded up in large shedlike buildings. We all did as we were told. At some point it dawned on me the reason we were all corralled in this building was to make identification of our bodies easer after the bomb was dropped, less looking through the rubble afterward. So survival was not expected.

When ever I have these appocalipical dreams I alway survive. I left the group in the shed with someone and hid in a large underground drainage system. that is all I rembember. 

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That might then be why we don't see Kim Jung-Un by next year. If they do launch a nuke, than the US, Russia, and others countries will act. It would be the beginning of the transition to a unified Korea.  

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I agree.

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From: Zoron.

Subject: North Korea war.

Location: North Korea.

Outcome: RED

Probability: 50%


For a very long while I have had a very clear set of impressions about the fate of North Korea. There are two of them.

The first one is that things go on as they are, and then there is a sort of internal political coup there, and the basis is laid for change. 

This in turn leads to Detente, as the new regime sorts itself out, starts thinking about the problems, does not attack anyone, and starts serious contacts with the South regarding the future. This is the "Post Soviet model"

The second timeline is that the regime goes unstable, attacks the South, and does a shock invasion. (Outcome re-runs the old Korean War. 

Heavy strike on South Korea Capital. Counter-strike by the West. Russia and China very concerned, and China intervenes eventually, as part of international alliance. Russia supports this. A time of great alarm and fear. The eventual defeat, in weeks, of the Regime. But devastation and large loss of life. 

I will make a much larger expansion on this later. At the moment the balance is towards removal of the leader, (Violently) and eventual peace. But rule nothing out. 


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The threat of this is slowly reported on, although American mainstream news is very slow to pick up on this compared to Australian news or German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine.

Australia: "The US has notified Australia that it is prepared to shoot down any missiles launched on Saturday and the Pine Gap military intelligence base in central Australia is on standby, The Daily Telegraph reports."


keep in mind all news in Australia is owned by Rupert Murdoch, who doesn't mind beating the war drums in his own interest.

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I agree Jeanne. We have two unstable, power hungry men in charge. I am praying!

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From:           LB
Subject:       Legitimacy of @rouge Twitter Accounts
Location:     Forum Discussion - Trump Missile Launch Foreign Policy Making in the Future
Outcome:    NA
Probability:  Very Low%

Here is a blurb from an article exposing catfishing accounts on social media supporting #TheResistance. Please read the entire article from the link below it regarding @rouge accounts on twitter and Facebook. We must be vigilant.


"In social media, a ‘catfish’ is someone pretending to be someone they are not, traditionally within the context of online romance. The intensity of emotions and social bonds formed within the Resistance carry a similar vulnerability to this kind of exploitation, particularly when it comes to those offering ‘insider information.’ We’ve seen many accounts crop up under these auspices. The names ‘insider’, ‘rogue’, ‘alt’ and ‘leaks’ will garner attention with little or no legitimizing information; however, for the most part, these accounts are face-value. There is no backstory, relationship building, or intricacies. Of course, one must consider both the veracity of the ‘leaked’ information as well as the motive of the account holder. With a political climate fraught with disinformation campaigns, one should always consider unsubstantiated claims with skepticism. It was this skepticism that led to this investigation."


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From:           LB
Subject:       Legitimacy of @rouge Twitter Accounts
Location:     Forum Discussion - Trump Missile Launch Foreign Policy Making in the Future
Outcome:    NA
Probability:  Very Low%


These @rogue accounts can even be Russian bots

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 North Korea face-off.  The Chinese are nervous - I could hear in the statements their premier released last night asking the U.S. to use restraint. Am rethinking the vision I had last summer for this time period, mainly for April 2017 in which I saw something shocking would happen that would change our view of our world.  Here was the vision again (I know I've described it before, so skip this if you're sick of it). I got a rippling feeing - like waves of energy going off in my psyche. If felt it was something we couldn't wrap our minds around. Somewhat that sent us into a kind of shock. Of all the possibilities people have contemplated over this vision, the one of a nuclear bombing is the most fitting because of those waves of energy. I know that the premonition of something shocking is going to happen, and I pray it's not something nuclear.  But this is becoming a high speed game of chicken played by two individuals who are capable of driving head on into each other. How did the world  become a place where two individuals get to decide everyone's fate? 

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Korea has a nuclear bomb that is twice the size of the one we dropped on Hiroshima.


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I've had several n Korea dreams in last six months. In a few the bomb backfired and n Koreans died. In others I saw a mushroom cloud in the distance.

My favorite though featured Madeline Albright riding a nuke ala Dr Strangelove right into Kim Jong Un's headquarters. That was awesome.

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I had a dream last night where I felt something blow up (it felt like an experiment I had done, that when I turned by back on it, it exploded and startled me), followed by a feeling of hast (like I need to do something right away).  I then felt a sense of keen embarrassment and shock at the end of the dream.

I don't know if this relates at all to this, but my gut tells me that it does.

Is it possible, that the North Koreans test a nuclear weapon that doesn't succeed. The US overreacts to such a degree that it becomes a major embarrassment. I mean so major that the world literally stands still in shock, because they never thought we would do something so wrong...?

Maybe I'm just fishing here.

It's probably nothing.  



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Seyrin, your dream experience of "keen embarrassment and major world shock" resonates with me.  Deeply.  

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I had posted a dream I had a few weeks ago, but it kind of got lost in the shuffle to the new website, so I'm going to re-enter it here. It makes me want to cry just to think about it, but here goes... I was in bed one night, just falling asleep. I have several close spirit guides who pop in from time to time, one of them is an indigenous shaman (North America), he told me years ago he is "one of the ancient ones", by his appearance when he presents, I suspect Hopi or even Anasazi. As I'm laying in bed he appears beside me and says "I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do, there will be many of you but I will be here with you when the time comes."  Which I understood to mean many people dying, including me. I sat up, sobbing... I had asked Jeanne about this on the prior post, however at the time no one was seeing anyone killed via nuclear attack. I see now that that has changed. I don't fear a bomb from N. Korea -- what I fear is a false flag attack that gives Cheetolini "permission" to launch our nukes.  I have had this feeling since around the new year that things are going to get much worse than I think they will. 

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This is possibly 911 all over again. 

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I had a dream in the 1970's that I lived in a city that had some kind of forced evacuation, I think due to something like contaminated water, or disease. People were forced to seek shelter in caves out side this city, though a few stayed behind. It was around an area where there were lakes. I rembember I made repieted trips through a rough farm style fence, the path was often muddy. 

It seemed that atleast for a time, individuals hid in these caves, no contact with each other. then gradually we connected. People would only go out looking for food at night, and even then it was not safe. Eventually, we discovred that there was nolonger a reason to be in hiding, as if society was redeveloping.

I was some kind of leader. I was arranging some kind of compensation for my people from the government for the time we suffred hiding in the caves. I was quit old at this time. Even though we were awarded this compensation, the town politicians took their cut before we saw any compensation. 

We could return to the town, and also founf that we had been deceived about the nature of the event that caused us to go into hiding. Very detailed for a dream, but I have had several like this n my life.

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Noon - I have had a recurring dream since my teens (which I also posted, but also got lost in the website changeover, so I will re-post here).  In my dream, I am standing on a sidewalk in a large city (when I have the dream, it's whatever city I'm living in at the time, so NYC, DC, etc.). Next to me are 2-3 friends (which also change).  Here is the part that is ALWAYS the same:  It's early evening, still light in the sky, it's Spring or Fall. We are having a conversation about what movie to go see, when we see a bright flash and then a mushroom cloud, and then we all fall to the ground and are instantly evaporated. I always wake up with a gasp. I have hoped since the first time I had this dream that it only represents subconscious anxiety, but I'm pretty good at acknowledging and expressing my anxieties in adulthood, so I think it may be more of a Jungian/collective kind of a dream that may come to pass. Sending love and light and peace to all.

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Zoron - agreed, and I wonder -- N Korea doesn't have missiles that could reach the US quickly. But we do. I fear a false flag attack wherein that strike force is commanded to launch missiles in whatever direction, however covert operators make the missiles head to the western US. Thoughts?

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KB: CNBC just reported that N.Korea "attempted to fire a missile" from their east coast, but it failed. Perhaps this is the first step, the "embarrassment." 

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