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Psychic predictions for Donald Trump

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Jeanne and Zoron - 

I was reviewing the timeline for Trump related predictions. You had mentioned many things are in flux. I believe the current prediction is that he is "out of power" by early 2019.

Any updates on this, or any other time-frame changes?

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Reply to Brian. 

I agree. Late 2019 he de-facto has no direct power. 2017 and 2018 are going to tear him apart. 

But everything is in balance at the moment due to the Korean situation.


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The last time I looked, which was in January 2017, I saw that lasts longer than anyone expects, and that he goes quiet on or around the end of 2019.  Could go into 2020. When I asked spirit where he was or what was going on with him at that time (late 2019 or early 2020), it only showed me a mailbox, which I took to mean that he had retreated and was only receiving mail but issuing any statements. A reader later told me that his Washington D.C. hotel is the converted old post office.  Does this mean he's retreated to that hotel?  I don't know. 

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I just wanted to check in with Zoron - you mentioned a couple of weeks ago that there seemed to be a lot of flux in timelines - it seemed all very wibbly,wobbly, timey, wimey from your description. Have things started to "gel" at all in a particular direction? I can say that for myself, I feel like every day when we get to a timeline branch, we end up down the wrong fork in the road. In waking life, I'm doing everything humanly possible to resist the darkness, but my dreams are sooooo horrific.... Hope you are feeling well. Namaste`

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I am having the same struggle. It has even gotten difficult to read predictions here.

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Allan Lichtman, the professor who predicted President Donald Trump has a new book in which he predicts that Trump will be impeached.

“What Trump overlooked, however, was my ‘next big prediction’: that, after winning the presidency, he would be impeached.”

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I pray he is right. Thank you for posting. It give me some hope.

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I keep feeling that intelligence  is going to reveal some evidence that no-one will be able to ignore, like recordings  or other solid evidence of deals made.  I have felt since the Russian scandal broke late last summer that Trump and his associates, family members, and a large group of his inner circle, made deals with Russian oligarchs, banks, and officials close to Putin to exchange state favors for big money. The money would come in circuitous ways - like lucrative deals for the Trump people.   I haven't seen him impeached but I feel he will be out of power earlier than he wants. Also I feel that those very close to him, i.e., family members, will be exposed and that will knock the bluster out of him although he will always deny and blame other. 

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Reply to Laura from Zoron. 

I am feeling just like you. The timelines are now starting to Gel. It is moving now, fairly clearly to a major confrontation with Korea. Such things can get out of control. Things will get clearer in the near future. Several things may happen. All of them bad. All it now takes is one stupid mistake, and thats it. 

A deep hunch is that somehow we will avoid the worst, but all the messages I am getting are pointing to crisis turning into conflict. The outcome is not decided, but it is about evenly balanced at the moment. If the confrontation escalates, then I see attacks on the american fleet, air strikes against North Korea, and a general escalation. But the outcome is still in the balance. Will keep you posted. 

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Feeling that too. I keep getting a sense of betrayal to the American people will be revealed.

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Thank you.

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Pence is heading to Seoul on Sunday.

Meanwhile, China has taken a backseat, and has firmly stated it will not interfere. China also stated that it hopes that nothing will erupt beyond an "irreversible" stage.

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From: Zoron.

Subject: Korea situation.

Location: North Korea.

Probability: 60%plus

Outcome: Critical. 


I have been getting a horrible feeling about a nuclear weapon going off. It now seems that this might actually be a nuclear test that is being hurriedly advanced by the North Korean regime to this weekend. It is uncertain that it will actually happen, but I do pick up a lot of activity around a Korean nuclear weapon. That would explain the vision, and the relative lack of casualties. Cross your fingers. 


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First, thank you to all for sharing your thoughts and visions in such a positive forum.

For a brief intro, I've been reading your blog and forum for the past year, seeking some peace among bleak visions for the short term. It's comforting to find glimpses that a future time may hold some positive outcome for humanity and all species on our planet that currently wait in peril at the whims of the world's totalitarian overlords.  After all of the stress I've felt since the early morning hours of 11/9, though I had a dire feeling that Trump would win via smoke and mirrors hacking in key states, I've searched for hope that I can't find via my own meditations.  I'm not a psychic or visionary myself, as I've had third eye blindness (aphantasia) all of my life.  Meditative thoughts come not in colors and moving pictures but only in words and feelings.  My visual world exists only with eyes open, through a camera lens, and nightly in dreams, so contact with my spirit guides has been a struggle.  Though I do have some intuitive skills (such as I knew that I would get a green snowflake avatar), I have come to rely on your site and a few other psychic's sites that intuitively feel "right" or should I say "left" (the new right).

To Jeanne, you had noted several times about a vision of seeing Trump as a mailbox where he could not reply.  If he were not officially impeached by the required 2/3 majority vote in his complacent Republican majority Senate for high crimes and misdemeanors as defined by the Constitution (Article II, Section 4): "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other High crimes and Misdemeanors.", could it be that the vote was close to 2/3 majority, or that the evidence could be sufficiently embarrassing enough that he might resign, and later tried separately in federal courts for possible crimes committed as President? As an alternative to life sequestered off from the public at his DC post office hotel, I've felt that the mailbox could represent that he ends up in prison, as prisoners are not allowed to use the internet or any social media sites.  With his past narcissistic addiction to Twitter and "Likes" counts from his fan base, he would never go silent unless he was locked in a place where silence was mandated.

Last, though VP Pence may be floating into his own hot water over in Seoul right now (4/23 feels edgy to me), I've really wondered what would happen to him if speculation ends and Trump fell from his gilded throne.  If any evidence was uncovered that Trump's election results were the result of Russian interference, and if he was therefore considered illegitimate as President, how could Pence ever be considered as a legitimate heir to the dynasty as they were elected as a dual ticket item? Wouldn't Pence also be considered co-illegitimate?  In that case, wouldn't Hillary be the rightful winner to take her place in the spinning chair at the Oval Office?  That could be reason why you originally predicted Hillary would be at the podium for inauguration with the scales of Justice presiding over the Russian sickle at the Statue of Liberty?   I feel that the timeline is speeding up to Trump's ultimate destruction, and no matter how many false fires or MOAB missiles are launched to cloud Russian interference allegations, that the truth will be eventually be revealed.  Are there any strong visions or feelings for what happens to Pence, or is everything still too much in flux?

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Thank you Zoron. Looking forward to you next updates, especially as we head into this last half of April.

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Zoron, Is it possible, North Korea be doing a underwater nuclear blast test like one done in 1958. It would definitely prevent any amount of causalities, yet send a message. I'm hoping nothing will happen either way.

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Subject :- Duration of Donald Trump presidency

Probability :- High

Expansion :- Trump presidency is unique in this regard that it will have to deal with both domestic unrest and internal struggle. The 'Establishment' in Washington DC still controls the power corridor. The first three months trump had to face many hurdles from there. Because of that pressure he already caved in somewhat. With strikes in syria-afghanisthan, kicking out banon and cleaning out some russia sympathizers he conceded some space to his opponents. In 2017-2018 he will gradually lose more power and have to make more compromise on his agenda. Eventually he will be  booted out of power by the oligarchy. Late august eclipse is going to effect him personally and USA also. In september some scandal will broke out which will effect him personally, between Oct 2017- May 2018 his position will be weakened a lot more than now. Lots of supporters will left him, protest against him will intensify, he will be under pressure to compromise more on his agenda. And, most importantly even if it doesn't seem like it from outside a political coup will be launched. However, trump will probably survive. If he doesn't timeline will change. But, his position will weaken a lot more for sure. To improve his approval ratings he will launch military operation in mid-east, cold relation with china(probaly a trade war) in late 2017-2018 period. But, social standing against him will get stronger and political chaos with that will took a effect on economy. So, situation won't improve. After April 2019, he will lose more power and a second political coup will probably be launched against him. If not then, after 2020 january he will surely be neutralized. If he's not impeached then he will be a figurehead president at that time.


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From Zoron:

re: Korean nuclear test. 

My latest scanning is now making things a little clearer. It will not be a marine test. likewise, there is definitely going to be a nuclear test, fairly soon, possibly this month. I think that it might be delayed from this weekend. I also get that the Americans have been under enormous pressure from South Korea and the Japanese, who will bear most of the backlash if military action is taken. So I do not think America will launch a preemptive strike, as this would trigger an attack on South Korea. But whatever happens, Kim will try to avoid a military response, unless the Americans attack first. The final track is now emerging. Its two teenagers playing chicken. (With borrowed cars). Conflict by accident is now more likely than by design. I think the last few days have shaken everyone, on both sides. So it is up to Trump now. Unless he moves, militarily, then no war. (for the time being). But it has been a scary few days. The Chinese have laid the law down on Kim. There has also been a massive pressure from the USA Military, who would have to fight such a war. Trump has finally understood what the consequences would be. But if conflict is avoided, the leaks in the aftermath will make it clear how very real the danger was. All of this has happened in the last few hours. Very abrupt. But accidents and mistakes mean we are still not out of the woods, for the next few days. But I do feel a bit relieved. if nothing happens for three days, we are in the clear. 

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Asian, nice job.

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Wow, thank you Asian & Zoron. This rings true.

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