Nazi Party in Trump...
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Nazi Party in Trump's Circles

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Last year I'd seen a V in a vision for 2017.  Several people had tried to help me figure out what it could mean. Then Sebastian Gorka appeared on the scene -- Trump's pick for advisor on terrorism.  When I read more about the man's Nazi connections, I  knew that the ensuing controversy was reason for the V from my vision. Most of what we know about him comes from an exclusive story in   The Forward which reported that according to officers of the Hungarian Nazi organization called the Vitezi Rendis, Gorka was a sworn life-long member of this exclusive anti-semitic Nazi organization.  Gorka denied it, but he has been seen wearing a pin of the organization, which has the V for Vitezi Rendis, on it. Gorka claimed he only wore the pin  because it belonged to his father.  Really, Sebastian. You wore a Nazi pin for sentimental reasons?  If the story is correct, then this is a big deal for two reasons: (1) Gorka did not disclose this when he entered the U.S. as an immigrant, which could affect his immigration status. According to a State Department manual, Vitezi Rend are not allowed in the country under the Immigration and Nationality Act. (2) Worse is the fact that this is a member of an anti-semitic Nazi organization who is now a member of Trump's inner circle.  

I see visions for a reason, even though I usually don't know why I'm seeing them at first. The visions are part of some overall message about our world. This one is clear. 

And now our own Zoron is getting more on the Nazi connection, which he reported in the Trump Missile Launch Topic.



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I've been thinking a lot about all of this. When Zoron first mentioned the Nazi connection and tied it to world war two, I was deeply shocked. It's easy for me to dismiss conspiracy theories, I'm naturally a skeptic. But I trust Zoron's and your opinion from seeing how accurate you've both been, so I couldn't just dismiss it.  I began to look into it, I'm fairly well versed in history so I knew where to start digging. I knew that the United States recruited Nazi scientists after the war, but linking that to those same scientists influencing political ideology was a big leap to make. Now its becoming much easier to make that leap when I consider the people that trump has surrounded himself with. I am very curious about ancestry and family culture. Every family has a narrative that they teach their members and frequently that narrative is represented in the general society. I work with a family of trump voters who cannot understand my panic, but also who regularly surprise me with their racist beliefs. They don't know how abhorrent this sounds to someone like me, because this is their cultural narrative. The Nazi party would never have come to power in Germany if those ideas weren't acceptable to enough of the general public. The same applies here, this ideology is acceptable to many people, and this is what scares me the most. I've read books on cultural history that teaches me the importance of family culture in shaping society. Some of those books are Albion's seed and Champlain's dream by David Hackett Fischer, American nations by Colin Woodard. 

I feel I'm rambling now, and I am truly terrified, but the point I wanted to make is that the people around Trump come from long legacies of this horrific thought, and I very much want to trace the origins of this.

I guess we won world war two, but we failed to win the peace. And this may be happening now so that we have one more chance of creating that peace. But only if we can exterminate the darkness that lies inside of all of us.



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Subject: Nazi origins

Probability: 50%

Outcome: scary 


I just did a meditation on the subject. I saw a conversation that was meant to be secret happening between a nazi scientist and an American politician. Slowly I saw the post-war Nazi immigrants communicating and influencing members of the republican party, they began to convince them of their ideology. They chose the republican party at least in part because it was not the party of F.D.R. who they were against because he had won the war against them. However there were other reasons too. Going back further I saw occult groups in the eighteen hundreds in Germany that developed an ideology of evil, it felt satanic. This was a group that performed rituals and black magic. It started in the eighteen fifties, grew in strength in the eighteen seventies and eighties and began developing a political ideology not long after. The ideology was Nazism before its time, various people big and small belonged to it, it fed off chaos and used the returning soldiers of world war one as easy recruits.

I also felt that I had scratched the surface, that there is a lot more digging that could be done on this.
