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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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OK so now we've got this whistleblower thing that's propelled us into a new level of crazy. It's hard to digest, but yes, it appears that trump is blackmailing another country by threatening to withhold aid unless they dig up dirt on his political opponent. The $$ appears to have been released, so we'll see whether Ukraine starts some sham investigation into Biden's son, or whether the publicity led to the administration releasing the money. Time will tell.  

What does stick out in my mind are two things: Lawrence's prediction over the summer that trump was sliding down a hill (I think that's what he wrote), and Bluebelle's remote viewing into the future.  If my recollection is correct, Bluebelle said that she saw trump, his kids, and his minions gone. That Barr was the first to go, then Mnuchin, then the rest. At the time I thought Bluebelle mentioning Barr and Mnuchin specifically was interesting. However, we now know that there is this whistleblower complaint, and it appears that the DOJ (read: Barr) is trying to suppress it.  On top of that there is also an IRS whistleblower complaint that's gotten less press.  It involves trump's taxes not being properly audited, as the law requires. If that complaint is being suppressed as well it's Mnuchin who would be doing the suppressing. Is it possible that both of these men either buck trump and have to resign? Are they unwilling to go down with a sinking ship? Or are they so freaked out over possibly going to jail at some point in the future that they start to cooperate with congress?  Bluebelle predicted that people would be unwilling to go to jail or get fined (I think this is what her prediction said) and the damn would break. Are we seeing this begining of the end?  I don't have an answer, just a hunch.

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I remember saying that November will be bad for T both politically and psychically. Feels like he sees the stop sign ahead. I think many more Americans will finally wake up.

Lynn- yes, T is sliding downhill on his fanny, out of control. 

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Nice work Lawrence. 

As for Bluebelle—while I pay attention to everyone who does predictions here on Read the Future nights because the majority end out coming true,  I pay extra attention to Bluebelle’s predictions because she’s had high accuracy over the years.

Also she made these recently and often, though not always, there is more accuracy in short term predictions.  Longer term predictions are harder to get right. 

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Per Rachel Maddow:  

And if you’ve been following the news closely over the last few weeks, this doesn’t necessarily come as a major surprise. Trump, putting aside the Pentagon’s guidance, recently held off on delivering promised military aid to Ukraine, and according to the Washington Post, it’s because the American president hoped to leverage the aid as part of an extortion scheme: Trump reportedly told Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky that if his country wanted the military assistance, his country would have to assist the Trump campaign by investigating Joe Biden.

If you’re wondering why in the world Ukraine would have anything to do with the 2020 race in the United States in the first place, the New York Timespublished a curious article in May, raising questions about Joe Biden’s work several years ago on a government-reform effort in Ukraine. There was some suggestion that the Delaware Democrat’s son may have benefited, but the claims of possible wrongdoing quickly unraveled, and the story went largely overlooked.

Trump and his team, however, believe that if they dig hard enough on this, there may be some dirt they could use.

It’s against this backdrop that Trump reportedly made a “promise” that centered on Ukraine that was so provocative that a U.S. intelligence official filed a complaint with the inspector general of the intelligence community.

The Trump administration is now hiding that complaint from Congress, defying legal disclosure requirements.

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I was thinking the other day about the orange nightmare and had a flash of November 7th in my head. We'll see if anything happens on that date but it coincides with what you predicted.

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As a handy reference point, here are some quatrains from Nostradamus' predictions that relate to trump's fate (a/k/a the false trumpet).  i'm particularly struck by the phrases "the world too late will be tired of him" and "the great senate will ordain the triumph of the one who afterwards will be vanquished, driven out." 


The false trumpet concealing madness
will cause Byzantium to change its laws.
From Egypt there will go forth a man who wants
the edict withdrawn, changing money and standards.


The trumpet shakes with great discord.
An agreement broken: lifting the face to heaven:
the bloody mouth will swim with blood;
the face anointed with milk and honey lies on the ground.


The Eagle driven back around the tents
will be chased from there by other birds:
when the noise of cymbals, trumpets and bells
will restore the senses of the senseless lady.


The republic of the great city
will not want to consent to the great severity:
King summoned by trumpet to go out,
the ladder at the wall, the city will repent.

10.73 through 76 (this sequence seems to tell a complete story)

The present time together with the past
will be judged by the great Joker:
the world too late will be tired of him,
and through the clergy oath-taker disloyal.


The year of the great seventh number accomplished,
it will appear at the time of the games of slaughter:
not far from the great millennial age,
when the buried will go out from their tombs.


Long awaited he will never return
in Europe, he will appear in Asia:
one of the league issued from the great Hermes,
and he will grow over all the kings of the East.


The great Senate will ordain the triumph
for one who afterwards will be vanquished, driven out:
At the sound of the trumpet of his adherents there will be
put up for sale their possessions, enemies expelled.


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I just looked up Nostradomas quatrains on Wednesday!  LOL.  There is one thing I keep seeing on the news that I think they are getting wrong. When Trump says he knows the phone calls are recorded and he wouldn't be so stupid to make a deal like that on a recorded line......

1) It means he used his personal or someone else's phone to do it, not realizing the intelligence agencies were listening in on that phone.

2)  He really is stupid enough to do it on a White House line.

I think #1 is correct.  The media keeps focusing that the call took place in the White House, but the complaint doesn't say that, it just says a call......

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So funny you were checking out Nostradamus, too.

About the phone, I just heard a theory that trump was on the golf course, grabbed someone else's phone, and thought he could fly under the radar by not using his own device and or being in a contained space  This, at least, seems plausible to me.  

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The other bit, and I forget where I first heard it, Who's to say that Ukraine didn't give dirt on Biden or his son, regardless of it being true or fabricated?  All Trump/GOP have to do is wait to unleash it and not leave enough time to prove it false.  Not that proving anything "false" matters.....A lie goes around the world 10x before Truth is out of bed in the morning......


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I'm hearing trump promised Putin to get rid of or destroy NATO in return for Putin to rig and help trump win the 2020 election have to wait to see if this is true as well

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I'll be interested to see if we ever find out, or if this will be like the taxes and the Mueller report and people under subpoena refusing to talk. If the Democrats don't start putting people in prison for contempt of court and stopping their salaries, we are never going to find out anything. Congress has to be able to do something so that we can get information. Pelosi made a statement today, and Cuomo said it was as if she was talking about a presidency 40 years ago. He was right. This president is all about himself. Forget the constitution, forget the Congress, the Senate, he doesn't care. It's all about The King. He doesn't care about breaking the law and neither does anyone else around him because there are no ramifications. I don't understand why these rules were made in the first place, if it's now being stated that they're difficult to enforce.

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I find it interesting that November 7th is mentioned here.  According to two astrologers I follow (although I don't really understand it all in full disclosure) the following is happening:


  1. Jupiter in Donald Trump's house will help him delay everything - the subpoenas, the tax releases, the whistle blower, all of it. But only up to November 4, 2019 when things aspect and transit and Jupiter moves into Sagittarius.  Between November 4th and April 1, 2020 Trump will be in big trouble with impeachment formally on the floor (and gone).


  1. Things will intensify in October getting uglier and uglier as Trump tries to destroy all enemies before the election, It will be a hard and ugly fight to reclaim democracy headed for a clash the peaks in January 2020.


Both these predictions dovetail into the ones here.  They especially resonate with Jeanne's front page "this year will be part a wild ride that will continue into 2020".   You can look through all the predictions and everything seems to be aligning.


This is the time when we all need to do what we can to fight the darkness. We are exhausted I know.  I for one have gone quiet and just watching the spiraling of the world as a whole, as it was just getting too consuming.  However watching time is over.  Do what you can, call your politicians, write letters, support the candidates that are right for your area, go on the youth global warming strikes (there is another big one on Sept 27th).  Doesn't matter where you live - this is a global time.  This will be the last push, the hardest push.


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Responding to @Bigshowoz's comment that Trump has promised Putin to end NATO in exchange for 2020 election help. This is a big issue because if true, it is not only illegal to seek election interference from a foreign government, but it brings Trump closer to the Constitutional definition of treason. 

On July 31 Trump called Putin.  In typical Trump fashion, American press only learned about the call via Russian press.  DT claims he was calling to express concern about Siberian wildfires and offer US support however he has done the opposite with California wildfires - no support coupled with condemning California.  The call resulted in another Trump administration official resigning in disgust.

I'm not sure that particular call was about NATO per se. Trump needs to tell Putin in so many words that he is still working for him, and that was likely the gist of that call.  The call to Ukraine is the one that's getting so much attention right now due to the whistleblower, and that's one more nail in Trump's coffin.

The question is, what will be the straw that will break Trump's stranglehold on the Republican Congress that has protected him? I think the economy will be the last straw. 

On the NATO issue -- while we've heard of no hard evidence that he is promising to disband NATO in exchange for Russian 2020 election assistance, I am certain (psychically) that Trump has made that promise repeatedly to Putin to assure that the Russian President will protect him. Trump has a lot of reasons to need Putin's protection, including that he needs Putin to protect him from what Putin knows about him.  Trump also needs to get reelected because it's his only protection against prosecution.

I make a lot of off the cuff political predictions here and there because people ask for them - often against my better judgement. But the predictions I feel certain about are the ones that just come to me.  That Trump promised Putin to break NATO is one I feel certain about.  

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Hi All,

I had a little quiet time on September 17th and tried my hand at some predictions. The following is what I got. Only time will tell if some of them are accurate. I tried to ask questions and see what came to me (if anything). I still feel very much as though I am new at this and also still feel a bit strange about posting what comes to me - but practice makes perfect!

When does the tide turn (in the US)?  Nov. 2019

Will the AG (Barr) be held accountable for wrongdoing? Will he quit? Does he turn on DT? Yes, he is forced out when someone new comes into power. He turns on DT to try to minimize his legal problems. Does he go to jail? No, too sick but lives out the rest of his days in disgrace.

Will Kav be impeached? Yes or resigns. Will not be on the SC for an extended period. Leaves under negative circumstances. 

Will DT be impeached? no, but the stress of the process takes its toll on him. 

Does he resign? Yes

Are his children held to account criminally? Yes, especially the oldest one and the first born girl and her husband.

Is this only after he is gone? Yes

Anything else I need to know about this? October and November gonna be lit. (This was funny because it is not language that I would use).

Does Pence ever become pres? No

Caretaker government after something happens to disqualify him. 

Who is next in charge? Warren and Harris 

I heard “golf money kickbacks”- eventually the govt demands that money from all of the golf outings be paid back. Laws are changed to prevent this happening again. 

Who is the most unexpected person to be in deep trouble due to all of this? (I got nothing on this)

I see flipping pancakes (someone flips big) it is a female in an admin position. She is scared but decides she has to do the right thing. She testifies before Congress and knows lots of important details. KC? When? Saw a 1, (January 2020?)

Devin N. tries to slink away but is held accountable and is shamed.

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Wow. These are terrific. Very informative and calming. Thanks so much.

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Wow from me. too. Thank you, Baba, for trusting the responses to your questions and for sharing your predictions with us.  It all resonates with me.    

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I want to add my kudos and thanks to Baba and also a comment that she has had remarkable accuracy in the past.

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Posted by: @baba


I see flipping pancakes (someone flips big) it is a female in an admin position. She is scared but decides she has to do the right thing. She testifies before Congress and knows lots of important details. KC? When? Saw a 1, (January 2020?)

I've seen a fair amount of speculation that the whistleblower is Dan Coats' former deputy, Sue Gordon, who resigned with him abruptly in August under mysterious circumstances.

Top Intel Official Interrupted Meeting to Urge His Deputy to Resign

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@sidwich, I heard  the same thing.  On one of Rachel Maddow's shows this past week (Thursday?), she tracked specific WH actions that fell within the timeline leading up to this whistleblower coming out.  Rachel included Coats, and then Gordon's quick departure within that timeline, specifically mentioning how Coats had interrupted Gordon's meeting, urgently telling her to resign.  It made me wonder.

Whoever this whistleblower is, I am send her/him lots of light and prayers.    

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