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Psychic predictions for Donald Trump

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Thanks for the complement jeanne!

 Addendum:- While above mentioned periods points to bad time for trump presidency and possibility of success for the opposition, don't think trump will cave in easily. True to his character he will fight tooth and nail against his opponents. The efforts will come from the republican party itself  with help from intelligence community. If trump manages to thwart all attempts, then he will probably run for a second term. But, I think thats very unlikely. First of all, two factions will fight for power. But, they will fight for their own interest. Neither wants to benefit public, only themselves. For the awakened public it won't be a hard thing to understand. So, a trump who is running for second time promising the change which he actually didn't want to bring. Lets see.

Second, the saturn-pluto cycle ends at january 2020. It indicates revelation of some secret. Anyway, people will demand change in current system and ruling oligarchy will refuse. Because, current system benefits them. So,they will become more distant from public.

Through out 2017-2025 'silent minority' will become 'silent majority'. When they becomes majority, change will follow. Because, majority rules. It's not only confined to USA, it's the story of whole world.

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While in church yesterday, I closed my eyes to listen to the lesson, and instead of listening better to the words spoken, I realized there was a message I was supposed to listen to instead. Given the world events recently, I asked what was in store for the US. The visual provided was the White House crumbling in on itself. There was no fire, explosion, smoke, nearby troops, etc., the building simply started imploding in slow motion. Given this sight, I asked about Trump. I was given a flash of what looked like an old movie still shot-but instead of a familiar actor behind bars wearing black and white prison stripes, it was Trump. I nearly chuckled out loud, so I opened my eyes so as not to disrupt the service. 

I can't tell you whether this is prophetic or whether it was just a vision supplied to make me feel better. If it was the latter-it certainly worked!

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Cindy, wow! That's powerful  

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This reminds me of two dreams I had at the begining of the year. I posted them on the prediction page. They are probably in the archive.

1.People in suit were conversing between themselves how to botch up his presidency this year. There were 10-15  people.

2. Vladimir putin was siting alone in front of a chess board. He was smiling. He checkmated some imaginary opponent. The year 2018 came in front of me. 

First one is simple, fight for power between two groups. However, I still  remember putin's smile in the second dream. Neither it was arrogent nor it was confident. He was very calm. This smile only suits the storywriter who knows the story's ending.

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I don't think that the second dream had anything to do with trump, even though I had those dream together. This year there are two major elections in europe. It may be related to that. If there are sudden eruptions of scandals like US election changes the direction of those election in the last moment, then his motive will be clear. Another angle could be that while the whole world watches trump and china, it is putin who pulls the strings.(Then it will be he is the one who controls world affairs to a large extent).

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Zoron, so insightful. Helpful. Thank-you.

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Jeanne and Zoron:
Did anyone "see" this?
#TrumpRussia goes so deep into GOP that, at this point, it will be President Orrin Hatch.

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LB, I hope this comes true! (At least I can respect Orrin Hatch.)

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I have been hearing and seeing  a lot of chatter irt Trump's mental status, particularly as regards his speech patterns, facial expressions and brain farts (such as forgetting Ryan's name 2x, etc.). So there is the camp that says he is exhibiting s/s of dementia or Alzheimers. Then there is the camp that says he is faking in order to have a potential out when this Russian collusion and election fraud deal blows up (like Reagan did in IranContra). If he truly does have some "insanity" plea, he would be relieved of office, if he does not, he will be imprisoned-- what do you think?

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Hello, lovelies! 

Jeanne, what a joy it is to find you and all the terrific people here! 

I can't shake the April event. I do not believe it has happened yet. I see that there is something planned for 

april 20. I do not know why that date is significant, but I feel that it is important. And that's today. I think this could be the date of the Reichstag fire equivalent. Dallas, Denver, Chicago, Atlanta? And Australia? And the Middle East? 

I think the evil powers that be have been working to this end. Their beginning of WW3. I'm hoping that the FBI is on to it. I know there is something about April 20. I truly believe the FBI is aware of something and that this date is very important to Bannon and company. 

Any ideas about this date? Numerology? Historical? I did search and found that this is Hitlers birth date. Just doesn't seem right. I think the Syria strike was tied to a date. ??

Anyone get anything about this date? Peace, please. Let this day be one of peace.

also, there is much talk about Putin. I'm wondering if there is even more to it. Jacob Rothschild, the billionaire? I think he fits the Bannon mold of wanting to crash apart our world.  And the money quest. Is this another force behind this movement?

Peace for everyone. Let's hope justice prevails and fast! 

Thank you to everyone for your contributions. I have been reading and reading. 

I just can't shake the dreams, especially about Donald Trump. I have been with him in four dreams now, and I am searching for answers. One was a violent one. One involved me working near him and watching for signs. They were long and vivid. It was like he was seeing what he could get away with and trying to snow me. 


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Good to have you on board. 

Interesting that today is Hitlers Birthday. How appropriate for the times we live in.

I think it resonances with the events of this year.  

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I feel like the crisis in Venezuela is a cautionary tale. From my NYT Thursday Briefing:

• Chaos in Venezuela.

Times journalists were on the streets of Caracas covering the demonstrations.

 At least three people were killed in the country amid protests on Wednesday to demand elections and a return to democratic rule.

My impression is of people who are in despair, a hunger for order and a system that works. The effects of the social and economic disintegration have reached the upper middle classes who are running out of resources. I certainly feel the US should return to democratic rule as well.

The update also included the fact that this inauguration, although much smaller than prior ones, raised twice as much as any other inauguration. This indicates influence peddling and, I believe, influence selling. I had the impression of a person taking money at a register and putting half of it in their pocket.

IRT the Russian investigation there was this tidbit:

Trip to Russia caught the F.B.I.’s eye.

Investigators had known since 2013 that a Russian spy was trying to recruit the American businessman Carter Page.

So when Mr. Page became an adviser to the Trump campaign last year and gave a Russia-friendly speech in Moscow, it drew the bureau’s attention.

That trip became the catalyst for the current investigation into connections between Russia and Mr. Trump’s campaign, officials say.

So, as early 2013, people in his circle of influence were being recruited. I had a the picture of many animals coming to the water hole. Also the picture of an unblinking eye catching on an inconsistency and giving it focus.




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Today also happens to be the unofficially recognized national day of pot smoking. Perhaps also appropriate for the times we are living in. Sometimes the levity is begging to be recognized... :)

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Hi Laura F.

I truly do not know much about Hatch, but if he is not complicit/colluding with Russia, then I will support him as President of the USA. Watergate took two years to investigate and prosecute. This matter is much more complicated and appears to run even deeper.

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