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Khashoggi Fallout: Trump and Kushner Response

Illustrious Member Admin
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I'm opening up a new topic on Khashoggi because the issue has shifted to the U.S. problem of Trump and Kushner's collusion with the Saudi Crown Prince.  Feel free to reprint any posts you wrote near the end of the Khashoggi thread if it fits the direction this murder is taking for our country. 

The Washington Post wrote this today about Kushner who they call the other Crown Prince.  No accident the two young 30-something men have become friends.   No accident that they are both grossly ill equipped to handle the power their fathers (in Kushner's case, father-in-law) gave them.  And the consequences are grave for the world. 

My read on Kushner is that  he is mainly motivated by money and secondarily by hubris and naive foolishness.  He's getting money from the deals he is making.  And he's just foolish and naive enough to believe he can at the same time instantly solve world issues and become a hero for Israel.  His wings will melt and he will fall like Icarus. 

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Mike Pompeo has finally mentioned possible sanctions on Saudi Arabia, only to say that they have to wait for evidence and it will be weeks before it's even technically possible to impose them. It sounds pretty different from the sort of things that get said when Russia is the target of sanctions. Especially since there have been so many stories about audio and video of the killing, you have to wonder how it could possibly be so hard to collect the relevant evidence.

And in the middle of all this, two Saudi sisters have been found drowned in the Hudson river in New York, with their ankles and waists bound together in duct tape... and the police reckon they somehow walked into the river and are treating it as suicide. You can't help but speculate whether some powerful people in New York are distributing money in order to make sure the police see things that way.

I don't see this leading to changes in either Saudi Arabia or the US government in the short term... but the damage has already been done. Lots of people have become aware of how toxic is this particular diplomatic relationship. The US is quickly losing all friends in the Middle East, with the only exception of Israel, and Israel is hated by most other countries in the area.

Where it comes to mythology, I wouldn't be comparing either Trump or the Saudi king with Daedalus, somebody renowned in Greek myth as a great inventor, like a Leonardo da Vinci figure for them. Besides, he did warn his son not to go near the sun. The Greek myth that has an eerie resemblance to the Khassogi murder is the one of Tantalus, that killed and cut his son into pieces and then served them in a banquet to the gods of the Olympus, but the gods weren't fooled. Or, if you are looking for a story of fathers setting their sons up for tests they are bound to fail, it's hard to find a better example than Genesis in the Bible. Any parent should know that "don't eat the fruit from that tree" is not very likely to be obeyed without being tested first.


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This is really disturbing and I am sorry if I freak someone out here with this question.  Somewhere in the back of my brain files, I seem to remember an ancient belief that by cutting up a body and scattering the remains, you can curse someone to wander the earth in the afterlife.  Does anyone else know something about that? The story about the acid doesn't ring true to me.  This does echo the killing of John the Baptist when Salome danced then asked Harod for John's head because he had spoke out against her father.  Khashoggi had spoke out against the royals as well.

America's response to this is horrifying.  We never held them accountable when it came out that most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi either.  They have gotten a free pass from us ever since the '70s agreement to trade oil in US dollars and in exchange for security.  That has kept the dollar strong and the real reason we have trade deficits. Tariffs aren't going to fix this problem.  It's the oil money. Also this week, Natanyahu asked Trump not to do anything to Saudi Arabia over this killing.  We coddle one set of terrorists while attacking the other bunch like Iran.  It is all about the money.



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Maria, do you mean to  connect Khashoggi's murder with the Saudi sisters? 

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Holy moly.  Edward Snowden is saying Khashoggi was tracked and killed by using Israeli spyware through his phone.  No wonder Natanyahu asked America not punish the Saudis.   ? 

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It is now being reported that the CIA has determined that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman personally ordered the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, despite the Saudi government's denials that the de facto ruler was involved.

Wonder what Trump does now?


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Posted by: Lovendures

It is now being reported that the CIA has determined that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman personally ordered the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, despite the Saudi government's denials that the de facto ruler was involved.

Wonder what Trump does now?


Ha ha ha. 

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Just when you thought that the Trump administration couldn't go any lower, they find a way to reach a new level of moral depravity. 

"The news concerning Fethullah Gulen came after NBC News, citing anonymous law enforcement officials, alleged that the Trump administration was looking for legal ways to deport the cleric in an attempt to convince Turkey to ease its diplomatic pressure on Saudi Arabia over the killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi."

Turkey has been demanding the extradition of Fethullah Gulen for years. The Obama administration always rebuffed those requests.  Fethullah Gulen has lived in the US for a number of years and is a permanent resident. His only crime is his opposition to the authoritarian Turkish president. The Trump administration is so intent on helping the Saudis cover their tracks that they are willing to send this old man back to certain torture and death.

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If there is a way to send him back(to his almost certain death) and get away with it, Trump will find it. That move serves a dual purpose for him-it chamges the subject from Mueller/Whitaker and also allows him to cover for his other owner besides Putin, the Saud family. All the talk was he was owned by Russia, but he is also bought by Saudi Arabia and business in China.

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Today's news of T stating he's not punishing (covering) for the Saudis will directly or indirectly be the beginning of the end for him and many others in the White House. Very foolish.

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Lawrence, Thanks for posting. I watched Fox news coverage of the Saudi Khashoggi case yesterday while in a waiting room where they keep Fox news running all day, and was amazed at how Fox covers for the president.  They tell a totally different story about the whole incident making POTUS look like a measured and reasonable person who is awaiting a full report.   It's alternative news coverage.  

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Perhaps someone will publish the audiotape and then let's see how the public reacts to Trump's Saudi coverup. Being buddies with a prince who murders journalists, one of our own journalists, is a dangerous precedent for our society, especially when it is set by a  president who has actively called for violence against journalists.  That Jared and the Saudi Crown Prince are buddies is even more disconcerting, although I have felt for a long time that Jared is cold and dark.  Birds of a feather flock together. 

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Yes, birds of a feather. Kushner and Jr will go down hard. And FOX News is obscene. Karma will find them too. As I saw in an vision which I spoke about on another thread, "the roof is now blown off the White House." All their secrets are coming to light in rapid succession.

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You must read the official statement... and you can tell trump wrote it himself

Poorly written and too many exclamation points and don’t forget America first

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Look at the flow and look again after removing everything in parentheses, everything with an exclamation point, and anything referring to rankings, status, or something with a measurable "winner". It was written by someone else then he edited it. 

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I think the Saudis wrote it and Trump edited it to make it his own.  In one way it reads like an English translation from an eastern or middle eastern language. It is eerily Orwellian and sing-song. It also sounds like the writer is a ninth grader. 

The first two lines are unreal.  Then the first paragraph is a Saudi promo piece.  

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I did not expect this topic to continue to be a headline in the news at this late date.  Of course I didn't think Hillary's emails would still be in the news either.  I could be here all night listing all of the things that I didn't expect from  the "Make America Rake again" mafi boss. 

I  should have known better by now.   

And who seriously saw this coming, that  the Finland monarch would need to  issue a statement disavowing what our commander in cheat said about Finish forest fire prevention?  




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As I was reading everyone's posts, I saw a clear image of the Trump, Putin, and Mohammed bin Salman trifecta as emblematic of "the dark triad." For anyone unfamiliar, this is a cluster of three personality traits described in psychology as narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. In this particular image, I see Trump as the narcissistic angle, Putin as the Machiavellian, and MBS as the psychopathic angle, but they each contain all three. 

And in the case of Khashoggi, Netanyahu may just as easily stand in for Putin (as far as my vision goes).

Regarding the incident as myth: There's a version of the Osiris story (god of the death and rebirth) in which his brother (Khashoggi's "brother" in this case would be MBS, a fellow Saudi), Set—god of "chaos, the desert, storms, disorder, violence, and foreigners" plots Osiris' assassination with 72 accomplices (numbers are significant).

In another version of this myth, Set is represented by Typhon, who mutilates Osiris' body into 26 pieces, dispersing them to the accomplices. Isis, Osiris' wife and sister, avenged his death, vanquishing Set/Typhon. She found and gathered the pieces of her husband's body and performed a ceremonial ritual for his resurrection. 

The number 72 vibrates with the chaos of breakdown which arises just as we recognize that so-called consensus reality is largely brought about by the manufacture and manipulation of powerful forces. Yet, in awakening to the collective illusion (Maya), we experience illumination (rebirth). It's an important number on the path toward the recognition and reclamation of our inherent sovereignty.

The number 26 vibrates with communicators and truth-tellers (e.g., journalists like Khashoggi), and while it contains an energy of struggle or sacrifice, it's forged and elevated by this tension into highest consonance with its foundational numbers (2 and 6), which marry the 2's highest expression of diplomacy, peace-building, and cooperation with the 6's expression of harmony, balance, beauty (think Eden), and love. In fact, the highest frequency for 26/8 (2 + 6 = 8) is that of a new vision for the future. 

It's interesting that ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) has been made into ISIS. Whether this was unconsciously enacted or done deliberately, it's a perversion of the name Isis in the minds of the collective. The goddess Isis was worshipped in Egypt and across the ancient world longer even than Christianity, which forcibly supplanted it, has existed. The feminine is rising, and with that comes the return of the energy of Isis. Unfortunately, many in power know this and are doing everything they can to prevent the crumbling of the old regime. 

They do not ultimately succeed. 

ETA: It might be better to say the sacred feminine is beginning to be integrated. In the myth, Isis had the help of Horus, her son by Osiris, conceived during a magical rite. A child is the blending of the energies of both parents, and where Isis represents the sacred feminine, Osiris represents the sacred masculine. Their child is then symbolic of the third being they become together, and would represent the integration of these aspects.   

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Vestralux this is brilliant.  I have always seen the goddess Isis as the symbolic savior of our world.  She is the Divine feminine, the Great Mother energy that fueled the MeToo movement.   Before civilization was patriarchal, myth has it that Isis ruled for ten thousand years, but I’m not an expert in myth so am happy to be corrected.

She reassembled and ressurected  her brother Osiris by putting the dismembered pieces back together, representing the reunification of the fractured tribes that occurred when Set creates chaos.  

One reason the democrats struggle to get a landslide against gop candidates is the party really represents about five different coalitions and the chaos created by the GOP is creating further fracturing.  

We need an Isis to reunify the pieces in order to win back the federal and state governments. 

The Thoth tarot has the Isis-Horus-Osiris-Set story in it in the Major Arcana as the future of our collective, both individually and collectively.  Although Crowley creates the deck in the 1940’s, he saw a departure from the Christian based Tarot. 

The 2oth Trump card shows Horus, the child of isis and Osiris, who was the Egyptians’ Divine Child, similar to Jeaus being the Christians’ divine child, a savior who transforms our world to something caring and loving for all. 

In the card Horus is looking upon his father, Osiris, and is blessed and honored by his mother Isis. He is protected by the sky goddess, Nuith (Who we would call the Universe) who ensures that justice will ultimately prevail as the human race evolves. Nuith wraps her arms over him from above the way the night sky wraps us from horizon to horizon.

Horus could be thought of as our youth, the Parkland High Scholl generation, who will rise up to bring in the new world with the help of mother figures who will be our next leaders. 

After the 20th Trump card comes the highest Trump card, the Universe (aka the World in other decks) that stands for mastery or enlightenment.   

Horus with his mother Isis’s help will be part of the last judgement day that this card represents.  It is the final evaluation of our world before we move to a new paradigm.   

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