Post Kavanaugh--Wom...
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[Closed] Post Kavanaugh--Women Rising

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I'm picking this up from the Kavanaugh Confirmation Topic which has us wondering how to rise as women in our everyday lives.  If you are a man, the question becomes how to support the deep feminine that is in every man but has been programmed out by the patriarchal society.  (The book Real Boys deals with how to change the way boys are raised that hurts them and our culture.) 

(If new information comes up about Kavanaugh that you feel is better in a new topic, please open that topic for us. Thanks.) 

I am starting with TA's post near the end of the Kavanaugh Confirmation topic.  She wrote:  

I believe we are being pushed as a society to deal with two big issues that Trump has brought to the forefront.  One is mental illness, especially personality disorders like narcissism.  Many of our mental health professionals have not been trained in these disorders which are rampant in the US.  The general public is not educated in recognizing these problems to guard against being taken in by these people.  Trump is a textbook example.  The way the Republican party is behaving is exactly like abuse victims do.  To survive, they are either freezing, fawning over him, becoming just like him and becoming his flying monkeys, resigning, or bonding with him through the trauma.

Another issue being spotlighted is the suppression of the feminine energy.  This is always the first step taken to being able to manipulate people.  Both men and women shut down half of their being in order to function in groups like Patriarchal religions, politics, the business world, right wing media.  When that happens, people turn off their empathy and intuition that helps them connect to others and think for themselves.  Healthy assertiveness becomes aggression and anger.  We are out of balance.  This is why women can support Trump and Kavanaugh.  I think the Women's movement often misses the mark on this. It is not just women in general that need to rise, but the feminine energy that both sexes have that needs to be returned to its place in balance with the true masculine energy.  I think we are now being forced to understand this in order to progress and survive.  -- TA


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My response is that we each individually need to learn to find our true Selves not from our heads but from inside our bodies. We are equipped with a brilliant sensing system that guides us in everything we do and every  choice we make.  If we listen to this part of ourselves, we know when we are being authentic at every moment.  If you are walking egg shells around a relationship, you know it.  If you are in a job that conflicts with your Self, you know it.  The more you practice being aware of your body's messages to you, the more you will become authentic and powerful. And when you become authentic and powerful, you help all women and all people on this earth.  

Senator Amy Klobuchar had a faltering moment during the Kavanaugh hearings.  She's a hero in my mind.  She brought out the true Kavanaugh underneath the fake mask he wore.  Still she had a faltering moment that in which she momentarily  dropped the ball during a critical moment.  I could see her energy falter.  She asked Kavanaugh if he ever experienced blackouts from drinking.  He responded aggressively towards her, something he would not have done to a man.  He much later apologized for it but not without first eclipsing her in that moment, and not without her eclipsing herself.

Instead of answering her question, he quipped, "Have you, Senator?"  She was taken aback. She was silent, then stammered something about her father being an alcoholic.  We all have different reactions to that moment, but I was crestfallen.  She had not needed to explain. An appropriate response would have been to put him in his place without flinching, saying something like, "EXCUSE ME?  You are being interviewed by this panel, Judge Kavanaugh. Is this how you disrespect this process?  Answer the question!"

I understood what had happened to her in that moment, and I see it now as a transitional moment between patriarchy and rising matriarchy.  But she lost her center and her energy gave way to him.  She responded the way so many of us have been trained through centuries of sexism. 

Hers was the kind of moment for which we want to train ourselves to find a new powerful authentic self. 

Here are some tips I wrote up a few years ago. The article was written to help people with intuition.  I now see that these tips are not only about intuition, but true inner guidance.  They are about helping us hear our deepest soul selves so we can act from that authenticity. 

I would love it if people would think about their own moments of faltering and how to rise from it.  How to rise in the way we need right now! 

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Thanks for this, Jeanne. Well expressed and so important. I agree about that pivotal moment in the Kavanaugh hearing and how his horrifically inappropriate question has now tipped the scale.

We heard, we knew, and we both fell the deflation off the feminine with the uprising of the unbalanced masculine.

Perhaps, we needed her flustered apology to see how easily societal pressures have trained us to always think it's our fault and make apologies rather than rise up with an equal but opposite reaction to the male attack.

In the long run it hurt him and was a huge teachable moment for everyone of both sexes.

And I think each if us in retrospect wished we'd countered a pivotal comment sometime in our lives.

Thanks for bringing the site up to speed with updated topics instead of our piling comments onto old ones!

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Thank you for posting this Jeanne.

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I noticed a similar moment with the amazing Emma Gonzalas, the 19 year old Parkland High School student who got up on the top of a car in the school parking lot and yelled B.S. to Donald Trump and the NRA. She was in that moment free and totally in line with  her soul self.

It was the first time I knew that Donald Trump and the GOP were afraid.

She was channeling truth and rage and she knew she was right and unafraid to speak her truth.   In that moment, that young woman gave us all hope.  I will always be grateful to her for that moment. 

Later I saw her in a public debate with a slick and no doubt high paid NRA spokeswoman.  This was a different Emma Gonzalas.  She had now reached  international status.  She was a household word.   Not surprisingly, having been thrust into the limelight, she seemed more cautious with her words. She seemed deferential and polite.   It was hard to watch.   Later she returned to the public eye at the March for Our Lives with renewed power.  She is doing amazing work.  

But going back to that faltering moment with the NRA spokeswoman, I saw the transition we are in.  We've been taught good manners. We've been taught to give the other side a chance to speak and to be respectful and even deferential. 

That will not do at this point.  

The NRA is responsible for thousands of deaths. The NRA gets funding from Russia.  The NRA funds the GOP and the result is 30,000 gun deaths a year in this country versus almost negligible gun deaths in countries that don't allow anyone to have a gun.    As Gonzalas said in her first speech, the NRA puts a low price tag on the lives of children. They have their slick rationale.  Their arguments are B.S.  They are about the money.  Standing up to them is not the time to be deferential or polite.  

I would not ever debate them.  Would you debate Adolf Hitler?  Would you go back and debate a psychopath?  No!  Say your truth, like she did on the top of that car.  Keep saying your truth.  Don't engage with those whose mission is to tear you down so they can make more money and have more power. 

Every time we stand up to authority, we need to stop and breathe and listen to our bodies.  Listen for validation from within.  And we need to call out evil, deception, manipulation, and yes, murder, and make no apology. 


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Oh, my gosh! You absolutely nailed it, Jeanne.

I was at the beginning of reading your post and ready to respond with her subsequent flailing with holding it interview but you added more than I'd caught. Oh, I am happy to hear that she's back in her flow.

Darn social media and the relentless attacks on people's subconscious fears and triggers. She was pushed to exhaustion as we all can reach from our own relentless challenges. She found her power again and pulled it back in, again.

Stay in your truth, light, and power, Emma Gonzalez! You are making a difference!

And like Emma--so are we! May we stand in our truth, light, and power strong and true ?

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Michele, thank you.  I edited one line that I wrote  above and want to reiterate it here. It's about getting into discussions with the likes of NRA, GOP, Donald Trump.  I do not get into discussions with people who lie, cheat, steal, and manipulate. In short, I would not debate a person hired to represent a rogue organization, like the NRA. 

I would not ever debate them.  In the run up to WWII world leaders tried to work with and appease Adolf Hitler. It was a fruitless effort  and dangerous for the world because he got much further than he should have gotten.

Instead, I would prefer to say my truth, like Gonzales did on the top of that car. 

I would  not  engage with those whose  mission is to tear you down so they can make more money and have more power. 

I am clear on this point.  If someone enters my life who proves to be dark, I don't engage.  If a client or friend has been involved with a malignant narcissist, abuser, blamer, I don't engage. Block their phone, unfriend in FB, stay away.  I feel the same way about these organizations.  I don't listen to DT's speeches, I shut off the tv and switch to a different website whenever he is brought on the speak.  I do not watch Fox or read Breitbart or visit right wing websites.

If others find these sites helpful to them, then that is fine provided they can hold onto their own light in the process.  

But notice if you are getting angry or defensive or caught up in the drama of their lies.  It's exhausting and draining and a huge waste of precious energy. 


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It's obvious you've gone through a lot more than most of us can imagine to get to this awesome point of "cord cutting" as it's energetically called.

All it does is drain us and eventually make us sick to take on the dark over and over . Don't ask me how I know. But let's just say exorcism is not unknown in my world hahaha.

And I am as you know quite feisty but I've also learned through time the fine art of finding my center when a lot of many different people tried to shake me from my innate truth by standing firmly in place in my light with a serene face..oh yes, I must confess..a bit of a smile ?

I am learning as we all are, more and more every single day. One of the wondrous aspects of this Earth School and this place in time, meaning this site place at the top of my timeline arc along with this time in our place in history. You called, we came.

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I want to add that if you have the warrior strength to engage with dark energy like that, I am grateful to you.   We have heros in mythology who have faced evil head on and prevailed.  I send any present day hero’s my total support.  

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Bless you, Jeanne.  That helps more than you know. Always knew I could and should. I once had long emails with a Tibetan nun who left Oregon to live and learn in the Darjeeling Province in a monastery.  She said similar things in our correspondence but always made me laugh at the same time. You have to have to have a sense of humor with such subjects ?

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As strong as each of us may feel we are, we still will all have our vulnerabilities. I'm tall and have had weight issues all my life-tho I'm agile as well as strong. Two years ago I had two co workers-both former Marines (one in his late 20's, one in his 40's), comment after an incident at work that they wouldn't want to tangle with me. I'm the type who gives off the vibe to children, the elderly, and more vulnerable women that I'm there to help. I'm always the one in stores being approached for help-asked directions, my opinion on brands, or can I help reach something on a shelf. I have a familiar face to many, and am often asked if I went to school with them or someone they know, or am I related to so-and-so. Yet here were these two Marines saying they feel I wouldn't take any crap from anyone. I was stunned, and somewhat pleased. That's when my authentic self jumped in (sharing too much, and probably being verbose while at it). I found myself noting that I had been in an abusive marriage for far too long, and after Monica died, something snapped and I refused to ever be treated like that again. The look of shock on their faces was memorable. Yet later in the day, worry overcame me to the point that I asked if they meant I was a witch (spelled with a b). Growing strong and overcoming our grooming to be submissive is a process, which has it's peaks and valleys. Two steps forward, one back. Sigh. 

I have a trip coming up to move my parents to my house. I love them, but my father is a bigot, very negative, and he's your classic Republican. Faux news is on all the time. After dad's strokes and subsequent carotid surgery, my sister convinced my father to buy her and her boyfriend a house and move in with them. It was a train wreck waiting to happen, and being the nay-sayer, I was deemed villainous by all and reamed out by several of them in rather nasty terms. All their actions were so hurtful that in one night I had two deceased uncles and grandfather sent to me to try and give me comfort. I had never before-or since-had more than one passed relative visit at a time. As one uncle comforted me, my grandfather showed me these actions would mean the drowning of the family. Every negative thing I said would transpire, came to pass. 

The results of these actions were my father finding my sister's OD'd body twice -the first time just three weeks after their move. The second time-at six months- she was beyond revival.  The short version of this story is to say that while north for my sister's funeral, I was verbally attacked/abused by both my sister's boyfriend and his mother. I defended myself when the mother confronted me in a cruel manner. I wasn't going to be abused by anyone. My father had arranged a dinner and had omitted the boyfriend-dad had said family only and named names. I simply delivered the message as dad related it to me, so I was the one with the target on my back. It wasn't my invitation, and I'd done nothing wrong, but to calm things, I texted the boyfriend with an apology as it wasn't my intent for him to feel neglected. I also then explained by text that I had no reason to think it would be taken any other way as he'd declined every other invitation we extended that week. That set him off- he flew up the stairs lit into me in an f-bomb laden abusive diatribe. I simply shut down and ignored it when I realized he was off his rocker. I thought I'd blown it off until I realized later that night I was in the fetal position in bed, crying uncontrollably, and shivering. All good indicators of the trauma he'd inflicted. The next day dad told the boyfriend that it was dad's mistake, and the boyfriend 'forgave me'. Yep, you read that right. I was the one abused, yet I was the one they thought needed to be forgiven for my 'transgressions' that were only products of their own minds. This same fellow - a vet who's seen active duty, and an 18 year fireman refuses to sell the house my parents live in. He's on the deed and mortgage, so we can't technically sell without his cooperation. Every time my father tries to bring up selling the house, the boyfriend says he'll do what's best for all, acknowledges it is my parent's money, and then he cries. He says he has no where to go, can't afford to support himself, and this house is his last tie to my sister (yes he's got a new girlfriend). He just doesn't know if he could handle losing the house. He put no money into the house, and my parents sunk more than a third of their life savings into the deposit, and the mortgage came from our cousin, but I'm the bad guy for saying it's time to sell the house and move my parents. My parent's health is deteriorating with the stress of living in the house where they had such a traumatic experience. They'll most likely lose their ability to qualify for Medicaid if they move without selling and removing their funds, but I'm the bad guy who's trying to make my parents harm the boyfriend as revenge. And yes, I've had dad to attorney's who have tried to explain all this to him- with little to no progress. Dad can't see himself as a victim of emotional blackmail, and the victimizer claims to be the the actual victim. This correlates well with the mentality of who we are dealing with in the current atmosphere. It's part of the pathology of narcissism and the mental instability of those who believe in conspiracy theories. Trained mental health providers have a hard time dealing with these types, much less the general public. 

My sister has come to me in dreams, telling me to tell her former boyfriend what he's done both to me and to my parents. I will not do so. It is not my job to teach him at the risk of my own well being.  Unfortunately there's a pervasive mindset to this cult mentality that looking good in other's eyes is more important than looking inward and seeing what is right. The people victimizing others claim to be the victims, and there's nothing that most of us can say or do to convince them otherwise. I was married to a narcissist. I see the red flags more quickly than others seem to do. I see it in my family with my father-tho to a much lesser degree than in my ex. I see that I still wanted to believe in people in general after my divorce, and I overlooked the signs of narcissism in friends I made. The more it comes into your life the more you learn to spot it earlier. They'll paint others as liars or mentally unstable as a form of projection being used in an offensive manner. If they say it first about others, then no one will believe it when it's said of them. If they muddy the waters enough, and create chaos, anyone trying to diffuse it will just be sinking in quicksand instead of making any headway. 

I agree with Jeanne. I avoid people with those tenancies when I can. As noted above, I should have known better than to try to defend myself with these types, but I was in such a pressure cooker set of circumstances, I just didn't have the control in that moment. I have sleepless nights before a visit to my parent's home knowing I have tolerate my sister's boyfriend by acting in an inauthentic way to not create waves. I know I can't make any of them understand what they've actually done. Trying to do so will typically just cause me more harm instead of doing any good. I just remind myself it's his Karmic debt that was incurred by his actions. The attorney and I did manage to change the ownership on the deed when we had my sister's name removed without anyone noticing so mom and dad are more protected now than previously. I still have more to do to get them out of this legal quagmire without stressing them to the point of causing a major health issue. Unfortunately, I still get signs when I use the tarot that say dad won't be around much longer. As I noted in the last thread, I still have to work for people with this kind of mentality. They often are more complex than just their political beliefs, but just the same, I don't get into political discussions with them. I try to simply look for the positive. 

I'll have no choice but to be around this type of person once I move my parents here. I'll have enough on my plate without worrying about being a warrior right now. All my energies will be focused at home, save for the petitions I sign, or the letters and calls I make to my representatives. I see increasing signs that my daughter is here helping me. Night before last she figured out how to turn on the new audio system, which in turn turned on the tv as it's part of my dvd system now. I got to smile telling my non -believing friends that it wasn't just a short in the old stereo system as they claimed, as it's been replaced and now the new one is now coming on by itself. I'll continue to pray and meditate, and to get alone time in nature. I'm almost done setting up the tv system in my bedroom so that I can have a refuge where Faux news won't infiltrate my space. And I'll remind myself when needed that I'm doing the right thing, even tho aspects of it will be difficult. I'll count my blessings that I have the insight to know who I want to be, how I want to treat others (even if it has a personal cost attached) and the only external forces I seek to please aren't peers, but those from another (higher) realm. Since the current thinking is so often described as emerging Hitler-esque I often wonder if some of those souls aren't here to try and learn what they failed to learn about cult and group mentality previously. 

This all reminds me of a favorite old Native American  legend: 

An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.
"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves.

One is evil - he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego."

He continued, "The other is good - he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.

The same fight is going on in side you -and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."


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Thank you Cindy for such a beautiful story of heart strength.   I read every word. I see what you are dealing with.  I see  how the tragedy and trauma of  losing your precious daughter Monica has unleashed so much heart power in you.  I see how she works through you and how connected you are to spirit guides. You have been an inspiration to others who come to this forum for guidance.  

I love the wolfe story you told.    There’s a wonderful animated video of the Wolfe story made by with my teacher Sharon Saltzberg speaking the voice of the characters.

She is speaking about the power of mindfulness which helps you to realize when you are feeding the dark wolf.  It isn’t easy to know when we are giving away our power to he dark.  I feel meditation helps me slow down my fear reactions to negativity enough to turn to the joyful wolf instead.

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I love that wolf story.  It is so true.  It is so hard to deal with aging parents who continue to cause their own chaos.  I am dealing with an issue right now with my own family.  Do I let them deal with their own mess or wade in to help?  And if I do decide to help, why am I doing it when I know I will be treated poorly and my energy drained?  However, if you don't help out, you will be attacked for not caring.  It is a horrible choice to have to make, especially for those who are empathetic.

I found Kris Godinez on YouTube.  Her show is called We Need To Talk.  She is a therapist whose specialty is narcissism.  She has been life saver for my husband and me.  She is funny too.  Check her out.



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Thank you for the name of the therapist & her videos TaG! I'll look into it. 

One thing that people don't seem to understand about narcissists is that they can be likable individuals. They don't always come across as a narcissist to outsiders who don't have to deal with them as often.

Narcissists can be nice guys, and only when threatened does the mask slip out of place- like my sister's boyfriend. He's served his country, saves lives for a living. In his mind, he's going above and beyond for my parents, and to an outsider, it looks like he's the cat's meow taking on the care of former girlfriend's aging parents. He knows I don't see it that way.   He knows my sister and I had a bond that was deeper than what he had with her. I therefore was a threat. I also saw/see the reality of the situation, instead of the facade. That too unnerves narcissists. 

I also think he's one who is uncomfortable with a strong woman. That's  part of the issue we're seeing in today's society. There are those who believe that women having equal status will take something from them. Just as there are those who believe that social tolerance of things like gay marriage is ruining their way of life ( as an example). It's not. It has no effect on a hetero marriage or on their individual lives.  It's just different and therefore uncomfortable for some to accept. Too many people are stuck in the egocentric mindset that says that their way is the best or only way.  

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There are several types of narcissists. Your sister's boyfriend sounds like a communal narcissist.  They want everyone to see them as a pillar of society.  They volunteer, pretend to be selfless etc.  However, when he realized you could see through his act, you became a threat.

Kris Godinez, the therapist I recommended on YouTube dives into all of that.  She also covers dealing with toxic parents, exes, bosses, friends etc.  Good stuff to know heading into the holidays.   Also, Kris deals with borderline personality disorder. She offers very helpful insight for all of us, especially with what is happening with our countries' leadership right now.  

 It seems like these jerks all follow the same handbook around the world.  And they all seem to be homophobic, misogynistic if male, and racist.  It is really their own insecurities and fears that makes them have to put down others to feel better about themselves.

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Bad news coming for Brett Kavanaugh this September.  A new book, entitled The Education of Brett Kavanaugh, is a tell-sll by the two reporters who were devoted about dogging Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing.  It includes information from the investigators who "were inundated with tips from former classmates, friends, and associates ... Now, their book fills in the blanks."  FYI, some YouTube psychics see Kavanaugh being re-investigated and outed for lying in the 2020 time frame.  Others simply see his vote being dilluted by more justices being added to the Supreme Court.  In either case, they all say Justice Roberts dislikes him very much and thinks Kavanaugh damaged the stature of the Supreme Court. 

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Someone made a prediction in the June 6 read the Future night that Kavanaugh would be facing trouble.  Will have to find it. 

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Jeanne, I found these two re Kavanaugh: 

Kavanaugh will be investigated. (Bin) predicted on 6/6/19 for March 2020

Final blow for Trump – Mueller testifies in House. Leads to more legal action and impeachments of members of Congress. Senate Dems involved as well as GOP in taking Russian money. The investigations mean Kavanaugh impeachment possible. (Luminata) predicted 1/17/19 for August 2019

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I posted the above comments in the wrong form.  I thought I was in the  "unravaling" form.  Please excuse me.

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Yogagirl - you can copy and paste your above text to the correct heading and then return here to delete.

In any case, most excellent rant.

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