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Brent Kavanaugh Supreme Court Nominee

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Fear for herself and her family kept Christine Blasely Ford from initially allowing her real name to be used, "calculating that doing so would upend her life and probably would not affect Kavanaugh’s confirmation. Why suffer through the annihilation if it’s not going to matter?” she said.

It gets more complicated. It was revealed in couple's counseling in 2012, she didn't use Kavanaughs name (though her husband remembers her saying it to him,  and the therapist notes listening mentioned 4 men in the room instead of two (there were four men at party. But Prof. Blakely took and passed a polygraph that the therapist advised as they did recognize even then future political ramifications.


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Normajean, when we talk about looking for the positive, believing things happen for a reason or continue to feel hope and light, this exactly what we mean and how the yin/yang balance works.

The world was too evil, too dark, too filled with political and financial corruption to ever easily have a few good light workers swing the balance point.

Mother Earth needed to show us, the Universe/ Divine needed to show us and tbe guardian powers that be couldnt help us until we wanted it more than we wanted ego power  money,and selfish aggrandizement.

We are in that very long ptocess of so much ugly coming out, in the world,  in each of us..fear, anger, deep darkness and depression, drugs, alcohol, hoarding,  compulsive shopping..all of it and more.

We have to see it. We bave to own it and we have to have figure heads of excess to get it.

It will be destruction and chaos before the new growth can fully come forth.

But each enlightened aha moment like yours,  brings us into the light and inspires others.

Bless you and may peace and light grow stronger and stronger in you,  through you and in/with/through all of us times thousands. ♥️

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Hi Everyone, I just received an email one of my long-time readers sent to himself on August 17th.  David has been corresponding with me about my website since 2014. He wanted me to post it for him:

From: David [email address and last name redacted]
Date: August 17, 2018 at 3:22:09 PM PDT
To: redacted
Subject: Judge Kavanaugh.....
Judge Kavanaugh will not become a Supreme Court Justice.  He will withdraw his name from consideration after certain revelations are made regarding his previous writings and work.
Sent from my iPhone

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Does anyone get a read on Trump's play today? He seems calm(for him) and said that he stands by Kavanaugh and if it takes time, then it takes time. That does not make sense in his world seeing as how everyone is aware a "blue wave" is coming at the polls. The only thing that keeps coming to me when I look for his motive here is that whatever play is going to be made regarding rigging the November elections is already enacted and running as planned. I fear there is something I am not able to see that is headed our way though. He is way too calm for such a paranoid, trigger-happy, person.  This is one of those all too common times, for me at least, where present logic and feeling counteract each other.

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One thing I've noticed about Trump is that when he is upset or displeased, his hands stop moving.    So, what struck me about his comments today was that he had both hands crossed over each other, as if he was trying to keep himself calm and appear in control.  That doesn't mean he feels that way, however.  In fact, just the opposite.   

Also, he's ordered the Justice Department to declassify certain documents related to the Mueller investigation.  I have no doubt he sees that move as a prelude to firing Sessions.  If Sessions refuses, bye!   Which may be part of why he seemed more in control today -- he thinks he has the upper hand now because if he can justify getting rid of Sessions, he can also bump off Rosenstein and Mueller.   So, in that sense, I agree with you:  Trump thinks he's set the plan in motion to protect himself, regardless of what happens with the midterms.


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I pulled some cards on this today. I'm not sure how well I read them, but what I got was that the committee is considering letting Kavanugh go, i.e. not voting for him to be appointed (maybe they feel it would cause too much trouble because of the sexual assault allegation issue going on? Just a guess, not an insight:) ). I saw that there would be a voice of 'courage' in the committee standing up for doing something right. In the end Kavanaugh would be left out in the cold and somewhat ' isolated', which seemed imposed on him rather than him choosing that, which means they don't vote for him. I drew clarifying cards which seemed to echo these cards.

I first felt the courageous voice was from within the committee, trying to do something good, but it could perhaps be the courage of the sexual assault victim testifying?. The cards could also have been interpreted to mean that Kavanaugh is considering removing himself from the nomination (courage to let go...?) but that wasn't what I was feeling (as indicated above), and is an afterthought.


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I think it likely a cold and politically calculated choice by the GOP to let Kavenaugh go. The GOP is hemorrhaging educated suburban women. That would become a flood if the GOP forces Kavenaugh in. They know that.


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I just heard news that there are more victims coming out to testify against Kavanaugh.

I feel that the #metoo movement is working.

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Posted by: MAS1581

Does anyone get a read on Trump's play today? He seems calm(for him) and said that he stands by Kavanaugh and if it takes time, then it takes time. That does not make sense in his world seeing as how everyone is aware a "blue wave" is coming at the polls. The only thing that keeps coming to me when I look for his motive here is that whatever play is going to be made regarding rigging the November elections is already enacted and running as planned. I fear there is something I am not able to see that is headed our way though. He is way too calm for such a paranoid, trigger-happy, person.  This is one of those all too common times, for me at least, where present logic and feeling counteract each other.

MAS, when I read your post, I got a bad feeling and flashed on what feels like a darkly diversionary "plan." Maybe some kind of military action intended to incite fear and rally the populace around questions of security? I hope to hell I'm over-reaching here, but I just did a nine card spread with this question in mind and it didn't look good. 

I'm happy to share the cards and their positions, if anyone's interested. I also took a photo.


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Vestralux,  what you read makes all too much sense to me. A Reichtag fire worked perfectly before and 9/11 was a great reference as to how Americans will react to one. I think someone even predicted it on here if I remember correctly. If you read thru all the upcoming oredictions here, you can put together a scenario that would make many come true at once. Russia/Trump pair to attack the power grid right before the election, giving time for votes to be messed with and someone else to be blamed. GOP gets what it needs-both wins and a common enemy for all to rally behind. It would also open up a scenario where they can possibly access Mueller's evidence that is electronically stored or plant something in it that would further push their witch hunt claim. 


It would be found out, of course, but it creates an even bigger issue to uncover. This could also lead to evidence that many others in congress/senate/vp were involved and explain why Pence isnt being seen as the replacement for Trump. 

All completely speculative with just logic and no intuition but if it did go down that way, I wouldnt be surprised. 

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Call me an optimist, but while there's some historical precedent and certainly fitting character profiles to indicate the possibility you just laid out, I don't see Putin's plan for the overthrow of democracy being successful—at least not here. As tainted and traumatized as our brief history has been, I'm a believer in Manly P. Hall's, The Secret Destiny of America, and I feel the up-swelling support of many beings in light.    

Still, it is always darkest just before the morning alarm shouts, "Time to wake up, fool!" 

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I dont see it working but they definitely have confidence in their ability to pull it off. This is way too big a dragon to even try to slay unless you have full confidence. 

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Mas, Hillary Clinton appeared on Rachel Maddow tonight; I was just listening to it online. Apparently, she's added a new portion to her recent book, What Happened, and the crux of the content is that she believes the coordinated overthrow of democracy is exactly what they're planning. 

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In my Read the Positive Future class last night, most of the group hung around at the end and asked questions and I threw cards.  On Kavanaugh, I got that he will be very disappointed at how it goes for him.  But it's easily possible that it only means that he is devastated at how his character has been torn to shreds, not that he isn't confirmed.  I looked at him in January, and saw he was bitter about it all.  Still I did hear in my head when first looking at this situation the word "confirmed."

By the way, I see that Senator Susan Collins of Maine  is in a pickle right now.  If she votes for him, the dems have already raised $1 million to defeat her in the next election.  If she doesn't vote for him, the Right has promised to knock her out in the primaries, although I don't think they will be able to do that if that haven't done it already. If I were her and only cared about her ability to stay in office, I'd vote against Kavanaugh.  

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Vestralux, I saw that as well last night. If that is the full spectrum, someone outside the US should recognize it as Putin being scared of his own democratic revolt. That is the weakness in the Putin armor and can be fairly easily exploited by a strong campaign into turning the Russian public onto democracy.

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Posted by: Jeanne Mayell

In my Read the Positive Future class last night, most of the group hung around at the end and asked questions and I threw cards.  On Kavanaugh, I got that he will be very disappointed at how it goes for him.  But it's possible that it only means that he is devastated at how his character has been torn to shreds, not that he isn't confirmed.  I looked at him in January, however,  and saw he was bitter about it all.  Still I did hear in my head when first looking at this situation the word "confirmed."

By the way, I see that Senator Susan Collins of Maine  is in a pickle right now.  If she votes for him, the dems have already raised $1 million to defeat her in the next election.  If she doesn't vote for him, the Right has promised to knock her out in the primaries, although I don't think they will be able to do that if that haven't done it already. If I were her and only cared about her ability to stay in office, I'd vote against Kavanaugh.  

Let's throw some cards on Susan Collins. I'm willing to give it a try. I won't peek at this Forum until I have something to post.

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Throwing cards on Susan Collins.

Collins inner feelings now about the controversy: In the Thoth Tarot, I get the Princess of Disks. This is Diana or Artemis, the Goddess of the Hunt, the virgin goddess  of the woodlands and protector of childbirth.  Diana, is a protector of women.  Diana never married and was a feminist at birth. Diana presides over the woodlands, like Collins who presides over a rural wooded state.  

The way the card looks, Collins is deliberating.  She will weigh the evidence meticulously. Her  inner self, her conscience, is with the female accuser.   So if Collins votes her conscience, she will vote against the nominee. She feels his accuser is telling the truth.  She also feels that men need to get the message everywhere that what boys and men do, even in  high school, will follow them their whole lives, just as their female victims are stuck with the trauma their whole lives. 

But throwing more cards on how she will vote,  she will not vote her conscience. If she feels there isn't enough evidence, she will say she is satisfied that Kavanaugh has not been proven guilty just as she said she was satisfied that Kavanaugh told her that Roe v Wade was settled law (even though he contradicted that years earlier).  

Bottom line: Collins'  pattern is to latch on to what she can claim makes her decision above reproach, even it she turns out to be wrong. So if Kavanaugh votes to overturn Roe v Wade, she will say he went back on his word and it is not her fault. The same goes with this attempted rape situation. She will claim that she made the right decision given the information she had, even though she knew in her heart, that Kavanaugh was a molester and lied about it. 

But at this time,  her vote  is not decided and will depend upon how good a job the GOP is able to do to discredit his accuser in the public's eye. 

I ask how she feels about it all when she goes to bed at night and what her goals are. It says she  cares most about being highly regarded, more than about doing the right thing. She wants to do the right thing but it's second on her priority list. She wants go down in history as a hero for her people (Prince of Wands).    But I feel she is not strong enough to stand up to the GOP if it comes down to her gut feeling about Kavanaugh against their ability to blast away at the accuser.  

Bottom line: the decision still wobbles and Kavanaugh may well end out getting confirmed. Nevertheless,  he will still be bitter about what happened to his reputation. Before he ran for POTUS, no one, including his wife and kids, except his victim, knew what he did. Now everyone knows what he did.  

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I just did a reading on Collins, too. I've been using the Robin Wood Tarot for these political readings.

In my reading, Collins appears to be nostalgic for her party's past and what she sees as its former integrity. She's yearning for its resurrection, and wants to see a more functional legislature. She's trying hard to be faithful and loyal (Page of Wands in position of outward characteristic), but Trump is overwhelmingly on her mind.

Trump shows up in my readings as the Nine of Cups (smug, self-satisfied merchant, wearing red). When I asked for clarification on how Collin's views Trump, I used The Spiral Tarot, and drew the Devil. In that deck, the Devil is depicted as a tall black demon lording over three forlorn or horrified women. 

Collins is concerned about Russian influence. Putin shows up in my readings as the King of Cups. The clarification card was the Moon, so she appears to be concerned about the revelations of conspiracy related to her own party. She also got the Hanged Man, so I believe she's feeling torn and indecisive, and is concerned about the future of her home state (she may be planning to leave office on her own soon) and wants to leave it positioned well, but is worried. 

In the outcome position, she got the Wheel of Fortune. In this deck, women's faces are depicted between each spoke of the wheel. Going clockwise and descending to the bottom of the wheel, each face becomes progressively sadder and more despairing. But at the top, she is bright and smiling, and her hands are raised in victory. Clarification was good news arriving after much hard work.

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I did a 7-card horseshoe spread to address the specific question of what Susan Collins is facing regarding potentially confirming Brett Kavanaugh. I humbly asked the Universe to share with me what we need to know. I used the Hanson-Roberts tarot deck.

The first card, the Past, the King of Swords. The suit of swords rules thought and intellect. The background is that she is poised to be analytical and weigh the situation.

The second card, the Present, Strength, Reversed. Is there a lack of confidence? Is she strong enough? Too strong?

The third card, What is helping, Ace of Swords. The essence of truth, poised for a breakthrough. Will Christine Blasey Ford have the opportunity to present her accusations?

The fourth card, Obstacles, the King of Cups. A person of authority who calms turbulent waters. Who is this person influencing the situation? Is it Senate Majority Leader McConnell attempting to hold everyone to the party line? Is it Senator Chuck Grassley snuffing out any attempt to have a full hearing?

The fifth card, Attitudes of others, 10 of Cups. Are these her Republican colleagues offering her happiness, fulfillment, harmony if she stays in the fold?

The sixth card, What she should do, Ace of Cups. The essence of emotion, indicating new beginnings. Grab onto hope.

The seventh card, Outcome, 10 of Pentacles, Reversed. Loss of money, relationships, security. Does she reject BK, losing support and status among her Republican colleagues?

I wonder if I bit off more than I could chew. I’m interested in feedback.

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Snowbird, thank you for sharing. I think your reading of the cards is clear and unmuddied—insightful.

Let me add a little muck for the heck of it:

In my political readings, the King of Cups continues to show up representing the manipulative and scheming undercurrents at play in Washington, and specifically as a significator card for Putin. I believe many in the GOP want to see Kavanaugh seated because he's long been embedded in their world, and is therefore more likely to vote favorably (for them) on matters which may come to light regarding their actions while in office. So, when I see this king show up in the obstacle position, it reiterates to me the uphill battle Collins faces in her own party. The GOP is fighting to win at any cost.

The Ten of Cups, your card for the attitude of others, continually shows up in my readings as a representation of the Republican party. They're the "party" of "family values" and of "marriage is between a man and a woman!" (the card imagery kind of says it all). I agree with you; party favorability is probably heavy on her mind.  

When I see your sixth card, the Ace of Cups, I also see compassion and the feminine. In the what she should do position, I'd say it's clear—and I believe she can feel the truth of it.

In the outcome position, the Ten of Pentacles (to me) represents generational money and the status, power, and political influence it pays for. It's the very embodiment of the GOP (and much of DC generally). I'd say a reversal of the card in this reading doesn't look so good for them. 

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