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Brent Kavanaugh Supreme Court Nominee

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When Kavanaugh was first nominated, I didn’t feel extremely worried.  I felt like something would happen to either keep him off the court or he would be removed later.  I only became panicked after reading all the news about him.  It is hard to not feed into the collective fear, yet stay informed.  The fear keeps us in our head and unable to connect to our intuition.   Bret is the Forest Gump of the GOP. He was involved in every nutty underhanded thing since the 80’s including Vince Foster, torture, and warrantless surveillance.  He is certainly someone to make us all terrified.

Last week on separate days,  I pulled the Two of Wands twice for him in a new deck I am using.  I wasn’t sure what to make of it, so I looked up the traditional meaning.  It basically says there can be no marriage between wealth and prestige and physical suffering.   I think that means he won’t be allowed to achieve his dreams while destroying others.  An alternate meaning said a young lady would have trivial disappointment.  I immediately saw an image of his daughter.  Also, I believe it was yesterday, he had invited the girl’s basketball team he coaches to watch the proceedings.  I got a creepy feeling around him and these girls.  Ughhh. Let’s hope the trivial disappointment is that Coach Kavanaugh is not confirmed.  I woke up in the night and thought that I should look at the Two of Wands in an older deck that I have.  I could not find that card even after flipping through the whole deck twice.  So I shuffled and drew another card.  It was The Star.  Hope.  After that, I looked again and found the Two of Wands card right away.  That deck says the meaning is harmony of rule, courage, and justice.  I keep seeing Corker or Flake.  Are they going to stand up on their way out for what is right?





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Lynn, I was wonder when will his past catch up with Kavanaugh? When that happens, do you see, in the future, that Kavanaugh and/or Goursch resign? What do you see of Roberts?

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The Democratic Coalition has filed a criminal complaint against Kavanaugh for perjury. (Note: the judge who will review? Merrick Garland!)


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I can't make predictions. What I am able to do is, when I am deeply involved in a subject, I can get a feeling of how things end up. Sometimes those feelings are validated by external events, such as seeing things (a penny on the street, a white flower in an unexpected place) close to the time I was contemplating a certain subject.  That said, I don't get any feeling about Gorsuch. He may be on the court for the rest of a long life, or he may leave early, but I get nothing about him other than the usual feeling of not liking him or agreeing with his legal conclusions.

Roberts is fake. He cares about the way the court is viewed, but only because it is known as the Roberts Court, at least for as long as he is chief justice. But make no mistake, he is an extremist, and he will ultimately care more about making sure decisions are hard-right than about the integrity of the court. I don't get any feeling that he will leave, but I do get a visual image of him shrinking, like he can be made smaller or less relevant. That can happen if he is outnumbered by more liberal justices.

So we come back to Kavanaugh, or the seat he may fill. Again, this maybe wishful thinking, but I just don't think this whole thing is going to play out the way the folks on the right hope it will. He may get on, but if he does, I really feel it's going to be unpredictable in ways that will disappoint the right wing zealots who think they're capturing the court for a generation.

Finally, it is possible that the court is just going to end up being super extreme, and that Kavanaugh gets and stays on. But even if this happens, it will be a sort of be-careful-what-you-wish-for thing, because you cannot have the highest court be an instrument of the minority. If they start dismantling abortion rights, contraception rights, voting rights, decades of legal precedent, it will be lead to an incredible backlash that will be so disruptive it will lead to changes in the court itself, in ways we may not even be able to envision at this point.


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TaG22,    I’ve been getting the name Jeff Flake, Dan Coats and John McCain for several days. I believe Mr Flake could be a no vote for Kavanaugh. And Mr Coats wrote the op-ed about trump. That they were effected by the McCain funeral. I could be wrong but that’s what I feel.

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Armed with the clarity Jeanne gave me regarding the interpretation of reversed tarot cards, I did a 5-card cross this morning, using the traditional Rider-Waite deck, on how Kavanaugh is feeling at the moment. Card 1 (center): Queen of Cups reversed; Card 2 (left): Strength reversed; Card 3 (right): Justice reversed; Card 4 (bottom): The Emperor reversed; Card 5 (top): Knight of Swords upright. He's got three reversed Arcana and one reversed court card, and taking Jeanne's suggestion to read reversed cards as "Something isn't right", my immediate sense was that he feels he is in big trouble. 

The Queen of Cups is normally a loving, compassionate, calming energy, but reversed it's easy to see something isn't quite right: visually, the gentle stream flowing around her feet, upside down is released from its normal course and turns into a destructive force, not calming at all.

Strength reversed is Kavanaugh faltering, feeling unsure. Visually, I see the lion turning around and biting him-he has underestimated his own strength.

The Emperor reversed is authority and structure out of whack: Again, the visuals struck me, with the globus cruciger no longer resting in the Emperor's hand, it now looks like a bomb ready to drop. I find it interesting that the globus cruciger has always symbolized the power and authority of the Christian faith; I believe this is showing that he has betrayed his faith, and he will bear the consequences of that.

With Justice reversed the scales are now turned upside-down and the sword is pointed down indicating to me that justice is now working against him rather than for him. He has thought he would not be held to account for his dishonesty but now it may be his downfall.

Finally, the only upright card in the spread is the Knight of Swords, which indicates to me that the truth will come out in no uncertain terms. The Knight of swords is not a gentle teller-of-the-truth. He just tells it like it is, and this is what Kavanaugh fears will happen.

A lot of things that Kavanaugh thought would be to his advantage look like they are going to turning on him, and he is feeling the heat. He may still be confirmed, but it may be a pyrrhic victory.

Thank you again, Jeanne, for your help. It's almost like my spirit guides showed me this spread just to hammer home the role of reversed cards!

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Marley, wow, good reading. It is not just how you followed the suggestion on reversed cards, but how you allowed yourself to see movement (“I see the lion turning  around and biting him”) and how your imagination added to the visuals.   

Sounds like Kavanaugh is realizing that the release of his emailed statements during the Bush  era is worrying him.  

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Jeanne asked me to look at this, even though it isn't the sort of target I'm normally good at.

Sorry to disappoint everyone, but I got a very clear feeling that he gets confirmed. But there is an interesting twist. I also got a clear feeling that in the long run, it won't matter.

Why? This was the big surprise. Because in less than five years, the Supreme Court won't be the old Supreme Court any longer. I got a sense of a complete overhaul of the institution, including sending away all the people serving there and changing with new people.


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Maria, I feel that you are a reliable member in the community besides Zoron. When you say this is a surprise, is this going to be related to the air coming up from the drain when the water going down the drain? From the recent August readings, I see a shift for the better. Who will overhaul the SCOTUS?

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I think that many changes will result from all that has come about due to the current president. As unpleasant as the situation is, he has exposed weaknesses in the structures and the need for changes to the rules of government. It could very well be that changes come about due to the abuses that are now occurring in each of the branches and to the parties involved. In the same vein, changes were introduced in government after the Nixon administration. As far as the Supreme Court goes, changes could be made as far as lifetime appointments/term appointments and to the rules and processes for confirming judges to such offices. This is just a feeling on my part and not a prediction per se. 

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Maria and everyone, a complete overhaul may be exactly what's needed.  Our executive branch is corrupted and compromised. Our legislative branch is dysfunctional, hyper partisan, and more concerned with big donors than we the people.  And now it's pretty obvious the judicial branch is corrupted and compromised too.  McConnell stole a supreme court seat; he blocked Obama from appointing about 140-150 lifetime judges for lower courts, which is why Trump is having a major impact getting so many extreme right wing judges appointed; and now Grassley is circumventing time and process norms for getting Kavanaugh installed.  It's pretty alarming when nothing in our government is working as it's supposed to.  I guess we can thank you-know-who for forcing us to see this mess and finally mustering up the inspiration and energy to fix it.  Maybe we have to press the restart button.   

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All day Sunday whenever I thought about the Kavanaugh confirmation, I heard the phrase in my head, “It’s gonna be okay.”  I feel peaceful about this.  It might not play out the way we think it should, but it will be what is needed.  

I also had a strange dream about Kavanaugh Sunday night.  Not sure what to make of it.  I was hoping someone out there could make sense of it.  I dreamed that Kavanaugh and his wife announced they were leaving and going to South Carolina.  They had a popular gift shop that they were closing and many people were sad about that. His wife was a different woman in the dream that his real life wife and hugely pregnant.  He said they would leave once the baby was born.  They also had two toddlers that I was told slept in the attic.  Then I saw Chuck Grassley and heard a voice say, “It’s the obstruction, stupid.”


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My feeling was that the overhaul of the Supreme Court isn't going to happen on this presidential term, but the next one. (I don't have a clear sense of who is going to be the next president, I think it's somebody who isn't a well-known name right now.) It's definitely related to everybody realizing how dysfunctional the US government has become. It won't be the only reform in the government, but probably it will be the biggest one.


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TaG, when you heard "It's gonna be okay," I think that Kavanaugh might be incompetent. I think your dream meant that there is a scandal that will take Kavanaugh down. Judge Garland will eventually end up with valid evidence against Kavanaugh, likely when Mueller drops a bombshell after the midterms. Eventually all documents will be released and possibly leaked. He will be gone after 2021 the latest after Trump loses his second term bid. I live in New York, I feel that the local government will at as a shield against any unfavorable rulings from the SCOTUS. But I could be wrong as I am not good with interpretation dreams.

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Thanks for the insight, Enkasongwriter.  I totally agree more info will be coming out that will take down Kavanaugh.  I also think New York is going to play a big part in bringing down the Trump family.  Something about the pregnant lady in my dream kept nagging at the back of my brain.  I knew I should know her, but couldn’t place her.  Something clicked when you mentioned NY’s role in this.  I looked up a pic of NY’s acting AG, Barbara Underwood.   My first thought was she reminds me a little bit of Justice Elena Kagan.  Then, OMG!  I realized Elena Kagan was the hugely pregnant wife of Kavanaugh in my dream! ?.  I didn’t realize that she was from NY until today.  Elena was in the Clinton administration and worked on all the investigations against them.  Kavanaugh was working on the other side for Kenneth Starr and was the one pushing the conspiracy theory about Vince Foster.  A good story on this is “After investigating Clinton White House and Vincent Foster’s death, Brett Kavanaugh had a change of heart.”  Elena then came back and worked for Obama.  She knows all about the Brettster.  I think she may be about to “deliver the goods” on him.  The toddlers in the attic may be stuff Mueller has that he has been working on, but is still tucked away from the public’s view.


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Wow, TaG22, love your interpretation and the backstory. Finally something that would take Trump off the front page.

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Love your dream and the interpretation.  Whatever Kavanaugh has fathered that is  hidden in the attic, they are going to come to light.  And Elena’s got one too. 

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Diane Feinstein is now confirming she received a letter from someone with new information about Kavanaugh.  She has referred the letter to the FBI for further investigation.

Here is an excerpt from one article about this latest turn of events.  There is more reporting about this online available as well.

Senate Democrats have referred a letter concerning Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to the FBI for investigation.

"I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. That individual strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter further," Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said on Thursday.

"I have honored that decision. I have, however, referred the matter to federal investigative authorities," she continued.

The above article adds that "sources"  have indicated that the letter was forwarded by an individual affiliated with Stanford University and that the information involved an incident involving Kavanaugh and a woman while they were in high school.

Let's hope the FBI investigation isn't stymied by the WH.

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11th Hour cliff hanger: Jeff Flake says he wants to delay the vote until they have interviewed the woman who accused Kavanaugh of molesting her in high school. Sending light to this woman (her name is Christine Blasey Ford) to give her the power to reach the American people and the Congress with her truth. 

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I think there are more women out there who will come forward. I said when I saw him at the confirmation hearings with the basketball girls he coaches, that I got a creepy feeling.

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