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Thank you Zoron. 

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Jeanne, thanks to you and your developer for fixing the posting issue.

I love the discussion here about when we should read and what we should read as much as I love having the opportunity to practice my psychic skills without directly impacting a situation- much like Runestone said.  As far as reading a murder, it is icky, but I got quite a bit out of this one.  I don't always get super detailed information, spirit gave me a lot on this one.  I trust when I get a lot, l must be supposed to be reading it.  I also do grounding and cord cutting after a particularly icky read, and do shielding before I go into a reading.  I looked at this as me playing detective in a murder mystery movie, and most of the emotional impact was kept at bay.  

Thank you all for what you are doing here!  I think I may have found my tribe .

Jeanne Mayell, RunestoneOne, Michele and 9 people reacted
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Thank you, Zoron.  Great post.  You may now consider my mind blown.  You've actually touched on some subjects I've been thinking about lately, from the mindset of far right extremists to Salem witch trials to our audience in the spook complex.  There's one branch of my family that leans so far to the right that they rub minds with the fascistic fringe, one even writes extremist propaganda for a living.  A few of them have tried calling themselves Independents to try to distance themselves from Trump, but they support everything he's doing, all the authoritarian moves and all the wackadoodle Republican conspiracy theories/diversionary tactics of the day.  I think if you quack like a duck, walk like a duck and think like a duck, you might as well call it as it is.  And they all share a rigid, moralistic mindset, thriving on anger and hate.  You are absolutely correct in seeing the extreme right behavior as a personality disorder.

Just two days ago, I started trying to remember which of my ancestors was accused of witchcraft during the New England witch trials and dug into the family genealogy to check it out.  Oh, those rigid, legalistic, right wing Puritans!  Turns out there was more than one ancestor involved, both men.  One of my ancestors was "examined" in one of the Salem witch trials and another was convicted in another trial.  The convicted ancestor saved his life by escaping to Rhode Island, evidently a more live-and-let-live colony.  I've always traced my ability back on a Scottish ancestral line, but evidently, there was more than one branch with "skills."

As far as our watchers at the federal level...I wondered what you've been picking up, so thanks for that info.  It's comforting to read your take on this and to know that we in this group are bonded by light and the protection of light.  Well, well, well.  We can watch them right back.

Blessings to you, Zoron.  Glad you are well again!

Jeanne Mayell, Michele, Tee and 5 people reacted
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Exactly what I soon as I could.  I did a ginger tea with calming herbs, lavender Epsom salt bath, shot the negativity out and away! Oh and candles! Flame to burn and mutate away any vapor.  Felt like a new woman as the old one went down the drain ? There have been times when using this technique that my physically clean body actually left horrible black waterline ring. That's when you really know how much ick was attracted and drawn in. Ugh..out out all of it!

And Runestone1.. a lesson to me...I've been detaching those cords with gardening shears! I want and need a less 'fed up with them' all better version of  me. I think I'll use kid gloves so they don't hear me coming and gently and hopefully permanently from now on..detach them!!!!

RunestoneOne, Gigi, Kim K. and 3 people reacted
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I wonder what you mean when you said that many of the evangelical christian zealots today are the descendants of people involved in the persecutions of the Salem witch trials.  Does social conservatism and paranoia run in families for centuries? If so then I'm screwed lol my family is not known for their brilliant insights and open mindedness. Modern day New England is a much more open minded place and modern day Salem is funnily enough a center for new age and occult activities. I'm guessing the paranoid puritans moved off from new England at some point because there's not too many of them living around here now.

BlueBelle and BlueBelle reacted
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Zoron- Great post and explanations! 

Regarding authoritarians:  I understand that there are also gross brain differences between liberals and authoritarians. Liberals have a larger anterior cingulate gyrus (good for taking in and processing new information) and authoritarians have a larger right amygdala (good for processing emotions/fear).  Which is the physical level reason behind the historical fear of 'us.' They fear the 'Other'. And we are that. We are more. 

My theory is that the Feds likely will struggle to duplicate what we do here under their "command and control" formal structuralism.  That is trying to put lightning in a bottle.  

Which is not to say I decry their efforts. Structures dedicated to law, order, truth, playing well by society's rules are a good thing. Those are the skeletal bones around which the meat of culture can form.  

But we're *different.* We're the anterior cingulate gyrus, we have a different function, we need different things to operate well.  I have my doubts that that will be functionally understood by the Feds. 

Ya can't stuff a pack of recruits in a room and tell them to 'go be psychic' on cue.  Won't work. 

Have to go be psychic now & find the partner's wallet.


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Michele, Natalie, Runestone, well, we really sounded off on the last RV target!. I think we scored a hit there. The whole exercise developed a certain amount of distress though. This was not a pleasant process. 

Well, re the Salem thing,  We are looking at an evangelical hard line conservative Christian backlash. There are some right wing xtian  Repugs, who actually believe in rthe existence of aliens, and UFO's but denounce them as "Devil creatures". ( I kid you not). They, and the people who vote them in, are exactly like that. Runestone, the neurology of neo-cons is now fairly well established, via research. The general situation with them is essentially helpless. But the Guys at the Office of the Director of national intelligence, are being very pragmatic. They are simply looking at methodologies that assist INTEL gathering. So an interesting situation. Since AI is not yet at the level where it can do PRECOG and RV, lert alone intuition, and is not going to be, for perhaps a century, we have the field to ourselves. 4.1 million hits now, and rising, on this site. way ahead of the other  psychics online. The reason is, I think, that we do not misuse our gifts for entertainment, or sensationalism, but for seeking truth. plus  we look at the very serious issues of real life. 

With regards to the next RV, I am posting it tonight. look on the RV topic. it is a bit calmer, simpler, and very much an exercise to see where our  limits might be. The first RV was Mars, (but a double blind target). The second was a past event, (Airliner crash in the Indian Ocean)  The third one was the tragic Toronto murders. The fourth one, tonight, is an attempt to peer into the future, withy RV. We are going to go to the decade of 2030 to 2040, and see what we can see, at a highly specific location. all these are to be considered training, to develop our abilities, as a crew. Its a nice, easy, stress free target. But  will whet  your interest. Go for it!



Jeanne Mayell, RunestoneOne, Gigi and 5 people reacted
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I'm with you, Jeanne.

As an empath, this type of thing completely debilitates me. Recovery is difficult.

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