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comment on the climate denialists and the recent claims that temperature will not go too high.

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Zoron says: 

Hi, I am re-posting here my response about the recent claims that the climate change will not result in high temperatures. I think this is too important to miss. On here, we are blessed, or cursed, depending on how you look at it, at a clear vision of what is to come, as the climate disaster unfolds. We have posted on this site so many visions, all of which are fairly clear, and support each other, at what will happen. I wrote this entry  on my slot on here, as a repost, with extensions. That way it gets seen. Responses extremely welcome. This site is absolutely not a Hollywood type celeb site, it does serious stuff!. 

Basically, the claims in the media the last few days that the temperature will not go too high, are clever scientific fraud. They have simply excluded from the work data that might show that they are wrong. more on this later. Horribly, this site has a better grasp of things to come, than some scientists in the business. Well, I am in the business. To quote from the film Bladerunner, "I am the business. ". you should know that there is growing anger behind the scenes at what has been published. It is not correct. We are going to correct it. 

So, meanwhile, I am working on a larger post re climate. In the meantime, the calculations of my own group, are very clear. We are now about nearly  two and a half degrees above the point where the climate started to get lots of carbon dumped into it from industrialisation. We now call this the "Departure base point", not the "Pre-industrial benchmark", which has a wobbly credibility now. The actual  truth is that we are now above the two degrees of the Paris Climate Treaty. Thats our present temperature. The temperature is going up now, (Global average) at about a tenth of a degree per year. This is because of the huge increases in local Arctic temperature, where heat is rising at about one degree per year, but accelerating as well. In many parts of the Arctic, now, winter temperatures are now about 30 C higher than before. There are now Summer heatwaves. The Greenland glacier is breaking up and sliding into the sea. In about 25 years, the average rise from where we are now, will be another two and a half degrees. You have to add to this the roughly two and a half degrees we are already over the "Departure base point". That's about, say, five degrees. Enough to collapse the planetary food supply. Unlike most people working on climate, I can use my Psychic abilities to foresee what is going to happen. So I fully endorse Jeanne's glimpses of the future and what is to come. It freaks me out, but now we have to think of survival, as the changes are accelerating and for practical purposes, cannot be reversed. What we can do here is to foresee, spread the things we discover, and ensure that they inform the public debate. I am sorry to be so bleak, but Jeanne is right. We have to speak out at what we see. Apparently about four million people agree with us, as that is now the hit rate for the site. We are doing a public service.  So I hope to do a lot more on climate predictions, and to try and get some group  sessions going, to complemeent Jeanne's excellent work. In the meantime, I thought it important that you know. Straight from one of the actual "Bladerunners". 

RunestoneOne, Brandy, BlueBelle and 11 people reacted
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Thanks Zoron.  It's especially important to share the truth on this site, no matter what it is.  Truth plus psychic ability is a bonus.  Those of us who live here in the U.S. are in a very strange, upside-down environment where science is now routinely ignored, denied or altered (by leaving pertinent facts out).  Even worse, and as you know, we have a head of state and a team of his loyal minions who believe that if a lie is repeated often enough it becomes truth.  "Fake news" has become the handy, maleable term for anything that remotely resembles truth.   We're going backwards at an accelerated rate.  It's deeply concerning.    

RunestoneOne, Laynara, BlueBelle and 3 people reacted
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Zoron, I have found, as an intuitive, that there is NOTHING scarier than sensing something out of the corner of your eye that no one else can see.  Having the truth front and center takes it out of the scary shadows.  I would far rather know the Truth, no matter how bad it is.  Then I can do something about it. I applaud your group's efforts to speak Truth to power.

Your post did lead me to wonder if the actual figures are being suppressed, in the same way UFO info is suppressed, in order to avoid frightening (or energizing) the populace.

