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North Korea, Trump, and kim, and the peace talks.

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Also, even though there was a strike on Syria in 2017, it was a limited one, and an admiral said there's no limited strike strategy on North Korea. He said it's either all-out or no war. I believe there's yet to be a resolution authorizing the administration to attack NK or Iran. They should know they'll be in bigger trouble to attack like that without an authority from Congress or the United Nations than without approval to officially declare war... even with some super hawks in the Trump Administration. We've had some pretty hawkish people in the Bush era and they had to get authority. 

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US forces are in combat around the globe without any new congressional authorization. In Syria there was even a recent attack by Russians against a US position. Trump isn't going to be constrained by Congress. Maybe he will be constrained by his generals but he has been systematically weeding out anyone who stands in his way.

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Laura F and Paul W, I totally agree.  The majority party has not said no to Trump yet.  He's emboldened, and he knows he can pretty much do whatever he wants -- unchecked.   We simply can't count on the majority party to wake up and do their duty or to provide any form of containment, and the minority party is powerless.  As Laura so intelligently pointed out, we've already been in four wars and at least seven unauthorized illegal military actions -- all without congressional approval.  And this was when our government was operating at a higher, more functional level.  Even more alarming, Trump is flushing out the adults in his cabinet and replacing them with the d-team -- war-hawks like Pompeo and Bolton and crazy unqualified trigger-happy people from Fox.  I hope Dillon is right.  I hope we need an authorizing resolution of some kind, but right now there are no clues that suggest normalcy or sanity will prevail.  And yes Jeanne, I'm hanging on to the vision that Trump will walk away or be removed, but my strongest sense is that this won't happen any time soon.  No one wants to piss off Trump's ardent voters, and the calvary is still protecting him with all their might.  A lot of damage can take place before Trump's outed, especially internationally.  

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I agree. It took me about three seconds after I posted the bit about the president needing an official congressional declaration of war, I realized The executive branch has gone around that Requirement repeatedly.

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Then how are we gonna avoid a nuclear war this year or even beyond? How is it that a nuclear one wouldn't happen, Jeanne?

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Dillon. I posted a detailed response to your initial worry last night both  here and on the prediction page. There are many ways that nuclear war would not happen. There are many ways that a nuclear would could happen too, mostly a blundering miscalculation by  president or his terrified adversary.  My hope is that a few people who read books are around him.  

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The situation Jeanne has outlined is a possibility. It is not yet a probability. It is quand feeling cornered ite possible though, and I am picking this up, that if the Korean crisis goes down into disaster, that there could be a regional nuclear exchange. If Trump does his pre-emptive strike, when the peace negotiations are found to be hollow, then kim will certainly take reprisals. The scale of the massive "Shock and awe" attack on north korea would probably lead to nuclear launches by Kim, against the American west coast, and also he would invade South korea and seize Seoul. This would be a huge international crisis. But i have to emphasise that this is an alternative timeline, it is not at the moment likely, and that at the moment, there are still chances of some kind of peace deal being achieved, along the lines of the Iranian Deal. But the dark element in all this is Trump. he is now clearly unbalanced, delusional, and very dangerous. The Koreans will not attack, unless seriously provoked. But as they say, if you stand next to a wasp nest and keep whacking it with a baseball bat, there will  be consequences. But things are a long way yet, from there. The mainstream timeline is running towards some sort of non-military solution. But Trump is unstable. He is a mad roman emperor. completely out of control, and without restraint from Congress. So the timelines could switch over abruptly. We are now all in the hands of fate. The Global community has been hijacked by a Mad American emperor.Cross your fingers. 

PS I have based the above on the timeline scans, and divination. But remember, the future does not happen, until it stops being the future, and becomes the present. Until then, everything, good or bad, is a probability. 

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I notice that in all the predictions that the people of the US, outside of the GOP do nothing. I find this hard to believe since everyone wants a gun to protect themselves from others and the gov't. if need be. Hasn't this always been their excuse? do Democrats do nothing? do the citizens that can see what is happening do nothing? just thought it was odd that everyone is scared but all seem to sit back and not try to do anything about it. I find it hard to believe that all the people in this country will just allow Trump to take over. is there no one fighting back?

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Brandy, I don't know what you mean when you say that people "do nothing." You wrote, Democrats do nothing? do the citizens that can see what is happening do nothing?   There is a very high level of activism in this country. There is a large and tirelessly working press corps who do the research and write all the stories that tell us what is going on. There are activists organizing, calling on their representatives, building programs that take care of those who are being harmed or bullied, or need assistance, the elderly, the poor, immigrants, lawyers swarming the polls to make sure they are fair, people knocking on doors to get out the vote, this entire website is devoted to raising awareness which is doing something.  

What do you mean, do nothing? 

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Last Dec., a psychic predicted some sort of warfare with NK by late winter early spring -- with missiles flying. Perhaps after a first strike by the US.  CA in play again. Does this line up with Zoron, Zoron?

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MizMargo -  I live in San Diego, so when the psychic talked about missiles hitting near the coast here, I can say that I know why. There's a big tactical submarine base here, right off our coast, near Coronado island, which is just a few miles north of the border with Mexico. My husband, who works with (not for) government agencies says that that base would be the most likely target in this area. He also has an app that can calculate blast/force ranges of different nukes deployed at ground, air or water. If NK does manage to hit that base, with their existing weapons, it wouldn't be complete devastation of this area. But yes, we'd all have to get in our cars and leave to go East to get away from the fallout.

The psychic does say the 5 missiles in her vision could represent change. I wonder if this might end up being Kim and/or his emissaries coming to the US to meet Trumpito, or a combo of NK and SK people coming to talk about a peace agreement.  

The nightmares and visions I have had around nuclear explosions around here I mostly perceived to be false flag - that Twitler would blame NK to use it to launch full nuclear war on the Korean peninsula. In any case, I hope her vision was more symbolic than literal.

I also think part of the madness in US government right now all goes back to the 1950s. Not only do they want to roll back any progress made, they also want to get a "redo" on certain things, like the Korean War (which was an undeclared military action, for those keeping track). They want to turn the clock back on EVERYTHING because of fear - of their own individual  mortalities, of the growing minority becoming majority, of the power of the feminine divine, and fear of loss (both material and emotional). It's as if they want to erase the 1960s and everything good that came after.

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I would like to discuss an aspect of any "peace talks" that Americans don't seem to appreciate. Namely, the United States can't be trusted to keep their word. I assume that we are on track, for instance, to pull out of the Iranian nuclear deal (which will spark a nuclear arms race in the Middle East). We have pulled out of TPP and are threatening to pull out of NAFTA. Nobody is going to take us seriously any more. Pundits will drone on about whether talks with NK will be successful or not but there can be no successful outcome thanks to Trump.

Laynara, LalaBella, Jeanne Mayell and 3 people reacted
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Agree. And already the talks with NK are off since trump has now imposed conditions that he knows NK can’t meet. As always trump made a unilateral ignorant decision without getting any advice from experts.  

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Paul W & Jeanne - OK, was trying to focus on more positive possibilities... but you're right. I'll just go back to my nuclear nightmares now (of which I literally just woke up from one).

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Dillon, where exactly on this website is Zoron's  March 20 prediction of a Catalina Island sub? I see that  Bluebelle had seen way back in a July 27, 2017 reading we all did together online that a submarine would be spotted in May 2018 and also another one of us saw that in May 2018 there would be trouble brewing with North Korea.  We know that NK has subs all over the place, as does the U.S., Russia, China, and many other countries. 

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Another thought to what I wrote to Brandy about all that is being done:

  • Bloomberg has raised three trillion dollars for sustainability projects.
  • Scientists and women and teenagers are running for office now.
  • This past week when a Republican candidate for a Maine office who was running unopposed made some gay-bashing remarks about  Emma Gonzales, the Parkland teen whose gun control speech got national news -- another Parkland teen tweeted an appeal to get Mainers to run against him.  There was just one day left to get signatures and put one's name on the ballot.  And two people immediately rose to the occasion, got the signatures, and  put their names in to run against him right before the deadline.  That's activism.  
  • The list of people doing something is very long.  We need to document it so we don't feel so helpless. 

Brandy, if I've misunderstood your comment,  I apologize. 

And if I've interpreted you correctly, then I want to thank you for speaking up and expressing your frustration.   I hope that getting a long list of all the good people are doing will help.  

The office of the U.S. President has got way too much power at this point.  People are writing about this problem, proposing bills,  and trying to find ways to change it. But it can't happen overnight. It took decades for executive powers to build up like this, and it take time to reign them in.

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sorry, I didn't mean currently. I meant if we get to the point where Trump actually takes over. even though people are doing things now it doesn't seem to be changing the timelines. I guess what I was thinking was, will people stand their ground against the gov't. and fight back if it comes to that.

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I was responding to you Jeanne. I thought if I hit reply under your post it would show up there. And why does this always go to the last post posted  instead of where one leaves off. You have to scroll back to see which is the last post that you read.

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Hi Brandy,  to your question about the wordpress forum application I'm using --  At the moment, I don't know how to set it up so that it layers the threads.  Maybe there is a way to do that.  I will check it out. I agree it is problematic that it puts everyone's comments at the end of the queue. 

To your other question, we are in a battle right now. I believe the light will prevail, and our predictions indicate Trump falls by the end of next year and he falls hard.  But we don't really know for sure what will happen nor can we know if the events people are doing now are changing the prediction timelines.  The events people are doing now may have been factored into the timeline or maybe they are changing the timeline.  It's a great mystery that we are dealing with.   And it's so complex, i.e., all the things people are doing and thinking and projecting, that it's not possible to track it all.  We are in our infancy as regards the workings of consciousness.  One thing that seems to be happening is that as the progressives do more to bring about positive change, the dark forces are upping their game too.  Then the progressives up their game. I can feel my own energy getting lighter and stronger.  I feel the energy of people on this website getting brighter and stronger.

It's a huge metaphysical battle!  And I know we will win. Truth and light always wins eventually, but then the dark circles back, and the battle continues.  Timing is the hardest thing to know.  The early special elections indicate that something positive is happening. 

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I stumbled across this article today and while it is from last year, it is an amazing testament to the power of peaceful protest by the South Korean people and is an example of how we can change the situation both here (so many parallels to our own current government) and on the Korean peninsula.  Hope is with us.  Do not despair.

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