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The fate of the Earth. Prediction/RV task.

Illustrious Member Registered
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Hi, Zoron has set up a prediction/RV task regarding the abrupt climate change that is now happening in the Arctic.


This is a very worrying development. I have discussed it with Jeanne, and we have agreed that we should do a special RV/prediction on this one. What we want is any insights into the situation over the next 12 months, until Spring 2019. please look at not just the Arctic, but other global effects that are a "Knock-on" from what is happening. Thanks. 


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The first thing that popped into my head was a long hot summer in the mid-west with a drought.  I've been feeling this for a while and am working on new awnings for my house. (We live in west-central Illinois)

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Paul, many thanks. This is exactly the kind of effect that I was talking about. The climate scientists themselves are not at all sure what the implications of this are going to be, except that  we are looking at huge and very fast changes in weather patterns, rainfall, etc. Keep it coming!


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For the countries in the Alps I have the feeling that we are going to face a partially very hot, but mostly very wet summer with many floodings. For the winter I get unusually low freezing temperatures - like this year, probably even lower.

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Aloha- I live in Hawaii and last night I dreamed of a giant storm surrounding the islands and the waves crawling high up upon land. The storm sirens were blaring and I saw many gathering in a large area, sort of like a mall, for shelter. As we made our way higher up on the mountain side, 4 monk seals, which are endangered here, came to my daughter and showed a forest underwater half of which was turning white. ( I took this mean the bleaching of the coral). One of the seals transformed into a young woman and spoke saying- what you are consuming is hurting us, but you must learn these lessons to be able to understand the bigger picture.

I have had many visions of the coming changes in Hawaii, both geo-physically, politically and environmentally. There are powerful earth gridlines here and it is a microcosm of the South Pacific. We are 90% dependent on imports for food and energy and have significant environmental damage from consumer tourism and chemical company testing. We are at the tipping point and climate change is effecting us at an incredible rate. 

I used to teach ESL at a local elementary. All my students migrated from an island in Micronesia that no longer exists as the ocean has covered it over making it an uninhabitable atoll. We have many 1,000s of climate change refugees and I see that food sovereignty is the going to be the most pressing issue for all islanders in the coming years. 

Would love to hear other insights on the ocean nations. 


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I just wrote this down… :

Ocean Nations will need to find ways to preserve their heritage and continue on Traditions/ cosmology. But I feel they will also have to find a way to merge into other nations because their homes will be taken from them and there is nothing we can do about it now. It’s too late. Obviously they already have and for the coming decades they (including Hawaii) must migrate. There is nothing to do yet to make these places inhabitable in the future. Keeping a cool head and finding ways how to grief this enormous loss while the visionaries of the ocean people must find a new way to hold close heritage and strategies to peacefully “blend” in other societies/nations. I say “peacefully blend in” because I think climate migration will be met with vigilant opposition (as we can see in the new rise of white supremacy ideals)… until humanity realizes that 65%of world population will be struck with the same fate — being climate refugees. This must start NOW! Ocean people absolutely can survive/ somewhat adapt to this but they must be vigilant. Their wisdom and intuition will be needed in the future to understand and fathom the “new” oceans. Preserve this wisdom!


This is what I get, the Oceans will change in their…. expression, intensity, characters, their spirits, their habits (for the lack of words)… if there is one people destined to understand this change it will be the descendants of ocean nations!


To the general question how this recent polar melt will play out, I find that this year’s weather will be highly unpredictable, almost reactionary. While the direction of the climate is clear, there is a violent unpredictable element to it. It will be reactionary weather for years, decades, probably hundreds of years but climate will eventually settle down. Just because the future events will stop humans from further interfering negatively with weather. But we and our grandchildren or their children will probably not experience a settling of climate…

The communication with the planet is always open! This organism will never abandon us, although shaken deeply and shaking us deeply. We are (literally and symbolically) woven in her very fabric, although we are relentlessly forgetting that we are made of her. She will not forget. All this love from her, even with our awful ignorance poisoning of the environment. Very painful…

BlueBelle, waterislife, KB and 5 people reacted
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I see the jet stream changing.  It's going to stay farther south east.  This means drought for the western part of the country.  Fires will be bad again in California and Colorado will see a bad fire season.  This extends to South America.  Peru and Chile will experience drought.  The east coast will see much more rain and flooding as will Europe.  Even Africa is going to get wet.  Apart from the polar ice caps melting, we're going to see more volcanic activity.  I think either Mt Saint Helen's, or Mt Hood is going to go active this year, possibly one in Chile as well,and one in Iceland.

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I actually dreamed recently that Mt Saint Helen's had a massive eruption! I feel that earth activity will be influenced by all this melting ice, not significantly so but there is a connection. I know there shoulnd't be any direct links between ocean levels and tectonic movement/ volcanic activity but there is something new, not yet discovered in how the elements on this planet influence each other.

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Every time I've thought about this RV challenge, I have seen fire, fires up and down the west coast of the US but also worldwide.  Because the fires damage the trees and plants protecting hillsides, the soil becomes unstable and there are more mudslides.  It's so hot and dry in different parts of the world, that lightening ignites more fires.    

For the Arctic, I see more melting, breaking up of ice, lots of ice crystals coming apart in clumps and gases rising into the air.  Surprisingly, there is a landmass beneath the melting ice that has never been charted before.  

There's a lot of weather instability, violent storms, high winds, flooding.  There's going to be more flooding in France, along the Seine especially.  Lots of damage.  The unstable weather patterns will produce both storms with heavy rains and yet droughts in other parts of the world.  The drought in South Africa comes to mind.  I think it will get worse later this year.    Oddly enough, South America gets through without much damage from violent storms, but they have more fires than normal on the west coast of the continent.   The Amazon is changing, but then it's been changing already because of deforestation hasn't it? I see more change in that river basin, but can't describe it, just that it's a significant change, something that has not happened before.

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Laminate,  I just posted my RV above before reading yours and other posts.  We were seeing the same thing!

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These RV's are crazy when so many of us hit the same things in blind readings.  

Tee, I actually think the earth is heating up internally, and this in addition to the green house gasses humankind has introduced to the atmosphere is accelerating the melting of the ice caps.  It is all related without doubt.  Loved your insights on our ocean nations.

We have a three acre fire in Colorado already.  Two years ago the fire season didn't start until May.  Looks like it's going to be a hot one.

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This year India will see a early summer. Rainfall will be unusual and untimely. In some cases agriculture will be negetively affected. Mumbai maybe severely affected by rain. East coast along with Bangladesh will be hit with cyclone. Northern states bordering Himalaya will face earthquake. Actually it is Himalaya which will see earthquake surrounding states/countries will be effected. Eastern Asia would also get hit by earthquake. Southern India will see good rainfall at the end of year. 

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I've waited this long to post because every time I tuned in I kept seeing the exact same image and nothing more.  

Big billowy storm clouds dominating the sky.
Sudden, violent storms rage all the time along the coast and other large bodies of water.
Lots of lightening - constantly flashing from very, very low storm clouds
Violent oceans
Very low, intrusive clouds over Lake Michigan at the Chicago shore
People can't walk along the lake in Chicago - too violent, too much lightening
Weather is preventing boats from docking along bays, oceans etc but inland is dry.  The storms are concentrated at the water lines where water isn't needed.

Lola, BlueBelle, Lola and 1 people reacted