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New remote Viewing task: Week six.

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Hi Crew:

We are running a little late at the moment: I should have posted task 6 on Saturday, to start last Sunday.

OK. here we go. 

The task is: ISRAEL. 


Natanyahu, Isreali Prime Minister.


What is his situation, and what is he planning, about Syria and Lebanon. What are the intentions, over the next six months, what happens, and what is the outcome?, eventually?


Does it escalate military action in the area, by Israel?. 

Does it lead to miscalculation, and mistakes, that trigger a general war in the middle east?

Does it lead to the Israeli's seizing, or attempting to seize, Lebanese territory? 

Does it lead to Russian intervention against Israel?. 

Does it lead to Iranian action against Israel?.

Does this action happen in Syria? lebanon? Israel itself?

Does this lead to an international crisis?

Does this lead to Saudi involvement?

What otherwise unforseen consequences will there by, in the next six months, or longer, as a result?

OK: clock started. This one will close at Midnight, next Sunday, as we overran the clock on RV 5

This is RV six. it starts now.


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Hi all,

Events here are moving very quickly.  What I knew before going into a meditative reading on this is that Israel attacked Syria on pretense of an Iranian drone flying into their territory.  Israel did significant damage to the Syrian air force.  Natanyahu is going to be indited - but I don't know what for, I'm trying to keep this reading from being influenced by news articles.

The first thing I saw in my meditation was the Dome of the Rock.  It is engulfed in blindingly bright white light.  I don't get the sense that this is an explosion.  This is a vision of the Spirit that is within the Dome and the light it emits to the world.  It is also a show that the Dome is being protected by the light.  It is at the core of the issues in the Middle East and is virtually impenetrable  

I see Natanyahu at a celebration with his family, there are children present.  It is a religious celebration.  Natanyahu is also meeting with trusted advisers at this event.  They are friends as much or more than government associates.  They are speaking of the future.  Natanyahu has a real sense of wanting to give children a good future.  I feel he is a good man who is being forced to work in an impossible situation.  He is going to involve the Saudis because he feels he has no other option.  He made a deal with the US (Kushner is front and center here) and can't see a way out of it without losing US support, which he needs - even though it is not what he wants.  He is losing control in the region, but there are things he will not let happen.  He will hold Iran away from Israel at all costs.  The attack in Syria was his best option for checking Iran and damaging firepower that could be used later.  I think he feels he will not be in power much longer and does not think his successor will be able to defend Israel the way he would.  

Iran will make a move in Israel that will lead to a broader war.  With the present cast, I don't see the situation cooling off anytime soon.  In the next six months, this will spill out to a much broader war.  I saw former President Jimmy Carter as a player who could change the situation there.  I don't know if he'll be allowed to step on the stage.  Pray that he can. 


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This one is a super hard RV.

My knowledge of this conflict-area is flawed but I don’t want to read up on the issue because I use this RV as practice. So excuse me if my stuff sounds ridiculous J

I think I’m doing better in scanning land/ territory than scanning a person but Netanyahu certainly has a egomaniacal and greedy whiff to him, but it’s almost as if he is swinging between rage and stone-cold calculatio.

I really can’t say what’s going to happen in the next 6months because everything is so inflamed and trends/ potentials/ outcomes (?) are changing speedily.

So, I’m just playing here:

Syria will be gone in the next few years, Assad might get taken care of…

Adjacent countries will certainly seize territory in Syria and it will be a melting pot of trouble.

Iran feels bullied and the pressure against them is building but they hunker down more than they become aggressive, because they actually are not as powerful and dangerous as made out to be…

The rich and powerful Saudis plan, among other shenanigans I can’t discern, their long-term climate migration… I think Iran’s climate is a little more forgiving if you know what I mean…

But the strongest feeling I get is that Israel as we know it will be gone by 2030, some drastic, difficult changes are going to happen around 2023-25 (?). And I sense in 2030 the area it will become much more subdued, calmer.

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Tee, that was an excellent RV scan. I generally agree with you. The Syrian situation is going to be decided in the next year. Much else that you say will take place, generally, in broad outline. Your viewing of 2023 to 2025 as key years I agree with. I think you have found the key event, happening in those years, that triggers the situation we discovered in our Group scan of washington  RV target, where in 2030 Washington was clearly in an emergency situation, and recovering from some sort of large scale serious event, that had damaged america. Later contributions posted on here have made me feel the two are connected. It is going to be a rough decade. Your comment on Saudi long term migration, is the key to Saudi intervention in Yeman. Yeman has high mountains, and a cooler climate there. I am forcasting temperatures of 60C in saudi, within 10 years, or less, on a regular basis, and there have been such instances already. Saudi and other gulf coastal cities will see 50C summer temperatures, that will make them uninhabitable in Summer, due to the high temperature and coastal humidity. We are talking no more than 10 years, for this to happen. Interesting that you picked this up. 

Good work. Zoron.

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Hi Zoron,

I approached this RV a bit differently, and tried to be more specific in finding answers to your questions.  Still, I rambled off and read further in tangents.  I also used a map of the Middle East.  So, this is my RV:

Netanyahu feels empowered by Trump’s declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel. He has the backing of the US government. At the same time, there is some agreement between the US and Russia about plans to intervene in the Middle East. They will coordinate their activities and allow Israel to attempt expansion. Netanyahu is emboldened to take measures that he never would have done with Obama in the White House.

Netanyahu attempts to expand Israel’s territory into Syria. I see Lebanon involved to some degree, but the real goal is Syria.  I keep seeing Syria.  There are more drone situations. Aircraft are shot down. An escalation of tension. Iran sends military aircraft over Syria. There are skirmishes between Israeli fighter jets and Iranian air force. The eventual outcome is a broader war in the Middle East engulfing other nations.

What is Russia doing? Although they have backed Syria in the past, I see Russia playing Syria as the patsy. The real goal with the US and Russia is to support Israel and Syria respectively and yet with minimal damage to either US or Russian major interests or military.  I think this backfires on both countries.

I keep seeing "faux war" that leads to real war.   Russia and the US use other nations as proxies, in order to draw in Iran. This seems like a pretty wild scheme and why American military leadership goes along with this, I don’t know. Russia has been allied with Iran in the past, but Russian allegiance is shifting.

Saudi Arabia is also drawn into the conflict, there's some agreement between the US administration and the Saudi royals on this.  There are major mistakes and the people of Israel suffer for those mistakes.  

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Hi Crew!

Well, this RV op closes as of midnight West Coast time, USA, 18th February.  So please get your info posted Natanyahu. before then. You can still post, on the topic, informally, of course. But we will be announcing next weeks RV topic tomorrow. It will be very interesting.

In the meantime, blusBelle, you were close to the others, on the Middle east and Natanyahu. 

I think that the readings we are getting via RV, are fairly accurate, but remember, the future does not happen, until it stops being the future, and becomes the present. What is clear is that the Middle east is becoming a dangerous place. In all this, I worry most about the Turks, and the Isreali's. 

If events follow the path we have outlined, then the other countries in the region will get drawn in, and Trump will have set the stage of a major conflict, on the scale of Iraq, which will get a lot worse, as time goes by. 

I had, for many years, pondered the prediction of "Mother Vanga", the Bulgarian prophetess. She saw a Turkish invasion of Bulgaria, (They have a common border) and a protracted war, that would draw in Russia. This will be very severe. It seems that these pre-cursor events, that have been seen by RV, are signals from the future, "Timewaves", that MIGHT happen, but not until further events happen, beforehand. but very worrying. I keep getting 2025 AD, as a significant date. in america, in that year, it will be wartime again. But this is not thsat date i get for the first  big war of Trump, in office. This is the war the RV is about, that happens, if it happens. this year. If it kicks off, it will be fairly short. But will irreversibly set the time line and path for thr larger, later ones. Comments, anyone?

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Zoron - I have hesitated in posting this week because I know so little of Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict other than they've been fighting over who rules what for hundreds of years.  At first I didn't think I would get anything during an RV but I did get some random visuals that may or may not mean anything.  They mean little to me due to my lack of knowledge.  However, these remote viewing exercises have had a significant impact on my life and for some reason that I am thus far unaware, they are important and I need to keep participating whether they are useful or not so, here are the random images I kept getting when viewing.

Man with big black mustache, black bushy hair and a large mouth showing a gap in his front teeth - he is laughing heartily - I think he is Turkish.  He is standing in a dark room with a church-like window opening behind him (no glass - just an open pointed arch).
Another man is present, his hands are tied behind his back, he is unhappy and quietly pleading - I believe he is Israeli - possibly Netanyahu. 
The Turkish man is just laughing at him.  Ridiculing him.
The Eiffel tower pops into view.  France may be ready to back the Palestinians.
The laughing man is getting bigger and more hysterical with laughter as the Israeli PM shrinks and shrivels.
The Israeli PM softly pleads, "I belong in charge. These people are children - they don't understand how to run a country.
Guns, that's all they care about, children - destroyers
I've worked so hard and it's all for naught. Poor me."
He looks slyly out the corner of his eye to see if it's having an affect.
The Turkish man stops laughing and begins to console the PM.
He's sorry, he didn't mean to upset the PM. "how can I help?" he asks
PM starts to slowly walk away hanging his head and now the laughing man who isn't laughing follows him asking how he can help.

This seems to be a pattern of manipulation.

Before the two men are completely out of the room a huge, towering Palestinian man walks in and forces the Turk and PM to back up.  The Palestinian is taking over.

The Eiffel Tower appears again.  Then the Capitol Building appears then Eiffel Tower and then Capitol Building bigger  - back and forth - in a battle of ownership over this issue.

I had some other random images of fighting in the desert but with no additional information or point of reference.

I look forward to the next exercise!


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KCKing, your response was excellent. please keep trying. You are getting, what others on here are getting. Your intuitions about the Turks, feel spot on. they too have their evil plans. I think we are in for a very nasty year in the middle east. Thanks Zoron.

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Zoron - thanks for the encouragement and all your insight.  I look forward to the next exercise.

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Michele - thanks for the links.  That's one of the things that I love about this group.  Shared information!  It pushes me to research more, learn more and embrace the knowledge!

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The main area of conflict seems to be Syria. It was a artificial state, now I see it as a battleground. Israel wants to create some buffer areas. Their main aim is to legitimize their status as a Jewis State. That's why they wanted to claim whole Jerusalem. Eviction of Palestinians are connected to rewriting history.Their all opponents have bitten dust except Iran. Now they want to wipe out Iran.

Iran isn't in a place to launch an open invasion. But, Iranian elites themselves looks like to be fighting among themselves for power. Internal conflicts within Iran and Israel(with all arab states) will not allow any of them to go to direct war.

War will happen no doubt, but it will be a hybrid war. With sanctions, false flag, regime change attempt etc. Small states like Lebanon and Jordon who have little geopolitical clout and almost no resources that can not be found any where are most vulnerable in future. War will eventually engulf them in next decade, they are the new battleground.

Russia and USA will fight from from behind the scenes. Putin won't directly invade any country, he's main objective is to safeguard Russia's security. Russia entered Syria because he feared ISIS's next target would be Caucasus(or Chechnya to be specific).




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Jimmy Carter has been (lightly I think) tapped as an emissary to North Korea.  I post this here because this is where I saw Jimmy Carter as a potential help towards peace in the middle east. And when I did the reading, I almost didn't include that because it came out of nowhere and seemed about as likely as an elephant taking flight.  Now I think more than ever we have a large contingent of light forces working against this darkness.

Pray that Jimmy can stay involved on the world stage as a peace maker ?

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