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Remote Viewing Task, week five. Sunday 4th February

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Hi Crew,

This is the latest RV task. It goes live today, Suntday 4th February. 

It finishes 10th February, at Midnight.

This is the most important one we have done, so far. It could have significant impacts.


Target: U.S. Director of National Intelligence Dan Coates and President Trump

Location: USA

Time: In the last few  weeks

Subject: Secret meetings of the USA President's top security people with Russian top spy officials. 


It has been confirmed that U.S. Director of National Intelligence Dan Coates and other U.S. Intelligence officials has recently had a meeting, in the United States, with the top three Chiefs of the Russian intelligence services.  The Russian chiefs were the head of the FSB (formerly the KGB where Putin had his training), and two other important spy figures. 

The meeting was not disclosed to the U.S. press.  We only know about it because the Russian news announced it and the A.P. picked it up and translated it. 

The State Department had to issue a presidential override to get one of the officials a US entry visa, which was being blocked because he is has been sanctioned by the U.S. as not being allowed in this country. 

When questioned by the U.S. press, the CIA director Pompeo said it was about counterterrorism, sharing ideas and some sort of cooperation  between Trump and the Russians. If you want, you can  watch Rachel Maddow's account on this. 

Please take great care in this task. try and get accuracy. But even small things, seemingly unimportant, may provide clues.

No one knows in the press what transpired in those meetings and what the Administration was up to in having them. See what you get.

Things like location, who else was there, issues, subject matters, etc. 

This is our most important RV task so far. 

You have until midnight on the last day.

Good luck.

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Maria, a very good hit. I do get however, that other issues were also on the agenda. I also get that this was/is not the only such meeting. Even at the height of WW2, the German Abweher and the  UK/USA were having wartime meetings, at very high level, in Lisbon. Such meetings are routine. Nothing here that is not of long-standing, and almost routine in International Relations between states. But there were other meetings, and this is part of a series. I do pick up that contacts took place at the recent DAVOS meeting in Switzerland, that Trump and Putin have a a special "Back-channel for communications, etc. Putin and Trump are both rivals, and also involved in cooperation on key issues, where the circumstances force them to meet and agree. In the classic words of Henry Kissinger, "Great Powers do not have Friends, only interests."  Putin and Trump have a personal conversation, that is standard, and comes with the job. Think of two wolves, having a conversation about Lunch. But they also have interpersonal links. being a World Leader is a very lonely business. They only have other senior World leaders, to talk to, who would actually understand, and have common interests. But hidden in all this, is a dialogue between Trump and Putin. Like it or not, they have only each other, to talk to. They are both rivals, and fellow prisoners of the Global system. Maria, I am impressed with your analysis, but it is incomplete. That is not a criticism, but an observation. See the context i have set all this in, above. Putin, by the way, was funding Trump and feeding him info, as Putin's absolutely key interest, was to safeguard Russia from Hilary Clinton, who was basically the machine candidate of the USA Establishment, and Deep State. She would have caused a large scale War, to advance the interests of those who funded her, and almost certainly, it would have got out of control, and led to War with Russia. Putin continues to safeguard Russia's interests, not America's. Trump ditto, but vice versa. I might also add that international leaders are like the classic TV series, the "Adams Family/Munsters". it is a Zoo for the Frankensteins of this World, and something of a nightmare. Also, all of them are caught up and trapped in the Global machine. 

Finally, this RV is still open. Further requests for information wanted. RV Operatives, to your Stations!. 

Thanks Zoron. 

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Germany's interests were also represented either in person or proxy.

It goes something like this: Germany had put sanctions on Russia due to Russian escapades in Crimea. Turkey is supporting the Islamic State in Syria somehow, and also pushing back at Russia for Crimea. Turkey stands in the middle with its fingers deep in Germany (I see underhanded grasping and pulling and twisting) ...German politics...Merkel, who has been a solid pillar defining Germany's position re: Russia/Crimea is now slipping. Trump is not able to move overtly to remove US sanctions against Russia, but there may be an opportunity to lean on Merkel and ease Germany's sanctions.  I get spy data. It feels like a combination of horse trading, and poker with cards being dealt "under the table."

The trade might be easing of sanctions for info on Turkey's fingers in Germany, gotten from Islamic State data by Russia. That felt like how the 'circle closed' when reading the situation. It's not a deal most of us would approve of, but also not specifically counter to how most of us would think of as US interests. It's a very Russian ploy--pay up or we'll let Guido (Turkey) break your EU girlfriend's pretty (German) fingers.

It felt like Germany might not have been dealt with fairly but for Coats, who I see as a 'Coat of Arms' in a positive light. Feels like pro-European defender.

What I don't know is how big a deal the Turkey/sanctions aspect was (later described as counterterrorism). It felt like they had several line items to cover in the meeting, ticking off some regular boxes. One of them was info from Russia about Sino/Russian perspectives on N Korea. Russia has their own backchannels going, and confirmed (Da!) a positive movement or development in relationships with N Korea, which included more covert info.

None of this felt "hot". More of a cool assessment. Trump's an idiot, but Coats is solid, and the players on his level recognize that. It's the top guys who are the best poker players, and can play their hands without giving anything away they don't want to. Rank of players does not necessarily signal the heat of the situation. Trump's cray-cray makes Russia a bit uneasy. Everyone knows he's a wild card, and are trying to professionally compensate for that. The GRU may be many things, but stupid isn't one of them. They feel they have the upper hand, and are playing us.


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Coats, Trump, Russian Spies

I am in a hotel room, men in suits with jackets off, casual, been in this hotel room for some time, waiting.

Looks like the 60s.

Cigarette smoking, balcony, high up.

Not many tall buildings, I can see a body of water from the balcony, might be an ocean, no tall buildings really.

This hotel must either been one of the few tall buildings or it's located on a hill above a city.

Overcast day

I sense President Johnson.

“Let's start over, get these figures down, we have to come up with a better solution.  Lives depend upon it.” – Johnson speaking.

Dan Coats is in the room. (I don’t think he’s actually in the room with Johnson but I think I see him there as a comparison to the meeting with the Russians.  These two events are connected somehow.)

Now I’m with Coats in a dark room in present day.  Coats seems confused about where his loyalties lie.

He doesn't like the Russians but has lost the clear thinking needed to understand the Trump administration.

He can't believe that Trump is a traitor so he has to buy into the reasoning behind meeting with Russian spies

He's afraid of losing his position and being seen as old and no longer of use.

He's either blustering or putting on an act to hide his disdain.

The Russian spies are the eyes of Putin.

Coats knows that Putin is in the room and is wary.

He doesn't like or trust Russians.

Why do I keep going back to this room with Johnson in the sixties?

I don't know how they would be connected.  I can't find any connection of Dan Coats working with Johnson or his people.

In Cyprus?

"These people have a right to know" Johnson

I keep coming back to Johnson in Cyprus.  I can’t shake this room,

I googled to see if I could find a reference to Johnson and Cyprus and found excerpts from the book “Killing Hope”.  The excerpt can be found here:

I think I was lead to this excerpt as a way of giving me the information that the Russians were here with the CIA and other intelligence officials to plot a coup.  It may not be as obvious as the coup mentioned below but I believe it is a coup starting with the refusal to impose sanctions on the Russians.

Here’s the beginning of the excerpt:

"It's the best damn Government since Pericles," the American two-star General declared. (The news report did not mention whether he was chewing on a big fat cigar.)

The government, about which the good General was so ebullient, was that of the Colonels' junta which came to power in a military coup in April 1967, followed immediately by the traditional martial law, censorship, arrests, beatings, torture, and killings, the victims totaling some 8,000 in the first month. This was accompanied by the equally traditional declaration that this was all being done to save the nation from a "communist takeover". Corrupting and subversive influences in Greek life were to be removed. Among these were miniskirts, long hair, and foreign newspapers; church attendance for the young would be compulsory.

So brutal and so swift was the repression, that by September, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands were before the European Commission of Human Rights to accuse Greece of violating most of the Commission's conventions. Before the year was over Amnesty International had sent representatives to Greece to investigate the situation. From this came a report which asserted that "Torture as a deliberate practice is carried out by both Security Police and the Military Police."

The coup had taken place two days before the campaign for national elections was to begin, elections which appeared certain to bring the veteran liberal leader George Papandreou back as prime minister. Papandreou had been elected in February 1964 with the only outright majority in the history of modern Greek elections. The successful machinations to unseat him had begun immediately, a joint effort of the Royal Court, the Greek Military, and the American military and CIA stationed in Greece.

Philip Deane (the pen name of Gerassimos Gigantes) is a Greek, a former UN official, who worked during this period both for King Constantine and as an envoy to Washington for the Papandreou government. He has written an intimate account of the subtleties and the grossness of this conspiracy to undermine the government and enhance the position of the military plotters, and of the raw power exercised by the CIA in his country. ... Greece was looked upon much as a piece of property to be developed according to Washington's needs. A story related by Deane illustrates how this attitude was little changed, and thus the precariousness of Papandreou's position: During one of the perennial disputes between Greece and Turkey over Cyprus, which was now spilling over onto NATO, President Johnson summoned the Greek ambassador to tell him of Washington's "solution". The ambassador protested that it would be unacceptable to the Greek parliament and contrary to the Greek constitution. "Then listen to me, Mr. Ambassador," said the President of the United States, (Johnson) "fuck your Parliament and your Constitution. America is an elephant. Cyprus is a flea. If these two fleas continue itching the elephant, they may just get whacked by the elephant's trunk, whacked good.... We pay a lot of good American dollars to the Greeks, Mr. Ambassador. If your Prime Minister gives me talk about Democracy, Parliament and Constitutions, he, his Parliament and his Constitution may not last very long."

A CIA report dated 23 January 1967 had specifically named the Papadopoulos group as one plotting a coup, and was apparently one of the reports discussed at the February meeting.

Of the cabal of five officers which took power in April, four, reportedly, were intimately connected to the American military or to the CIA in Greece. The fifth man had been brought in because of the armored units he commanded. George Papadopoulos emerged as the defacto leader, taking the title prime minister later in the year.

The catchword amongst old hands at the US military mission in Greece was that Papadopoulos was " the first CIA agent to become Premier of a European country".

I will have to read more about this time in Cyprus and Johnson’s involvement to understand all the details but I think generally this was the path I was lead down during my RV to get to the fact that Trump and his evil minions are plotting a coup.  Can this possibly happen?  Is that what the Jewish community in Germany thought when they saw the beginnings of Hitler?  Could this possibly be happening?  I think, yes.

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Well, whatever the nastiness that you describe, Zoron, its intensity, extensiveness, and deep state level of its own it's so overwhelming, I cannot come to this remote viewing exercise without such gut clenching pain that I'm physically ill. I tried to go in and the pain stops me. 

Money laundering is huge but it's the tip of the iceberg that points its way to the greater power, corruption, world power domination and control. We have all been but reduced to pawns in this filth. I'll throw in sex trade trafficking and horrific corruption that is permeating our world, because that's the level of nasty I feel.
And thank you, Zoron, for letting me know I pegged the 'nastiness' level. Ugh. 

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Hi, Michele,

I have had exactly the same problems. It has been making me physically ill. 

But we must persist, as truth bearers.



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Thank you, Zoron.  I appreciate  that and you.

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There are days, Michele, where i want to flee to a cave in the Himalayas.




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I have an online friend who left her life in Sisters,  Oregon to become a Buddhist nun. She lives in the Himalayan Mountains in the Darjeeling Province in a city named Mungpoo. She has chickens there whose feathers grow upside down.

Sometimes, i see our world just like those chickens. If we are in one of the imaginary versions of possibilities not yet becoming real, then perhaps we're just a projected reality of some distant computer game player who has a trickster for a heart who's just having a lot of fun making us go through bizarre scenarios of what our lives are.

I tell myself, i am an illusion, none of this is real. I am having a dream within a dream. It's so much easier for me you see, for my mythological world view to be based on spiritual realms and Angelic beings, because I know I can project the power and the light.  I know I can see through the layers and the visions and the alternate realities to what is really true at heart. Therefore in some Essence I still am.

I know I have survived things that other people would not, I know I am stronger than most people would ever think is possible, I know I am powerful and I know I can keep going for as long as I need to.

And if I choose to no longer go on in this false and incredibly evil universe, then I will simply say Beam me up Scotty!  And i bet Andrea now known as Nyima could give me directions to an awesome cave if you'd like me to find you one.

Are you a vegetarian or do you eat chickens or eggs?

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Summary of my reading is the first paragraph - lots of details below.

So, we've got Russians, Nazis and North Korea all meeting in the US.  This meeting was primarily about Syria and all of these forces are working together there in some fashion - hiding chemicals.  Why they are putting on a show that they are in opposition, I can't tell, but I'm quite sure that's what is happening.  Things are heating up there, another US attack there today.  I can't see the whole picture but it scares the bejesus out of me.  This task was far worse for me than the Canadian murders.  I don't know if any of the details I've given are "on", but it sure feels right to me.  I wish I had a more complete picture- but then again, maybe I don't want to know. 

A disclaimer:  I'm not a professional.  And I mean that in both senses of the term; I don't take money for my readings because I don't consider myself qualified to do so.  I'm here to practice and learn and grow my intuitive (and human) skills.  I'm not a novice, and have been studying and practicing seriously in this realm for three years, but have been doing "it", and called to do so my whole life.

This reading comes from a combination of processes I use to discern the truth of a matter.  I always read these RV exercises blind, meaning I don't read any intuitive responses before posting my own.  I used to think some of my practices were "cheats", but I'm not sure they are, and I'll call these out as I present my reading.  I will also mention that performance anxiety is my default state of being, and when someone says it's important, I freeze like a deer in headlights -so actually putting this reading out there is terrifying! I always try to be accurate, but know I'm not always.  Zoron also asked for accuracy , but also details that might be a throw away so I'll give you everything I've got - including how I got it.  Take it for what it's worth and bear with my stream of consciousness presentation.

Before I saw Zoron posted this topic, I saw a story about a Russian plane being shot down in Syria by an ISIS guy with a shoulder rocket blaster   (Yeah short cuts in language here - this is my brain in what I call troll mode, and that is trolling for fish -throwing out a line and seeing what bites, not whatever the current term about dissing someone online is).  This story made my gut feel like I hit the express down button in an elevator and I heard "Here we go" very clearly in my intuitive ear.  When I get more than one intuitive "hit" (gut and ear in this case),  it means this need to be seriously paid attention to, and there is more to come.  Then I saw the RV task and flashed back to this Russian plane, and knew that this incident was related (orchestrated by somehow?) to the discussion had by Dan Coates and the Russian consort.  I  registered this, and threw it away as a coincidence, or a connection made by my logical mind that didn't necessarily apply - which happens all the time - sometimes it applies, sometimes it doesn't.  This feels like a "cheat" to me, but the more I look at these cheats, the more I see they are often valid intuitive hits, and my "instant read" or integrated intuitive self is more attuned than I give it credit for.  Jeanne would probably call this reading the collective consciousness - seeing what the human energy surrounding the issue is, rather than the elevated Spirit, Divinity, God, Universe has to say about it.

So I took the RV task to Spirit.  This is what I consider a "true" reading.  I go into meditation, ask my guides to be with me, protect me with their loving grace, and provide what I should know, and focused on Dan Coates.  There is time spent in the meditation letting go of mind chatter (which can lead to its own set of important revelations not related to the topic at hand and very useful) and finding a "clear" channel.  I got nothing - bupkis - blank page.  It happens.  Don't worry about it, come back to it later.  Second try - still nothing.  An indication I'm not supposed to know about this - Spirit has nothing to say to me on the matter.  This is important, and should be noted.  

Still, in true human fashion, I want to know, and will do what I can to find out.  

I don't know Dan Coates from John Doe.  I know nothing about the man. 

I can't read Donald Trump in a true reading.  I can't even look at him or hear his voice without feeling my head explode, let alone try to bring him into my Spiritual space.  Enough said.

So, Dan Coates is my only option.  I "cheat" and look him up online.  I have a picture and a bio.  Is the picture or bio real - who knows.  I troll the bio - speed read from a very detached place - the guy went to this college for a BA, served in the military, spent time in Germany, has a wife and 3 or so kids.  Spent time in Germany -flash on some article about North Korea procuring nuclear or other important tech, or maybe selling it, through an embassy, or at least a contact in Berlin.  This particular article about NK and Berlin had a mild hit for me - something that could be spin, but obviously registered as food for thought.

I take this "cheat" information back into a true reading. I actually got some input from Spirit with the cheated information.  I saw a conference room, men talking.  I heard "We will move it" (russian accent) and saw men in green uniforms with red berets moving barrels of chemicals with a palate lifter.  I don't know what the barrels contain and can't make out any true insignias on the uniforms.  I heard the word Zambuke. I have a vision of the Russian man speaking that matches the dwarf leader in "Lord of the Rings".  I have no name for him.  Only a physical impression as the dwarf referenced - short, the beard is more trimmed - certainly a beard,  pronounced nose, dark hair (beard and head)  close set eyes, short forehead.  This guy is a major player.

Long story longer  ? I did some research on Zambuke - looked at maps and found something similar in Africa where the chemicals could be moved by finding maps on Google and using the translate function. This search is prompted by a dream I had with a headline about SCALIA. I spent a couple of days looking up the dead judge when the the headline about the shooting of Scalise at the GOP baseball practice sailed across the world.  So either I can't spell, or Spirit can't or a combination of the two - Spirit communication is never an exact thing.  When we read, it is a translation from us, to Spirit and from Spirit to us, so there is much lost on both sides.  Creating a language is a monumental task, let alone trying to come to an understanding between two established forms of communication - especially when Spirit is having to lower Itself to our understanding. Major digression to say I tried different spellings of Zamuke to come to Zumbuke which translates to Zombie.  It could also be a code word, a nickname, an acronym.  I still don't know what it is.

The little powerful Russian accent guy who reminded me of the dwarf is Gorka.  He's still in this - and he's not Russian, but Hungarian (which I knew but he felt very Russian when I was in my meditation).  I did some deeper investigation of him online, and buzzfeed has a very interesting article from last August about his wife - who is still in the Department of Homeland Security and gunning for Iran.  I can't say if buzzfeed is a reliable news source, but it ties Gorka to the Nazi's (Berlin and Korea tie here) and he still has influence in our government - possibly to Dan Coates.  

Zambuke is important, and may be revealed as things develop - and things are still developing. This may be the top Russian who was involved in the meeting. It may also be something Spirit doesn't want me to know.  

So, we've got Russians, Nazis and North Korea all meeting in the US.  This meeting was primarily about Syria and all of these forces are working together there in some fashion - hiding chemicals.  Why they are putting on a show that they are in opposition, I can't tell, but I'm quite sure that's what is happening.  Things are heating up there, another US attack there today.  I can't see the whole picture but it scares the bejesus out of me.  This task was far worse for me than the Canadian murders.  I don't know if any of the details I've given are "on", but it sure feels right to me.  I wish I had a more complete picture- but then again, maybe I don't want to know. 

Off to read other's responses to see if I'm completely in left field or if I'm following the right spiritual trail.  If anyone gets anything out of Zambuke, please let me know.  It is truly driving me batty.

Thanks for sticking with me on this long, long, long post!



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Hi luminata,

much of what you write has presence for me. I also think it is showing several different things, which are converging and becoming entangled, and this accounts for the confusion. I think that the "Deep State"  meetings, in this case, are brutally realistic, as things are converging on a war, that will emerge from the Syrian conflict, into the wider middle east. I think they are trying to put a lid on this, and trying to limit it from spreading. I also sense that this is very much in the balance here. The "meeting(s) are also about the internal secret relations between the Putin and Trump factions, as has been discussed previously in this topic. All this is the fairly commonplace secret diplomacy that goes on, between states, as we have discussed before. also, there are issues regarding these secret meetings. The CIA  is obviously in the loop, somewhere, as its mandate is to monitor the operations of foreign intelligence agencies. They are obviously worried about the legalities of these meetings. When the President of the united states is having secret meetings with foreign heads of states, and their intelligence agencies, and is also receiving money and other favours from some of those involved, it raises serious issues about whether or not Trump is committing actual treason. So we are looking here, at the sort of secret things that go on before wars start and spread, and states "Buy" influence over other states. Most reasonable people would regard all this as dangerously close to secret Treason against their country. I think that is now the core of what is emerging. Trump is now totally compromised by what has gone on, and this is all far worse than Watergate. in normal times, a President who did this would be impeached. but these are not normal times. 

Well, this particular RV ends this weekend, so then we move on. But all very disturbing, and scary. 

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Thank you for clarifying what had become a troublesome jumble for me! I couldn't reconcile the competing idologies of Nazis and Russia "working together" when really, they are just stating their positions.  I don't think Nazis are really at play here, but the energy of Nazis is very present for me and others.  Maybe this is because as you said Zoron, these meetings are about war posturing.

I can't get a read on Coates, as I said, but my rambling post makes it look like he is in bed with Nazis.  I don't think so. I think the fact that he spent time in Germany opened the German presence for me.  I took that in to Spirit, got Gorka, then Gorka brought the Nazi presence in. 

Gorka and his wife are definitely linked to Trump and in national security - maybe a CIA link here.  I don't know what they're up to, but it isn't good. 

Russia has chemical weapons in Syria and is trying to keep that hidden.  I don't know if our government knows about that, I suspect they do.  

Actual treason is very serious; and I don't think it is off the table in this situation.

I'm off for some grounding and a nice spiritual shower.  Have to get the muck off!

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You put it all so well. 

Actual Treason is very serious. It will get a lot worse. But Clinton does not have clean hands, either. That will come out later. It will result in stalemate. Mysterious things will happen later this year, and we will see only the practical, public effects and results. Trump will be "Neutralised", and will be in a very strange situation. The crimes he has committed, or is planning, will destroy the constitutional position totally, of the US President. After him, the presidency will be reduced to that of a constitutional Monarch,  De-facto, as the powers the President has will be ring fenced by other rules, to prevent any future "Runaway reactor" President. I predicted, a while back on this site, that Obama would be the very last United States President. I "Downloaded" this from "The other-side". I did not understand it, at all, but posted it. Now I understand. Trump is not a constitutional American President. he is a "Runaway". The present system was simply not designed to contain such crazies and Psychopaths. it cannot cope with them. Major changes will come, not long after Trump is "Neutralised". (Read that last phrase again, in five years, and smile. ) The "Highest", fall the longest, and I predicted, in previous posts, that Trump would "Fall like Lucifer". So he will. After him, there will be, soon afterwards, perhaps in two elections time, major changes in the system.  Zoron speaks!. 

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Luminata, the way you wrote your RV was extremely helpful to me. Seriously it helped me to connect dots in my own work and how I receive information and how I make sense out of it. thank you for this gift!

I do this for fun and without much faith in my abilities, but then this is serious work and I wish I was more helpful but I guess you have to start somewhere. I never get details, but vivid pictures, a flavors of scents, snippets of whatever lingers in the ether...

I had an exciting week so I'm very distracted. But here I saw that Germany and NK was involved but today I learned that Germany was in charge of getting rid of Syria's Chemical weapons in 2014, NK got a piece to assemble a weapon via its Berlin embassy and that an Ukrainian corporation is selling killing weapons used in Syria via Germany...

Anyway, the picture I got is that of a murky, dirty, slimy swamp in which gases are accumulating ready to combust, like a wasteland that is brewing in the underground ready to go off... Deep State bitches feel their grasp on the globe slip, whatever elements or characters are at play are distraught and panicking, if their megalomania isn't too thick. Deep State Motherfuckers are losing their plots, and I see Putin as a fish on dry land reaching for the water. Trump as the stupid power hungry lunatic he is would of course like to increase his fame and wealth because that fits his deranged power-hungry mindset. Yet this nasty global net is too much for him, he's on may levels unworthy to them and he (and his family and all those reality TV idiots he brought into the WH), intellectually undercharged, also hopefully, thankfully, when it comes to evil doings... idk

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RV: Pompeo and Coats meeting with high ranking Russian intelligence officers

My initial scan (before reading other posts on this topic): These men are meeting in a hotel room, a suite of rooms. Completely surveilled by our side, of course. They are gathered to collaborate on some military endeavor in the Middle East. Syria has a role, but only peripherally, perhaps a base for further activities in the region. They are coordinating so that our two countries reach an objective with minimal friendly fire between our nations. I think Iran is the objective. I keep thinking about the deposed Shah, so there’s some correlation.  On the Russian side, Putin plays chess, moving and manipulating world leaders, meddling in elections, choosing leaders amenable to his financial support. He rigs elections and propaganda to put his candidates in power. I keep seeing Dan Coats as the odd man out in this meeting. He’s old school and a sense of honor. There are topics and information exchanged in the room without his knowledge. Old hands in the CIA-operatives and analysts will figure out the plays. The rank and file don’t trust Pompeo.

I’ve been thinking about this all week with reluctance to look too closely. I am extremely uncomfortable. I think this meeting is related to a sequence of war images in the Middle East that I saw for 2019 during our last visioning session. Our “intelligence department observers,” are out of loop when it comes to meetings like this with Pompeo and Coats, so they are extremely interested in this RV

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Well, I would imagine that our RV scannings are probably more accurate, when it comes to nuances and subtle issues, on this one, but actually, we do seem to be right on the nose about this. The raw power plays are being picked up by us, and we need to focus now on the core of things. It is obvious that these secret discussions are going to lead to something very nasty, and also illegal, under international law. I think we are watching the same kind of secret meetings that happened in the last year of peace, before the disaster of 1914. They led to secret agreements, and  the assassination of the Archduke  in Sarajevo was the Kennedy assassination of its time. Now we are on the same track. we need to keep an eye on this one. I sense they will result in a serious international crisis within a year, or less, unless exposed. The issue of it leading to a war in the Middle east, is in the balance at the moment. it is not yet established as a firm timeline. but we are in for a very rough year, this year, and also next year.

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And here we go:



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It seems that our RV  OP is accurately tracking the build up of events towards a general war..

EXPLANATION: The secret meetings are and will go on, while the general public remains oblivious until it is too late. I now expect, from my own scanning, to see an escalation of these events. What I am now picking up is that it is a far more complex situation than We thought. Also getting more complicated, as time goes by. The key insight I am getting, is that the Israeli's are out of American control. Natanyahu is putting into operation a very dangerous game, where the Israeli's think they can manipulate and use the situation for their long term strategic goals. These goals are very dangerous, and will lead to a general war in the middle east, if they try to implement them. The isreali's are working to a general plan. This plan has been in existence for many years, and is a contingency plan to advance the break up of nearby states, such as Syria, and Iraq, and the long term destruction of the Iranian Regime. Iraq has been neutralised and is now restrained and limited in its military capacity, after a war that has killed hundreds of thousands, and the destruction of its Saddam Regime. The same process is now being applied to Syria. The real basis of the way that the uprising in Syria against Assad has been used by the Isreali's to achieve this long term objective is collusion with the Saudi's, via there publicly confirmed military treaty, as both states are now operating together to destroy Syria, as part of their long term goal to destroy Iran. The destruction of Iran is also a permanent long term American goal.  The three states are therefore operating together, to achieve these goals. But the Israeli's are also manipulating the other two players, to get their own way. Trump has now frantically contacted Natanyahu and asked for "Restraint". (Prediction). ( This will get out of control. Not immediately, but fairly soon.). The ultimate goal of the Isreali  leadership is to destroy Syria as a state, and to partition it along ethnic lines into "statelets" that do not represent a military or political threat to Israel. The main attack on iran will then follow. I am getting however, that things will get out of control and do a "Runaway Israeli leadership". no one will then be in external control of the Israeli's, and the American state will be dragged into the conflict. This in turn is going to result in a lineup of Russia, (supported by China) and the BRIX states supporting the Iranians. (Prediction:) ( The war will start with a serious incident in northern Israel. It will rapidly escalate, and bring in Russia, the USA, and other factions. The  Russians will support Assad and the Syrians. isreal will invade the Syrian territories and also seize  lebanese territories, as a "Security zone". They will advance to the edge of Damascus. The Turks will act in an utterly opportunist and unprincipled way. they will take advantage in the early stages to invade Northern Syria, and to seize territory that they have long wanted. They will start massive ethnic cleansing of the Kurds. They will do to the Kurds, what they did historically to the Armenians. They will then be attacked by the Russians. At this point, things become unclear, as they will develop in several ways. various future events have to happen, or not happen. These in turn develop "Forks in the road". Timing is also unclear. I think we will see gradually growing incidents like the Israeli attack  on Syria, to "Condition" the West to these things happening. But we have now taken a very large step towards a general middle east war. The outcome and development of that is at the moment not "Developed" as a time line. By late Spring we will see a significant turning point in the struggle. (Prediction:) The Isreali's, if they continue down this path, will bring about their own destruction. But it is not yet set firmly on that course.

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Thanks Zoron.

Even though I didn't really participate in this RV task, glad I was able to help draw down the conclusion satisfactorily with a legit news source.


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Laura, you have really helped. please try your hand at the RV exercises. The more of us in the group on here who try it, the faster it will develop. The RV "Ops-Unit" is becoming fascinating. We are getting big hits. We are not only predicting the future, we are looking for it.! Thanks Zoron.

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