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Zoron Awakes! - Challenges We Are Facing Over the Long-Term

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I'm reprinting here what Zoron just posted in the comments of the World Prediction Page so that comments can remain open longer.

Zoron has been taking some time off, to re-arm and refuel, and get reorganised, plus medical treatment. The gap space has been useful. I have been walking the local beaches here, and pondering. (Deeply).
The World crisis is getting worse.
Overlapping global issues:
Such as climate change, (now in runaway),
Collapsing food supply . (caused by agri-business and relentless population increase.)
Collapsing soil fertility. (just 60 Global harvests left, before soil fertility collapses below the survival level.
population bulge crisis. (approaching 8 billion by about 2030 at the latest. Even at slowest rate, it will be 10 billion by 2070, Food limit, (7 billion, reached several years ago)
Collapse of eco-sphere . and biosphere, (so many holes shot in it by mega-corporations and agri-business, plus fossil fuel peak oilsurge)
Planet now in first part of the “Climate flip” where runaway Greenhouse effect will unleash the mega-storms and events. (apocalyptic, and biblical in scale.)
Global political and economic crisis. (not all bad, the Third World is in transition, will defeat the Globalists, whose present series of wars have not eliminated resistance to them. (but will get worse.)
Global major shift in alliances, international organisations and groups, (G7, G5, G20, etc. Plus the new “G”, of all those that are not in the other “G’s”. They are functioning now, internationally, at UN level, and in the international organisations, as quasi-political parties, in the international Forums. A proto-planetary Government is taking shape. But it may not be in time.
The impact of technology in the next 20 years, (now in its own “Runaway Mode”.) There will be a massive (Silent) impact, from the discovery of a “New physics”, which unveils the core of the phenomena seen by pioneers like Nicola Tesla, which has been long suppressed. The new physics will lead to a “Techno-Surge” utterly unparalleled in Human history. The new developments will produce the opportunities for the abolition of fossil fuels, and absolutely clean energy. It leads, eventually, to starships, exploration, and the “Breakout-stage” of Humanity. (our neighbours and observers await with some trepidation). But probably too late, due to the “Turning oil tanker syndrome” of climate change, eco-collapse, etc, that we are in. ,It is a race now, between Human efforts to destroy ourselves, and Human’s who are trying to stop this. It will be a very close run thing. This race will be run over the next 30 years. By 2050, We will see the outcome.
The forces (Of evil) raised presently against the rest of the Human race, seem unstoppable. But Gandhi,dared to use the most dangerous weapon of all. Peace. He was one man. yet he set in train a set of events that toppled the World’s largest Empire. (Where is the vast British Empire now?). Today, there are a million Gandhi’s. (it is called the internet, and the Web. It has hatched and created what Marx called “The world mind”. This world mind is now inhabited by a million Gandhi’s, who urge on tens of millions of others, a vast Gandhian army of peace, hidden in a billion cyber-spaces. We will win, and “They” will lose. As H.G. wells, the great Protean science fiction writer said: “I have seen the future, and it works”. But will it arrive fast enough?….that is our task here, to predict, to warn, to advise, along with all the others like us, Like those in Phillip K. Dick’s great Sci-fi novel, we are the Men and women, in the High Castle.

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Zoron's vision is less than encouraging. I would expect the world's fish stocks to collapse sooner rather than later - and they feed hundreds of millions of people, especially in Asia. The world seems intent on depleting the ocean's capacity beyond the breaking point and that will put incredible pressure on agriculture to make up the difference.

My youngest is engaged to be married next year and neither of them want children. While my wife is disappointed, I don't blame them. I wouldn't have children at this point in human history either if I were in their shoes.

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Regarding the food supply dwindling that's why I've been keen on starting my own little garden.  I know it's not possible to grow everything I need but it would supplement for shortages.


Thanks Zoron for sharing your insights, it does help!  We can only hope that the best outcome happens.

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Also regarding food supply, Melissa started a thread here to share best practices and future possibilities for solving the impending food crisis.  I have seen in my mind's eye, miles and miles of greenhouses in Canada to grow food in the future - indoor climate-controlled growing.  Here's a TED talk on computer farms that Melissa posted. It's pretty uplifting. She also posted another article.

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Looks like Zoron has company. This cheery article

(The Uninhabitable Earth - Famine, economic collapse, a sun that cooks us: What climate change could wreak — sooner than you think. By David Wallace-Wells.) 

also predicts global famine (and mass extinction, mass migration like the world has never seen, etc.)


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Many in the climate community are saying that article is way too pessimistic. But it's definitely scary. Many will suffer and already are suffering of that there is no doubt.

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Paul - when the time is right, maybe talk to your kids about adopting a child. I wouldn't reproduce in this world as it is now either, in fact I never did, I am an adoptive mom, and while there have been some challenges, I've always taken comfort in the fact that I've been able to give a good life to a soul who wouldn't have had it otherwise, and to a body that would have been here consuming resources anyway.

Paul W and Paul W reacted
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It is interesting that you used a Philip K. Dick metaphor. I was thinking about how much the current political administration is to Radio Free Albemuth's premise. I would love to get better V.A.L.I.S. reception. Now, it is said that his V.A.L.I.S. books were autobiographical. The President Fremont, I am sure, is supposed to reflect Nixon however, next to the group that is in there, I think Nixon was a piker.

BlueBelle and BlueBelle reacted
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I've been feeling like we landed in the wrong timeline since 11/9, so the Man in the High Castle thing rings true for me, too.

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My friends and I talk about how we have entered an alternate universe after the election. I hadn't thought of The Man in the High Castle and wrong timeline. I do agree something is off. Concerning food shortages. I am concerned about that too. My husband and I are building a sustainable home that includes an attached greenhouse. I am doing what I can to prepare my family for the future. 

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Hi Alice,  Thanks for posting and welcome! It is nice to hear your plans. Water sources are important too, depending on where you are.

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Speaking of water sources--microplastics are in most water supplies around the world now, so yes, getting good water will be increasingly tough.  Apparently reverse osmosis filtering will work to get most of it out.

As for our impending set of interlocking crises, I have had a persistent image for over 20 years of human conciousness 'going nova.'  Due to the forces arrayed against us, people collectively link their energy fields. 'Knowing' is amplified. The ability to pick the right path is amplified. The ability to manipulate which possible timeline or universe we walk through, collectively, is amplified.

What is imperative is more 'we' and less 'I.' 

Efforts like group events predictions are the seeds of this change. 


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RunestoneOne, Nice thought. Thanks for posting.

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RunestoneOne and other new voices: This is a great site for sharing thoughts, knowledge and joining in energetically awith our combining and collective awarensss and evolving consciousness. So. You are right on, right here and right now.

We join and share from different life journeys in understanding but we are united in more ways than we differ and its lovely to have new members come forth and join in!

Our family carries these filters in portable form as we camp and hike and some of us have them under our sinks for tap or well water. They work now for how our water is now. And since technological advances are constant, they should only improve with more demand and new advances.

There are many lovely topical forum headings for specific topics so do check out headings on spiritual growth/comsciousness and ones on technological news etc. as well as sections such as this one.



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Zoron says welcome Runestone. may the force be with you! . (lol. we have a weird sense of humour on here,  but welcome to the crew. ).

OK, Runestone, you are closer to the truth than you can imagine. Its all about collective consciousness. Karl Marx, of all people, had a very sharp understanding that technology was going to drive group conciousness. He looked at the very primitive (compared to us) global network of telegraphic systems, that had sprung up, and the predicted telephone systems, that were expected, and said that something like a "World Brain" was connecting up everywhere, as the news globally was now shared, and was going to develop group consciousness. This is exactly what has happened, with the emergence of the Internet and web, and it came from the early telegraph system. When you get group awareness, you get, almost telepathically, group consciousness. What is literally, the Zeitgeist of the age. This is what has happened. You also get, from physics, "Critical Mass". when the group consciousness gets to a critical size and speed, you get a sort of explosion of  group thought and demands. What has emerged, is a collective "Being" that acts under its own force. This is what drives revolutions, and history. but in our time, it is happening at massively increased speed. 

What I scanned about this, was that it is becoming a force in itself, that is now having a massive effect on events, that even large governments are powerless to change. They have to bend with the storm, or be overthrown. in America, if it gets through the next 20 years, it will be a very different society  from today. We are still in the tail end of the cultural explosion of the sixties, that caused all the present upheaval, and now a second wave is emerging. We are all, literally, going to be "Riders of the Storm". 

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Goes in the other direction, too. White supremacist have been silently accumulating, recruiting and organising in the net for years. Now we are living in a time where they are squeezed out of their caves because they can feel they are losing grip of their superior social stance. That's why we have a white supremacist as president. Now more brown babies are born in this country than white babies. i have to say, I observe a very strong force from people of color and our allies. People of color have had enough, the violence and disregard and lack of respect towards us has never lessened, it has only been transferred in gerrymandering, incarceration etc. I love how many people of color demand an accurate representation in society of ourselves. But there is a lot of broken-hearts and generations of trauma. The wealth of this great country has been built on the backs of native folks and black slaves (and later cheap Hispanic labor) and the utter disregard for this and deliberate continuation of keeping us in poverty and prisons will be the countries downfall (+ climate change and oligarch extracting the last life out of everything). We say enough! And yes indeed, if America will make it, it will be a different society from now.

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RunestoneOne, I was pondering the words I and We you said above. I was remembering the movie "The NeverEnding Story" when The Empress said the boy Bastian does not understand. When he realize he is part of the story, and he change his perspective how he sees things, and how one person can make a difference. Not everyone understands, we are all part of the story and we all can make a difference. But we are getting there.

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Zoron wants to make a serious comment:

The Black/Hispanic/non-white communities are now awakening to their situation as never before. 

Especially the Black community. martin Luther King started something that can never be stopped. But he took it down the only track available at the time, and that created the USA Civil Rights movement. The Kennedy Family  supported them solidly, (one of the reasons for the murder of JFK) and some considerable progress was made, in terms of laws, de-discrimination, etc. But then it was stalled. The white 1% class fought back, and things have in some ways got worse for Black people. There is now a very visible War going on between police and Blacks in America. Hundreds killed, and thousands injured, every year. Hundreds of thousands imprisoned. The hope endangered by Martin Luther King has been crushed. What has replaced it is a new desperation, and a new anger, by Blacks. They have still made gains, in education, jobs, etc, but there is a large and polarised black underclass that have been simply left behind. Their condition is intolerable, morally awful, and in no way showing any deep signs of change. 


They have a hidden power. They are not using it. Martin Luther King used it. it needs to be used again. Again, and again. It is the power of massive peaceful protest, that swamps the powers and system of repression. That america can elect a black president, in no matter how flawed a way, says something. It means that those who voted black, did so out of consciousness and conscience. A majority of Americans. So there is an audience there, to look, listen, learn, and demand. They need to see some action, that they can get behind. That action, I predict, is now stirring. I see new black leaders,  one of them a younger women, who understand and realise what is to be done. They intend to do it. The highest levels of the American ruling clique are very aware of what can be unleashed against them, and also what they will have to unleash against those who will rise up, and challenge their power. They will seek to try and turn any large scale movement and protests violent, and to use violence against those who oppose them. I see black leaders sacrificed, jailed, ill treated. It is back to the sixties. But this time around, "The Fire Next time", as James Baldwin, the writer said, will have very different results. The 1% are going to lose this one. Totally. It will contribute to their coming downfall. This will take about 20 years, and the first 10 are going to be very tough. but the black national movement is going to lead the wider and larger main movement, in America, that is going to emerge between now and 2030. The people of america are going to prevail. I do see a reformist American Government, in this next 10 years, emerging. 2028 is the pivot year. Expect a huge shift in America, and changes on the scale of those introduced by the reformist Roosevelt Governments, during the thirties and forties. That big. But at some cost, in human lives, suffering, and repression. But it will happen. 

I have made this a "Framework" statement, on which I am going to go deeper, in its various parts and aspects, in future posts. but I invite the crew on here to start filling in the bits. read between my lines. There are clues. please pick them up, and go for it. Thanks Zoron.

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Thank you, Zoron.  This is huge..a shift of a change of necessary action and one the symbolism and patterns should have shown coming. Not just this movement, but all movements. Like our other retrospective discussions, we all know the current Black Lives Matter movement has been a ground shaker and I have literally been feeling earthquakes of all kinds to the point of catching myself and hanging on. I was feeling Pacific Coast timeline for fault lines speeding up, perhaps even new or shifting ley lines, but you have now added the parallel socio-political-human rights shift. Reading your words and feeling things is horizontal plate shifting in so many ways and my physical symptoms are intense.

The planned protests just here in Oregon are escalating. No wonder we are all in shifting possibilities and timelines now and the discussions on things like nuclear actions etc. are getting polarized by differing certainties of how we read the possibilities.

Massive potential effects .....unexpected, but should have been expected ...shifts coming. Time for each of us to balance ourselves, share light within our families and shift to softer possibilities within the greater good of needed upheaval and change.  I see a strong, young black woman coming into the news as well.

It's all about the above, so below...our inner and outer selves balacing into unity and moving from the one to the many contained within and brought back "home" . 9/11 was our is reading like Man in the High Castle in so many ways with so many possibilities. Our timelines are blurred lines like an astigmatism in seeing and mirroring. Can you feel it if not see it, group? It's layered. Our bodies alone are shifting.  Zoron just shifted my sensing from US to International in one post of pereceptions. The US Revolutionary War/Civil War/Indian Wars now playing out in different but same forms. And our energies sparking international ones all along. We are the pioneers, the mutts and mongrels, the walk ins and  now becoming more. 

Zoron has access to the laboratory, reading from the points of what has been called The Great Experiment.

Focus on the positive of each event, each news item we hear that creates psycho-spiitual/physical responses in us. The earthquakes and protests will still comes but how we all perceive and work with them can make a huge change for good at all levels.

Jeanne, when is our positive collective meditation scheduled? 


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For Zoron and Michele.  Zoron, yes I feel strongly we the American people will ultimately prevail.  I'm old enough to remember JFK, MLK and the powerful protests of the 60's and 70's.  It will take time for us to congeal,  for leadership to emerge and for our values to clarify into unified and potent action.  As you say -- maybe 10 years or so.  Right now, I'm sick to death of the winking, nodding and not-so-veiled messages to the neo-confederates, and I'm fed up with legislators who are easily bought and who willingly look the other way while our democracy weakens.  Michele, it actually uplifts and energizes me to hold a vision of a reformed American government. This is my first hopeful day in quite a while.  Maybe this isn't the kind of response you were looking for, but I thank you both for the boost.   

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