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[Closed] Trump Missile Launch Foreign Policy Making in the Future by Zoron

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Zoron asked me to post this since he was having trouble posting on the new forum. This  is from him, not me, and I want to be clear that it does not reflect my views, only his views.  -Jeanne

Hi everyone, there has been a significant shift in the force in the last few days. Something very unusual has been going on. It continues. 

The situation in the middle east has pulled into the open what is really happening. it seems there is bad news.

Trump has learned to activate his "Hunch" reflex, which calculates very carefully how close he can take risks, without disaster. You might call this a sort of truncated intuition, quite crude, but enough to flash danger signals. He has done this in Business deals. Now it is gripping on the elements of the new job. Also, he as a strong instinct for sniffing out danger.

Worse, I detect  someone like us, but  who is on the dark side, essentially, a Neo-Nazi occultist, who connects to the inner circle. he in turn draws upon others. This is developing into a classic B movie. Of course, no one in the mainstream will believe this. But this Nazi is there. We have a problem.

Trump has also started listening to his advisers more. As a result the middle east crisis over the gas was dealt with very expertly, the Russian link is intact, and it has actually clarified things on both sides. Putin is now back on track, to destroy ISIS. America will now take joint action. (So long as we get through the next few days without further incidents.). So the chances of it escalating are greatly reduced. It all depends on Trump. If he plays along, the Russian American relationship is back on course, and I strongly sense that a American-Russian summit is on the cards again, for June. But we are NOT out of the woods yet. We will know in a week. Can anyone else pick up on the occultists on the Trump Nazi links?...... At the moment, the outcome is balanced. I think it will be ok though. --Zoron

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Could that person be Steve Bannon? Is he the modern day American Rasputin?

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Could this be Erik Prince? Jeanne speculated that he might be in the mix as a shadow emissary between Trump and Russia. Whether or not he secretly identifies as a Nazi, I don't know, but there's certainly evidence that he is a nationalist.

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Sebastian Gorka is one of Trump's aids and he's a member of a Hungarian Nazi group, Vitezi Rend. He wore a metal attributed to them at the inauguration ball so he's not too ashamed of it, either. He's a link to and article just written tonight about him:


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Oh Dear God, I'm reading the article now. Jeanne, remember the vision about the "V"? Well, Gorka sometimes uses the initial v. in his name, the article says, which is used by Vitezi Rend members. 

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Not sure on the occultist links. However, I find the actions by Russia and Trump to be well executed. 

It did exactly what they hoped it would - distance Putin from Trump and set the the stage for more profitable arms dealing in the Middle East. 

Still there are some discrepancies in the scheme:

1) North Korea ::  We are moving a cruiser off their coast to "curb any potential use of a nuclear weapon". This seems a little drastic, compared to previous methods of ignoring their tantrums. Instead we're acting like hound dogs on a hunt for porcupines. While we might get the porcupine, we'll end up with a face full of needles first. 

2) China :: Trumps meeting with Xi was a classic corral. Invite him here to discuss economic ties and better relations, proceed with military maneuvers, urge him to concede to our demands while held in our country. The only problem is that Xi is not agreeing to help curb North Korea's usage of  nuclear weapons, but being very clever and keeping discussion strictly on economic issues.

3) Public's cynicism :: While many of Trump's supporters are more affirmed by the Russia 'increased-conflict-attitude' that there is nothing happening between them, but a large majority of moderates and liberals aren't buying it. Also, many of Trump alternate supporters are very angered by his actions in Syria, condemning him for getting involved when they want isolationism.   

They laid the pieces fairly well, except for these three things.

It makes me wonder what their true motives are though? Where are they going with all of this? 

There is something deeper happening here beyond a simple plan to distance relations through a Reichstag Fire. There's too many pieces moving on this global chess board. And there is a goal, a big one, that we don't know about. 

Kushner and Prince are major players, but so is Ivanka, Bannon, Priebus, Tillerson, and Mattis. They've all got a stake. But they're facing a tiered chess board with multiple manipulators.  

Will Syria be further bombarded as a means to keep eyes and ears away from their true motives? Or will they seeking a different target?

Here's what I know and think:

Putin cares little for Assad other than that Assad plays to the tune that Putin pipes (for now). Putin would remove the Assad so long as it was worth while to do so. But at the moment, it's not. However, if America removed the Assad and Putin was seen to negotiate with America a candidate favorable to them both (and easily malleable by them both) was chosen, well there'd be no hard feelings and possibly some major advantages. Still, Putin knows (from experience and from US history (i.e. Bin Laden)), it's better to have a pawn you know than one you think you know. 

So perhaps somewhere else, and North Korea is just prickly enough to poke into conflict. Now, just to get China in a position were they can't act, and you have an ideal situation to capitalize on. Despite, the strain, who better to team up? Russia is close by and possibly willing to cooperate. they'd pick Kushner to be an ambassador, of course. They've already worked with him, he's been an excellent business associate after all [roll eyes].

Prince is negotiating contracts with Saudi Arabia and China, one of which will out bid the other for his special services. The one who does would have an easy in on the conflict. They would have a prime position to manufacture and distribute arms - quite the money pit!

The only clincher is the players. Bannon's not cooperative unless it fits into his narrow apocalyptic view of the world. Nunes wasn't as smart about hiding his ties as they thought. China has played these games for so long, they're not ready to make a defining move yet. And the American public is hardly what it used to be - idealistic and bored - and is already very divided. 

In my opinion, this game they're trying to play is just too complicated for them. They're not focused or willing to take the time to think it out. Putin is there, but there's only so much "help" he can give. Trump is learning, but not fast enough and I think that many of the people in the political elite see this weakness for what it is and are capitalizing on it. 

So what we are seeing are these half-assed plans that are leading to dumb/hasty decisions that are just wreaking geopolitical havoc. We'll be okay, but I think you were right Zoron when you said that we would get close to a Nuclear War, but not go all the way. 

Also, I think Bannon knows this and isn't happy. He really wanted a grand war. 

Correct me if I'm wrong or you disagree. I'd rather have someone tell me I'm full of beans, than not. 


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The "V" thing is very strange. I have noticed Ivanka has this shap very predomintly displayed on the front of her clothes in many photos of her. almost like the insigna on a cheer leaders costume.

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From: Zoron.

Subject: Nazi occult influence on the Neo-Cons. 

Probability: 90%

Outcome: Bad


Zoron says he is not happy with the Hit, which it clearly is, as it was only a matter of hours later that stories started to break about the Nazi issues.But relieved. I was worried that transferring to the new site would dry up the source of  things for me, but We got a hit, as usual. 

I had thought of not posting due to the sensitivity of the subject, until more data came in. But the importance of this made me feel that I should share, so that others on here, (The "Usual suspects")  could get to work on this. I would like the regular posters to see if they also get something, in a more formal way, about that hit, and that issue in general. This is just a suggestion from me, that we try a group "Scan". I hope Jeanne feels ok about this!. As part of the experiment, can we adopt the more formal structure I use for the heavy stuff:?

Its time I explained why I use that structure as well, although most people get the gist of it, basically. As a Scientist, (Day Job) I am very interested in using the powerful platform that Jeanne has created to do predictions and intuitions in a more formal way, to get a layout when I do that, (as opposed to just comment) and put tags on the post, that enable all the posts, at some later time, to be sorted into a simple data structure. From that the Geeks can extract "Hidden data". I can then sort it, and post it, for the rest of us, in a more useful manner. 


You will have noticed I use the format:

From: (Name of poster)

Subject: (What its about)

Location: (where it is). (Eventually, we will get a map of all the hits, that I will do. 

Outcome: (Green, Orange, Red. ) from ok to disaster. (I am using this new format )

Probability: (from 0 to 100%). You will soon pick up the liklihood of how certain this is.


Expansion: (This is the main post, it goes here. ) 

Automatically we then have the date and time stamp, and the name of the poster, as well as the "Tag" nickname. 

We can then search using the search engine on here. Eventually, I will do some serious sorting on these special posts. 

When we post using this format, we are not just doing predictions but getting scientific data from it. 

For the rest of the time, just carry on as usual. 

I invite any others registered on here to use the format as well. I use it from now on only for "Critical" stuff. 

ordinary comments, jokes, weather reports, etc, will be just posted. No Format. 

This means that for "Big" stuff, we can see trends over time, when we post this way. 

I absolutely stress no one has to use this, I am simply explaining my posts, why I do them this way. 

I am also only going to use it for serious stuff. (Sigh, most of my stuff is serious.). Comments please. 

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Trump's rise to power has always defied the odds.  Things that would destroy other politicians roll like water off his back.  Plus, there's the fact that the man does not read, has a limited vocabulary, most likely has a personality disorder or two and is clearly unknowledgeable about how government works or the courts or international law.  The list goes on and on, yet here we are.  I believe there was a conspiracy with the Russians, however the possibility of another, darker force at play here is shocking.  When I reflect on this, my first thought is that there is dark energy in Europe, somewhere in Europe.

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How odd that someone with these ties to Neo Nazis in Europe and just became a US citizen in 2012 is now an advisor in the White House.


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Zoron mentioned a neo-Nazist connecting between Trump and Russia, but Politico has suggested a Jewish group Chabad (and named several members) serving as this possible link.

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Ok, I just looked this up because I remembered something about occultism and Bannon. Steve Bannon is said to have been greatly influenced by an Italian philosopher named Julius Evola. Evola was considered to be a right-wing political enthusiast and was into the occult. He, at one point, tried to do spells on Mussolini which then made Mussolini not like him so much anymore. There is a lot of info out there about Evola and his philosophies. The NYT article about Julius Evola and Bannon provides some insight. The article says Evola was "Nazi-affiliated".

So Zoron, what do you think? Will this group succeed or will it end up as just another fascist fiasco?

Another odd thing is that some media outlet showed a tweet by someone stating the war would start on April 7. They were stating that in terms of it possibly being a planned/staged event. However, in addition to that, I thought that it could also be an indication that Trump is running the country based on some psychic's input! Hitler was into that stuff and was believed to have been manipulated by it too.

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To clarify, when I said, "this group" I meant Bannon, Stephen Miller, Gorka, Erik Prince and whoever else is involved that we don't know about yet. 

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Trump has stated in interviews that he considers himself to be psychic. 

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That leak Twitter account I mentioned before... I saw they predicted this to happen back on April 1.  I have a link to a FB you can check out and see whether anything pings...

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the occult influence may be related to Chabad/Kabbalah? In a google search, talks about Kabbalah... maybe be seen as occultist- Politico article from April 9 is very informative on Putin and Chabad history and Trump connections.

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Replying to Greit - - I had seen a V in a vision for a month in 2017 (can't remember which one) and I had put it in the predictions time table on the World Predictions Page. It was no ordinary V that I'd seen. It looked like it stood for an organization. Several people had speculated about the meaning of the V, then one reader suggested it was about Gorka. I some articles about him and his relationship to that Nazi group, and although he denied it, he wears a pin of that group.  I believe that the V I had seen was about Gorka.

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Hi, I decided to copy and paste the text from that FB post as not everyone uses facebook and twitter. These same people have a leak Twitter acct which may be real or fake. However, they did post that this strike on Syria would happen on the exact date it did back on April 1. Here it is. It may ping you or not.

On January 28-30, 2017, Steve Bannon, Paul Ryan, Rex Tillerson, and Valery Gerasimov spoke together several times and discussed starting #WWIII on April 7, 2017.

Now, our posts went viral when April 7th came (Syrian time, not US time zones) and the #Syriastrike happened...#WorldWarIII began to trend and our posts went viral.

However, throughout the day, we have been receiving a lot of questions so we have decided to write a "tell-all" note about what we know, how we know it, and hopefully answer your questions.

To start off, the #Syrianattack was planned by #SteveBannon, #PaulRyan, #RexTillerson, and #‪ValeryGerasimov over those three days at the end of January. Typical narcissists brag about their upcoming "accomplishments" to their victims and, as many of you know, we both have been victims of harassment and gang-stalking by Steve Bannon.

He likes to brag about what he considers to be his "accomplishments" in an attempt to cause fear in his victims. Only we never have cowered in fear because of him and we've decided to leak what we know.

Normally, Bannon's people stalk our accounts and us incessantly and cause confusion in #theResistance by either paying people off or threatening people and their families into silence, or, in some regards, into lying about what is truly going on.

The people Bannon works for have so much money they just throw it away in an attempt to pay everybody off.

But he has gotten sloppy - we found out he would be let go from his job this week and he was, we found out that Preibus would be leaking or quitting and rumor has it he is, and, most importantly, we called the beginning of WWIII today.

Neither of us are directly involved in the current administration - Robert is from one of the richest families in the world so he grew up around Trump (and was abused by him and his group) and Hepzibah is a pastor, who works as a spiritual adviser to several well-known democratic leaders. But we both know what's going on and we are planning to expose whatever we can whenever we get information.

They've become sloppy this week and that's worked for our advantage.

The #Syrian attack? It was not #Assad who planned it but the four we mentioned. They want war in the #MiddleEast - for money and oil, as usual.

They wanted to set #Putin up as the fall guy and tip his hand for war. You see, Valery has gone rogue - and not in the Resistance sense of the word.

As many of you know, Robert and I have stated from the get-go that Vladimir was NOT behind #electiongate - he was lured into a trap by Jacob Rothschild in spring and summer 2016, during the primaries. He DID do some black hat hacking back then - and worked with #JulianAssange.

Julian worked side-by-side with Jacob and lured Vladimir in... but only for six months or so. Julian? He was on Jacob's payroll. He created fake Bernie and Hillary supporter profiles to cause division amongst the #Democrats. The reason? It's a spiritual reason which we've talked about on countless posts - many people don't understand the spiritual aspect of what we are speaking about so, unless you are interested, we won't go any further into this (you can inbox us here for more info about this).

What we will say is this: Vladimir WAS partially guilty of the primary hacking but NOT of #electiongate. He stopped hacking around late summer, early fall. Jacob was, essentially, threatening him which is what kept him in it for so long. But he was NOT guilty of the rigged election - Jacob was, along with two hundred plus associates who pulled it off through hacking, payoffs/hush money, or threatening.

Putin was played by Donald J. Trump- Donnie acted like he wanted a friendship with Vladimir only to take advantage of him. He played him like a fiddle - knew very few people in the west liked him and was trying to control him. But, as the election drew closer, DJT stopped his praise of him. And withdrew from Vladimir because Vlad was no longer part of Jacob's inner circle.

Going back to #electionday, many were involved in the rigging - some of these people included members of #InfoWars and #Wikileaks, as well as, Steve Bannon, Paul Ryan, Kellyanne Conway, Ivanka Trump, Rex Tillerson, Reince Priebus, and Michael T. Flynn (amongst many others).

#PaulManafort was one of the biggest riggers and got paid more than most did but he ousted himself right before the election and was one of the key players (anybody remember his tweet from the weekend before the election? He exposed their plans - can anybody find that tweet so we can post it here?)

They were all promised things - for most, it was a position on his cabinet or staff - for some, it was shoutouts and support (for instance: DJT supports #AlexJones deeply).

But for others: it was money LOTS of it.

They paid a lot of money to have the election polls rigged for #Trump but #HillaryClinton won on both counts.

Once he "won," Donald began having to "pay-it-forward" to those who helped him get there: he had to play nice with Ryan and he had to give Steve the due he was promised - and Steve began to control Trump's world.

Fast forward to January 2017, right before he took office, Bannon went from having the final say in everything to having the first say. He fed off of Trump's desire to be liked and stroked his ego, while building an empire.

Bannon began considering himself (and we quote) the "president-king." And the plots began.

Around that time, I (Robert) began opening up about my sexual, physical, and emotional abuse at the hands of Donald Trump and his men - I filed a lawsuit and went into hiding - but I also started tweeting the "inside info" I know about Trump and his people. So the threats began.

Bannon began threatening me and Hepzibah, as well as, hiring a group of"Resistance" members to launch an all-out assault against us online to discredit us - this is called projection and the Veil of Confusion (this is just like what Trump did about Hillary). They made up all kinds of lies and spent their entire days condemning us all because Bannon knew, one day, we would be part of his political demise.

But he got too cocky and began to slip. He posted on the dark net about his plans for white domination and World War III.

He began calling us and making fake profiles to stalk us on - even Donald made a few fake profiles to harass us on.

They wanted to make us afraid and shut us down like they did the others - but it didn't work. Nevertheless, WE persisted.

They even offered my lawyer a huge multi-million dollar payoff to turn his back on me and the case - but it didn't work.

Bannon bragged about how the four of them would start WWIII on 4/7 while making it look like they were "protecting" people (after a "terrorist attack" that was really a #falseflag). They targeted a Syria for several reasons - 1.) to get back at Putin for leaving Jacob and their club, 2.) to make it look like "#ISIS" did it, 3.) get the oil and money from the Middle East by creating a new war, and 4.) trying to make Vladimir so mad that he used a bomb to start WWIII.

They also coincided this with the #Chinese PM's visit to #MaraLago because China is one of the biggest targets - they want war between the United States & rogue Russian military leaders (such as Val) and China, non-rogue Russia (VP and those working for him), North Korea, & Islamic nations (Iran and Syria being the main countries).

True to the Trump administration, everything is a distraction: Bannon paid somebody to set up the bombing in #StPetersburg the other day as a distraction from election gate. He set up two other bombs the next day there and he's playing to set-up two-three more false flags in Russia over the next 72 hours or so.

He also used that as a distraction for the REAL terrorist attack in Syria. Which, of course, became a distraction for the beginning of WWIII. What is that military action a distraction for? The #StockholmAttack. What was that a distraction for? The planned nuclear war.

Valery has gone rogue but he is the one planning to launch the nuclear warhead (with Bannon's go-ahead of course) to pin it on Russia - especially Putin because he's walked away from the club.

What is to come?

1) The next step is nuclear war - main cities being aimed at? Beijing or Shanghi 
2.) April 20 - three members of their club (two of which are leaders of nations and one of which is working for Donald) are planning three simultaneous terrorist attacks - one in the Middle East (don't know what country), one in Australia, and one in North America 
3.) Faux financial instability in the markets - stocks to hard crash over the next month. Why? To put Donald's plans of a dictatorship into motion. Note: Trump is NOT planning this, those working for him are
4.) Widespread outbreak of a disease - selectively killing off those who are weakened or poor. 
5.) There's talk that there will be two public mass shootings in the next month and a half - Chicago is a probable location they are discussing
6.) Putin is planning to leak much of the dirt he has on DJT and DJT's people over the next week - specifically related to the crime ring they are involved in (sexual abuse, money and human trafficking, and Trump's involvement with a drug lord in Mexico (real reason he wants to "build a wall").

This is their upcoming plots - granted: they can be stopped by us fighting against them. Paul Ryan admitted 




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April 20th is historicly a flash point date. Many shocking events have taken place on that date.

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Thanks for posting this, Kathy. Pretty darn horrifying if true. But also, sadly, not surprising if true. I'm curious about who these leakers are and how they know so much if they are seemingly "on the run." Also, they don't seem to offer any solutions about what we  can do about what they are reporting. Either they are also toying with their victims or maybe there is nothing that we can do at this point. Either way, I too am curious to know what Jeanne and Zoron/Graham or others can pick up on this. All I know is that something very bad is afoot--I always feel it in my body. Same thing happened for me before Fukushima and the Boxing Day tsunami. Hopefully there are some brave souls out there who are in a position to try (or better yet succeed) in stopping whatever diabolical plan is unfolding.

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