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North Korea/April 15th

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Just heard on Reuters that April 15 is a big holiday in North Korea, being the birthday of one of the founders. They usually celebrate with a show of military force, and are reported to be excited about a war with the United States. The timing with the taxes protest March in DC makes me nervous.

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I am concerned about the 15th, too.

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Interesting development: This article was posted today, April 12: China Threatens To Bomb North Korea's Nuclear Facilities If It Crosses Beijing's "Bottom Line" - see .

Also, a psychic predicted on 3/7/17: "I had a visual of the United States Flag and the Chinese Flag coming together side by side. “Both nations have grown tired of Kim Jong Un, his removal is imminent, the regime is ending.. it’s over”    “North Korea will become a part of China giving them a strategic edge in Asia.. all will unfold soon”  I had a visual of Kim Jong Un being led away, he had a look of fear on his face." 



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That could be one of the more positive, hopeful outcomes, marzantar. I worry North Korea will strike first.

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From: Graham

Subject: North Korea

Location: Pacific.

Outcome. Red Alert

Probability : High


The situation re North Korea is becoming very serious. 

We now have a confrontation where an American naval task force, with a super-carrier, is on track for a location near North Korea. It is going to come into range of the Korean anti-ship missiles fairly soon. (The Koreans have supersonic cruise missiles) Likewise, the American fleet will bring North Korean targets within range, at the same time. At that point, even a mistake by either side, could be very serious. We are literally in the hands of fate. 

This is the flash-point. I think the Koreans are more unstable and paranoid than we think.Kim will be under large pressures, from his own ruling circle, not to lose face, or be humiliated. This is now close to flash point time. If nothing happens for a week, we are past the danger point. I feel that Kim will lash out, in some way, and then it is in grave danger of escalation. Will do a serious post on this later. The situation is a bit fluid at the moment. The one thing I do know is that the Koreans have made a full battle plan, in the event of an incident, that includes a set of responses that go all the way up to full scale war and invasion of South Korea. I do not think his generals are very keen on this. But the military plans are there, to be activated. They are updated, and there are a variety of options available to the North Koreans. Even they do not know, at this point, what the response would be, in the event of an incident. 

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Japanese war ships are joining US ships. I figure this will either antagonize more or make him stop & think maybe his ideas might not be so good

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Urgent Flash alert: RED

China and USA are moving into place for a "Resolution of the Crisis" as they put it. They are anticipating the triggering of a North Korean coup by using this to pressurise the military. Such a coup may misfire. In that case Kim will attack immediately it is technically possible. If the Coup succeeds, crisis effectively over. If coup fails, then we are back on serious crisis track. If No Coup, but crisis continues then China will wait for the Americans to act, then decide their own options. The crisis is therefore moving, in that case, to either the Americans withdrawing beyond missile distance, or being the first to strike. Decision taken in Washington, but events may upset it beforehand. Korea, if the madman is cornered, may take decision to do a first strike, which will involve striking South, and also attacking Americans. Kim is in a state of terrible indecision. Either way, his survival is now under severe threat. More later. 

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This is such a scary situation, especially for all the people in that region. They lives depend on on two mad men on both sides. I pray for peaceful solution to this. 

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What's the probability of Kim Jung-Un's elite turning on him, giving up the NK nuclear program, and installing a leader controlled by China in order to stay any actions taken against them?

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The whole set of international discussions, between China, America, and Russia, has sort of resolved that this would be the best outcome. But if anything goes wrong, from international pressure on the regime to overthrow him, it will be an absolute disaster. Kim will launch a major attack if the coup fails. He may launch a major attack anyway. He will not back down, in the face of the advancing American task force and planned bomber strikes on North Korea. These are ready and prepped so that they can go at fairly short notice. So if the Americans push hard enough, he will lash out. The likelihood of a coup is fairly low. What is likely, if no coup, is a final confrontation with America. I think the Americans have not done enough contingency planning. They do not know exactly where the nuclear weapons are stored, or the actual readiness of the long range missiles, able to heat the USA. The greatest danger is the korean navy, who can put to sea a nuclear strike sub, and tens of conventional subs, some able to fire missiles. They would be able to attack America. The whole issue is now swirling around and the outcome could go several ways. Absent the radio announcement that the "Great Leader"  has tragically died of a massive heart attack, or a coup, some kind of military action is now inevitable. The war will probably start as a mistake, or misjudgement, then escalate. It all now depends on kim and trump, which one blinks first. I think neither will do so. So the matter is reduced to timing, and one of scale and impact. It will be resolved over the next few days. One way or the other. I fear the worst. After an initial clash, there will be an escalation, as neither side backs down. Afterwards, the Americans will be revealed as having faulty intelligence and poor planning. This might be disasterous. 

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re: Korea:

I do get that Kim is in a state of terrible indecision, and beginning to panic. He has not got the mental capacity to get through this one. he feels very threatened. There is an atmosphere of stalinist fear in North Korea, amongst the leadership. Anything might happen. 

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Lovely. Two mentally challenged world leaders locking horns.... we all need that like a hole in the head.

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I live on the coast of southern California. I have had repeated nightmares of nuclear attacks in this area. Jeanne has said she doesn't see this happening, but given that many times psychics are unable to see the more horrific events in the future, I wonder what your thoughts are on this. I too get the feeling that whatever happens will not be due to diligent planning, it'll be an escalation comprised of tactical errors based on the emotions of the leaders involved. I pray every day for the well-being of "Mad Dog" Mattis, because despite his nickname, he is the most reasoned and informed of the whole lot, and I hope he can find some way to keep us out of a direct global conflict (i.e., WW III). Thanks as always for your insights.

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Dear Laura, please know that you have a lot of people praying, visioning, sending protective thoughts, etc. in support of the well being of you and your fellow West Coasters. I too have been concerned and have family and friends in California and I found myself searching the internet for advice on protecting against nuclear fallout last night, swirling in worry.

But then, early this morning, I was reminded that we are more powerful than we realize. Visible and physical forms of protest are important, but this morning I felt that sending protest/resistance messages in meditative form could possibly be even more effective since it seems to reach a different energetic level, a sort of subconscious level. And so with an unwavering stance and tough love in my heart, I sent the following message:  "Wake up, people! Killing is not ok. Please remove the veils of blind rage from your eyes and recognize the sanctity of life in all of its forms. Whoever is in a position to stop this escalation, please do so now for the good of all life everywhere."  

Blessings to you, Laura, and all of our worldly neighbors!

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The likelihood of a nuclear strike on California by North Korea is very low. It isn't impossible, but they are more likely to strike Seoul, South Korea, Guam, Tokyo, Japan, or Hawaii than California. Moreover, from prior intel they have very limited capabilities concerning a nuclear strike on the West Coast. Don't get me wrong, it's not impossible, but they have more targets closer to them that would be more accurate and still cause major damage than a far off possibility that may or may not even reach.

Expect a strike by North Korea to occur closer to their borders. They might strike at our advancing ships, at South Korea, at an American military base in the pacific, or maybe further. Likely the strike will be pronged. Depend on whether or not Kim is deposed, we'll be better able to gauge the severity of his possible future attack. But we can guess that he'll do multiple attacks upfront in order to cause as much initial damage as possible before the wolves descend. Then it becomes a long game of strategic strikes, if he lasts that long.

Right now, feel out in the ether for solidification. Until then, there is too many possibilities. However, expect to know by the end of this week. If we pass the week with nothing, then the crisis is averted until later in the year. If something occurs, the paths will slowly unfold, and actions will be more clear.     

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From Zoron. Agreed.


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 From: Zoron.

Subject: North Korea timelines

Location: North korea

Outcome: Disasterous

Probability: High


Zoron says that the situation re Korea is now in its critical phase. 

There are several issues, all converging. Firstly, the Korean leader is now beyond rationality. He will lash out at the least provocation. 

Secondly, the flash point is the American Strike Force steaming towards Korea. It is being tracked, carefully, and the Koreans know where it is. 

The Koreans have made preparations for the eventuality of either the Americans launching a large  strike from the strike force, or the Korean leader ordering a pre-emptive strike to prevent this. The Koreans may well test a nuclear weapon over the Easter weekend. If they do this and the Americans do not respond, then He wins politically, and the Americans are humiliated. If He does not respond to the strike force as they approach, and the above holds, then a precarious peace is not broken.

The possibility of a coup in North Korea also has to be taken into account. The possibility of a successful Coup is low. 

If either side starts a strike, then it is total escalation. A massive attack on north Korea by long range american bombers, missiles, and aircraft will happen. The Koreans will attack Seoul, with heavy conventional weapons, and will invade to target Seoul. They will heavily attack all American bases within reach. This will eventually escalate to heavy Korean missile strikes, and an attempt to attack a number of critical American bases in the Pacific.

There is a danger, of the limited number of very long range Korean missiles being directed at the American mainland.Mostly west coast. 

Even if conventional warheads are used, the internal disturbances inside the USA will be massive. The eventual outcome will be the crushing of North korea, but at great cost. 

The first phase will result in Korean gains, and substantial damage and losses to the Americans. The second phase  will see very severe attacks on North korea. 

Having said all this, the actual timeline I am picking up is that both the American and korean leaderships flinch, at the last moment, from all out war. 

None of this is good. I do get that even if they draw back, there is going to be some kind of violence involved. 

I do not think, in the event of escalation, that the war will spread outside the Pacific or the American bases. My estimate at the moment is of a 50% chance of conflict and escalation. There is much more, which I will post tomorrow.

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Thank you. I did remark in a post on another thread -- I understand and do also feel that NK is more likely to attack Seoul or Japan. Their missiles can maybe reach as far as Hawaii (I have that on good sources within US military).... no, what I fear is that the false flag attack we have all been sensing will occur here in CA, will be blamed on NK to justify retaliation. Taking extra time today and tomorrow to focus on peace, love and light as much as possible.
