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The doc thought the injections of a time released steroid, starts with a Z, would take care of the pain. But after about 6 days, the pain came back, and much worse. Two doctors want to go over the MRI together to figure out what I need done. But my partner found my crutches. That’s a good thing. But if it can heal on its own, it probably will take months. However, there seems to be other issues, like arthritis. Thanks for writing.❤️


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I finally found your post. I’m so sorry for the pain you’re going through. I think if my close friend died, or if my brother died, I’d be so lost. I pray she visits you often.


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Thank you. You know, I’ve thought for months how awful it had to be for Jews needing to hide within the homes of non Jewish people. Thanks for the suggestion of the videos...a good idea.


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@coyote, going to send you good vibrations as well!


@anita and @ghandigirl, what @suspira44 pointed out is very true. When getting through crisis like this we can learn from the past.


Two examples. First this little clip of a holocaust survivor who has since then passed over. It's a simple life's lesson:


Then, we have had a surge in Covid cases in The Netherlands since the beginning of this month. Some young ones aren't following the rules as they should.

A 94 old man wrote a letter to the newspaper which was printed addressing this. In it he detailed that he was 15 when the 2nd WW started and he wrote that he understood how hard it was to see your life be put on hold. He was shipped off to forced labor in Germany and when he came back he was called for battle in Indonesia. He lost 10 years of his life (40 to 50) because of all these events, but he got through it. He said: 

"Keep your back straight for a year and then it is very likely you can enjoy your young life again. I'm 94 years old, but I'm counting on you."


The letter itself was much better than what I am writing now, but what I'm trying to say: even in the face of the horrid events: keep the faith, keep hope. Humanity has a lot of goodness. We shall overcome isn't a cliche. It's the truth. This to shall pass. ❤️ 



I do not think anyone can read Dutch, but here is the link:

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@coyote I will be praying for you and sending love and healing light to you.   Peace my friend.  We are here for you. ❤️☮️

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@coyote and @anita Sending you both much love and healing ❤️

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My mother is 80 years old and is finally retiring from the hospital (today is her last day), and she's still completely unconvinced that Covid is all that serious.  She keeps saying that because her hospital didn't see any bad patients, it can't be as as big of a deal as the news says it is.  She that people who come in to the ER diagnosed with Covid are sent home to recover, so it can't be as bad as they are saying.  She said they have only four patients in the hospital with it, and none of them are in ICU, so it's just a severe flu and all the news about it is just hype.  She actually just told me "Oh, it's just a scam!"

*sigh*  I just let her ramble, but I'm seriously screaming inside right now.

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In addition to the above...

In February, my primary physician put me on restrictions at work because I was diagnosed with two hernias, and I was scheduled to have the repair surgery in April. In March, another doctor took me off work completely due to the pandemic because owing to the nature of my job, my doctor thought it was too dangerous to allow me to go because of other underlying health conditions.  While I was off, the hernia repair was canceled because of the pandemic.  I was planning to reschedule it for June, but then ended up having to have an unplanned surgical procedure because of another issue that came up, so I was not able to do the repair.

Since the second doctor provided a letter stating that I should not return to work until the shelter order was rescinded, I could not apply for unemployment because I would have to certify that I was able to work, and I couldn't do that because of the doctor's instructions.  The result is that I have been off work for 5 months with no income, and while I am fortunate that I live with my mother so I didn't have to worry about rent or household bills, I do have other things I needed to pay.  I had some savings, but keeping those payments up has drained what I had.

I also used up all of my available leave time, so against my better judgement, I was forced to get a letter from my doctor to allow me to return to work, but with the previous (no lifting) restrictions still intact.  I provided all of the letters my employer asked for, but was told they would have to review whether they could accommodate the restrictions.  I found out today that they have decided that in spite of the fact that they were able to accommodate it earlier in the year, they were not going to be able to do so now.

Upshot is, I am now unemployed, will have no insurance after the end of the month so cannot get the surgery I need, still cannot do any job that requires lifting, and have no other job prospects in an almost non-existent job market.  I have no idea what I'm going to do, but I would appreciate any thoughts, prayers, visions, or whatever guidance anyone can offer.

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@tgraf66, oh my what a rotten situation;-(  I will keep you in my thoughts and send good vibrations your way. Your health first, then climbing out of the hole you surely must feel you're in. Take heart.

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I woke up feeling really heavy today, although I've been feeling down the entire week. I move tomorrow and start my new job next week, and all of the emotions of insecurity, isolation, anger, fear, regret, disappointment, and doubt about my future I've felt over the past 7 years are suddenly making themselves felt again.

Some background. Last Friday, I underwent psychic surgery, and the surgeon also helped me move on a traumatized ancestor who was occupying my biofield and who I believe helped cause my neurofibromatosis. Now, in my ancestor's absence, my isolation has taken on a new quality. It's loneliness combined with an anger that I haven't been able to meet life on the terms I want: having a reliable, complete body is one such term. Now that I'm 25 - closer to 30 than to 20 - I'm suddenly angry/depressed/resigned at having missed out on so much time and ghosting through so many social relationships. Unless I resolve these emotions, my ancestor or other spirits could come back and start feeding off of my energy. At least, I know that if my present conflicted state of mind persists, I'll fall back into severe depression this fall. With all of the other chaos in the world, an episode of depression would not be a surprise.   

I’m not sure what I’m expecting by posting this. I just have to externalize my thoughts.

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Hugs to you! I don't have anything profound to say, just some advice from someone older :) You are at an interesting age, 25. It feels so adult and the realization that you are on the upswing to a new decade can feel a bit overwhelming. You have dealt with a lot already in your 25 years, but also are just getting started. I will be 49 in Sept. and have felt like I am just getting my sea legs in my 40s! Periods of growth happen for all of us during different chunks of our lives. You have much that you have endured, but also are looking forward to some "regular"good big things coming up - moving and a new job! I feel like it is perfectly natural for your insecurities to rise up now, during a time of personal new growth (but uncertainty) and a collective time of uncertainty. Hang in there and ride the wave and do your best to look forward to new opportunities. They will be there and you have the knowledge now to take heed of them when they come your way (new social relationships, etc.) Will be sending all the best to you as you enter this new time in your life. 

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File for permanent disability asap. Hire a disability lawyer if it's complicated in your state. Once you're on it for 2 years, you get enrolled in Medicare automatically. You are also allowed to work a little bit here and there (Again, depends on your state), and when things improve you can go off it completely.

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Hi @coyote.  These feelings and memories are all bubbling up now for a reason. We've entered into the pre full mood period and I feel like there is something astrologically significant going on in your charts which makes this an especially powerful time for you to release this negative energy. Try not to dwell on the negative thoughts, but do allow them to come up as they may, observe them from a distance and then set the intention to release them from your energy field.  Now is also a good time to do any type of energy work or ceremony that you are drawn to, with the purpose of clearing and releasing these lower vibrations. ❤️ 

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@coyote, thinking of you and sending you light.

@frank, I feel the wisdom glowing from your being.  I am grateful to you and others who come here and help others. We all love Coyote beyond words.  Thank you also dear @CC21. 

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I want to wish you well as you start this new transition in your life. New things can be both exciting and scary at the same time. 

I also want to reassure you about growing older. I remember when I thought 25 was ancient(I was 14). My music teacher said voices drop lower around age 25. I couldn't imagine being THAT old. 

I understand the feeling of not having a whole complete body that works well. I can feel the frustration in your words. Your body is beautiful, a vehicle for your beautiful soul. Even if it doesn't do what you want it to., or work as reliably as you'd like. 

So I wish you well also for healing of your body. Much love and light to you as you step into a new life. 




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@coyote. Thank you for sharing with us.  Transitions bring up all kinds of unresolved issues, don’t they?  And here you are going through a major transition during a pandemic, an ongoing political crisis and assorted natural catastrophes.  As an intuitive, you’re also picking up the fears of the collective.  It’s overwhelming.

So, stop and breathe.  You are a very intelligent young man and wise beyond your years.  The trials and suffering you have experienced are refining you into a beautiful soul.  There is purpose to your life.  I have faith that you’re going to be okay.  Much love to you, my friend.

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@coyote, may you feel peace through your whole being and may you feel a lightness in your spirit. 

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@coyote  Sending Light Love and Hugs - know that you are thought of and supported on this journey of yours.

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  • @tgraf66  if you can't beat them, join them.  The unemployment departments need more staff.  There are actually too few applicants here in Oregon.  Nice desk job (with benefits!!) in a safe environment.    I wish you well and hope these issues resolve themselves quickly. Hugs! :)

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@jeanne-mayell  Thank you for your kind words ? ❤️ 

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