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[Solved] Godwinks: The Power of Synchronistic Coincidences

Illustrious Member Moderator
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What a great story! May your next job be one which fits you well and in the meantime, may you continue to be guided ( and feel calm).

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You never know where your Godwinks will come from. I just received a clear Godwink from a response on this forum. I can't explain more here but it was direct, not vague. 

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Aaaand god-wink #5 (in case I wasn't listening before).  Mom and I went to our favorite Chinese restaurant this evening.  This was what was in my fortune cookie. ;-)

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I need to share the most incredible thing which occurred this evening. 

After meditating and working on some new future timeline predictions, my daughter and I decided to grab dinner at a local restaurant.  As we were finishing dinner, we decided to pop into Trader Joe's which, was in the same shopping complex area, before heading home.

After grabbing a few items, we arrived at the check-out line.  I recognized the young cashier with his piecing eyes (like a Husky) as one who has cashiered for me a few times recently.  We exchanged a typical greeting of "Hello, how are you?" and so forth. Then he stopped ringing me up for a moment, looked straight into my eyes and said:

"March 23rd, 2024, what do you predict will be happening then?"

I was stunned.  

I purposely did not look at my daughter because I knew she was aware I had just worked on prediction earlier and I didn't want an awkward look exchanged between us.   My mind was whirling a bit, What the heck just happened?! 

I responded: 

"What would you like to know about? Global, me specifically or about Trader Joe's?".

He said "any or even all three".

So I thought, ok...what can I tell him without it getting too weird?  It was already weird. hahah  I began by stating that we would be focusing a lot of our attention on the climate, at which point the young courtesy clerk bagging my groceries  looked straight into my eyes with relief and said :

" Oh thank goodness!".  

I replied:  "We don't have a choice, it isn't an option"

 She replied: "Well a lot of people around here don't think so." 

I added: " We will also begin seriously focusing on alternative energy sources."

The cashier then asked about Trader Joe's and whether it would be the same as it is now?

I replied: 

"You'll be the same pretty much, but you may need to find some alternative sources for ingredients or need to come up with a few new unique food items using new or unusual foods."  

He then wanted to know if they would still carry their customer favorite "Kringle" pastry and I said:

" Yes,  perhaps a new filling flavor will be offered too".  

He was excited to hear that!

We said goodbye and as I walked through the parking lot with my daughter, I said:

"What the heck just happened?" 

We discussed the possible reasons why the cashier asked that question and settled on the fact he probably was asking other customers as well. Not sure why though.  Perhaps 'just because' or maybe he was "prompted" to do so by spirit not long before I got to the line.  I don't know if he even asked anyone else though.  I do believe we were supposed to go to Trader Joe's tonight, that it was a message me occurring right after focusing on future timeline predictions. I will have to figure out what the message is trying to tell me, I am not sure what it is yet.  

I also remember thinking, " He has NO idea I actually DO this!!".

Hahaha!  I guess I actually DO in fact DO this!

For the record, I tried to give general answers and think quickly.  


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Posted by @lovendures:

Hahaha!  I guess I actually DO in fact DO this!

Wow, @lovendures!  Yup -- you actually DO in fact DO this! 

I love your story.  You were meant to have this experience, and he/they needed to hear your intuitive wisdom.  I love the way you responded to him, especially since you were taken off-guard.  To me your responses were calm, confident, grounded and hopeful.  I can't imagine he was asking other customers those questions.   I also find it telling that you had been focused on predictions earlier that day.  You and the cashier, as well as the courtesy clerk, were clearly opened and energetically connected, i.e. on the same wavelength. 

Your story also made me think again of the many forms of synchronistic connections we have with strangers.  For example, you strike up a conversation with someone and that person (or you) says something that the other person really needed to hear at that moment. Sometimes it can even be life-changing, an answer to our prayer.   All reminders of our interconnectedness, and the many ways we can communicate.  Although our world is in a state of uncertainty and chaos, I believe we are moving towards collectively using our intuition to address our challenges and move us forward.  We are entering an age of intuition.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us, @lovendures.  It gives me hope and makes me smile. 

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@deetoo Happy to help @detoo.  Hope and happiness is an important part of every day right?

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@lovendures I am laughing aloud all over again as I read your story all over again.  Yes, you do in fact do this.  And they responded as if they knew they were talking to the real deal. Which they were.

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I am not sure where to put this but today I got a message about a Saint. I was telling my boyfriend I was trying to pray to the Saint of lost causes...whose name escaped me. I am  Jewish and know very little about Saints. I was being funny mostly. Then the name St. Ignatious came to me. 

I saw the words in my head. I looked him up and he was very interesting. He started the Jesuits after a wild youth. A devastating injury led him to a life of spirituality.

I see parallels in my life. I had a wild youth, although that might be hard to believe. Bipolar issues were out of control. I was the Pollyanna who nobody expected would act wrong, but I was not as good as others believed me to be. I got away with  cutting school and also cutting class, and had substance abuse issues and was somehow depressed and also arrogant and full of myself, always with the wrong partners. I also suffered a severe injury years later which led me to  a different path.

The most amazing part of the St. Ignatious message was the mention connecting him to the third Sunday of Easter which was today. I had no idea about this day as a Jewish girl. I feel that like St.Ignatius the better path I am on now is the message in this.

It gave me goosebumps to get a message so foreign to my religious beliefs and so specific to the exact day. 



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