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I also think the dried leaves with the null symbol refer to the Mueller report.  In ancient times, papers were sometimes referred to as leaves. 

The dead leaves may refer to the end of an era. Yes, an era that is "leaving."  The GOP is now getting close to a nose dive-type descent and it's taking our democracy with it, for now anyway.

The Mueller Report, now reduced to a sham by the fact that Mitch McConnell has allowed the president to control his own investigation, represents the decline of our federal justice system. The Zero means null.   The Mueller Report was what we had in our federal system to hold the president accountable. 

My November 4, 2016 vision of Hades kidnapping and raping Percephone (the innocent daughter of Demeter) and thus causing the winter,  is nearly complete now.  Ironically, we are on the verge of spring, but this dream, and events, tell me we are on the verge of winter. Spring will come, just not now. 

If my initial visions are correct, our federal government is going to descend for a while into the dark. Donald Trump channels the anti-Christ. He channels Hades, the dark god who uses women, yes, Baba,  by putting your hand on his thigh while he poops out the undigested disgusting material of his dark and dirty mind.

These dreams are profound. The decayed leaves and that null symbol loom large for me. 

We are in the final throes of an old archaic system that is dying.  And yes, the earlier dreams in this topic of Putin and Trump converged are also relevant.  Putin is the ultimate dark force who has made Trump his puppet and infiltrated our democracy.  

This whole thread fits together, even though the dreams go back to September. I hope people will keep it going.  I am fascinated by what you are getting. 



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After I posted last night,  I realized that dead leaves are just leaves, not the whole tree. They die every fall as part of a natural cycle.  

I kept seeing the great oak tree itself still standing, and wondered what it represents.  Is it the USA?  The democracy?  

Or is it something bigger --  the collective spirit of our people that continues to grow and thrive even while justice  (the Mueller Report) is sidelined by a corruption that has spread like a disease.

One question is how long will the winter last and when will we see spring again? I have had my own visions about this, and I've posted them repeatedly. I keep feeling that our people need for things to be bad enough for them to throw off these parasites.

When Barr's sham Mueller report coverup summary came out, I was stunned to see some of the mainstream newspapers and even NPR capitulating to Barr's view that the president had been exonerated. We are not out of the dark yet when Jeff Bezos has allowed opinion pieces in his paper (Washington Post) at such a critical time  that support the Barr report.   Sorry, I am co-opting this thread and need to take this subject up in a separate topic. 

I am optimistic about the outcome of all of this.  Timing however remains in play. 



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I have been thinking about Starpaths dream about the tree and leaves. I feel like the tree is Mueller and the leaves are the 300+ pages. Brown because they are complete?

As I was trying to figure out the zero or O symbol I came accross this link about symbols:

removed link

Oddly it has a picture of an oak tree and discusses this zero or O and hortizontal lines. I found it interesting and wanted to post for the group.

Hopefully the link works. Hope everyone is doing well today!


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Tiger & Owl, links don't work when people are new.  It's part of the software that comes with the forum.  Protects against spam, even though it's obvious you are wonderful and very welcome here.  Please email me the link and I will post it. 

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Alright wise tribe, I have another question...hoping this is the correct space to post it. 

I'm reading a lot about all of your experiences with dreams and visions in them. I have always battled with dreams vs dreams with actual truth to them (usually not realizing said dream was a vision until much later on) 

My question to you all is in regards to what I can best describe as "daydreaming visions" .. I have those a lot. Is that a thing? I'll be going about my day or sitting down for a few and my mind drifts to the most random thoughts. For a long time, I chalked them up to an overactive brain but as I get older, I've started to realize that a LOT of those "daydreaming moments" are actually something that happens in real life. 

I distinctively remember the first time this happened. I was in high school, my parents were home for the day. I drove to school, got out of my car and "daydreamed" that something earthly dangerous was going to happen. So I got back in my car and went home, despite knowing how much trouble I'd be in for skipping class. I pulled into the driveway, my mom comes out and asks me why I'm home. I tell her something bad is going to happen. The minute I said it, we experienced the huge 6.8 earthquake here in washington. 

I was so confused and scared that my dream vision came to be, but over time learned to deal with it. I guess my question to all of you is, what is that state called? It's almost like deja vu mixed with a fantasy story you make up in your head when you're bored, so deciphering what is real or what is to be, vs "was that just a made up story?" Or "maybe it's deja vu" is really hard for me to dissect. How do you do this? Is this common? When we're you able to instinctively know the difference? 

Sometimes those daydreams are exactly that for me..just daydreams and nothing ever comes to be. Unfortunately, there's been times when I've scared myself into a state of fear from a vision -absolutely certain it was a real one - and nothing ever came to be. Other times, I'll brush them off and sure as shingles, it happens. :-/ 


Tiger-n-Owl, Rohenna, raindrop and 3 people reacted
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You're in the right place!

What you are calling daydreams sound, for the most part, like visions.

One of my earliest visions similar to yours happened to me in high school also. I was sitting in history class. I remember it was world history, it was March. I was sitting in the row closest to the windows, I was in the 4th seat back. I was bored and my mind drifted as I gazed out the window to the trees growing out of the sidewalk. I "daydreamed" that my stepmother was giving birth to a baby boy. My dad and stepmom lived far away, and I was only able to visit them over summers,  so I ascribed it at the time to wishful thinking.  About a month later, on a routine phone call with my Dad, he told me my stepmom was pregnant and would deliver in May. I told him it would be a boy (this was before modern prenatal testing). He laughed, but in May that year, my stepmom had my half brother!

I don't know what to tell you about how to decipher visioning from just imagination. As I've gotten older, I pay more attention to them. Many of our visions don't come to pass. Some say it's because the timeline shifts somehow, or a random even occurs that changes an outcome. Sometimes it is just your imagination, and only time can reveal that (or as Freud put it, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar").

I hope others weigh in here for you with their experiences. Welcome and peace.

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I had one quite vivid, prophetic dream about the 911 attack. I can't recall whether I've had any others.  

Can anyone recommend ways in general to better remember your dreams?  Over the past few years, I tend not to remember most of them after I wake up.  What I generally sense is a physical or emotional feeling connected to the dream -- and I often sense that my dreams have been quite active, and sometimes I feel worn out.  Maybe that has to do with the collective stress we all are feeling now.  Sometimes (but not often), l may suddenly remember small pieces of a dream later that day.  It's very strange.  

Lovenendures, I like your idea of dreaming with intention. 

Tiger-n-Owl, Jeanne Mayell, Tiger-n-Owl and 1 people reacted
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Best way to remember dreams is to keep either a notebook and pen OR a voice recorder by your bed. As soon as you wake up, write down or record your dreams as best as you can remember them. Even if they're not all prophetic, many of them can give you personal insights you may find helpful. And then there are the dreams that I call "memory dumps" - literally the brain is just sorting through the day's input. I laugh when I get those, because I get that they're necessary somehow, but they're so freakin' banal.

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I like your suggestions, Laura.  My brain tends to be very foggy when I first wake up and I tend not to remember anything about the dream.  But maybe if I do as you suggest, with the intention of remembering more of them, then that could work.  It's certainly worth a shot.  Thanks!

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Tiger-n-Owl I am curious to see what information you were trying to show us with the link... I hope you can email it to Jeanne so we can all see it.  By all accounts I've heard or read Mueller is a very honorable and wise man and perhaps he could be the oak tree.  I hadn't thought of it that way and it is an interesting way to put it.

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Starpath, Here it is.  She had sent it to me but her email had gone to a spam folder.

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Thanks Jeanne!  Tiger-n-Owl I did find the webpage interesting and the whole website has a lot of valuable information about many types of symbols.  The tree image on that page looks like it may be from medieval times--or perhaps was styled to look that way.  It does look like an oak tree.  I wondered around on the website and suddenly had another association come up that seems interesting to me.  Trees as symbols have many associations and meanings.  I wondered about the tree as symbolizing justice.  Almost every town in older times had a hanging tree.  This type of justice now seems cruel but it used to be commonplace.  I then thought about the Tarot cards and their meanings.  I am sure many of the people who read these forums are tarot card readers and already familiar with their meanings.  The zero card is The Fool card and for some reason the Hanged Man card seemed to pop into my head.  The Hanged Man card is number 12.  That card has a man hanging by his ankle from a cross which appears almost like a tree.

Wikepedia says hanging people by the ankle was "a common punishment at the time for traitors in Italy" Trump and his weird assortment of Russian loving political campaign workers are well described as traitors in my opinion.

The fool card shows someone about to step off of a cliff.  Trump and Barr are possibly about to step off of their own cliff by trying to nullify the Mueller report.

These suggestions are sort of digressions by me but still interesting, hopefully. 


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I was reading the comments and suggestions above about dreams, in what form they come to us, their meanings and how to remember them and took a few days to think about how it works in my case. Maybe there will be a nugget of something in there that can help someone else. The process for each person is slightly different. 

I noticed that my dreams can be grouped into three main categories: processing dreams, dreams to pay attention to and visitation dreams. The processing dreams are the ones where I immediately notice that it has something to do with what I have seen and experienced in waking life. I generally understand what those dreams mean.  The dreams to pay attention to are the ones that I asked my subconscious to alert me to when I have them so that I can remember them when I am awake and try to understand them. Usually, I will wake up from such a dream and then I go over the details again mentally so that I can write them down when I get up the next day. I do not always understand these dreams but try to think about them and sometimes something will come up to make sense of them. The visitation dreams only happen a few times a year and those are family members who have passed - generally someone I had a connection with.  Those dreams feel very intense and are easy to note. Sometimes they are checking in just to say hi and sometimes they have a message. Those dreams are not easy to forget. 

I hope that helps someone and I am fascinated to read about everyone’s experiences in this subject. 


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Just adding to all the great answers people have listed here to Demeter's original question, What is the point of psychic dreams? Are they just a party trick?

I can't answer for each person and each dream but at the least, these dreams, like the Israeli space launch Demeter mentioned, indicates something that is important enough, Demeter, to your psyche that it sent you something and your conscious mind remembered it.

 Your nervous system is always detecting the world around you.  What you remember and pay attention to says something about what is both important to you AND what your conscious mind is willing to let you see.

The fact that you had a dream about something that happened a few days later shows that probably (1) your psyche picked up the thoughts of millions of people who had read news stories of the impending launch and (2) your conscious mind decided it would be an okay thing to let you know about.  

Your dream was probably more telepathy (reading the group mind of the Collective)  than prophecy (reading the future)  since the launch was already in the works when you dreamed about it. If you'd dreamed that when they landed on the moon, they discovered something unexpected, then it would be prophecy.  It would help to know more about your dream and how you even discovered later that there was a moon landing. 

It would be interesting to understand why that launch was important to you.  


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I have also had dreams that later turns out it is something that is going to happen in the near future. When I have dreams about being pregnant and giving birth I know its some either close to me or someone that I know some how. Just recently I had a dream that I was pregnant and that no one really wanted that baby and that I did not want it but then I had the baby and I was happy. Found out later that my niece is pregnant and she was having second thoughts on having it. She always said she did not want to have kids for a long time. She has come to terms with it and seems happy. 

I have also had dreams of planes and they are falling and of course I am in it and feel anxious and scared out of my mind. I have these dreams not alot but I never realized that I am dreaming about soemthing that is going to happen. Before the first 8 Max plane fell,  I had a dream of being outside and I see a plane and I said oh look is that the President's Plane and then I said no its Russian it had a word that started with an S. I said to myself that plane is flying too low and its going to touch the trees and then the plane tilts to the left and i see a big ball of fire. I had another dream in February that i was on a plane and it hit a mountain and blew up and then in March the next 8 Max fell. I should keep a journal and write my dreams down. 

I recently had a dream of my 5 year old son dying and I saw him in the coffin. I felt nothing toward this dream. I felt calm I was not sad or anything in the dream. Of course I was disturbed by it but I had no feelings that it was my son. My oldest son just told me that at his internship an 8 Year old boy died in a house fire the night before. I dont know if its coincidence.

I dont know why I have to dream of horrible things. This is very disturbing to me. I have other dreams about other people, one of my husband when he went away to visit his family. He went with our oldest son so I was find. What can he get into. Well i had a dream of him and his family hanging out and the guys wanted to introduce him to a young lady. I woke up and did not say anything about it. My mom later in the morning said to me " They tried to get him to talk to someone but he said no" Do you know he is afraid of you and actually I do know. He asked me if I was a witch or something. I have caught him years earlier on something. I never told my mom. 

I dont know why I have these dreams. The ones I remember are the ones that really scare me. I recently was a way and we were staying at a house my brother in law bought, I have never been there before. It was a nice house but it had a horrible aura. I was annoyed when I was first there. That night I had a dream with a man who was dead and he had like clown make up. It was weird make up. I dont know how to explain. But he told me he was there for my son soul. He wanted him. I told him he could not take him. He is mine. (There was no TV in the room, so i cant say i probably dreamt it because of a show). How can I stop them. I dont like the dark scary ones. I am tired of being on a plane and scared and panic attacks

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I had this dream recently.  There are three scenes in the dream. In the first scene I am in a room looking at two framed pictures of someone’s happy family.  They have on very garish clothes, makeup and outlandish sunglasses on.  They have a very strong individualistic style. 


In the next scene I am in a dark hallway following a man who is very uncomfortable for me to be around.  He has an aggressive manner and is very large and intimidating because of his size.  I fear that if he blocked me I would not be able to get around him.  I don’t remember his particular facial features for some reason.  I am nervous following him in the dark hallway.

The last part of the dream before I wake up is much longer than the other two scenes, and I wasn’t sure at first that they were all related.  After mulling it over for some time I do think there is a relationship. 

I am in a small to medium sized town and it feels very rural.  There is dead and brown grass everywhere and it looks like there hasn’t been rain for a long time.  A man is showing me around the town.  The man has a stocky body and thick wavy shoulder length dark hair--no facial hair.  He is wearing a tan button-down shirt and possibly dark brown pants with a belt.  He feels very practical and like he is in charge of the town.  He is very proud as he shows me around.  He says, “We have industry everywhere!”  I see that but I notice the buildings are older and smallish and everything has a worn-out feeling.  There isn’t a homey feel to this town, at least not here.  As we pass all of the warehouses and buildings we come to some water which feels like a large river.  We keep going and arrive at a rocky place where people are taking part in a strange custom in a sort of depression in the stone so we are looking down on them.  Six or seven men and women are standing in a line while another person has a very large needle which is threaded with a thick white thread.  A close up of the needle shows it is very sharp and long.  The person holding the needle starts poking it through the back of one person’s neck a couple of inches to the side of the spine and out of their open mouth.  The other people in line were already treated this way, so that the thread comes out of one person’s  mouth and into the neck of the person in front of them and so on, stringing them like they are beads.  They are quiet and stand together calmly while they wait for everyone to get “threaded”.  As I am seeing this I look at the man questioningly.  He looks back at me and says, “It is to prove who is brave.  They want to do it.”  They seem to shut their mouth around the thread like they want to keep it firmly in place.  There is no fear or pain, they seem like they are calm and determined to go through the custom with no show of discomfort.  I feel uncomfortable but I try to act calm.  I wake up.  I have some ideas about this dream but wonder what impressions anyone else might want to suggest.

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I was thinking this morning to add another detail to the dream that I forgot last night.  I was trying hard to shorten what I had dreamed so the post wasn't too long.  The people in the industrial town were shown with some detail in the threading part.  They looked very neat and clean-cut in general.  The woman doing the threading had what I think of as 80's jeans--sort of high-waisted and tapered.  I always thought that the style of dress where I grew up in the 80's was kind of repressed after the 70's period, very clean and neat, a lot of polo shirts and preppy styles.  So you could describe their style as conservative and neat.  The men had short conservative haircuts and one woman had a long braid and was quite young looking.  This does contrast strongly with the first scene with the pictures of the family with the wild clothes and garish sunglasses, which led me to decide that it was intended to be noticed.

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I was thinking about Starpaths dream and here are my thoughts. I really like dream analysis - I find it very interesting. 

First part with family- felt like free thinking people or creative individuals like us. Maybe they are just watching the next 2 scenes.

Second part with dark hallways and following someone seems like our government in the US (Trump party members). Scary to follow but alas people do follow.

Third part seems like it is ‘middle America’. Worn out factories and buildings. People there remembering the good old times in the 70s and 80s when these areas were doing better.  The needle piercing (which would hurt) but they act as though it’s okay and they have to do there part. Kind of like voters in these areas are doing themselves harm but feel they must to get back to the good old days. Especially the preppy clothing style of 80s reminded me of people back then that made money. 

Let me know if any of this resonates with you Starpath. 

Hope everyone is having a nice spring day.

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Tiger-n-Owl your thoughts resonate with me in many areas.  I want to say thanks for contributing. 

I agree the first image of the smiling but highly individualistic people are those Americans who like you say are creative and free thinking.

 I had a different idea of the second scene I will explain later.

 I also initially thought the third scene was about middle America because I grew up there and the grassy part of the dream where there are industrial buildings reminded me of home.  I think being shown a shoreline and also a rocky place leads me to think that it could be about many parts of America-- including areas around the largest rivers and also those near the Rocky Mountains or the Appalachian areas.

So you bring up people wanting to bring back better times and also that voters may feel they have to do whatever they have to do to get back to those times, even if it is painful. This is true.   I agree there was determination to get through difficult times and back to better ones. 

I thought more and more about the needle and thread and wondered if that part was more literal like people are getting "strung along" by someone.  I also thought about the fact that the people were so similar looking in the town.  When I started to write down my thoughts I seemed to get new impressions and this changed some of my ideas.   I now think there are many messages in this dream.  So I will give you my overall idea of the meaning but there is probably more than that idea. 

So I feel like this dream is about the outlook of people who voted for Trump and are conservative Republican voters.  The ones in his group of voters who miss when everyone looked and acted the same.  You could say those who voted for Trump because they are non-inclusive.  Looking at things from their viewpoint, the highly individualistic people may make them uncomfortable and be a threat to their whole way of life.   

The large intimidating man actually may represent the large waves of immigrants Trump keeps mentioning.  "We have to stop the next large wave" says Trump and his people feel fear.  So in the dream I was shown this directly by being put in the dark hallway with a large intimidating stranger. 

So when I look at this group of Trump voters, I see they have been strung along by Trump and others to vote for them for this promised return to the past when things were better.  In reality they will not get this.  But in order to prove they are tough and brave they feel they have to do whatever Trump or Republicans want--but as Tiger-n-Owl says, this will hurt them in the long run.  Their determination to have it by excluding others has the effect of making things more depressing, more painful and the only truly happy person there was that man showing me around--he represents the republican politicians.  They are benefiting the most.  The non-inclusive viewpoint leads to a reality that isn't very pleasant.  I think that is the main message but there are lots of potential messages also.  So I was asking for ideas and other perspectives because I am sure I missed many other things...





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I apologize that I have not read other people's responses yet.  I decided to go ahead and give mine and check the others later when I have time.

 It's a transpersonal dream of the dystopia that the GOP is leading this country into.  It's already here in our society, but I feel we are on the verge of a descent that may have sparked Starpath’s nightmare.

I particularly reacted to the needle scene. Drugs, especially opiates, forced vaccines, conformance, societal pressure coming from the Right wing mind controllers, and your dream shows how horrifying the Donald Trump GOP-driven world really is.  It’s not just Donald Trump, but he and the GOP right wing machine epitomize the horror they perpetrate upon people today.  

The dream takes place in a god-forsaken place where nature has been destroyed and the feeling is poverty. Appalachia comes to mind. 

It's notable that they have succeeded in swaying the poorest of society to follow them. But that's not new.  In the past fascist parties have successfully targeted the poor and working class into rallying behind their bate-and-switch promises.

The Handmaiden’s Tale, which I have not watched, came to mind when I started reading it earlier.

Huxley’s Brave New World also also comes to mind. 

 The dream epitomizes the racist inhumane GOP vision of society.  Start with the poor, where your dream seems to take place, and dehumanize them by telling them that the plans set for them prove they are brave.  The oil and gas industry, bolstered by FOX, have pitched electric cars  as wuss, effeminate  cars, not macho enough. Being racist is also pitched as macho. But in fact, what the GOP machine wants is to turn people into automatons.  They want to control them.

I feel the society driven by the GOP and corporate American is now descending into the dark. The Mueller Report cover up followed by the monstrous GOP reaction against Trump's critics is their attempt at a coup on democracy.  I'm not surprised that you and probably many others are having nightmares like this one. I'm feeling the darkness myself.  Although I know there will be an ascent into the light that we will make. 

The needle comes from behind and then out of people’s mouths, as if it hits them from behind, unaware, or seems to be a health care remedy, but then controls how people speak and what they have to say. It’s all about control and when the day comes that we have come out of this dark time,  people in the future will look back in horror at the world the GOP has created and promoted.

The Kali Yuga period of a patriarchal dark ages. Oh, it’s not just the GOP.  It's been building for a century.  But they are driving it, driving it, and promoting it.  And the drug companies are in collusion with their opiates and medical school bribes, and forced vaccines. 






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