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11:11, Pennies, Rainbows and Other Symbolic Signs from the Heavens

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So Saturday is my big shopping day and I did acknowledge this past Saturday before going out that I’d be open to signs if he wanted to send any.  In college, he would sometimes come up to me when I was being totally quiet and tell me “Shut Up!” to tease me.  At some point late in the week, I’d thought in passing that if he could find nice a way to tell me to “shut up” from the other side that would be proof that it was him.  I honestly couldn’t imagine a way that could come about – at least not in a nice way.  So I’m driving from store to store on Saturday, listening to the radio and the song “Shut Up and Dance with Me” by Walk the Moon came on.  I’d heard the song before, but not in a long time, and I’d forgotten it. 

I figured that was it.  I’d gotten my sign.  Then later down the road getting close to another store, I heard the song “Hello (from the Other Side).”  It was an Adele cover done by a group called Erato.  It was like it was being sung just for me – even the story in the song aligned with our life experiences.  He’d moved to California while I remained on the East coast.  The song even said, “Sorry for anything he’d done and for breaking my heart.”  I’ve probably heard the Adele version, but this version was so personal.

And I thought that was it for the signs, until I grabbed lunch (and ate it in my car – Covid and all), and a third song came up that felt like he was singing it to me.  I’ve never heard this song in my life, but it’s whimsical and is now a favorite.  “Haunt You” by X Lovers.  The song is all about how the singer is going to come back and haunt his girlfriend after he dies and she comes in with a duet that she’s looking forward to that (and I can’t help but admit that I would feel the same way).

So, I’m so confused right now.  I’m trying to be objective, but also feel like I’ve gotten more messages than I really asked for (not that I’m complaining).  And I can’t help, but feel the messages are real, even though I may never be able to prove them in this lifetime.

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Two other things struck me about the song messages on Saturday.  They always came on when I was in a parking lot - either arriving at a store or the one time having lunch in my car.  So I was able to really listen to them and also write down the song titles and artists to look up later.

The other thing about the songs, which also struck me about the "book title messages" and is also consistent with the way he always tried to make me smile when we hung out in college is that most of the songs and messages have had an element of teasing to them like it's an attempt to get my attention and make me smile the way he did in college. Yes, the Adele cover was more serious than teasing, but the others made me smile and even laugh.

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Oh what an incredible and amazing story! My heart understands,  aches and yet is so happy for you! 

You have been shown an amazing amount of acknowledging and undeniably synchronistic responses from beyond.

An amazing amount beyond any I have received and I've received decades and decades. Your connection is real and yet so separated by dimensions of reality known as time and space. 

Accept it with love and gratitude and know that this was a gift. A true gift of your own gifts of connection and intuitive abilities to understand. Now just be open to any other occurrences and not necessarily of or from this source as you know and knew him but the source. Know that you are open fully to love and loving and to acceptance and understanding. Use this gift well that more is capable in this world and this universe and be willing and open for more to come ahead. Whether in this time and space or another one.

You are so blessed! Accept and treasure this blessing with an open heart.


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@melmystery beautiful synchronicities from the other dimension. You’re perceptive and open to receiving messages, hence the reason why you’re getting these special messages through the artistic wavelengths so that you’re not spooked off by it.  It’s incredibly fascinating and thank you for sharing.


share the love and light 

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I love Humans of New York and just read this story on Instagram.  It has everything we love:  premonition dreams, pennies and signs from the heavens.  And who doesn’t want to read a true story that starts out, “Grandma once broke up a knife fight in the neighborhood?”

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What a great story Bluebelle!  Thank you.

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For a few years now I have been finding white buttons. I am a a mixed media artist and my first big piece was the Us map I shared here once which used dozens of white buttons. They show up when I am at my lowest point. A psychic told me my dad 's spirit hangs out under my mom's bed. When I next visited, I looked and found a small white button.  One appeared outside during an important event when I was very unwell, and shaky.

This week has been rough. In the last few days I have found 3 white buttons all over my apartment. I am certain it is my father reaching out.


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I follow them on Facebook and so agree. Prayers for all humans all over the globe and all of our beloved non-humans of all species as well!  

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Love your button miracles so very, very much! Your artwork is so uniquely amazing-just like you!

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Today as I was searching for a particular dressy outfit to wear to our stay at home Christmas dinner, my dog's collar and harness (not connected together) seemed to jump out of the closet and fall at my feet. Surprising in that the collar is usually in a dresser drawer...odd, in being such a direct sign.

Other items  were jumping off my kitchen shelf recently, unprovoked,and landing at my feet.  They are trying to get my attention and give me hope and strength.  

My dog's memory has come to stand for comfort and balance, and I did become confused, unbalanced, and distressed for a short while today. My imagination and past experiences caused me to misinterpret some things and jump to painful conclusions, which were then disproved handily soon after, leaving me humbled, and realizing I have work to do in getting grounded and forgiving myself.

I also used to wish to see myself and love myself as my dog did/does. His presence in the movement of his collar and harness reminds me again that I am as lovable and as worthy of love as he showed me. 



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"I also used to wish to see myself and love myself as my dog did/does. His presence in the movement of his collar and harness reminds me again that I am as lovable and as worthy of love as he showed me."

Such a moving and even profound post. It strengthens and reaffirms my vision of you as always being this already knowing as always were, are, and will be this original version of intuitive knowing spirit as your true nature.

You are a beautiful woman, inside and out. 

If only all beings could love themselves as they love and cherish their most beloved pet, it would truly and fully open their hearts to loving all beings and our pain and suffering,  illness and disease and yes-even the concept of death and dying would transform.




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I had an experience last Tuesday morning that I want to share. It involves cows.

I was driving home from work at about 8:30 am, through orange grove and ranch country in rural Florida. I came upon a pasture with probably 200 cows. My experience of cows is that they generally have their heads down, grazing in a relaxed fashion. But every one of these cows was standing stock still, all facing south, with their heads held high and they were looking straight ahead. It looked like an army standing at attention. 

I looked to the other side of the road into an empty pasture. There was nothing there for them to be looking at. My first thought was, “Something is coming.” And “I wonder if they are seeing angels.”

The cows didn’t look afraid. They looked like they were hearing or seeing something that I couldn’t.

This was Tuesday, then Wednesday happened. As I thought about this, I saw it as a harbinger that something was coming. I told my husband and he said, “Oh, they probably knew their farmer was coming around.”

Does anybody know cow behavior? Am I nuts?

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I used to live in a house on a farm that had about 50 cows behind in a pasture.  When we approached on foot, they'd all look up because they thought we were going to feed them. If we called, "Ka-boss!" which was cow for "Come bossy," they'd all come running towards us.  My point is that they were highly attentive to thoughts of being fed. Not much else concerned them as long as they had their calves near by and the location was free of predators which it was. 

My thought about your experience was that you were intuitively detecting that something big was approaching in our Collective, i.e., the attack on the Capitol.  Trumpers were already traveling across the country to DC, flooding into the city for their big assault. So you were feeling something inwardly, and the site of the attentive cows, cued you to what was happening in the collective.  Also, the ensuing explosive global reaction to what happened was something you could have been picking up in advance.  You are an empathic, intuitive, sensitive, and a healer. 


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@jeanne-mayell thank you. You are so kind. You make it easy to trust and be vulnerable here.

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@lowtide. Re-reading what I posted, rest assured that I didn't mean to minimize the presence of angels in your interpretation of what you saw. I also have felt them everywhere these days and all during the Capitol riot. And it sounds like you too were sensing them.  But I was responding to your cow question.  Also, I do feel that the animals on this planet are sensitive to human uproar.  

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Not cows for me, but crows. We live in the Carolina Piedmont -- leave our front door and turn right, and you are on the path to Carrboro, where BLM flags fly on city hall; turn right, and you are on the path to Graham, where ministers get pepper sprayed for leading a march to the polls.

Anyway, we bought our farm a year and a half ago, and have been trying to attract crows the whole time -- they are incredibly intelligent, sociable creatures, and you can't really have a bond with your land in a place like this if you don't bond with the birds.

The previous owners' political leanings as well as their attitudes about nature are probably best summed up by the fact that we have been picking up beer cans and shotgun shells ever since we moved in.

Wednesday, the crows started circling. Today, they are sitting in the trees by our pond.

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This video going viral is like a penny from heaven.  Not the harsh words a white male DC resident shouted at the rioters, but how his words affected a black woman passing by in her car. Moments like these tell so much more of our American story.

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@jeanne-mayell, I am attaching the Washington Post article about the video.  Since some of you may not be able to access the WP article, this is basically what it said.  The exhausted driver, Shawntia Humphries was returning home from work when a Trump mob walked past her car.  She couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw that a white man, Tracey, was shouting exactly what she was thinking.  By the time she arrived home Humphries was crying, moved by his words.  She’d been at the BLM protests in DC during the summer and remembered being met with rows of police in battle rattle and riot shields.  Humphries’ friends contacted her after seeing the video, underscoring the power of the exchange and the importance of another’s empathy.   She wanted to thank Tracey personally, so she bought him a bottle of wine, drove back to his house, and knocked on his front door.  He greeted Humphries warmly, they took selfies, and then talked for almost two hours.



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Posted by: @walden-ponderer

Nature are probably best summed up by the fact that we have been picking up beer cans and shotgun shells ever since we moved in.

Wednesday, the crows started circling. Today, they are sitting in the trees by our pond.

I relate on two levels:  First-- some symbol interpretation guides interpret crows as negative, some as positive.  I guess it depends on context.  Personally, I think they are cool and I appreciate the intelligence I see in their eyes.  We see quite a few of them on our semi-feral half-acre downtown lot.  They like to hang out on the top of a magnolia tree and fuss at the hawks and owls.  And cats.

Second, the city where I live is a college town and I live in its bluest heart.   Yet, just a short drive away is rural Trumpland-- and we own some property out there.  I know EXACTLY what you mean by picking up beer cans etc.  We picked up innumerable cans and cigarette butts.  I can feel empathy for the former owners (knowing a bit about them) but it's still frustrates me that they could be such slobs.  Highest self vs. mundane lower self: it's always a conflict. 


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Posted by: @ana
Posted by: @walden-ponderer

Nature are probably best summed up by the fact that we have been picking up beer cans and shotgun shells ever since we moved in.

Wednesday, the crows started circling. Today, they are sitting in the trees by our pond.

 I can feel empathy for the former owners (knowing a bit about them) but it's still frustrates me that they could be such slobs.  Highest self vs. mundane lower self: it's always a conflict. 


Restoring this old place has been an eye-opener in what I think of as "forensic spirituality" -- there have been several layers of changing personas with each passing generation.

We moved from a part of Texas where the "historic neighborhood" moniker was slapped on a 1950s track development, and now there are Colonial era estates just a few miles away.

Some loving care went into several agricultural arrangements on this plot, but one of our neighbors (in his 90s) told us about how his own parents had rushed to help out when the some of the previous tenants had to contain a fire from the still they had foolishly put in the barn (every self-respecting hillbilly knows they belong out in the woods, not a closed-in building).

Stripping away the "yuck" and revealing the historical and natural beauty seems like a microcosm of what we need to do as a society.

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