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[Closed] The Impeachment of Donald Trump

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This is what Schumer said and I believe this was him and Nancy plans. They did not hand the article of impeachment thinking they would get a fair trial. They knew just like everyone suspected and now the world knows what the Republicans stand for. 

America will remember this day.

Senate Republicans turned away from truth and went along with a sham trial.

If President Trump is acquitted with no witnesses, no documents, the acquittal will have no value because Americans will know this wasn't a real trial.

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Posted by: @codyroo

The problem with this is that we are teetering towards Oligarchy. 

Yes. We are. But we've been teetering towards oligarchy since our founding. Since before our founding. We're a nation founded on a continental genocide—you know, so white folks could own land and plant crops and make money.

We're a nation that fought a CIVIL WAR because oligarchs wished to assert their so-called "sovereign right" to continue with the chattel slavery of living human beings—all in order to maintain economic power. 

While the rest of the world has been orbiting the sun, we've been leaping to the whims and caprices of the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the J.P. Morgans, and their like. As a result, we've become a kleptocracy.  

When slavery was defeated, the Southern oligarchs created mass incarceration and the "free" labor of the prison colony. Today, its proliferation has become a privatized prison industry. Hey y'all, the more people we lock up, the richer we get! To include asylum seekers and children

I could go on and on and on. But the point, I think, is that Americans have to wake up from our collective delusion that we were ever anything else. In fact, this is the dilemma of the entire human race as I see it: Will everyday people continue to permit the tyranny of oligarchs and kleptocrats and sociopaths—and therefore the continued annihilation of countless species, including our own(!), or will we dismantle those forces which perpetuate it?

This is why I think the rage and frustration you're feeling isn't just understandable, it's necessary. We all feel it. And we have to feel it in order to be inspired to do something.

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From Ryan Goodman:

"Due to a mistake in drafting the rules, Senator Schumer now has ability to submit amendments—one implication is it can force GOP to make uncomfortable votes. Gives Schumer leverage he otherwise hasn’t had in the process."

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Well isn't this interesting!!!!

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If he is smart and doesnt let his arrogance overtake him, he should use this power to needle Trump. He wont change the votes and really just has the power to draw this out time wise, so he is going to get a lot of slack for doing so. If he does it with full intent of getting under Trump's skin, he can expedite the public mental meltdown at 1600, which would be his best move. 

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Don't you just feel a twist ahead, a game changer akin to Stephen Colbert's White House Correspondents' Dinner gig, which rendered GW a humorous public target for the first time, for all time now, a transgressive bit of Holy Theater, beautifully played?

Five days.  

Think what can happen in five days, these days.

Does the Divine work in Mysterious Ways, both fluid and remarkable?  Is this Her dramatic pause?

Something yells to me, you are living in the vortex of a major event, unfolding in terribly odd ways. Don't give up the Ghostship!

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Bingo. Here's hoping Schumer does just that. Though more than ushering the already inevitable cognitive and emotional decline of Putin's Puppet, a tactical protraction of the process would ensure that there is more time for the likewise inevitable bombshells to drop—more evidence, more tapes, more news of more crimes. Before this sham trial is complete, those blasts could make a direct hit on the chamber floor, and more importantly, in the public consciousness.
Posted by: @billy-mike

"Don't you just feel a twist ahead, a game changer akin to Stephen Colbert's White House Correspondents' Dinner gig, which rendered GW a humorous public target for the first time, for all time now, a transgressive bit of Holy Theater, beautifully played?"

Yep. Sure do. And beautifully said. 


"Five days. Think what can happen in five days, these days."

To paraphrase someone on Twitter, today feels like January 89th. So much can happen in a month-long week.


"Does the Divine work in Mysterious Ways, both fluid and remarkable? Is this Her dramatic pause? Something yells to me, you are living in the vortex of a major event, unfolding in terribly odd ways. Don't give up the Ghostship!"

Yes, and yes—I believe it is. Neptune, The Great Dissolver, is about to play a most dynamic role in the heavens. Liquid Neptune rules the domains of spirituality, mysticism, ritual, and magick. Also ghosts, ghost stories (presumably also ghost ships), and extrasensory perception. When we refuse Neptune's call to awaken in the dream, its energies manifest the realm of illusion, delusion, deception, and addiction.

So, I wouldn't be at all surprised if one of the impending documentary bombshells links right to T's misuse of substances.

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Thank you for your time, wisdom shared, and clarity.  I learned so much, as I do with each visit here.

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I saw your and @baba’s posts just in time yesterday during my lunch break. I was able to surreptitiously meditate at 3:30 while standing at my computer (I use a standing desk). 


I’m flabbergasted that it’s still January. I feel like we should be in March already, and I’m not even paying much attention to the news.


Well, what can I say, deetoo? Really. Just, wow. I’m honored.

Because I consider all of you to be part of my soul tribe, I’m usually not too mindful of the linear age differences that separate our physical bodies. So I often forget that part of my calm in these times is a function of my understanding that I will be around to participate in this country’s (actually, our entire world’s) full spring awakening. 

There’s more I want to say to all of you: messages I’ve been receiving about the chaos and darkness of these months. But I’m also working on a personal soul project, and Spirit has been giving me some pretty clear hints that I need to give that project priority. So I don’t expect to be active on the forum for the next week or so. But I’ll be here in spirit.

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I wish Maya Angelou were alive to write a poem about today. 

I would want to hear her read it.   

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Community, I had throat surgery yesterday. I had been nervous but it went very well thanks to some of my light worker friends. I just dropped into tell you that I FELT YOUR ENERGY that you sent to the Seante. I felt a blast of energy.  I got on line at one point. I saw what you were doing. I am so proud of you all -- too many to name. @vestralux, @lovendures, @Allyn, @MAS1581, @cindy, @lawrence, @deetoo, and @triciact, and so many more. I see @laura f is posting recipes today, (I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that) and Bright Opal is posting fight songs (in a manner of speaking), and well, I love you all.  Love, love, love you all.  In the words of Queen, We are the champions!  I flew home tonight and watched Harriet (Tubman) twice on the plane .  If you haven't seen that movie, this is a good time.  The last thing she says to her slave masta, him kneeling on the ground and her standing over him with his rifle, is that she has foreseen the future and her people are going to be free!  Well I have foreseen the future and we will be free of these creepazoids.   I prefer not to give a time frame. I think there are some mysteries that we cannot know for sure although we have been damn good.  But I KNOW these  dark, dark so-called Senators have taken the first steps towards the end of their entire party.  

We are going to get through this and more. Okay, have to sign off and rest. Those of you who are in my Tarot & Intuitive Way class, I will be there Monday night in full force. :-) ❤️ 


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 Jeanne, I think I can speak for us all when I say that we're delighted you're recovering so well, so quickly! Get rest. And know we're still sending you that good, good energy. ?

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Posted by: @coyote

There’s more I want to say to all of you: messages I’ve been receiving about the chaos and darkness of these months. But I’m also working on a personal soul project, and Spirit has been giving me some pretty clear hints that I need to give that project priority. So I don’t expect to be active on the forum for the next week or so. But I’ll be here in spirit.

This is beautiful news, Coyote.  ✨

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laughing out loud!  

P.S. @triciact got a great hit today.  It's about Trump's border wall.  On 11.11. she saw for Feb: I see a great big wall falling down. Rocks piling onto a road.(TriciaCT) [Trump claimed, "I build the best product!” Today part of Trump’s border wall blew over in a windstorm.]

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And thank you again for this site.  It is a wonderful place to learn and laugh.  And thank you for saying "creepazoids" LOL'd at that.

Night of the Creepazoids, starring Moscow Mitch and the wormy bunch.

Parnas went on Maddow tonight and said there is a "treasure trove" of information still to come.  I found that fascinating, as I think that was the exact wording used in this thread a couple of times.

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Thank you for the hit! But more importantly, thank God you are ok and your surgery went well. I know many of us sent you much love and healing light energy, and will continue to do so. 

We love you and are so grateful for you and this community.


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Sending you healing light and continued healing from your operation! 

As I am in Europe, I went to bed last night as the senate was still debating and I felt discouraged about the direction of things. I was concerned that I wouldn’t t sleep due to worrying about what is to come but slept deeply and peacefully. I woke up this morning after an unpleasant dream involving T. and his minions. I’ll post it in the dreams section in a bit. Basically, it was just confirmation that I knew what was going to happen with the vote even before I read the news this morning.  Strangely, I feel peaceful about the situation now, because I feel a deep knowing that this is what was meant to happen to expose the corruption and rot that has taken hold in the R. party - as was so well expressed by @VestraLux
I wish everyone a peaceful weekend and agree with @Laura-F that we should all take the weekend and regroup and renew our energies for what is to come. Thank you to everyone for being supportive to each other and for always keeping the light shining! I’m looking forward to a centipede’s worth of shoes dropping - and we all know that they will. ??✨

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The good news is this: everything their party has stood for ever since has been broken over the keel of the American conscience. The criminal invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq (premised on a lie about WMDs)? Check. The torture and indefinite detainment of suspects at Guantanamo? Check. The family separations and caging of children at the border? All of it. We're flooded with an incessant stream of bad news and the voices of far right supporters seem to dominate the public discourse. But the fact is, the majority of Americans do not believe the lie that it's somehow more "patriotic" to be sociopathic war criminals and human rights abusers. Period. 

So, it isn't enough for T to fall. The crooked, decaying machinery that made him possible and continues to protect him has to go with him. And it will. 

Pity The Nation
– Khalil Gibran, 1933, “The Garden of the Prophet”

Pity the nation that is full of beliefs and empty of religion.
Pity the nation that acclaims the bully as hero,
and that deems the glittering conqueror bountiful.

Pity a nation that despises a passion in its dream,
yet submits in its awakening.

Pity the nation that raises not its voice
save when it walks in a funeral,
boasts not except among its ruins,
and will rebel not save when its neck is laid
between the sword and the block.

Pity the nation whose statesman is a fox,
whose philosopher is a juggler,
and whose art is the art of patching and mimicking.

Pity the nation that welcomes its new ruler with trumpeting,
and farewells him with hooting,
only to welcome another with trumpeting again.

And a revision in 2007 by beat poet Ferlinghetti

– Lawrence Ferlinghetti (After Khalil Gibran) 2007

Pity the nation whose people are sheep
And whose shepherds mislead them
Pity the nation whose leaders are liars
Whose sages are silenced
And whose bigots haunt the airwaves
Pity the nation that raises not its voice
Except  to praise conquerors
And acclaim the bully as hero
And aims to rule the world
By force and by torture
Pity the nation that knows
No other language but its own
And no other culture but its own
Pity the nation whose breath is money
And sleeps the sleep of the too well fed
Pity the nation oh pity the people
who allow their rights to erode
and their freedoms to be washed away
My country, tears of thee
Sweet land of liberty!

Pity the Nation, Voices of the Poet Prophets, Gibran & Ferlinghetti – The BeZine

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Good morning all.  Jeanne I wish you a speedy and smooth recovery.  I haven’t been on for a while but this morning I felt the need.  I had a great 10day vacation in Hawaii but now back to the cold winter and the depressing joke of a “trial”.  I watch a few online psychics and they all say the same thing, the Repubs can celebrate their “victory “ but this will be the end of their party.  I just hope they are right.

Two things, I too missed the group meditation yesterday.  If this is to be a daily event, please post the time and I will light my candles and join in.

Secondly, I just read a post on Amy McGraft, she is running against MoscowMitch, she out raised him last quarter and they are neck and neck in the polls.  I am contributing to her campaign when I can.  If anyone has an extra dollar please consider her campaign.  But more important than money, please as serious light workers, send her all the energy and light protection you can.  MM is not very popular in Ky right now and Amy is jumping on it everyday.  I’ve heard rumor that Bloomberg is contributing to state Democratic candidates and I hope he helps Amy.  Not that I am a fan of his but I like the idea of his supporting local candidates.  
The mangomoron and his minions are going to celebrate his acquittal biggly you can get on that.  I am staying away from as much negativity as I can.  Gives me a headache.  Love and light to all.

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@jeanne-mayell, I am glad that all is well, and a speedy recovery is on your agenda. 

The Wall Street Journal is considered a slightly right leaning paper according to the media bias charts. That makes it interesting to me to read that they were noting in an article yesterday that there was a behind the scenes good cop-bad cop routine being played out to get the voting outcome they wanted. As promised, Moscow M coordinated with the WH through it all. In any other trial, this would be jury tampering, and would be the cause of a mistrial. 

As I said yesterday, I believe that the protests seen by some here, and other place I read, indicate to me that this particular trial was not the one which would oust IQ45. That the non-trial would be the impetus for the protests, and further efforts by both the public and the House to remove him, along with exposing his co-conspirators, and his enablers. Protests were starting yesterday. 200 lawyers were protesting during the day, noting that it's not a trial without evidence or witnesses. Then protesters started gathering last night outside the proceedings to let the senators know that their actions were not sitting well with the people. I suspect that as more information comes out, protests will gather steam. 

Arch Angel Michael was seen by some as dragging his sword. We weren't the only ones asking the heavens for help. Even the senate chaplain's prayer was trending on Twitter. As he told the room before the vote, " we reap what we sow." It didn't give the senators pause to consider what they were doing, and I have no doubts they'll reap what they've sown. 

I do believe that there will be more House hearings. I think that Parnas, Bolton, and a host of others will be called. It will show that the Senators who rushed this sham of a trial through will duly reap what they've sown. I believe Schiff was right when he said that if Rumpus would do this with the Ukraine, he'll do it again. I wouldn't be surprised if they were behind the scenes gathering info on other countries he's already had talks with. We saw him ask China to investigate the Bidens on TV. 

One of the alt gov't accounts that I read had said that they felt he'd be ousted before the end of 2019, and if not then, it wouldn't be until March. March was cited because that would put the date past the primaries. In reading the account last night, his disappointment was palpable. As I sat thinking of events this morning to put them into perspective, I wondered if the rush to acquit wasn't to get 45 off the hook, but to make sure they didn't have to deal with primaries. That they know 45 will fall, they want him out as badly as every one else (that is those who aren't co-conspirators), but they want to insert their own candidate, and not one their party members choose. Look at who the party members chose last time. I'm not in the least insinuating that they'd choose someone better than the people would, just someone they know can play the appearances game better than the incumbent who won't go rogue or break with their agenda. 

As @vestralux has noted, this country has seen darker days than what we're seeing. The people of this country will end up rising and doing the right thing. History tends to repeat itself. One thing I learned in my life is that some of us tend to speak up and do. We are in the minority. One fellow aviation safety advocate said his experience showed only 2% of us actually do. He was born in Germany, and his family left as Hitler started to rise to power. He wore a Hitler Youth badge to and from his boarding school in Switzerland where he was sent to be safe until the family could get to the states. He'd hobnob with the real Hitler Youth on his journeys and then relay information to his parents and their friends, just in case something could be useful. He was a sharp and caring man. Over 100 million people who could have voted in the last election didn't do so because they didn't like either candidate. They now see that sometimes you have to pick the lesser of two evils, because doing nothing at all may be worse. So whether he's gone before the 2020 election, or by the election, things will be righted, and just as he's tried to wipe out what his predecessor accomplished, the things he's put asunder will be righted, and fortified. It just takes time. 

ETA: I finished this and then found yesterday's OpEd from James Comey in the Washington Post. Worth a look for those discouraged. 

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