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[Closed] The Great Unraveling and the Great Turning - Rebuilding a Progressive America in the Future

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Our King is bored he doesn’t have much to do anymore and is now...

President Donald Trump is threatening to invoke a never-before-used authority to push through dozens of executive-branch nominees while Congress remains out of Washington due to the coronavirus crisis.

The move would likely set off a battle between the White House and Congress over the limits of presidential power.

Is he afraid of something? He needs to appoint more judges for a reason??

lenor, FEBbby23, Stargazer and 3 people reacted
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Makes you wonder why Congress doesn't threaten to use their own power.  Why don't they threaten to use the 23rd Amendment on Trump (declaring him mentally ill and putting Pence in charge).  It wouldn't be too hard with all the evidence they have.  The only problem is what they should diagnose him with.

On a side note, I sent a letter to my Representatives detailing my belief that Trump suffers from SADS [aka-Small Abnormal Dick Syndrome].  To those of you who are unfamiliar with SADS, it is a condition common amongst rapists, sexual harassers, abusers, etc.  Basically, it is a condition where a man has a small and/or abnormal (equipment) that, in cases as severe as Trump's, causes mental illness.  He is regressing to his basest instincts and acts out by trying to obtain and/or grab anything that is bigger than what he has.  Now, you remember that video a couple of years ago where Trump bragged about grabbing women.  If women have bigger (parts) than what Trump has, then it is obvious that his SADS case is severe enough to warrant severe mental illness. 

As I write this, I have not yet received a response from my Tennessee Representatives.  They are either shocked at my insight or laughing their heads off.  But I doubt they will take action, so I am debating sending a letter to Pelosi, CNN, MSNBC, all the late night talk show hosts, etc. so they can offer their support to Trump and bring attention to this condition, (not only for the good of the country, but for Trump's own good as well).

I may even send a letter to Trump himself asking him to bring attention to SADS and become its spokesperson so he can use his power to good use.  That way, if he hears someone at his rallies yelling out "cut it off" instead of "lock him/her up," then he will know it is me, and that I am cheering him on in a good way.  ;)

[And no, I am not advocating using violence on Trump or his followers.  But if Trump is insistent on continuing to act like a lunatic, then it is only fair that we can speculate as to the cause and, if need be, draw his attention to the possible causes.  I hope you take this post in the spirit it is written and hopefully will have a smile on your face.  Perhaps we can all start a letter-writing campaign to our Congressmen sharing our concerns about Trump's mental health and the possible causes].



Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle, fmabon and 17 people reacted
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Lols lols lols .... ??

Your diagnosis appears to be right on Dr. Allyn!

And that, coupled with his unfortunate and incurable PD: EAD, (Extreme A**hole Disorder).... well, there is no option but for a nice little straight jacket attached to chains in a padded cell in a dungeon far, far away ....

Do we concur... ???



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The padded cell (far, far away from TV cameras and Twitter) sounds like a good option.  However, while there is no cure for SADS, there is treatment available.

As Light Warriors, it is our duty to help those in need.  That is why I am calling for everyone to give a generous donation to purchase a pair of solid gold manicure scissors that we can send to Trump to "cut it off."  Solid gold because it must be "only the best" for Trump.  Manicure scissors because it is the right size tool for the job, although it might still be a bit big.  ;)

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Excellent proposal ... your brilliance will be touted by Light Workers everywhere! (And undoubtedly Madame Speaker Pelosi) ?

May I suggest as an additional snippet, that the infamous Pence (Igor, that impetuous creature),  be allowed to accompany the ? creep- in-residence after both have undergone an essential LOBOTOMY??

And then of course, the Seven Seals placed on the dungeon door.

I feel that Congress may robustly  approve... ?


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...Although Pence may have already undergone this procedure under the guidance of his wife ..?

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Posted by: @jessi1978

Our King is bored he doesn’t have much to do anymore and is now...

President Donald Trump is threatening to invoke a never-before-used authority to push through dozens of executive-branch nominees while Congress remains out of Washington due to the coronavirus crisis.

The move would likely set off a battle between the White House and Congress over the limits of presidential power.

Is he afraid of something? He needs to appoint more judges for a reason??

Don't panic yet. He can only dismiss Congress if the two houses cannot agree on when to adjourn. Which has never happened. They just went back into session, so I wouldn't worry about this. Yet.


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Interestingly enough, I believe I once read someone proposing SADS (or, if not, something similar) as a theory for Jack the Ripper.

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@stargazer yes please!   The crazy show becomes more frightening every day.  I continually ask myself, “what will it take for someone to do something”?

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Yesterday I was moved by a poem by the Nobel Laureate Seamus Heaney.  He spoke about justice and a great sea change that comes once in a lifetime: 

The Cure of Troy

Human beings suffer.

They torture one another. 

They get hurt and get hard. 

No poem or play or song can fully right a wrong inflicted and endured.

History says 'Don't hope

On the side of the grave,' 

But then, once in a lifetime

The longed for tidal wave of justice can rise up

And hope and history rhyme.

So hope for a great sea-change

On the far side of revenge. 

Believe that a further shore is reachable from here. 

Believe in miracles and cures and healing wells.

Call miracle self healing.

The utter self-revealing

Double take of feeling.

If there's a fire on the mountain. 

And lightening and storm 

And a god speaks from the sky. 

That means someone is hearing. 



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Trump is now giving a big Celebrate America's Truckers rally at the White House.

They are a BIG source of his support... and yes.. they should be honored... they are a very vital part of our country right now.. That being said? He is using them. SMH   

Stargazer, lenor, Stargazer and 1 people reacted
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Well, if all is being manifested according to the Divine Plan, that is some humongous shadow that the ? Idiot has played such a big part in!

Looking forward to the blessed day when that treacherous shadow is blown away with the light of a thousand suns, and sanity is restored... it will happen.

And a little humour noir is ok ...?

"We laugh to keep the tears at bay"

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Masha Gessen knows how democracy dies.  She is Russian and now lives in the U.S. She explains how the pandemic is enabling dictatorships and emboldening Trump to become a totalitarian dictator.  

We won't know the exact moment when democracy dies.


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@jeanne-mayell, I love Masha Gessen.  I was introduced to her via Rachael Maddow, shortly after T won the election.  Thank you for posting her article.  I think it's important to be fully cognizant of what we're  up against.  It does not mean we are powerless; we can change things, e.g. as you stated, going more state and local.   What's that saying -- it's better to deal with the devil you know than the devil you don't?  We the people hold tremendous power, if only we claim it.

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What a low we have reached...Governor Cuomo has fired back at Trump's lies and insults via a Twitter war...which is exchanging insults and barbs and name calling....

Praying for Cuomo.. I know he is exhausted and frustrated and heartbroken and angry.. as are we.

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Trump seems to be unraveling even more than normal today, texting things like "LIBERATE MICHIGAN!" and other nonsense. I reported each and every tweet for incitement of violence or whatever fit best. 

I have no doubt this man is neurologically compromised. The incidents of jerks and spasms are increasing daily. We cannot endure much more of this madness.

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I don't think he's mentally compromised.  He's just a monster, and he reveals himself more and more every day.  What would any of us to if we had the power and thought we could get away with it?  Well, we know with him. No bottom. Every time I think, this is it, he can't go lower than this, he does. It's like he's got a vile behavior lab in his head, constantly cooking up new ways to shock us. I gotta say I didn't see the inciting violence thing coming. Who knows what will come next, but it will come, tomorrow, and then something new disgusting low after that.

Upside is his poll numbers are back down. The dems seem united. I'm optimistic that he'll be gone by Jan. 2021, but he will leave a so much wreckage in his wake, and A LOT of angry trumpers who will give the next administration the hardest of times. Obama admin circa 2009 on steroids. 

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@journeywithme2  I watched Gov. Cuomo's COVID livestream this morning, as I do every morning. He responded reasonably, calmly, truthfully, and accurately to DJT's tweet in real time, on the livestream.

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Yes... Governor Cuomo is a extraordinary man. A true leader that I admire.. he fights for his people. Trump wishes he could be half the man that Cuomo is.

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You are too damn much and I for one am here for it. ???

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