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[Closed] The Great Unraveling and the Great Turning - Rebuilding a Progressive America in the Future

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Absolutely that too. Though I don't expert she'll hang around long after-the-fact, do you? And again, I believe she's already doing whatever she can to protect her fortune.

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@laura-f who's going to hold her in contempt and put her in jail? No one has done that yet to people refusing to testify.

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My opinion is based on the return of Rule of Law under a new regime.

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@laura-f  Well, in that case, it's a possibility! I just wrote that because Congress certainly could have jailed all the people who refused to testify and withheld their salaries. They didn't. Their reasoning was they didn't want to make them martyrs, but it would have been great to get some of them under oath.

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@dhyanaji T himself voted by mail  last time.  And it was probably fraudulent, because the Mar-A-Sinkhole address he listed is not a legal residence.  It is officially classified as a "club", (and apparently also the entrance to the bottomless pit).

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I can only hope Nancy and Congress do something. This just can't go on, though we've been saying that for four years.

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@dhyanaji -- I've got two observations, one about Biden's health, and the other about the GOP peeling away from T. First, Biden is a smart guy, and dedicated. If he thought he was sick, he wouldn't have run. He knows the US needs a president that can stand up to the challenge that awaits us post-T. His energy is lower because he lost his son Beau, and that broke him in many ways, and because he is older, but I don't see him as sick.

As for the GOP peeling away, it's happening already, but you have to look closely. The polls aren't looking good for T but he can still pull it off. As it become increasingly clear he can't win (if that happens, which I believe/hope will be the case) those politicians who want to have a career post-T will start backing away. It's all self-interest with those. Once you start to hear more of "I stuck around for the good of the country" stuff to explain why they stayed close to the administration, you'll know it's happening. Some folks have been saying that for 3 years, but look for more of them as it becomes clear he won't be the next prez.

Happy Thursday all!

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@dhyanaji  I don't think Biden is frail or sick. He is just not a hoppity rah rah type. He's quiet and thoughtful. He's been deepened by tragedy and it's been made harder with his son constantly under attack.  But he is neither sick nor frail. The Republicans would love to play that card -- that he's sick or frail and weak.  He's not.  I have tuned into him and I see him as soulful, thoughtful, and up for the task. T on the other hand looks not only sick but his froggy face is so puffed up  that I wonder that he can even see out of his eyes.

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The third secret had to do with men needing to repent to overcome the threat of Communism and the evil of Russia. It goes on from there but had to do with religious persecution. The Pope was interviewed in 1980 and said the antidote to evil is prayer, and if the letter said anything about oceans swallowing up countries and millions of people dying, there would be no point in publishing it because people would believe they couldn't change anything. There are many sensationalist rumors about it; when I was a kid it was about China. 

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T has a new Post Master General, Louis DeJoy 

Louis DeJoy, a top donor to President Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee, has been picked to be the new head of the U.S. Postal Service.

I can only imagine what kind of problems this is going to by mail, Amazon shipping charges and what else.

Trump has long railed against the Postal Service, particularly claiming the agency has been swindled by e-commerce giants that use the post office to send out millions of packages, such as Amazon.

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Inthe New Yorkertoday:

What Critics Are Saying About the Ken Burns Documentary on the Trump Administration

Here’s what critics and viewers are saying:

“Really, really disturbing. But, if this is the closest I’ll get to actually witnessing the moment he was dragged out from under the Resolute Desk by the Feds, then it’s well worth it.”—Sharla Linquist, Michigan

“I kept being, like, ‘Oh, my God. Why isn’t anybody stopping him?’ But then I’d remember it’s about actual events that really happened and go take some pills to calm down.”—Ariana Rosetti, California

“I like to play this DVD on the TV in my bar because my customers end up drinking a lot more.”—Curtis Ledger, Texas ...


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A few things I have noticed in the last couple of days.  The interview CObert did with Biden last nite (?) was really good.  Biden comes off, to me at least, as very calm and controlled.  He is a man whose tragedy's have left him with a great sense of empathy.  I came away with the feeling he can and hopefully will begin the long process of righting the ship.

Second.  Did anyone catch the reference inMorons speech at Ford, to Henry Ford and WWII?  Henry Ford was as close to a Nazi as an American can get.  HE was even given an award by the Nazi in Germany during the war for his "contributions".  He was anti-semetic and very very prejidiced.  (damn I wish I could spell!)

Speaking of the auto industry, in the 1980's I was a big auto racing fan.  That waned later in life.  The other day I happen upon a NASCAR race while  flipping through the channels, I had finished my lastest book and my eyes were too tired to start another.  They were racing without any fans.  All the cars had tributes to the "Heros: ie health care workers.  The more I listened the more I realized no one said anything about the people who have died.  Even during the invocation no simpathy or empathy, no mention at all. Then I remembered reading how far up Morons butt NASCAR had their head.  The only pro sport close to them is Pro Golf!  All the Red neck millionaires love their tax breaks.  Luckily the race was long and I fell asleep.  Won't go there again!

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Her credentials are now in question. She screwed her self. I hope she got her money upfront cause T does not like to pay

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I also watched Bill Maher that was on last night and he had Michael Moore and Dr. Cate Shanahan on who talked about how bad certain seed oils are for you and they help make you fat. Her books are available and her website talks about the good vs. bad oils (canola and soy being bad etc.). It was an interesting episode and Michael Moore talks about how we can't be complacent and need to help Joe Biden win because the Orange Nightmare WILL cheat and he is already figuring out how to hurt the post office because he doesn't want to lose if we all mail in our vote. Orange nightmare has been in Michigan 3 times lately! ? ? 

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I actually stated on this website that I felt that Tara was not only lying but that she would eventually get into legal trouble for her claims!

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Posted by: @triciact

I actually stated on this website that I felt that Tara was not only lying but that she would eventually get into legal trouble for her claims!

Triciact, would you post that as a hit with link to the post where you stated it?  Thanks!  I have fallen  behind on posting hits due to other commitments right now. 

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@Triciact, I also saw Bill Maher's interview with the nutritionist who claims that seed oils are the reason why children are having dangerous inflammatory responses to Covid. I don't know if she is correct about the inflammatory responses, but the bad oils are also quite bad for the environment, where as olive oil, which she touts as benign, have been a personal favorite of mine for years.

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hi Jeanne it was 5/1/2020 under "how the Dems can Win" forum thread:( will post up in the hits area too)

I said the same exact thing to my husband early this week - so I ditto your thoughts on Tara Reade's story. Biden will have this and other things thrown at him by T and his minions, and some will run with this false story for a bit. She is definitely being coached and, in my opinion paid/and or intimidated to do so. I will even go so far as to say keep an eye on this story, at some point in the future I intuitively sense there may even be reporting on some money or evidence that will show that her story is false and she may face being in legal trouble.

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Yes she touts some oils as good and some as bad due to inflammation they cause in the body because of the way they are processed. I only use organic Extra virgin Olive Oil and Avocado oil in cooking now.

I once read a book (a long time ago by someone I can't even recall) that said this doctor felt most illnesses were related to inflammation and that cholesterol was not as bad as the statin drugs prescribed for them. My husband has higher cholesterol than me and they've tried to give him every statin drug they manufacture but he's allergic to them all. I don't have any medical background but I told him that I have had a bad feeling about those drugs for years. (my own opinion only)

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Has anyone seen the MM collaboration 'Planet of the Humans'... it's extended on YT for about a month I do believe ...

I would love to see MM collaborate with Tarantino perhaps to make a doc on the Draconians (reptoids) coup on the Earth, and specifically the WH.

And their inevitable demise.

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