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[Closed] The Great Unraveling and the Great Turning - Rebuilding a Progressive America in the Future

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@lovendures -- I didn't even consider it as any kind of premonition or anything.  Just kind of letting thoughts drift into my head, until I read Laura's post.  I'm also thinking that no matter what kind of shape the country is in, there's no way trump will be satisfied with a quiet, subdued inauguration. He'd be spiking all kinds of balls, which makes me thing it can't be trump. But that just be wishful thinking too. 

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@allyn I'd like to say that if we've done any recovery from Trump 8 years from now, we'll be lucky. Even if he's not re-elected, the damage he has done will take a long time to undo. And don't forget all those federal judges he put in place. 

I want to say also that I am in a complete panic, worried sick about Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  He cannot have another SC nominee. Cannot.

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A democratic president and Congress can expand the federal judiciary. Carter did it in 1978. Doing so would dilute the nuts that trump/mcconnell pushed through, plus the really bad ones can be impeached and removed. Ditto with SCOTUS (Kavangaugh may have lied under oath, he could be removed). Plus, if RBG survives and the dems can hold the white house for 8 years, maybe we'll all live to see a totally different court. Will it happen? Dunno, but it's not impossible. It's what I hold on to that gives me hope.

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@lynnventura regarding the SCOTUS.....if the Democrats get a 60% in the House and Senate, along with a President, we can vote to have 11 members representing us, or 13. It’s been done before. RBG is going to be just fine.

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@jeanne-mayell I have been thinking about the timeline for rebuilding and it occurred to me today that for change to spread and truly be felt throughout the collective, it has to occur at multiple levels (local, state, and federal). *That* is what is going to take the time. On a purely practical level, some governors, senators, etc. are not up for re-election until 2022 - 2024 - but on a spiritual level and a transformational level, that will take time - people will have to slowly but surely come out of survival mode to rebuild, and waves of change will come in their due time, as each successive opportunity arises. 

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I like your new title. It's fitting for the transformational coming. I remember hearing this phrase, "The Great Turning" for the first time in a class with Joanna Macy years ago. I remember knowing she spoke direct truth.  Like you Jeanne, she knew we were headed for quite a reckoning. To be truthful, I wished for a better outcome and I remained hopeful, but at that point in time, the grass was high, the forest dead, and the hot wind was blowing. It was fire weather, and I too saw the coming fire as inevitable. She was very matter of fact about it, and her primary purpose seemed to be in galvanizing the heart warriors for the aftermath building. I believe she was successful!

The inevitable collapse of the dysfunctional system of power over others, power over beings, power over the Earth, is necessary if we are to grow as spiritual beings (If you don't like the phrase "spiritual beings" then supplement it with humanity). I am hopeful that what is happening now with politics, pandemics, and polar bears is the natural ending of a destructive and limiting period of time, bent towards disconnection.  We are Now living through, witnessing the Great Fall, of our old way of being. It wasn't enough! We wanted more.The scarcity model for this world is being transformed. We are moving from the "never enough" to the "enough". Enough! That's Enough!

The seeds were spread and they will be bursting forth after the cleansing. Fret not, for we are the witnesses. We are the Critical mass that helped achieve the place we are in at the moment. Alas, we are in the eye of the fire storm, and some of you are fire fighters, putting out the flames. Some of you are builders, readying for the call. Others are designers, coming up with ideas. Some are the system architects, others are the healers, still others are the visionaries. All of us are witnesses holding space of healing.  The beauty and power that we hold inside as spiritual beings will help us to move on, rebuild, and rise up to a new humanity. One that is inclusive not exclusive. One that is empowering, not de-powering. One that is willing to lift up because when one rises, we all rise. The transformation into community will bring about Connection. It has begun here! It has begun all over the world. Like Jeanne said, or someone else on this thread, it move underground like electricity. You can't see it, but you can feel it.  I am so very hopeful because you all are so very beautiful! In the words of Joanna Macy,

“Active Hope is waking up to the beauty of life on whose behalf we can act. We belong to this world.”  

Who are you? You are a child of the Universe and you came here to Love.

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Oh Timo

No one has ever said it all and so beautifully. So grateful you pop in from time to time.

We need your bright heart with us all now ???

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@timo Your words are so comforting and yet empowering I am crying, so moved I am from the beauty that’s emanating from them. Thank you.

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I have seen several times since this morning proof that backlash is starting to form against Fox News for their deceptive broadcasting regarding the pandemic:

and last but not least, the following was trending on twitter today: 



All I can say is, it’s about time that something changed and someone challenged their irresponsible behavior. 

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@triciact, I am with you. For well over a year now, my "spidey senses" have told me DJT will not be reelected. Also agree with you re: Biden. His VP will be a most important choice, as she will take over leading this country after he has been in office only a short time.

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@baba;  @Lawrence; @Vestralux


I know you all saw the "orange one" gone or going silent in April.  Please tell me you still see that or is there a change in timelines.  I understand timelines are hard to predict, but I need hope.  That man on tv everyday is going to cause more deaths if they listen to him.  I'm very concerned his approval rating seem so high.  I just ran into republicans saying how great he is and it upsets me so much, I am in Pa .north of Pittsburgh my county 53 percent red.  I don't understand how folks can't see him for the lying con man he is.

Thanks, sorry I needed to vent somewhere, you all have keep me hopeful

Love & Light


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@baba  @Lawrence 

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I was a little under the weather towards the end of last week, but am feeling better now. As a result, I wasn’t up to my usual daily meditation sending out light. I felt like I needed to conserve some energy. In any case, my first meditation today produced the following. It is similar to a vision that I had not long ago, but grew stronger and I could see a little more detail:

I saw the White House surrounded by a growing horde of skeletons (spirits?) surrounded in black. They are growing in strength and may breach the gate soon. This may represent those who passed needlessly from the pandemic. There is still a space of light between them and and a gigantic circle of light workers facing outward and sending light to the world. When I scanned the world, I saw them everywhere in circles in their countries and one great circle floating above the Earth.

It doesn’t answer your question directly @Dracaena, but it makes me feel like he will be held to account for his lack of action and bad actions regarding the pandemic. I feel just as frustrated as you do that such an evil person has gotten away with so many horrible and damaging things. At the moment, I’m too tired to concentrate on a timeline for his removal. Every day seems like a year at the moment with all of his and his cronies’ nonsense. I just tell myself every day that nothing lasts forever and when the time comes for him to lose his power, it will happen quickly.

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I haven't seen him "gone" for a while now. I used to see him having a stroke or other big health issue that made him shut up, but I haven't seen that in over a year. Now I see him not going anywhere, not even after the election, in fact I don't see an election happening, but if it does he won't accept the results. Some on here have seen him literally carted out of the WH. I hope they are right and I am wrong.

Bottom line, there's a lot of flux in timelines. Could get better, could get worse.

Sorry it's not a happier reply, I'm more of a rip-the-bandaid-off person and a born pessimist, so that tends to color my visions.

@Lawrence - you usually have the more uplifting spin, I look forward to your thoughts.

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I had a three month vision when I was in Palm Springs in early Feb. 

It was for March, April and May. The vision for March and April have manifested. 

For May, I saw that T exits though a door, everything surrounding the door was pitch black. He opens the door and there's bright light outside. He exits and the screen fades to black.

The only time I saw a black screen before in a monthly reading, the person died. So I take it to mean an ending of some sort for T.

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I still have a lot of faith in your read. Somehow he is gone and it will be relatively soon. I cant filter out any specifics but for me, I have the same feeling I do during a nightmare when I've already figured out it is a dream. This strong sense of "it's really scary but I know it will end soon when I wake up" has completely overtaken me just as it does in nightmares when I figure them out. 

That feeling leads me to believe that when the worst of the covid19 nightmare ends, so will Trump. I still have the hunch that it will be coronavirus that takes him out, much as it is doing with his BFF Boris Johnson. Johnson was confirmed to be moved to ICU today and they are openly saying they will not update his condition to the public regularly from what I am reading. 

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@baba @Lawrence @Laura-f

Thank you I really appreciateyour insights.   I rarely post but you all have been such joy and hope fora better world.   I don't know how I would of survived these last four years without this community.

This is hard with him every where and 24 hour coverage.  I try and get out in nature, it's healing

Baba, I'm glad you're feeling better, take care of yourself

I pray everyone gets through this both emotionally and physically

Love & Light,


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posted by @mas1581:

That feeling leads me to believe that when the worst of the covid19 nightmare ends, so will Trump. 

@mas1581, For the past two weeks my inner hearing has communicated "Covid19 will leave with T. " The first time I sensed that, it felt crazy to me so I chose not to post it.   I don't believe that the virus will miraculously disappear once he's gone.  To believe that would suggest that T has some magical powers.   The collective also has a lot to learn from this pandemic, and our lessons have only begun.

But when you stated "the worst of the covid 19 nightmare ends" -- that feels right to me.  Perhaps it has to do with the time of year.  I really don't know what it means, so I don't want to speculate.  

So I choose to stay in the present, look for the joy in life, spread kindness whenever I can, and find some peace within.  It's not always easy, and I'm not always successful.  Just taking it one day at a time.


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Hold strong, dear one. These are painful times—more difficult than we have known in our lifetimes. But we can and will survive them. 

I'm nobody's idea of a pessimist (double Sagittarius here, hi y'all!), but like @laura-f, my visions have changed, too. I've always seen potential alternate timelines, and even the strongest resonant paths with the greatest energetic certainty have somehow suddenly folded like wet paper at certain points in the last couple of years.

This has been happening with more and more regularity, and I feel January was a culmination point for that type of strangeness.

Since November 2016, I had seen the Orange One having an illness and being wheeled out, poof. Gone. Unable to return. That vision had been CLEAR and STRONG for me since he was voted in. But it no longer is. At some point, that timeline collapsed. It folded.

As I was questioning how this was possible (the man is clearly exhibiting progressive neurological symptoms, to say nothing of likely amphetamine abuse), I had a very powerful vision, like the veil being pulled back in real time. In every direction, I saw hundreds of thousands of evangelicals, all over the country with their hands raised and their heads thrown back or bowed. To a one, they were fervently praying for his protection.

Over and over and over and over for four years now, they've been praying for him like this. And all of that intense energy they've been raising is highly charged and extraordinarily cohesive. It is clear, targeted, and direct intention-casting. 

This is why T has so much power at his disposal to collapse timelines. He is wielding that mass group energy like a weapon in order to sow chaos and prevent ordered futures from unfolding. But I don't feel he has any personal ability left to actively *create* futures. He believes he does: he's absolutely bound to his own brand of magical thinking. That empowers him because it feeds his charisma, and charisma is a necessary ingredient when one wishes to hypnotize masses, which he has done quite successfully. But it's those masses that create FOR him. There is nothing inherently creative or innovative within him. He no longer possess the natural human capacity to "make." Whatever he appears to create is entirely stolen, plagiarized, mirrored. It's a cheap magician's trick.

And if we know this, we can stop him: when we stop fearing what he can do or might do next, his capacity to distort timelines evaporates. My guides are very insistent that we hear this. [I feel a little silly even writing any of this out, but I'm being told it's urgent.]

Yes, there's a chance he doesn't easily depart in the ways we have seen, @dracaena. But I trust the intuitive gifts of the people on this site, and I trust their powers to cohere around a creative future. One we all want to see realized.

And what I know is that, whether he goes out in May or July or four years from now or when Pluto finally leaves Capricorn, he won't be victorious in the end.

He won't be made president for life after Putin or Xi Jinping's image. He won't walk off into the sunset, scot-free and unscathed. He and his will swing from the girders like Mussolini, metaphorically or otherwise.     

And @baba's visions are correct: there is an enormous upwelling of departed spirits crying out in angst and demanding justice. My very soul aches to feel their pain. And I know they will have justice because their cries are being heard by the living, whether the living are aware of it or not. We're all influenced to some degree or another by our departed. Veil or no veil, there's no separation.


Evangelicals have something we don't: group cohesion and shared intention. So, I'm asking that we all take our meditations and intention-setting and energy-sharing and personal and group prayers very, very, very seriously now. Beyond the suffering and dying and grief of this pandemic, I'm concerned about potential violent uprisings on the far right, like we've seen reported in the news. 

I know that we can lessen or even prevent such potentials by holding the line and the light. And by very clearly envisioning other outcomes. Times of renewal, healing, green things growing, love. 

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@Vestralux - "And if we know this, we can stop him: when we stop fearing what he can do or might do next, his capacity to distort timelines evaporates. My guides are very insistent that we hear this. "


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