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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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A prescient and hopeful photo I took at the September 2014 Climate March in NYC. Notice the Trump Tower is in the background.  I think it is both prescient and hopeful. 

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I love the sign, but also the smiling face of the woman who is carrying it!


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Has anyone looked at the impact coronavirus will have on Trump in regard to the economy (as well as his mental state)?

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@besoulinspired  If we end up with a recession in 2020, then it will hurt Trump.    If elections go as they have in the past, people vote against the incumbent party if there is an economic downturn in the 8 months prior to the election.

That's why Trump and the GOP, including FOX, have been downplaying the threat of the virus even though the Centers for Disease control is saying we should expect it will spread here. 


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I just watched Trump on MSNBC where he did 180 from yesterday.  Yesterday his people said there was very little chance of the virus causing  big problem in the US.  Trump removed all the protections in 2018 that Obama put in place to handle pandemics. Today he says that the government is ready for what ever the coronavirus has to throw at us.  It seems he only began to take notice when the stock market took a major fall.  This may be the straw that broke the camels back for Trump.  We can hope.

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In today's press conference T also contradicted what the CDC said, commenting he didn't think it's inevitable that the virus will spread here.   @laurie, I agree about T being concerned only when the stock market takes a hit, and how that might affect his election.   But then, he also partly blamed the stock market plunge on last night's democratic debate.  Trying to wrap your head around that one will make your brain explode.

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In other news today - King Orange filed a lawsuit vs. the NYTimes for libel based on an opinion piece that was written in March, 2019. He's alleging that an Op-Ed article published by the newspaper falsely asserted a “quid pro quo” between Russian officials and the 2016 campaign.

Although the charges themselves are just mind-boggling for any thinking, functioning human being, the suit itself will allow the newspaper to do "discovery" and therefore uncover more information about the campaign. There are also some assertions in the lawsuit about the Mueller report (which wasn't released until the month following this opinion piece!).

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Trump doesn't even begin to understand what is going to happen yet.

First, people who feel sick will still push themselves to go to work because (1) they need the money, (2) their insurance if awful or non-existent, and (3) they will be convinced by Trump that it can't spread further.

Second, Trump's self-proclamation about how he single-handedly stopped the coronavirus by doing travel restrictions to China will have its own issues.  Already I am viewing some of the pro-Trump websites for their usual conspiracy theories, and some people are expressing concerns about whether products made in China and overseas are safe (after all, a person who had the coronavirus could have sneezed on it or something.)

Whether this is true or not remains to be seen.  But if people are afraid to buy products online because of fears of the coronavirus, how soon before the economy takes a hit from that?

Also, you can guarantee that vacation travel will take a hit.  Tourism will be affected (a big issue for Tennessee, my home state, as we are very reliant on tourism).

Is the coronavirus Trump's fault?  No.  But Trump has touted the economy as his strength for so long while fudging the numbers and taking credit for the efforts of others.  If the worst should befall us and the economy tanks, how would Trump handle it?

Probably not well.


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It looks to me that trump is a little thinner in the face. Is it worry or the diet he had in India?

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@deetoo trying to rap your head around what Turd says is an act of futility!  It will drive you insane  andthan your insurance won't pay because three years of Turd mush will be considered a pre-existing condition!  Seriously how in the world can anyone sound this dump and still be President.   Appointing Pence, who doesn't  believe in science, to head a pandemic team is just rediculous.  I guess he will want national prayer for the sick days?  They have no concept of how the world works.  I used to go to work sick beause I was paid  by the hours I worked. No work, no pay.  This is still the norm in a lot of lower income jobs. A great many of these jobs are food service.  What would the Turd do if McDonalds closed due to employee illness!   I read an article  a few months ago about McConnell, the devil of Ky, and the point was he doesn't care about the people because they aren't worthy of his concern.  He doesn't acknowlegde that people not in his spear exist.  This is true of the whole Republican party.  Alright a slight exageration but not that much!

I don't watch the debates anymore because it's gotten to be like watching a mother eat their young.  I agree with Amy thought, they are playing right into Turds hands with all the infighting.  It isn't enought to say they will support whoever the Dem candidate is, they need to show solidarity as a party. I'm sure after the primaries that may happen but the reteric needs to be toned down now.  I did see a snipent of the  townhall the Biden had on CNN.  He, by the way, does much better in  his town halls then inthe debates.  SOmeone ask him if he was afraid the Turd wouldn't leave the WH if he was defeated. Bidens answer was golden.  He stated that considering the way Turd has treated the military, the interllegence community esp  the FBI, he had no doubt he would be taken out of the WH if necessary.  Loved it! 

On a brighter note, Amy McGraft has out raised MoscowMitch again!  There was reported a record number of voters registered in Kentucky and it seems the majority are registered as Dems!  Iswear if MM is defeated in Novemeber I'm going to party like a college freshman!

Once again please excuse my spelling, I am fighting off  cold and have brain fog!  Oh No ! does that mean I've cought the great Trump disease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Remember discussing astrologically that things would go south for T in late Feb?  Here we are. Between the coronavirus outbreak and stock market correction, T's support will tank. It's a one two knockout punch.  I am feeling a lot of anger rising directed at him concerning the virus. Mother nature will remove him from office, one way or another. 

NBC/Christina Ginn: "We are now in the worst stock market drop since the financial crisis in 2008".

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and maybe also his administration saying that not everyone will be a Leo to afford the Coronavirus vaccines. This is a disaster in the making. I hope this helps even more to get him out of office. Imagine making a vaccine not affordable for each and every American citizens/ non citizens. Thinking about this makes me worry even more for the immigrants that are already being denied the flu vaccine imagine the death toll of the virus hits them. 

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar on Wednesday declined to promise that a coronavirus vaccine would be affordable for all Americans. 

"We would want to ensure that we work to make it affordable, but we can't control that price because we need the private sector to invest," Azar told members of Congress during a hearing concerning the coronavirus outbreak and the administration's budget request. "Price controls won't get us there."


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Welcome to our world and nice to hear from you!

Many here feel that March is the beginning of the end for Trump. So what you were seeing fits right in.

But what you saw in your mind's eye was especially de-light-full.

Seeing him a plastic clamshell container,  completely confined is a great image especially symbolically as in "clam up" unable to have a voice or our being able to hear a single "tweet" out of him.

Time for the drab olive green green security guards to pack him up and take him on out to seclusion in his own private inpatient facility in his new olive green Mar Lago full on retreat.

Hi, I am new here, have been lurking for awhile and finally registered this evening. On my way to sleep the other night, not thinking about DT consciously, all of a sudden I saw him in my mind's eye, and it was the month of March, and he was in a tight enclosed space like very large clam shell plastic packaging that was olive drab green. Like he was a captive.


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Per the New York Times, Pence will be spearheading all communications now; no one from the CDC is allowed to comment. 

“The decision to put Mr. Pence in charge was made on Wednesday after the president told some people that the vice president didn’t “have anything else to do,” according to people familiar with the president’s comments.”

VP Fall Guy is on the case, I see.

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@michele-b and jeanne

TY for the warm welcome. This is a haven in these crazy times. I keep getting mini-hits, thinking about a friend havent talked to in months and 5 min later she texts me, images and then hear corresponding song.

Funny one, all of Tuesday (Democratic debate Tuesday eve. ) I had an ear worm, the pop song from the 80s or 90s, "Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting.."

Such weird energies. Has anybody here read the book by Penny Gill, What In the World Is Going On?

A Wellesley professor who involuntarily became a channel for Manjushri, an enlightened Buddhist spirit. Written in 2015 maybe and Described a lot of this upheaval. 


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Exactly. Pence and his "God made coronavirus to punish all the gays because mother told me so" shit is going to get him fried publically when people start dying and no "rapidly developed" vaccine is out there. In comes Haley for 2nd term VP candidate and out goes Pence. 


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@amyv Yes, thanks for bringing this up, I so agree about the upheaval. So interesting about it being a Wellesley professor.  We were talking about the waves of energy last night after the meditation. I've seen these waves coming to the shore now for thirty years and especially seeing it over the last seven years.   2020 has always been in my visions the year of the cresting wave hitting the shore. We are are on the verge of a great shift.


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Ok, guys.  I hate to say it, but maybe this coronavirus is an opportunity for this collective to finally wake up.

As we have mentioned before, we don't trust the official numbers.  While I am sure that some governments are deliberately hiding some statistics, the main reason that we can't trust the inflected/casualty lists is because we simply don't know how many have been infected because by the time one victim is identified, he or she has probably had contact with hundreds of people, who then go on to infect other people, and so on.

Also, from what I have been able to learn about this disease, it's symptoms are so much like the flu that many affected by the coronavirus may mistaken the disease for the flu.

So, what can happen?  Well, we are already seeing the billionaires at Wall Street freak out.  Personally, I don't care if they lose money, as I don't think it will affect many of us directly.  After all, the Republicans gave them tax breaks in hopes that we will see the affects of "trickle down" economics, yet it has been shown that more than 80% of the money these billionaires got from their tax breaks went towards buying more stock or into their own personal accounts.  Not much of the money went into the way of new factories or jobs.  So, I must admit I am watching Wall Street with much glee right now.  

Of course, Wall Street is good at lying its way out of trouble even when the signs are all around that a recession will come (bankruptcy of so many farms due to Trump's tariffs, the hardship by many businesses over those same tariffs, the fact that Trump ignored the auto industry, etc.)  Unless something severe happens, I see Wall Street going back up in a few weeks, and the Big Orange Nightmare will declare success for "saving" us all.

Now, if the worse should happen, and the virus does spread, then many more unpleasant things will occur.

First, and most tragically, many innocent people will die because (1) they are children in cages in immigration centers and Trump is too heartless and cheap to give them flu shots, much less medical care if the virus goes there, (2) poor Americans who, due to the Republicans continued attack of health care, are unable to get proper medical care and will likely resort to "self-help," with devastating consequences for everyone, and (3) stupid, insipid Trumpers (yes, we actually do care about them), who will come up with conspiracy theories about how the coronavirus came to being (probably from a hot night between Hillary and Obama, because those two are the ones the Trumpers always blame).  These people will ignore the potential of a pandemic, thus leading to hundreds and possibly thousands more being infected.

The fact that health care has been ravaged further by Trump because he took money from them to build his "big, beautiful wall," will further aggravate the problem.

But the economy will be affected.  Not so much by the woes of Wall Street, but by both the reduction of making and shipping goods and by the public's possible reluctance from buying products made overseas for fears that the product might be contaminated by the coronavirus.  Also, because Trump took so much oversight away from Wall Street, the billionaires have probably misappropriated so much money right now (and could have cleared out many people's 401Ks in the process).  I predict we may see more examples of companies going bankrupted or even being given the "too big to fail" treatment while the ordinary person struggles on without government assistance because Trump and his Republican cronies are busy gutting programs like social security, health care for children, assisted senior living, etc. 

I don't mind the Wall Street billionaires or Trump suffering a little financial hardship.  As far as I am concerned, it is a long time coming.  What is truly tragic is that some people who are innocent in all of this may lose everything due to their cruelty and neglect.  

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Just wait until people get too scared of covid19 to attend mass gatherings and his rallies consist of 27 people too stupid to realize Rush is wrong and it's not just a cold. 


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There are a lot of things that will contribute to Mango's downfall. One will be his handling of Covid-19. There's a great deal of difference between saying that it's too soon to go into panic mode here, and saying that those in government who are telling the public that more needs to be done, or that it's not a matter of if, but when- are just trying to make him look bad. He's done a fine job of that himself. I recall @jeanne-mayell predicting that people would stop relying on the federal government and local governments stepping up. I think that is what is coming with the virus. It will expose those who have had blinders on to how he's all about looking good, taking credit when there's none due, and being about the money, instead of looking out for our people. He's already shown hints of this with his comments about the stock market. He's also going to try to make light of how he's dismantled offices that were in place to handle such a situation if one ever arose. Obama put them in place, and because of his hatred, Mango dismantled them.  I don't see the virus being as bad here as elsewhere, but that won't be because of this administration. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking on my part since I have a cruise coming up next month. I really need a vacation. 

I think there is also more that will come out that is hidden-besides his taxes. There are still outstanding criminal cases against individuals in regard to the 2016 campaign and it's financing. One such individual is Andy Khawaja from CA. Just two days ago Andy told a reporter in the UK that it wasn't just Russia that meddled in the election, it was Saudi Arabia and Dubai were in the thick of things as well. He says he got the money into Trump's coffers.  (warning-foul language in the interview). Is he telling the truth? Some of it doesn't ring true with me, but some of it does resonate. It's like going back to the Mueller report-so many avenues of investigation were shut to hide more of what transpired. I do believe that there is more to what went on than the public knows at this point, and there are more whistle blowers out there somewhere (Stone and Ghouliani aren't exempt here either). I love that IQ45 brought the lawsuit against The NYT for an opinion piece. It reeks of desperation, shows he doesn't believe in the free press or the right to hold a differing opinion, and exhibits how he thinks he can bully others into backing down (like his request to have Ginsberg and Sotomayor recuse themselves). The bullying isn't why I love it, but the fact that in law suits, there is discovery. I think we all believe there's more to be discovered. 

I got a new deck of tarot cards in my Amazon order yesterday (Spellcaster's). This morning I did a reading asking what was in store for 45 between now and the end of April. I got for the basis the seven of cups-confusion, scattered energies. The past-9 of cups-wish fulfillment. The present-6 of swords-trying to move away from trouble. The near future-Ace of Cups-the feeling that he's overwhelmed, there's too much which comes spilling out-not sure if it's what's inside him spills to expose him-like losing it in public, or things he's done in the past finally spill, or both. The best he can hope for- 5 of swords, packing up and making a hasty retreat. The outcome- The Tower-it all comes crashing down.

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