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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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I have Faith that we will rise, and we will vote him out. As painful as it is to watch now... we do reap what we sow.. and IMPOTUS day is coming. Big hugs and sending you much love and support..sadness fills us all.. but Joy comes as we all continue to shine Light and send Love and Healing Energy.

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I just thought I would post what I got during my daily meditation today. It seems notable:

It is dark in front of the WH. One child holds a lit candle and begins to chant, “We are one. You are done. All your evil we do shun.” As he starts, others join in until it is a sea of people  are chanting and holding lights. T. hears and sees this and looks very afraid.

I hope this means that there will be an awakening amongst the masses to all of the bad things they are and have been up to.

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I have not been hearing anything about clowns. What I did hear the night before last was the refrain from a more recent song that I can't totally place. The only line I heard was "Hang on, hang on." I've tried googling but I can't come up with the song to check the entire lyrics. I'm not sure if it was a personal message, or one for all of us-hopefully both. 

I love that during this crisis that at least some Republicans are now speaking up about this administration's lack of involvement with the other branches of government. I'm no fan of Rand Paul, and I know nothing of Mike Lee, but I'm glad to see that there are portions of the party who are starting to splinter. It's just the start. 

@triciact, @coyote, I one time saw a huge, beautiful white wolf in a meditation. Up until that time, I had no idea that there was such a thing. 

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how odd - for days I haven't been able to get the song "Hold On" by Wilson Phillips out of my head.

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and @suspira44

I love that Wilson Phillips song "Hold on" :)

Cindy: Not sure if this could be it but I found two songs with the hang on hang on lyric in them:

Hang on Hang on by Amos Lee or

and Hang on by Tim Armstrong:

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Did anyone catch that speech that our awesome (?) President gave. I had to watch some of it my self to see what people were saying. He did a lot of deep breathing and looked like he had cotton mouth and slurring his words.  He also looks bad like his skin colorist could not get it even.  He is not looking good. He opens his mouth wide to pronounce words. 

deetoo, FEBbby23, Baba and 9 people reacted
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@suspira44, thanks for the earworm. Now I can't get Wilson Phillips out of my head. LOL I always liked that song so. 

@triciact, I played the Amos Lee song the morning I woke up, that wasn't it. Nor was the old Smash Mouth tune. Part of the problem is that the line is part of the chorus or refrain, but I don't believe it's part of the title. I can hear it clear as day, but it's such a short clip I can't place the rest of the tune. I suppose that maybe the rest isn't important. Thank you for looking! I think as suspira44 is hearing similar messages from different songs, the main point is we're all supposed to hang on, hold on, or to have hope that things will be ok sooner than we expect. 

Bless any of you who can check out an IMPOTUS clip. I can't stand to watch or listen to him!

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Really interesting how so many of you recently heard the song "Send in the Clowns."  In my view, not a coincidence.  And it's wonderful how spirit communicates with us in myriad ways.  I've had the Talking Heads' song "Burning Down the House" running through my head for the past few weeks. They were also playing it at Whole Foods yesterday. Each time I hear it, the image of a powerful and controlled Nancy P. pops into my brain. The following lyrics have been running like a tape in my head:

Hold tight wait till the party's over
Hold tight We're in for nasty weather
There has got to be a way
Burning down the house

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well I don't consider myself psychic but a while back I was constantly hearing the song Hero in my head. Great lyrics.

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@deetoo  - very interesting!!!


Burning down the house
My house, is out of the ordinary
That's right, don't want to hurt nobody
Some things, sure can sweep me off my feet
Burning down the house

No visible means of support and you have not seen nothin' yet
Everything's stuck together
I don't know what you expect staring into the TV set
Fightin' fire with fire, huah

Burning down the house
Burning down the house
Burning down the house"


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@journeywithme2,  thanks for those additional lyrics!  I immediately got goosebumps -- usually  means spirit is talking to me when that happens.

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You're very welcome... I felt strongly compelled to post those...especially the "My house, is out of the ordinary"

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I love all the songs! I still get an "Ides of March" /Julius Ceasar flash.

Locally there is something of a parallel situation happening but more in a "Parks & Rec" situation. Imagine if you will if instead of becoming president first, Trump was elected mayor of a municipality. We have a Trump-like persona currently as Mayor of Solvay - a village adjacent to our city. Kind of how the "Killah from Wasilla" Palin was catapulted to a statewide position and then a VP nomination... but nobody really was aware of the day to day of her actions and behavior as Wasilla mayor. But at least she had a public service record to run on! 

Anyhow, I have pretty much been unable to look away from the train wreck happening in Solvay and I really hope someone makes a tv series or movie about it because it makes things funnier/less scarier than what is happening in DC. Kind of like Letterkenny meets Veep.
The articles are almost comedy gold if you don't live there... here is a link to the most recent
Please check out the links for other articles that are referred to in this one--it just gets loopier.
People who are Trump fans voted for this guy and defend him LOL. 

I find it gives me some comic relief vs the horror of every news piece that comes from the WH. I expect Solvay voters will relieve this mayor of office in their next election.

I have been avoiding Trump news of late. Spirit basically told me not to waste my energy in this latest wag the dog situation.


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We can add one more on clowns.  It sure is a week of clown references isn't it?

Boeing just released some pretty damming internal messages about the 737 MAX.  

In an April 2017 exchange of instant messages, a company pilot express concern to another person about the MAX following references to issues with the plane’s flight management computer. “This airplane is designed by clowns who in turn are supervised by monkeys,” one unnamed employee wrote.

Jeanne Mayell, deetoo, raindrop and 15 people reacted
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Love me some Talking Heads.

You all missed the lyrics I think are also pertinent:

Hold tight wait till the party's over
Hold tight We're in for nasty weather
There has got to be a way
Burning down the house...
All wet! Hey you might need a raincoat
Shakedown! Dreams walking in broad daylight
Three hun-dred six-ty five de-grees
Burning down the house

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Wow, @deetoo and @journeywithme2, those Talking Heads lyrics are so perfect for this moment!

@lovendures, I suppose it's fitting, but all these crazy clown references are getting a little hilarious/insane/totally scary. (How many does it take pretend the president is functional?)

@rowsella, My god, poor Solvay! I'm from small town Mississippi, an entire state where the historic ineptitude, madcap misadventures, and imbecilic, outrageous, and often downright diabolic nature of local politicians could supply Hollywood with series scripts from now to Armageddon. And even I am baffled by the absurdity (two trashed houses and a 200-lb pet pig!) of Solvay's guy. Bless their hearts.

It reminds me that Jezebel used to (maybe still does?) run a column called "Big Time Small Time D*cks" about exactly that—local lunatics wielding relative power and burning the house down in the process. I'm laughing just thinking about all the plays on that column title and its seeming resonance with Comrade Trumpov (saw that one online this week, ha). After he's gone and our fear subsides, he will go down as colossal failure and a historic joke. We all know this, but it helps to remember. 



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I just had yet another climate dream about a tremendous tidal wave/tsunami, so I'm reading these lyrics through that lens and I'll admit it's unnerving. 

(In the dream, I keep frantically warning everyone that the water is coming, that it will happen right after a plane goes down or something falls from the sky/space near the beach, but no one will listen to me. Cassandra effect. Then suddenly, whatever it is "hits" and we all see the water rushing toward us. It appears to be many stories high with all kinds of flotsam and drowned animals on the surface. Since there's no way to outrun it, I sit down with my back to the incoming wave and embrace my daughter. I'm stroking her hair and softly telling her it's okay, this is just how we're going to die... And wake up.)


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New story coming out:

President Donald Trump has lost a bid to block an advice columnist’s lawsuit over his remarks that she lied in accusing him of rape.

“We look forward to moving ahead in this case and proving that Donald Trump lied when he told the world that he did not rape our client and had not even met her,” Kaplan said in a statement.

Carroll alleges in the suit that Trump smeared her and harmed her career. Many readers of her longtime Elle magazine column stopped writing to her for advice, according to the suit. It seeks unspecified damages and a retraction of Trump’s statements.

Carroll accused Trump last summer of raping her in a Manhattan luxury department store dressing room in the mid-1990s.

In a New York magazine piece and a subsequent book, Carroll said the two ran into each other, bantered and went to the lingerie department for Trump to pick out a gift for an unidentified woman. Then, she said, Trump grabbed her arm, maneuvered her into a fitting room and assaulted her.

Trump said in June that Carroll was “totally lying,” calling the accusation “fake news.” He said they had never met, though a 1987 photo shows them and their then-spouses at a social event. Trump dismissed the picture, saying he was just “standing with my coat on in a line.”


Jeanne Mayell, Lilinoe, lenor and 15 people reacted
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I love all the songs! I still get an "Ides of March" /Julius Ceasar flash.

Locally there is something of a parallel situation happening but more in a "Parks & Rec" situation. Imagine if you will if instead of becoming president first, Trump was elected mayor of a municipality. We have a Trump-like persona currently as Mayor of Solvay - a village adjacent to our city. Kind of how the "Killah from Wasilla" Palin was catapulted to a statewide position and then a VP nomination... but nobody really was aware of the day to day of her actions and behavior as Wasilla mayor. But at least she had a public service record to run on! 

Anyhow, I have pretty much been unable to look away from the train wreck happening in Solvay and I really hope someone makes a tv series or movie about it because it makes things funnier/less scarier than what is happening in DC. Kind of like Letterkenny meets Veep.
The articles are almost comedy gold if you don't live there... here is a link to the most recent
Please check out the links for other articles that are referred to in this one--it just gets loopier.
People who are Trump fans voted for this guy and defend him LOL. 

I find it gives me some comic relief vs the horror of every news piece that comes from the WH. I expect Solvay voters will relieve this mayor of office in their next election.

I have been avoiding Trump news of late. Spirit basically told me not to waste my energy in this latest wag the dog situation.


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So, I did my Wolf Full Moon Eclipse meditation last night while burning a white candle. I thought of all of you and did my best to ask for help from above for shifting the situation and shining a light on the truth coming out. The following are the notes that I made afterwards of what I perceived during the meditation: 

I saw Oompah Loompahs carrying Trump out of Emerald City. He was laying down. They had Melania by the hand and walked her out behind him. Then they began carrying out the rest of his administration similarly - the worst behaved laying down like T. and the others by the hand being guided out of the city beyond the gates.


I asked what I needed to see about what is to come and I saw a group Republican senators pointing at Mitch M.  and shouting. They are blaming him for their current situation.


Next I saw Nancy P. with a gavel in one hand and one hand raised. Then the scene jumps to her in the White House pointing to those who have done evil in the name of this administration and motioning for them to get out.


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