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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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Yes I find it very interesting that several of us heard that song so recent (Send in the Clowns). I had not thought of that song in many years. The timing of it all...

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Yes agreed. I think it was double message ? 

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Send In The Clowns

( Last Stanza)

Isn't it rich?
Isn't it queer?
Losing my timing this late in my career
But where are the clowns?
There ought to be clowns
Well, maybe next year

In reviewing the song right now (I used to sing it at home a lot while  growing up) the last stanza stood out. 

Losing my timing this late in my career
But where are the clowns?
There ought to be clowns

Two thoughts.

Thought 1:  What if this is about Trump recognizing  things sare not going according to plan and he is trying to figure out how to distract, but it is getting harder to figure that out.

Thought 2:  What if the same lyrics describe the Republican Senators and  Congressmen.  Especially the older established ones who have been supporting Trump and are now stuck.  "Next year" is the next election.


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I was just about to post about these lyrics myself and the last verse in particular - completely agree with both thoughts......and that things are not going according to plan for either in question.

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Posted by: @rosieheart  

...I've had this dream five times since last May.  Each time I wake up quite disturbed.   


Wow, @rosieheart! This is feeling even more significant, which concerns me a bit—at the very least, for who else it might impact.

I haven't seen the same glass door, or that he's in a high rise residence, or heard the sound of a ringing phone (if it matters, my perspective is limited to an ornate coffee table in front of him; a large, maybe impressionist, oil painting in gold frame directly behind him; very high ceilings with large moldings; and a big window streaming daylight in a room further off to his right), but I do very much get the impression that he has quickly taken refuge in this space while the goings-on in the world around him are all very noisy and insistent and overwhelming.

And that would certainly be the case were anything at all of significance to happen to a public figure—the press would be hounding, at the very least. 

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Hi, guys.  Hope 2020 is starting off good for all of you.

I am feeling a bit down right now due to this stuff with Trump.  It is so obvious with anyone with a working brain that the only reason Trump chose to act on Iran now is to take attention off his impeachment proceedings.  Having said that, Trump is so predictable in the sense that every time he thinks the public is turning against him (or if a story is about to come out that will hurt him), then he does something outrageous that dominates the news cycle for a few days until a new scandal occurs.  

Of course, no one cares what Trump says now, because the light workers are biding their time until the election (knowing McConnell and his corrupt colleagues will never follow the law and hold Trump accountable).  Honestly, if Trump went to a rally and molested another American flag, it would not have the same level of outrage that it did several years ago.  So Trump is forced to become more and more outrageous as time goes on.

The problem this time?  Now Trump has spilled blood and basically brought our country to the brink of war.  I doubt anyone but his followers really believe that this killing was justified.  If they had proof that Iran was about to launch an "imminent attack," then why not release the information to prove it?  No, this is a distraction.

Somehow, I don't think that the news that Bolton will testify if he is subpoenaed is the reason why Trump is going to such extremes to distract the public.  He already has McConnell protecting him.

So the question remains: what is about to be revealed that has Trump so desperate that he is willing to risk open war with Iran to distract us?

I don't know what it is, but I feel sick to my stomach.  The darkness is rising and taking position to protect Trump from repercussions.  Does anyone else feel it, or is it just me?

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This is going to sound weird, but I think I know exactly the coffee table you mean because it is in my dreams too.

These dreams have been freaking me out a bit because they are so repetitive and so vivid.  I feel like I am actually there in the room and I wake up feeling sick to my stomach.  

So when I read your post earlier, I just about fell on the floor.  

That said, I've thought about the dream a lot and it is possible that Junior's emotions in the dream are just a proxy in my subconscious for my own emotions about Trump Senior.  I never dream about Senior, only Junior.


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Wow that was great.  Especially loved this part:

Contrary to some people's assumptions given her role in revealing her father's work to perpetuate Republican power, Stephanie says she does not identify as a Democrat, although she has voted for Democratic candidates in the past.

"The reason I don't identify as a Democrat is because I'm an anarchist,"


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Right as I was drifting off to sleep last night, I had two notable visions that I managed to remember today:

  • One was of a large ship with little speed boats with weapons on them scurrying around it like mosquitoes. I think the little boats were Iranian. 
  • The second thing that I saw was DT with his mouth covered and unable to speak. I wondered at the time if it was some kind of tape, but I couldn’t see it up close. I assume that there is a figurative meaning to this. 

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I posted this elsewhere too, but I propose that we all light a white candle, send love and light and vanquishing angels to our government, people and the world. Specifically asking the universe to help expose the corruption about Trump, the GOP and give enlightenment to those who refuse to see. Help our nation heal and wrangle the darkness by encompassing everything in healing light. Help the ones in the middle east - everywhere. Light "warriors" for the good during this Friday's eclipse.

The eclipse occurs at 2:21 p.m. ET. Because it is during daylight hours, it will not be visible from the U.S. and most of the Americas. Those in the best position to see it will be viewing in Europe, Asia and eastern Africa.


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First, I never cease to be awed by the frequent overlap in similarity—and often, highly specific detail—that those of us who listen and trust (and therefore nurture) our subtle capacities for perception experience through our respective psychic expressions. It's not only a powerful validator ("Hey, I had the same dream/vision!"); it's an active reminder of how deeply interconnected we really are. Sort of like how certain scientific discoveries or technological innovations have occurred at the same moment to total strangers working in different parts of the world. It's a beautiful thing, and speaks to our greater collective oneness.

Second, you said: "...I've thought about the dream a lot and it is possible that Junior's emotions in the dream are just a proxy in my subconscious for my own emotions about Trump Senior."

Powerful insight! Of course, it's yours to decipher, but if I'm invited to suggest a possibility, I think both/and. [More on this below**]

I take what I'll call the multiplicity of meaning perspective on dreams, tarot and other divinatory readings, visions, signs, etc. In fact, when I can see multiple layers of nested meaning in any one of these experiences, the more resonantly true it feels, and therefore, the more convinced I am that I should take notice. For example, so many times when I throw the cards with a question about the state or outcome of our political or collective situation, Spirit/Psyche hits me with a little dose of: "Oh, and by the way, here's how these archetypes are showing up in your personal experience at present." If I'm reading about IMPOTUS, this phenomenon can be a little humbling, but it keeps me grounded in my personal truth: again, that we're all connected.


[**Going with the multiplicity of meaning view, I take the Jungian view on dreams: that the content we experience while dreaming is symbolic of our mental and emotional material, as much as it is an expression of collective archetypal patterns. And it surfaces there—where the unconscious meets the subtle conscious—in order to be further digested and integrated in awareness. But since whatever is "out there" is simultaneously "in here," dreams are a both/and domain. Which explains why, whenever I become lucid while dreaming, I recognize that I'm actually traveling in a liminal dimensional space in which I experience, not just my internal content, but sometimes, other people and beings. And there can be an interaction or exchange. (Same can be true in certain meditative states, during astral travel, or even while remote viewing under certain conditions.) That said, when I look at Senior's astral/energy body, he appears to me to be in a very dark condition. And he's surrounded by quite a lot of even darker, low density beings—most of which appear to be long-term attachments. (I've said this here many times.) Because of that, I would NEVER wish to encounter him while in the astral dream space (we're energetically more vulnerable when away from the body), so a dream proxy makes a lot of sense from the both/and perspective! (I've only dreamed about Ivanka and Jared myself.)

Also, if anyone cares, when I look at T's 3 older children energetically, they each appear fragmented to me—the image I see symbolically is a glitching hologram. In a hologram, each constituent part is a small representation of the whole (it's a "holonic" structure). But picture a hologram where certain parts or "boxes" are missing or dark, and where there appear to be some kind of tentacles feeding into the base and top of the structure (i.e., their energy body). This glitching hologram is always the symbol I get whenever there's been some kind of deliberate external interference and control. That can be any kind of trauma (I'm hearing the word "training"?), but it has to begin very early. Jared shows up the very same way to me, and he, Ivanka, and Eric appear the most similar energetically. Junior's energy, however, is much more emotional and rebellious/less compliant/less robotic/less programmable, so as horrible as his words and actions are compared to the others—at least outwardly, where we can see and hear them—energetically, he actually appears to be the most "switched on." There's more color and more fluid movement in him, though it's still not great. Finally, the image of tentacles tells me that all of the older children and Jared are subject to a great deal of spirit/astral influence—it feels largely generational, in fact. Regardless, none of them are dark in anywhere the same way that Senior is dark, no matter how selfish or complicit their actions can be. When I think about them on the mundane, everyday level, I'm disgusted and angered, but when I look at them energetically, I always feel empathy and sorrow for them, for the inner child in each, which feels trapped in a black cube.]

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It has begun... Iran is firing missiles at multiple US facilities...currently " We are aware of the reports of attacks on US facilities in Iraq. The President has been briefed and is monitoring the situation closely and consulting with his national security team." Mike Pence called Nancy Pelosi to brief her The Guardian reported. Just earlier IMPOTUS was on camera making threats - saying he'd obey the law about the "cultural heritage but if they do anything we are prepared to make full retribution. "He was planning a very big, very bad attack and I don't hear anyone else complaining except politicians trying to win the Presidency"  it seems to be escalating rather rapidly.. the clowns? are definitely here.

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And.  Here.  We.  Go. (Again)

Trump needed a distraction.  The impeachment hearings would soon occur.  So he decides to kill an Iranian general.  

The pros to this plan? Just listen to the Republicans-"Why should we have to present proof that Iran poses an imminent threat?  Besides, the guy was a bad man who deserved to die a long time ago!  We have the best military in the world!  Iran can't hurt us!  etc."

Trump honestly thought that by killing this guy, he would (1) prove that his "combative" style was working as a good deterant, (2) prove that he was pro-military (never mind the fact that he denied military aid to the Ukraine, thus risking American interests overseas), (3) try to show that Democrats are "unpatriotic terrorist lovers" because they dare to object to the killing, and (4) basically get rid of his impeachment problem and sail to a 2020 election victory.  At worst, Iran would do "cyber attacks," and Trump could always blame Ukraine for that.

And now missiles have been launched.

So, what happens now?  Normally, cooler heads would prevail, but since that is not an option, I can't help but foresee even darker times coming for our nation.  The Iranian government feels it has no choice but to retailiate, else it looks weak.  Trump will of course take action, and eventually this thing will escalate.

And then we will send our troops in, and military action will occur.  Because Trump has alienated NATO and so many of our allies, they will stay on the sidelines.  We will be drug into yet another war that will be both bloody and expensive.  Our economy will also suffer because we are so dependent on fossil fuels, so any military action in the Middle-East will drive up gas prices.  Companies already stretched by the trade wars will go under, taking many jobs with them.  America will be weakened.

And the Republicans will continue to act stupid and corrupt.

Oh, and Trump will still go to his rallies and golf trips, of course.  And never pay for his crimes against our country, because his followers will never, ever abandon him.  Even if the economy tanks.  Even if we go to war.  Even if he shot someone in the streets.  

I'm really sad right now.

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In Sean Hannity's opening monologue tonight, he railed for U.S. military strikes on Iranian soil, specifically, for air strikes on its oil refineries and nuclear facilities.

Lindsey Graham appeared on the same show to blow the same war horn. 

On the same network, equally far right—or perhaps more appropriately, alt right—Tucker Carlson is touting the neo-reactionary, Bannon-leaning line, whining at the president: BUT YOU SAID NO MORE WARS.

(It'll be interesting to see how long he holds to this.)

Yes, it's true no one is talking about impeachment now. Yes, it's true IMPOTUS just played the warmonger card to throw off an investigation, create a diversion from news of further coverups and crimes, and rally the GOP (not just his base) behind the faux holy cause of "national security."

And yes, he wanted to throw a molotov cocktail directly in the engine of the upcoming election—just as he shamefully predicted, no less than TEN TIMES, that Obama would do in the very same way in the run-up to his second term.  


More pertinent than any of the above motivations, more pressing than any of the above stated desires, more salient than any FOX or GOP war hawk declarations or the biggo distraction it all creates is this question:

What did Putin want?

If all roads lead to Putin, then it's safe to assume that all major foreign policy decisions—however impulsive they may seem—emerge from Putin. Or stand to benefit his aims directly or indirectly, regardless of what Russian officials are publicly claiming via their country's propaganda network. 

What did IMPOTUS only recently do? He called American troops out of Syria. Not a lick of warning. Why? For Putin.

By dramatically reducing the presence and/or directly threatening the lives of American troops, diplomats, and civilian contractors and citizens in the region, Russia creates a clever door of opportunity. One big enough for them to drive their own military, mercenary, business, mafia, and trade designs through.

It doesn't matter that Russia is a stated ally of Iran. Putin's government doesn't work for Iran; it works for him. The question is, who does Putin work for? Perhaps for the global criminal syndicate headed by Mogilevich, who allegedly installed him. 




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I really like that candle idea, Tricia. And following all of the positive energy we radiated during our vigil on the winter solstice, I say, why not?

But can someone please explain in plain English the significance of Friday's lunar eclipse. I've read a few things online about why this event could be pivotal, but those explanations were bogged down in astrological jargon, and I still feel like I'm missing something. 

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@triciact I also love the candle idea. We can use all of the good energy that we can get to shift the situation. It is already dark at the time of the eclipse where I live and if I’m lucky it will be visible here. However, I saw a statistic that it has been cloudy 88% of the time on that date here. In any case, count me in!

Just as a side note, we received an email from the US consulate yesterday telling us to take extra care here due to the increased tensions in the Middle East. Although I am not one to panic and we have received these kinds of emails before, I can definitively state that I do not feel more secure due to the reckless action of the president. 

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From what I have read, The animal of a wolf is said to be strategic and communicative, possessing a specific rank in their packs. Because of these characteristics, a wolf moon is said to symbolize a time to look to community for creative solutions, inspiring individuals to communicate with those around them to overcome challenges.

This article I found talks about what it may mean for us:

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Trump is now also quietly destroying disability benefits!

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