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The Unraveling -- Donald Trump

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My point is also that in the swing states that decide the electoral college votes, it will be close, or made to look that way anyway. I'm talking about actual chicanery, not even voter suppression (although that won't help to be sure).


RosieHeart, Jeanne Mayell, TriciaCT and 7 people reacted
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I understood where you were going with it.  I was saying, that in swing states where the votes are close, there are ways where a small amount of votes can be changed to swing the election.  Much in the way that they say Trump won with 77,000 votes (over 3 states).  You can change that many and maybe stay below the radar.

But, if he is losing by hundreds of thousands of votes (instead of tens of thousands) then they can't change the votes easily without detection. 

Send your light to young people to get out and vote.  They will be the ones that "save" us.

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It's a dark week and it's only Wednesday.  Several days ago, I was reminding myself that there will be all the smoke and mirrors of the Republican strategy to fight the impeachment.  Still, I find it so upsetting to see the Republicans in lockstep protecting Dear Leader.  Plus, there is the Barr investigation of the FBI and the Steele dossier that took him globe trotting to gather so called intelligence.  No matter that the IG report completely refutes the Trump/Barr conspiracy theories, Barr is out there performing for the news cameras.  No matter that all 17 intelligence agencies declare that Russian interfered in the election, not Ukraine, Republicans are sharing Russian talking points.   Plus, Guiliani was back in the Ukraine and returned boasting of information he was going to share with Congress.  Clearly, the president's strategy for winning new voters in the 2020 election was to claim that there was no meddling by Russia, that it was all a hoax by the deep state and/or Ukraine.   Then we had Dear Leader's unhinged rally last night and Lindsey's drama this morning.  So, yeah.  It wears me down, even though I was anticipating it and reminding myself that these are all GOP lies that play to their base and Fox News sound bites.  I'm thoroughly disgusted with Gym Jordan, Matt Gaetz, Nunes, Collins and all their high drama.  So, yeah.  It's tough.

However, every time I second guess myself and question whether premonitions are just wishful thinking, my gut instinct is that these hearings and the impeachment process will damage the orange one profoundly and beyond redemption.  More evidence of other crimes will be revealed.  I just think we are in for a roller coaster experience and need to ride it out.  I think Guiliani will get indicted, Trump taxes will be revealed and that there will be more court rulings against him.  

Hang tough.

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An interesting quote today from Steve Schmidt, GOP Strategist, on "burning down" the GOP:
"It’s like a fire. Fires are a part of the ecosystem, part of the natural progress. And when the forest burns, it’s purified. There can be new growth. For there to be new growth of a conservative movement, of a right center party, the one that I joined in 1988, it needs to burn to the ground."

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Wow that’s chilling. But I agree. The GOP has lost their way and their soul, if they ever had one.

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The GOP needs to burn down and be fully rebirthed. That will bring the Dems back to the center as well and if that happens all will be well. As far as polls were concerned,I got a poll call today from a pollster I have not heard of local to WI. They asked questions of local Milwaukee politics and then went on to Trump. All of the Trump questions were apocalyptic such as "do you A. Support President Trump or B. Feel the US is headed to being a third world country within a decade?" There was no middleground option which is forcing people to say that they either support him or sound like overblown nutjobs. This is a distinct act of pro-Trump desperation, even for horribly biased polls.

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Bless you, allyn, and all of you. Allyn I read your post twice and it so lifted my spirit.  I am finding this full moon so heavy in my head. And it sounds like many other do too.

I keep remembering that this was always going to be a tough period. That darkness would really hit like a great shadow near the end of 2019.  That democracy would take a beating but it would come back. @lynn, I'm grateful to you for bearing your heart to us. It helps to know  that we are not alone in feeling the heaviness  and darkness of this time.

It helps me to think of all the heroes right now. I want to be strong for them.  I am so grateful for Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi, the many staffers around them, and all of the dems in the committees and on the floor who are standing up together to say no to corruption. Also the reporters working round the clock to help us see the truth. 


Let's send them all strength.  

1. Go ahead and take a deep breath, then another and feel your strength returning.  Feel your chi, your life force, your energy building up with each breath.  Stand up and stretch your arms if you need to and open your heart and breathe. 

2. In your mind, find an angel, a spirit guide, or a star way out there in the universe, or all three. Or find whatever source of light you can. 

3. Keep breathing and see that star sending streams of light to you/filling you with strength. Then send that light to all of us, your family and friends, and all those who believe in  truth and justice.  

4. Then send a big blast of light to the House leadership, the House dems, the staffers,  the reporters, and all the people who want to see justice now.  Fill the Capitol with light. 

4. Finally send a blast of light to the Supreme Court justices, especially Roberts, to do the right thing and release those tax returns. 

 Fill them all with strength, and then fill yourself with it too. 



CC21, seaturtle26, BlueBelle and 27 people reacted
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omg - I just read that McConnell may call for a vote to acquit Trump before there's even a trial. I'm sick to my stomach. If that's the case why is anybody bothering to go through this?   Just so it can get to the Senate and there will be no trial?  

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Hi I am a friend of Jeanne's.  First time posting but read regularly.  I want to share something with you all.  But first I want to let you all know that Jeanne has been a kind, compassionate patient loving friend and mentor with an amazing gift to me for many years.  I am so grateful for her.  Her insight is like a laser beam.   This community that she has created and embraces is a gift to us all.  Thank you dear friend.

I saw the Buffoon on the news the other morning.  He was describing the lack of water pressure in toilets, bathrooms and showers although he couldn't articulate it as  such.  I felt a bit of empathy for him for the first time.  I have several members of my family with dementia and Alzheimers. I remember protecting my Aunt when she spoke in such a way.  Filling in the gaps, explaining with the words she could no longer bring to her lips. The BIG Buffoon  clearly has dementia and I feel grave concern for our county.   I wonder WHY?  HOW? is noone removing him from office immediately.  Setting aside all of his shenanigans, this is now even more dangerous for all of us. Then it occurred to me that when people are put in very visible places - put on the "stage" for our world to really SEE - I feel that this is something that we as world citizens all need to be woken up to and make serious change.  When it gets to this BIG world stage - it means that it has gotten to this point because it has been ignored in the less visible places and has been percolating for some time - so much so that now it can't be ignored.   I feel Moron is a trigger for so many things we have been pushing aside, ignoring  like climate change, increasing dementia rates, TRUTH, and much much more.   If I step back and look at it from the lens of a video camera it feels less scary.   The observer in me says change is coming .  Have faith.  We create our own reality and can shift it.   We will lift ourselves up and out of this crisis.  I just know it. 

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It's a big deal to get impeached. And McConnell's move will be seen by half the country as truly subverting the Constitution. 

PenelopeFP, BlueBelle, TriciaCT and 17 people reacted
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very frustrating. Wondering if anyone can pick up anything about this trial - if it happens.

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actually I did hear something positive tonight - it appears Bloomberg is pouring a lot of money into Democratic races in Trump territory. So that's something. 

Coyote, BlueBelle, PenelopeFP and 7 people reacted
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I don't know about y'all, but I'm betting some of you have an Uncle Bertrand in your family. Imagine him as a collective archetype, if you will. He's the one that still lives out in the bayou—I'm talking in the middle of a swamp—because the man distrusts the government, is suspicious of toll roads, or anything larger than a convenient store for grocery shopping. (He eats a lot of SPAM and catfish.) Maybe Uncle Bertrand has surprisingly new anti-war opinions, or a gentle manner with dogs, but he's 100% convinced the Earth is flat and the moon landing was faked by "them Jews out there in Hollywood."

Worse, Bertrand is convinced that people of color, religious minorities, and the entire LGBTQIA+ rainbow are, categorically, pedophiles, most of whom, he's dead certain, are involved in "Satanic practices," headed up by the Clintons and sanctioned by Obama (who is worse than Satan, apparently). 

Never one to play to type, Uncle Bertrand is somehow both aggressively anti-social and a board member of his local Chamber of Commerce. He has founded, operated, and successfully sold off a string of title loan companies. He "plays the stock market" and heavily donates to the NRA. Bonafide lifelong member.

Now, every few years when someone gets married or drops dead, you run into Uncle Bertrand. He demands too much time and attention, drinks too much Southern Comfort, behaves inappropriately toward young female relatives (which everyone either laughs off or chooses to ignore), and then—without fail—regales all in his presence with an unbridled rage about the new "lady sheriff" as well as a string of over-the-top conspiracy theories.

But most of this is an act; the man is a troll. He has a dark fascination with absurdity and literally gets off on dominating and intimidating "the weak." (Bertrand is a diehard Social Darwinist.) 

If you haven't seen him in a few years, maybe you managed to forget about Uncle Trickster's antics. That's your first mistake. His aim is to hypnotize you into a stupor of angst and frustrated ill-at-ease-ness. The more upset you become, the more energy you send in his direction, which means the less you have in reserve. And the weaker you are, the easier you are to feed on.

If you insist on fighting back with facts, getting yourself all riled up and indignant, you're just throwing scientific rationalism at him like undercooked spaghetti at a brick wall. See, everywhere he goes, he warps spacetime and that kind of distortion is infectious. 

Bertrand wins power by making the people around him feel anything other than in control, anything other than consciously—especially humorously!—aware. 

The Cajun uncle in this scenario is an allegory for DJT, the (alt-of-right) GOP, and Faux News, which have taken over the party like a mind virus for which there is presently no remedy. But it's all the bluff and bluster and aggro-spiral spin machine conspiracy bs.

Right, we know that.

The purpose of it is to depress and intimidate the consciousness of the populous—to manufacture defeatism and fear and confusion. Because when enough people feel that low, vibrationally speaking, it benefits their agenda.

Together, we generate a morphic field. However it is that we're thinking and feeling t o g e t h e r creates a powerful resonance, which has creative potency. And if we're not using that potency to our advantage, we can be sure that they are. I mean to say that morphic resonance (enough people all feeling and thinking similarly) literally creates consensus reality. And those guys know damn well the shade of blue that's just over the horizon, so they're pulling out every stop to alter the timeline, even if it destroys their own country. 

Best thing we can do: Take heart. Laugh. Kiss a baby and put our bare feet on the Earth. And for goodness sake, pull our attention away from the bad news machines regularly and often. Stop allowing the headlines or the talking heads to dictate the field. We're in the heat of an intense astrological event that feels like new gravity. It is breaking open every corrupted, outmoded, self-oriented cog in our systems and institutions. It's up to us what we do with them when that happens.  So, if you're feeling head pain or pressure, joint stress, or your body just feels heavier than usual, or if you find yourself worrying a lot more about security and resources, just breathe. It'll pass.  



P.S. Like Bannon and Miller, many of these guys believe in the so-called "Fourth Turning," a (questionable) generational theory of time cycles which suggests that we are marching toward global financial crisis, climate crisis, oil and water wars, and WWIII—all by 2025. And they want desperately to be on top to reshape the order of things after the fall.    

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I too have felt the darkness, especially today.  It was so heavy.  I turned off the news and focused on getting things done around my house.  

 Today was weird.  It was an entire  day of taking steps backward before steps moving forward. Most unusual.

 It began with our router dying in the morning which meant no internet until around 7:00pm when we were able to finally install a new one. Big step backward without internet but a big one forward when it returned.  

The next was the darkness of the House  Congressional hearings today. As I mentioned, I had to turn off the insanity.  . Later, while I was in the car running an errand, the Senate hearings were on the radio and Kamala Harris was speaking.  OMG was she fabulous!  Her "calling" really is law and she was brilliant.  As I was listening to her I once again felt she would make a great US Attorney General however, a new thought soon entered my head while listening to her.   Supreme Court Justice.  She would make a fantastic one!!  The backward (scary backward)) step  of the Congressional hearing suddenly became a huge step forward listening to Kamala in the Senate hearing.  A huge white light and a bright future of possibilities. Hope restored. Hope is so very important. I then turned off the radio to keep the hope flowing in my soul.

 My third step backward was when our Christmas tree in the family room fell over tonight.  It is a fake tree ( we get a real one for the living room) and it is quite old.  Luckily, no ornaments broke.  2 years ago our real tree fell over and broke MANY ornaments.  Well, I was not about to have the fake tree fall over again ( it was now leaning)  and thus chance a new round of breakage, so off to find a new tree.  I found one, took off all the ornaments from the old tree and  with some family help we got the new one up, lights strung and ornaments on.  Step backwards and step forwards.

So,  our country is  dealing with some major steps backward at the moment.  If my day is any indication, the big forward steps are just on the horizon.



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@vestralux and @jeanne-mayell

That was so amazing and well put. I think you are correct. They (the GOP) are very good at getting their collective to feel and think the same thing all at once. That has been their ace up their sleeve and talent for so long. They tend to be louder and repeat repeat repeat something - no matter how insane - until everyone thinks it and ultimately believes it.

WE can do the same thing, but in a positive way. 

Jeanne: I'm up for participating in a zoom evening to help the collective! Count me in!

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I've posted two full moon meditations from last Spring's Circle of Light.  One is an uplifting  Self Healing to help you when you feel discouraged.  It's on the upper right side bar of this page. 

The other is a healing of our world.

I will get back soon with a date for another Circle of Light for us. 

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@Vestralux @Lovendures


Your posts brought me GLEE!

I've been feeling heavy lately too, and now I'm laid low with an upper respiratory virus (because I always get sick a. when I'm stressed, and b. at the holidays). I've been actively avoiding news cycles this week. I have been focusing my attention on stupid TV. My favorite stupid TV right now is The Masked Singer. Yes, it's on Fox, but so is The Simpsons.  It's so entertaining, I don't even look up online spoilers, I just enjoy the ride.  I recommend watching it with a [spiked] eggnog in hand.

As Solstice approaches, I feel we all need to hibernate just a little, to recharge so we come into 2020 ready to fight the big fights. Donnie Douchebag et al will get their comeuppance...

Happy Full Moon and Namasté!

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When your tree fell down again this year yet none of your ornaments broke, is that possibly a good sign?  Back in 2017, Trump took over, and succeeded in breaking common decency rules and the Constitution (among other things).  Basically, American unity and decency fell.  However, this time in 2019, your tree fell again, but none of your ornaments broke.  Perhaps this is a sign that Trump will fall, and the things that he has not destroyed will remain intact?  That the dreaded "Civil War" he predicts his supporters will launch should he fall fail to materialize?

Speaking of which, several Trump supporters actually approached me today and told me they planned to take up their guns and shoot the democrats if Trump was removed.  My response (summary) was this:

"Go ahead.  You bring your guns, then we will bring ours.  There are over three million more of us than there are of you, and you succeeded in driving many people who voted for Trump in 2016 to our side anyway, so there are more of us now then there was then.  If you wish to die for a sexual predator and child cager, we are more than happy to oblige you!"

Their response?  Shock.  Then they backtracked and tried to justify their actions.  "Uh, we didn't mean go after you!  We meant the corrupt liberals!"

Me-"I support removing Trump, so that must mean I am a liberal.  If being a liberal means I am anti-rape, anti-sexual harrassment, anti-child abuse, etc., then sign me up!  What do you think happens when you threaten people?  Eventually we get sick of it!  So keep up the threats!  But don't beg us for mercy when we take you down!  Because we will not be intimidated by a bunch of rapist, racist republicans!"

Needless to say, there was more back-peddling and self-justification (with assurances that they didn't actually "mean it," while I responded that I fully planned on defending myself and others if they tried.)

This event brought a new realization.  These people are cowards.  They think that by threating violence, they will scare the rest of us.  But when faced with actual opposition, they back down.

The truly sad thing?  There were three of them and one of me!  And yet when confronted, they were not prepared with the realization that someone would actually fight back.

Do I think we need to threaten violence as a result?  Of course not!  WE are of the light, and it is not our way.  But I think that if we started confronting these bullies back and make them realize that we can and will defend ourselves, then they will rethink their tactics.  It is one thing to threaten people with violence.  It is another when the target of your bullying suddenly has a group of friends surrounding you.

The darkness is rising.  But so are we!

Lilinoe, RosieHeart, Jeanne Mayell and 21 people reacted
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When you say the darkness is rising, when can we expect it to die down?

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 I've been actively avoiding news cycles this week. I have been focusing my attention on stupid TV. My favorite stupid TV right now is The Masked Singer. Yes, it's on Fox, but so is The Simpsons.  It's so entertaining, I don't even look up online spoilers, I just enjoy the ride.  I recommend watching it with a [spiked] eggnog in hand.

Let's put things into perspective. I know it's on Fox. I also watch a few Fox shows for entertainment in spite of the name. I too like to watch escape tv. Maybe it will brighten your day to know that while Faux is crowing about how Hannity has been winning in the ratings, they don't say that he only averages 3.25 million viewers. That's about half a million less daily than say, The Young and The Restless. And face it, Y&R is probably more realistic. It's about a third to a quarter of the viewers who watch the Masked Singer. When folks talk about how big his base is, only 60% of those eligible to vote actually showed up at the polls in 2016. That means he was only voted into office by about 30% of adults in the US. How many have defected since then? I also love that the youth of this country who didn't show up for the election in 2016 showed an unprecidented 79% increase in their turnout for the 2018 elections. I imagine that number will climb for the 2020 races, given the stakes. 

When I'm up for it I watch selectively. This five minutes from Eric Swalwell was worth every second. 

For that matter, when the Chief Narcissist of the US went after a 16 year old on Twitter today, I found it highly amusing that she owned him by changing the 'about me' section of her Twitter page to show him his opinions were inconsequential. Go Greta! 

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