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[Closed] Sinclair News

Noble Member Registered
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its horrific that Sinclair has bought many stations across the country. They announced the same message that they are concerned about fake news, but that’s exactly what they are going to do, making it near impossible to know what is true and what isn’t. Plus, Boris E, a Russian who was on talk shows during the election, will have speaking times. We have entered a new phase where democracy is endangered. Any thoughts or visions on this? I’m very scared.

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Anita, thank you for this! I never heard of Sinclair before, I'll research this as it is important to remain informed and vigilant in these chaotic days. I feel democracy is under threat since a couple of decades. However, it is more obvious now and we are now have arrived at a pivotal point in history. I'm hopeful, though. As much as the social media environment is used to spread fake news, it is also a tool for people to look "behind the scene", rise their voice, and organize in groups. For instance I'm amazed at this young generation and how they use their voices and power they have. Look at the Laura Ingraham case and how she tried to abuse the Parkland shooting survivors via social media. She shot herself in her own foot (pun intended). David Hogg called her bullshit out on social media and called for advertisers to boycott her. It worked! While there is a lot of darkness, we have much more power than we think!!! So much more power. Never give into the fear! Much love and light to you!

Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle, Michele and 3 people reacted
Illustrious Member Registered
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kill your television!   Or program  your dvr to remove sinclair stations from menu guide.  dont allow that filth into your home!

Illustrious Member Registered
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I refuse to allow fear into my heart without shining constant light and believing it will be a change we need to find and use our own powers to their fullest.  Sinclair is using money and power in an attempt to take over it's perceived most dangerous opponents... if not the weakest links then the biggest threats.

This is about news stations not networks. Our local affiliate Katu news in Portland, Oregon had bright, literate, brave broadcast  journalists...some already axed for various fear filled by Sinclair reasons, how much they cost....but others have risen to take their places. They remain articulate, intelligent journalists who understand the importance of freedom of speech,  who with comments and expressions and in their off screen lives are vibrant members of their communities with many if not all, ardent supporters of the arts, human and animal rights, supportive of Portland's  declaration as a Sanctuary City.

Pray, see, send the light to them and others just like them in Sinclair take over various news stations. To me, they are the best of the best and I will continue to watch them and encourage them and send them love and light.

Always remember, the resistance is about love not fear. We must raise our own vibrations and resist going into their negative darkness by giving up. We can all do this from whatever level or ability our hearts can do and be.

Love to all for this dialogue and all dialogues on this site.We see our own cracks and feel our own anxieties and fears in order to release our shadow selves into the light for universal and divine healing. No matter your feelings, beliefs, or place in the current energies of this universal timeframes, you...we ALL..are surrounded by Others/each other and love and light through these intense growing pains and the goodness will prevail.

Our time may not be soul or oversoul time but it is all part of the bigger "Dream Time" that is our true birthplace and birthright.

Love you all❣

Michele Bilyeu

RunestoneOne, BlueBelle, Jeanne Mayell and 3 people reacted
Illustrious Member Admin
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Michele, thank you.  Agree with every word.  It's about light. 

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Eminent Member Registered
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The sinclair merger might not happen. Ajit Pai is blocking it because of questionable practices. Sinclair responded by

dropping some of their holdings and they are still trying to merge to become larger and own more local stations. I am hoping

that it is continued to be blocked. I did email Ajit about this issue and called. I mentioned that they are not an impartial news service

thus it's not fair to allow them to buy up more stations. They have a practice where they make their anchors read a conservative line even it

it's not the truth. We can fight this, as well as so many other fights. If I hear more about it I will let you know.

Unk p, Bee, Unk p and 1 people reacted