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Ryan Zinke

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Ryan Zinke, dept of Interior secretary, is being investigated in 13 complaints at last count.  This week, at least one of those complaints was referred to the Justice Dept.

When he was confirmed and rode into DC on his horse, my first thought was,"good lord, it is Custer reincarnated."?Later it was reported that he demanded the Interior flag be flown whenever he was in DC. Do you think he will be pushed out?  Will he be charged with a crime?

Flor, Jeanne Mayell, Flor and 1 people reacted
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Yes, 'Custer reincarnated' indeed. Aside from all of his misappropriation of funding, taking bribes from big oil interests, decimating our wild lands, using his ol' buddy system to destroy those fragile ecosystems with countless cattle leases... he is waging a Holocaust on our precious herds of wild horses and poor little burros. 

They have been brutally taken by horrendous helicopter roundups by the thousands and thousands and removed from their 'legally designated' homeland by Zinke and his BLM henchmen since the Great Evil One has been in power.

They are being tortured, separated from their family groups, subjected to absolute terror and being held in 'holding facilities' where there is little hope for survival; the BLM wants to send them to the most horrific death imaginable... slaughter in Mexico (for human consumption).

These reptiles have no sense of conscience, and many people like Laura Leigh of Wild Horse Education, and R.T. Fitch of Straight from the Horses Heart, along with The Cloud Foundation and more are fighting them tooth and nail to save our beloved wild ones. It is one of America's dirtiest little secrets, and is being pushed ruthlessly on by Ryan Zinke and his 'cavalry' BLM minions. Like Drumpf, they are in a big rush to do as much destruction as they can before the midterms. It's all about the big money and their self serving private cattle, mining/coal, and oil drilling interests.

The mustangs and all the wild life that stand in their way are just so much trash to be annihilated. It is beyond heartbreaking. It is an outrage to everything we hold sacred as Americans. 

I do see Zinke being taken down, but it will take years to repair the damage he has already created. I hope that he is haunted in this life and into the next by the spirits of the thousands of beautiful (and irreplaceable) horses that he has murdered in cold blood.


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I'm sad to say I hadn't even known about the wild horses and even sadder to know about it.  I thought you must be exaggerating so I checked it out.   and  

90,000 horses that he wants to kill. Horrifying is too light a word for it. 

It breaks my heart.  It is truly evil.  I pray these godly creatures are protected, like they have always been.  I pray that a great force of light sweeps down and surrounds these precious ones with protection.  I pray that Zinke's tenure is cut short. And that the election or some other governing body ejects him and his associates from power. Please pray with me.  

I realize that there are other horrible animal injustices that the Republicans have enabled since they took over the Congress and the executive branch.  My niece worked in legislative initiatives at the ASPCA at the time of the 2016 election.  She was staying with us the night of the election and told us that Republicans would roll back the many anti animal cruelty  initiatives she and her colleagues had gotten passed over the prior eight years.  Regulations  that made animal cruelty to dogs and horses illegal would be eliminated as soon as the Republicans took over. 

These are aspects of Republican cruelty that many people don't know about.  Their darkness seems to know no bounds. 

villager, mariad, BlueBelle and 3 people reacted
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Yes, they are reptiles in the truest sense.

It's astonishing that more people in this nation don't know what's going on with our 'Dept. of the Interior' and our federal lands with the wild life that inhabit them. These wild lands are our children's heritage, and are being raped and pillaged, sold out by corrupt morons like Ryan Zinke.

The atrocity that is going on with the wild mustangs right now is beyond... BEYOND. They are being literally devastated. It is an outrage that should be shouted from the rooftops. These beautiful, intelligent, and very sensitive beings have been our companions and helpmeets throughout the centuries... empires have been built on their backs, and this is how they are repaid. It is so shameful.

The holy man Ghandi said "You can tell the character of a Nation and it's people by the way it's animals are treated"

Well ....... some advocacies are not for the faint of heart. If you see the torture of the slaughter houses in Mexico (and it is on YouTube if no one believes it), as well as the slaughter in Canada, in Japan (for...sushi), and other Asian and European countries that consume horse meat, it is the most cruel, inhuman horror that could ever befall these precious beings.

We need to be their voice, because they don't have one. And Ryan Zinke needs to be locked up somewhere.

These equines are our National Treasures, our icons, and they do belong to us! Not to some greedy, corrupt politicians who would sell out their own children for a buck. When our wild lands become wastelands, the silence will be deafening.

'Where wild horses once roamed..."

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And thank you Jeanne, for your compassion and prayers of light.

Through my tears I pray constantly for angels of light and protection to surround them all, and for their return to their (centuries old) homelands in freedom. Please may it be so.

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There are several news outlets reporting on Zinke breaking his ethics pledge by working on a land development project with a guy from Halliburton that will benefit his own property in Whitefish, MT.

There is a lawsuit challenging his Thrill Kill Council made up of trophy hunters.  Thankfully, his plan to allow the hunting of Grizzlies this fall was stopped.  Several tribes sued to stop the delisting of these beautiful animals as protected, and a treaty was also signed to protect the bears in the US and Canada.

Zinke seems to focus on opening up land across the nation that is sacred to Native Americans to mining and oil extraction.  

His rounding up of horses is another affront to the Native Americans.  Horses represent power both physically and spiritually.  There was a saying, "stealing horses is stealing power." 

My first impression of him as Custer seems to be playing out in his despicable actions and arrogance.   Several tribes have been fighting him in court.  Let's hope he is defeated just as Custer was on the battlefield.  I remember a story that said after the battle of Little Big Horn, the native women pierced Custer's ears with sewing needles so that he might hear them in the next life.  Maybe he will finally hear them in the courtroom.

We really need to send light and strength to the tribes.  They are the ones who are leading the way to save our planet and our wildlife.

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Here is a link to the lawsuit that stopped the grizzly hunt this fall.

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That is wonderful news, Tag, and we can only stay vigilant. The wolves have taken a big hit as well, and I don't have too much faith in the feds actually having much accountability for any protections they are supposedly responsible for as the "stewards" they are supposed to be.

Recently there was a big rush order in the DOI to destroy millions of records, and if that goes through there will be no way to prosecute for all the atrocities that have already been committed. Very timely with the elections, right? 

There is no end to the corruption in the BLM, it's all so convoluted with lies and secret manuevering, and now if there are no records of past actions they think there is no accountability. This especially reflects on the wild horses, and on all the endangered species that are under federal "management". They are being "managed" to extinction.

We can only hope that the coming changes are going to include a complete reconstruction of federal programs that have been corrupted for so long, and that integrity and humanity will be the basis for long term preservations of our wild life.


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What is happening to wolves in Washington state right now is heartbreaking.  I understand that it is being done for just one man.  When will mankind learn?

The bright side is the corruption is being exposed.  That is the only way things finally change.

Jeanne Mayell, Jeanne Mayell, Anonymous and 1 people reacted
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bye bye now Ryan Zinke, you lousy creep you!

BlueBelle, Jeanne Mayell, TaG22 and 3 people reacted
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I read today, I think on an Earth Guardians email, that there are now 17 complaints filed against Zinke including using tax payer money to take his wife on vacation. Grrrrrr.

BlueBelle, Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle and 1 people reacted
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Just gonna leave this here for all of you

mariad, TaG22, mariad and 1 people reacted
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Success! Zinke is done. And hopefully will be indicted if all those records haven't already been destroyed (BLM) Nationwide. They could all be indicted for obstruction if the records are gone. It's exactly Third Reich tactics they are using.

Another piece of wonderful news concerning the wild ones... the BLM was planning to experiment on captured mares in a horrendous vivesection method, removing the ovaries manually with a chainlike device (and no anasthectic). This practice has been banned for it's inhumane torture, but BLM was trying to use this as a viable herd reduction solution. It would have resulted in aborted foals (as many of the mares are pregnant), and probable death from infection and trauma. There is no accounting for the idiocy and cruelty of these people.

A lawsuit was filed against them by the Cloud Foundation and other advocates, and now, thanks to our beautiful blue wave, the program has been dropped! This will signal a big change in BLM policy, and will be the beginning of what could be a turn around in the fate of these precious horses.

The DOI is going to go through a big metamorphosis I have a distinct feeling, and if we can put our essential protections back in place for all endangered species and our wild lands and monuments, it will be a time to celebrate like the Fourth of July!!!

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I have a feeling he knew the Jig was up with the Democrats taking control of the house.

Trump said he was going to drain the swamp he just didn’t know it was the swamp he created ?


