March for Our Lives
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March for Our Lives

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I checked with Jeanne and want to add some clarification I've gotten on this original vision.  McMaster leaving office was directly tied to my vision of violence of violence at the March.  McMaster did leave yesterday.  

Also, yesterday when Trump's lead lawyer in the Mueller case stepped down I got a flash that Trump is going to fire Mueller today or tomorrow.  If this happens, people will take to the streets to protest that action and the original March for our lives will be overrun with much higher emotion and many more people, increasing the potential for violence.

The martial law aspect of the vision may be more of a metaphorical representation for the finalization of Trump's installation of a dictatorship.  

I also saw when Dowd (Trump's lawyer) left yesterday that Mueller will somehow be reinstated as independent counsel with congressional protection by June and continue his work.  

On a personal note, my son got his final itinerary and won't be in DC until Sunday evening.  

Hold on to your hats, and be safe out there tomorrow if you're marching.  Keep those prayers coming.  We need all the Divine help we can get right now.

Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle, Laynara and 5 people reacted
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Luminata, I am sending your son thoughts of protection as he makes his way to DC on Sunday. I too have been freaking out - my daughter is going to Alexandraia 4/6/18 & I have reservations about the trip.  I am considering not letting her go if March for Our Lives doesn’t go well.  I want her to be free in the world & I am wrestling with allowing her to go - educational trip-  great opportunity, but I want safety. It’s so tough!  Sending thoughts of protection & light for your son. Any thoughts anyone? 

Jeanne Mayell, BlueBelle, Laynara and 3 people reacted
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Luminata and Shawn, I feel your kids will be safe. Due to an unfortunate childhood I had to stand on my own feet since age 17. I've taken any opportunity that came my way and gotten myself in (almost) no trouble despite that fact that nobody parented me. Now that I have children, I get how overprotective one can get, especially in this crazy climate. I did things (like hitchhiking across Europe) that I would never allow my children to do (I also will probably never tell them, lol). Never! Yet I survived.

I Looking back now I had a lot of street smarts, strong intuition, but I also see that I was protected all the way. I trust that your children are equipped with the same features, plus they have a good education and your love and support! I'll send love and wrap these beautiful young people in protective light so that their intuition will guide them and that they will act with compassion and love. May the fear and anger that lingers in the ether never touch them!

(PS: Haha, I'm talking all tough and relaxed here but I will fly across the country with my family tomorrow and I have a mini-freak-out myself because I. can't. stand. airports!! Okay, deep breath, love and light...)


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I also feel your son will be safe. I feel the whole March will be joyful and safe. As for April 6 in Alexandria, I'm not seeing anything to worry about.  What has you worried, Shawn?

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Thank you Tee! Wishing you happy & safe travels with your family ?

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Jeanne, Thank you for mentioning me. I just feel the DC area is so full of chaos right now, we are ripe for violence to bubble up.   I am worried about an attack amidst all the distraction- specifically I am worried about the bus.  But I also realize I can catastastrophize- my imagination can get the best of me. I just feel all of this icky energy associated with DC area right now , and I think I may be projecting...I truly don’t want her to miss out because of my fears.

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Shawn I understand. You should go with your gut. The best intuition is the feeling inside of you, not what someone else says. 

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Love you all!  

Shawn, thank you for your protective energy for my son.  I send the same for your daughter. 

Tee, may you breathe easy in any and all airports you and your family encounter.

Jeanne, endless gratitude for all you do here to Shepard this flock, and for bringing us together.

Shawn, I share your struggle with freedom and safety - for our children and for ourselves. I would venture to say we all do.  This is one very primal place in humanity where spirit, soul, Divinity, touches and diverges from our physical self.  I know, without any doubt, that our spirit, soul, energy, carries on when our physical body ends.  This is freedom.  I also know that our physical bodies will end.  No way around it, we're all going to die a physical death. Our physical bodies demand of us that we care for them and protect them at all costs.  This is safety.  

So, the concept of physical safety is an illusion, nothing more.  We will all physically die, and the measures we take to stay physically safe, while necessary and prudent, will not stop our physical bodies from dying.  

As humans,(animals as well) we are all spirit in a physical container.  We receive input from the spiritual realm, and from the physical realm.  Our job, journey, purpose, is to reconcile and balance the input we get from both realms.  Combine the knowledge that you live forever, and that you will absolutely cease to be in one being and have that being decide what to do in any given moment and you have the hot mess of humanity.  ? 

Enter the Divine, the Great Spirit, the Universe, God and the Angels, All that is not us, but is in us and completely surrounds us.  We ARE protected.  We ARE safe in our physical beings and our Spiritual beings.  We can hitchhike across Europe without harm.  We can allow our children (and ourselves) to venture into this hot mess of a world and know without doubt that they (we) will be protected and given whatever experience they (we) are meant to have.  Surrender and Faith are required here. 

For me, neither Surrender, nor Faith are easy.  I have pressing physical input at the same time I have imperative spiritual input, and untangling the two can be a nearly impossible task.  I can confirm that prayer and meditation are essential tools that allow me to proceed with the untangling and reconciliation of physical and spiritual inputs.  For me, the two are different, and intertwined, as are the physical and spiritual concerns that must be addressed.  Both require practice, persistence, and Surrender/ Faith.  

So Shawn, I have no feelings of  potential imminent harm for your daughter on her trip to Alexandria.  She will be protected and sheltered in the Divine.  I share your gut feeling of darkness and uggness around DC.  You have to decide and balance these things for yourself and your daughter.  You and your connection to the Divine will give you the answer you need, which may be different from what my intuition tells me.

Tee, I share your abhorrence for airports.  (And it's not the flight I have trouble with, it is the airport  ? ) 


Jeanne Mayell, Shawn, Laynara and 3 people reacted
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After 9/11 I decided I would no longer live my life in fear. Take risks and go with your gut. Living life in fear is giving in to the darkness. Live in the light.

Jeanne Mayell, Luminata, Laynara and 5 people reacted
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Thank you for all your kind words of support. I know you speak the truth- 

Jeanne Mayell, Luminata, Laynara and 3 people reacted
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So the March was wonderful and peaceful and amazing!  I'm so grateful for the people here who kept me centered about my vision associated with it and for all of the millions who participated world wide!  

The March in Denver was huge - they say about 30,000 people attended.  The energy was incredible- like nothing I've ever experienced before.  Things are going to change for the better.  There is no doubt in my mind. ? 

Laynara, Dianne, Jeanne Mayell and 3 people reacted
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Very happy that the marches went off successfully and peacefully.  My son and I "accidentally" ended up at the San Jose CA, march, as we were going to a hockey game that day (my Xmas present).  Lots of great energy and signage.  My favorite was a 10+ piece band playing, with no less than 3 women (65+) wearing their pink P*ssy hats.  Nice to see the boomer protesters out there encouraging this new generation to make a positive impact.

And my god, Rick Santorum!  Could you be a bigger @$$h0l3?  I hope the students read his comments and use them as fuel to keep the fire burning hot in their furnaces.  The arrogance is revolting......

Dianne, Jeanne Mayell, Laynara and 3 people reacted
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Yogurt master, the muskets they  had during the American Revolution did not shoot hundreds of rounds per minute. None of these mass shootings could have taken place with the guns that Americans carried back then. Saying we've had guns before this country was born and worrying about the right to bear arms, is a hackneyed NRA argument.  Few are talking about banning all guns.  In Massachusetts, you can own a gun, just not an automatic weapon and you have to have a background check and carry a license and a few other requirements.  If all states had the same rules as Massachusetts, 27,000 lives would be saved a year. 

Before you throw out the Vox study, read it.  It was well done. Then read a lot of other studies if you can find then.  It is hard to find studies, however, because the NRA banned federally funded studies on gun deaths. 

Lola and Lola reacted
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Yogurtmaster's last post was too vitriolic for this forum. So it was deleted. 

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Yogurtmaster, addressing your points made earlier:

The big problem is why are things like this happening?  We have had firearms before since the beginning of the country and yet we have had nothing like this in the past.  Sure, there were things like mobster shootings, but nothing like mass shooting after mass shooting.

It's a legitimate question so I did some research. As I wrote, the kinds of guns they had before since the beginning of the country could not shoot 400 rounds per minute, more like one shot every few minutes. The Parkland shooter killed all those kids in just six minutes. If he'd had a simple handgun, he'd have been lucky if he killed one kid before being subdued.  You indicated that you didn't mean since the beginning of the country, you meant in the last few decades.  The answer is the same. The general public did not have access to guns that shoot 400 rounds per minute back in the 1980's. Today they sell these guns like hotcakes.

So far, what  we know is:  

1.The number of shootings has not changed since the 1970's but the number of people killed per shooting has gone up. 

2. The ownership of consumer grade, light weight, easy to use automatic guns with bump stocks  has skyrocketed since the 1970's. These guns make it possible to kill many people at once without much skill. 

Also, to the myth that we know more today isn't going to cut it.  We didn't get news on our mobile phones as we didn't have them, but we would get news of president Regan getting shot while at school on the intercom and I knew about the space shuttle blowing up from the news.  We just get the news faster today and that's it.

I didn't realize anyone was blaming it on information availability. If so, you may be right. Although I'd like to see data on that.  Psychologists have found that the copy cat phenomenon is real when it comes to shootings. People see what others are doing and they copy them. 

I went to school in the 1980's.  We didn't have lots of events like this.  There were problems on the planet, but not like today, never like today.  

I appreciate your question.  Undoubtedly if we had more data, which we would have if the NRA hadn't gotten Congress to ban research on gun deaths, we might discover more at work here. However, one has to wonder why the NRA doesn't want research done on this subject.  Likely they already know that the data lead to the conclusion that the problem is the guns.

 As I said, the data show that the number of violent crimes has not gone up, just the number of guns per capita, and the number of people killed per violent incident. 

We are not the most violent country.  The UK has a higher violent crime rate than the U.S., as does Canada and Australia.  But our gun deaths are six times the next highest gun death country.  And we have six times as many guns in circulation as those countries. 

If it's not the guns, then what is it?  If someone has some data to help with this question, please provide!  

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I'd like to quickly add that our culture is particularly obsessed with violence. Okay, this might be a remnant of past harder days when death, wars and violence were more ubiquitous. However, especially in America, now there is a very melodramatic way of viewing the world. Melodramatic in this sense that the world is cast into good or evil, with little nuances in between. Evils is understood to be something that has been fundamentally corrupted and with its proximity to death (something our culture is very bad in, acknowledging our mortality) poses an existential threat. Evil is also metaphoric for intense internal strife, especially teenage emotions. The only solution is the absolute destruction of evil. You particularly see this in our modern entertainment. I'm not even talk about the horror genre. Think about Dirty Harry and his self-righteous, vindictive stance to bring justice to the world through violence and destruction. It's an ideal of manliness in a time when the patriarchy is painfully unraveling.

Now think about the "pornography of death", that is the violence the average person consumes daily. The current imagery in prime-time TV and movies have become so grass and gory, (marketed to 13 year olds!!!) I can't watch a lot anymore because I'm sick of seeing brains splattered all over. Just compare a movie-death from the 50's to a movie-death now. Such explicit and agonizing deaths than never offer space for contemplation and grief. What was once a niche has become mainstream, think "the walking dead". People LOVE that show and watch it with their kids. If you ask them what they like about it, they don't even know.

We constantly CONSUME violent, absolute crass imagery withing this melodramatic set-up; Through this some troubled kids learn that intense internal conflict can only be resolved through destruction, hence all these young rejected men shooting their ex-girlfriends/ wifes. Doing this in public places like schools, is a performative act that shall re-establish their manliness and sends a message to the world that they, in the end, have the power and will to control and take life. And there is more and more research emerging, that media violence is actually altering children's brains! Yes, an adult can distinguish between real life and a computer game (because violent computer games are often blamed for mass shootings) but somebody who was fed violent imagery at a young age can run into serious problems distinguishing between intense inner emotional states and an outer world.

Now you throw guns into the mix and the absence of health care, a cruel society and no minimum wage (aka poverty) and the carnage on screens is manifesting in real life.

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Hi Tee,

With the world and its governing 'nutters', I along with the rest of the thinking population am feeling the doom and gloom.

The independent news is the only one I want to read. The MSM would turn anyone in an alcoholic just to escape...........good that I dont like it:)

 It is always with discernment that I listen to teleseminars.. As I was given a free download of an interview with Ethann Fox, was interested to know more and decided to check him out.   Listened to long interview where at the end  (some astrology) he spoke about vast lands of the Arctic being settled into communities of self sufficiency - from 2022 onwards.

Yes there is chaos, but we chose this time to be here - so plug on I guess - always seemed to me that reincarnation made sense.

For me his teaching? discussions are very soothing. Plus the free download info was an eye opener and a way opened to peace and hope for me in witnessing so much destruction world wide.  Being a bit of a mother hen worry came at the right time - for me.  He has loads of info on his site - I love the Flower of Life and wear one as pendant.


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Hi Tee,

Just recalled Ethann saying the music by Mark Romero has been screened energetically and it  much more than just music.

Cannot recall exactly what that was but since I have some CDs from ages ago - going to listen more often.

If you like to dance around the house and push out the blues, it is great.

Many years ago when seeking out a well known clairvoyant for advice on a soul mate - no luck there but she did say - which kind of blew me away - I bring the stars down to earth when I dance. I knew what she saw soon after that when out dancing, to my embarrassment I looked up, the whole room of dancers formed a circle around me and just watched - I was just having a good time with the live music.

My little dog loves it when I dance these days - think she had a passed life as a circus dancing dog. Some of the videos of dancing dogs are amazing - saw one from Central America/Mexico dancing with his trainer to a Latin American number.

He was having a ball.

So I better get on with it then. :)

Happy days

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