Is the U.S. Descend...
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Is the U.S. Descending into Tyranny? A Pattern from Plato's New Republic

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Just before Trump cleansed the White House this week, leaks from those closer to him said that he felt he could go it alone, that he no longer wanted people around him who would restrain him.  

This news set off all alarms in the media and in me. The baby lion I'd seen in a vision of him back in 2016 was now going to morph fully into the fascist dictator that is the lion.The alt-right had affectionately dubbed him The Lion after he said his favorite quote was "It is better to be a lion for a day than a lamb for a lifetime," one of Musolini's most famous quotes.  

I don't believe he will be allowed to go full dictator, but I want to point out the pattern he is exhibiting. 

Plato described the pattern of a leader’s transformation into dictator in The Republic and today New York Magazine compared the Trump purge of the White House with Plato’s second stage towards tyranny. Plato describes how a demi god elected on promises to drain the swamp purges his staff in a descent to all out dictatorship:

"When Plato's tyrant first comes to power--on a wave of populist hatred of the existing elites -- there is a period of relative calm when he just gives away stuff: [e.g.,tax cut, millions to a car manufacturer to stay in the U.S.]. He aims to please. But then as he accustoms himself to power, and feels more comfortable, [this next part from Plato]:  'he suspects certain men of having free thoughts and not putting up with his ruling...Some of those who helped in setting him up and are in power -- the manliest among them [e.g., Kelly and Tillerson] -- speak frankly to him and to one another, criticizing what is happening...Then the tyrant must gradually do away with all of them, if he's going to rule, until he has left neither friend nor enemy of any worth whatsoever.'"

So now we may be entering into the second phase of tyranny. Trump has replaced anyone who disagrees with him,  mainly those who follow more or less the rule of law.   

And as the NY Mag article points out,  our Senate, that has the power to stop Trump, " is behaving just like the Roman Senate as the republic collapsed." 


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So this opinion and not prediction, but I feel that the more moderating forces in the White House gave Trump the veneer of reasonableness, (to some --  certainly not to people on this site, who "see" clearly) and losing the moderates reveals him for what he is, a budding tyrant. This may not be a bad thing.  Barack Obama predicted at the beginning of his second term that the right wing "fever" would break and republicans would start working with him. He was so very wrong. The right wing fever is nowhere near breaking, and gets worse and worse. I feel like we just need to get on with it, by seeing how crazy these people can get, in order that we can swing back at some point and restore sanity. The crazier Trump gets the scarier and more dangerous it will be for the US and the world, but anything that makes him look reasonable or mainstream is just prolonging the pain and the inevitable. I'm not scared anymore, just resigned. It's going to be a long bad winter, but it will end eventually, and only then will we be able to rebuild. 

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I am not calling this a prediction at all,  but it is the direction we are going if  Trump is not stopped. I believe he will be stopped.  Our visions have shown that he is stopped.  But we are on the edge of an abyss right now if he is not stopped. I do not recommend that people sit back and do nothing if Mueller is fired. That will be the time to stand up and be counted. That would be the time to go to Washington DC and fill the streets. I noticed that is making contingency plans. You can get on a list that will notify you of marches they will quickly organize if Mueller is fired.  (I had had a vision that Trump would try to fire Mueller in May but by June it would be retracted.)  

Here is the link to Moveon:  

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Agree Jeanne,

They say we could be heading into a constitutional crisis but I think that we are in it now! Participated in a small March for Our Lives in NJ and what I experienced being with people of all ages and ethnicity was profound and inspiring. I have no doubt that if Trump fires Mueller protest like today will take over the country.People have had enough of politics, Trump, Washington and our government ...and to quote one of the leaders of the MFOL "I call BS!" Just  signed up w/

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Lola, I agree.  I feel Trump and the GOP tactics working right now. I am hopeful about what happens, but once again I hear them scheming. If my March 19 visions are true, then in or around May, Trump finds a way to fire Mueller and then, due to nationwide uproar,  there is some kind of reversal or backtracking of that decision in June. 

If I tell you what I think they will exactly do, it opens me up to error and misleading you.  I get emails from people who take what I predict so literally, and don't understand that prediction is subject to error and change, like weather forecasting.  

But it feels like they will pull the same tactics they've pulled on gun control.  They say, Oh My! We understand how the people feel!  We surely do!  And then they concoct some scheme to reinstate Mueller, hoping to limit the scope of his investigation. In November the GOP  loses the House, according to the majority report.  (There are a couple of people who did not see a new blue majority.) It will be the beginning of the fall of the GOP but it will take a long time to complete. 

The truth of the Mueller's findings will eventually come out.  The country will know what Trump and his people did. But there will be a battle to keep it from coming out and the progressives have to play a good endgame. They have to call B.S. every step of the way.   Nothing short of full protection of Mueller's work should  be accepted. I loved watching those kids speak today. 

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The change is coming, however slow it may seem, it's coming. It's so funny that the country is in the grips of retrograde everything -- policies, behaviors, beliefs.  It's like the last gasps of what some people claim the 50's were like, although nostalgia always seems better than the way things really were. But the youth, and ideas that represent the future, that's the other side of the story. It's a battle going on, but the future always wins out. The crazier the current power structure gets the more obvious it will appear to people. Trump and his band of people with antiquated ideas are hard to ignore, even for people who aren't normally politically active. 

My biggest fear is what he's doing to the courts, not just the Supreme Court, but the federal appeals and trial courts, and what the attorney general is doing to immigration law. I won't bore folks with the details, but it's a knife in my heart every time I see a new change or appointment that I know will affect laws and policies for a generation or more. That scares me more than anything Trump and his ilk may be able to accomplish in the next few years. And while I'm hopeful the dems will retake the house, the only way to stop judicial appointments is for them to take the senate, and that's a tall order.

Courts that are populated with retrograde judges and justices who are still on the bench in 20+ years, and who issue decisions that are seriously are odds with what will eventually be a more progressive population is a recipe for civil unrest. This will be Trump's farewell gift.


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I just had a thought. I’m not a psychic but I have intuition that has proven true occasionally. I’m wondering if anyone sees a 

change regarding how Fox fake News fares. There are those speaking against it. Wouldn’t somewhat of a change in Fox or even how they are perceived help ? Does anyone see that happening? At some point, as more people are indicted and hopefully imprisoned, won’t more of their viewers become enraged over the lies they’ve been fed? Or will they continue to drink the kool aid!


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Also not a psychic type observation, but my opinion is that Fox will change drastically as soon as Murdoch is dead and his kids and grandkids take over.

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Lynn, you are right. We started to see a change but slow. Many of us see it unfold over the next 6 to 10 years. This is the steps that we see.

1. GOP loses special elections

2. GOP loses grip in midterms

3, GOP loses president, Dem president elected

4, Rise in progressive movements

5. Oligarchs and GOP exposed

6, Progressives bills passed

7. Progressive president voted in

8. Electoral college repealed

9. GOP falls apart, becomes defunct

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Last Year I felt we would all feel a brief respite in April before everything goes to hell again. I’m confident the good feelings I foresaw was the March.

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I don’t know how it can take years for oligarchs to be exposed and for trump to last until an election. 2020?

i hope I’m alive to see all this. I’m almost 67.



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Anita, I believe you will be alive to see the full turnaround. The seeds are already sprouting - the Me too movement, the Fight for our lives movement, the brave unrelenting mainstream press, and the special elections are showing a turnaround. I don't see a linear progression, like some people. I see a battle with dark forces going darker each time they realize they are losing and then  progressives having to push harder, deep deeper into their pockets, and bring more people into activism, to counteract them. It will turn around, but the roots of darkness that got us here run deep.  It is a worthy cause.  You will live to see the turnaround. And you can see it already happening now.   I cannot imagine another four years of Donald Trump.  Have never seen it. The majority see 2025 as a complete turnaround. I've felt it would be a few years later, but I could be wrong.  I want to ask Zoron if he has a time frame.  

The future changes when we see it.  It gets better when we are awake to what the current energy is bringing because we change our behavior to bring about a better outcome.  The truth always wins. 

Laynara, Michele, Kim K. and 7 people reacted
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Hi Jeanne,

What a relief!

Thank you!


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Jeanne, I certainly see and feel Trump installing his dictatorship.  I do believe he will attempt to fire Mueller and I also believe we will take to the streets in huge numbers if that happens.  

But, we can see also that light forces are intervening.  The lawyer Trump wanted to replace Dowd is not going to represent Trump against Mueller, which is great news, and may have delayed Trump's move to fire Mueller.  

The thing that bothers me most is the sheer amount of illegal and even traitorous behavior that has already been exposed with no action taken to check it.  I'm specifically talking about Jared and his dealings with the Saudis here.  He's still in the White House.  Terrifying.

I know Mueller is not throwing down indictments because it would do no good with the current Congress in place.  And that is terrible.  I look at all those in power who are ignoring this and can't understand what they think they're going to get out of it.  I imagine they have studied at least as much history as I, and dictatorships don't bode well for those in power.  Often, the closest to the dictator wind up getting killed at some point or another.  It's truly baffling to me. 

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You hit the mark Luminata. Ignorance rules among the fringe right politicians these days.  When GW Bush entered the White House, novelist Kurt Vonnegut moaned that we had C students in the White House. Trump has taken ignorance of history, of everything, to a new low.  The Congress and the State Houses are filled with ignorant Republicans whose only claim to fame is that they can get funding from the GOP because corporations just want soldiers to do their bidding. Fox News is filled with ignoramuses. 


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It's been happening since the 70s

everyone should watch this BBC documentary by Adam Curtis called HyperNormalisation

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Thanks, Stu.  I want to watch it.  I also want to say that I do not think we going to descend into tyranny.  I just think that Trump fits the pattern of the dictator that Plato was writing about. I think I unintentionally misled people. I wanted to warn, not predict that we are going into a dictatorship.  

I don't think Trump will make it to dictator because our country is awake and aware of what he is and how the Congress is supporting him.  It's our awareness that saves us.  We are a people of truth. We seek the truth, as evidenced by the nationwide success of the Parkland teens.  I believe we are rising up and proclaiming truth. 

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