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The Covid-19 Pandemic (When posting new information, please cite sources)

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Some positive news: Per the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, there may be a "Stop Gap" solution for Covid-19 patients to prevent & treat which could roll out by this Summer.  Not a vaccine (that will take 12-18 months to be formally tested & approved) but, instead, uses the antibodies found in the blood plasma of recovered Covid-19 patients.  China has been using this successfully.  Theoretically, one recovered patients' plasma could potentially help two ill patients.  Found this article embedded in a NY Times article this morning.  God bless science!!




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Posted by: @isabelle

Some positive news: Per the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, there may be a "Stop Gap" solution for Covid-19 patients to prevent & treat which could roll out by this Summer.  Not a vaccine (that will take 12-18 months to be formally tested & approved) but, instead, uses the antibodies found in the blood plasma of recovered Covid-19 patients.  China has been using this successfully.  Theoretically, one recovered patients' plasma could potentially help two ill patients.  Found this article embedded in a NY Times article this morning.  God bless science!!




I had been thinking it would be good to harvest plasma from the recovered to develop a stop gap vaccine, glad it's being given serious consideration.

In a related story, we have a friend who works at a local hospital in their genome project. He told us they are getting ready to start drive-thru testing AND they need asymptomatic controls, so we'll be participating in that as soon as he gives us the green light (I am asymptomatic at this point, even though I wasn't a couple of weeks ago). It's not a RNA test nor an IGg/IGm, not sure what it is, but happy to donate a cheek swab to science, and since my hubby never got sick this winter, curious if he's a carrier.


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As packages arrive into your home, please keep a can of lysol by the door and spray it BEFORE you touch the package and open it and put it inside your home. Discard the packaging and wash your hands of course! :) ?

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Thanks, @triciact!  I took a wrong turn into crazytown yesterday morning, but am grateful that I didn't spend too much time there.  

Also want to say that it sometimes pays being a geezer -- this morning I got to shop at Whole Foods an hour before the store opened, devoted to patrons 60+.  A little surreal, but nice.

Just finished listened to Cuomo's press conference again this morning.  I hope MSNBC carries him each day at the same time, because if so, I'm watching.  He calmed any anxiety I was feeling.  Like yesterday, he was very straightforward, hopeful, uplifting, inspiring -- after listening to him, you believe what he's telling you and want to do your part.  

Accompanied with a Powerpoint presentation, Cuomo gave updates on some of what he talked about yesterday morning, and spent some time discussing the emotional toll from the social isolation -- whether you're living alone, or cooped up with people.  (He mentioned that he lives alone, and sometimes his dog is getting on his nerves!)  Cuomo also acknowledged all of our fears.  He spoke, in an inspirational way, about how dealing with hardships makes us stronger, as he referenced the WWII generation.  He said that we can face these challenges and adversity.  That we will overcome this and be greater for it.

My husband watched in rapt attention, afterwards commenting:  It's like T**** is this hideous, desolate wasteland, and Cuomo is this rising oasis.  I couldn't have said it better.  I realize that as governor, Cuomo has made some decisions that have angered some people, but yikes! -- what an incredible leader.  God bless him and keep him safe and well.  

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Cuomo is the Governor in my state. Thank goodness!  Calming, intelligent, straight forward. No BS.

I stopped watching the WH briefing. T is so totally way in over his head and a clear and present danger to his followers. 


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@lawrence, How are you doing?  You popped into my head this morning as I was watching Cuomo's press conference.

I'm not watching the WH briefings either.  In a sense, it's become a substitute for T's rallies.  This morning on MSNBC they were discussing whether media outlets should even be airing the WH briefings.  Someone proposed that they only air parts of the briefing, or feature a scroll at the bottom that clarifies or corrects T, whenever he is spewing his BS.  They also proposed that none of the media should directly ask T questions, instead only asking questions of Fauci and any other expert.  I really think they need to do something, but it's tricky.  

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Totally agree. 

I'm fine. I've been self isolating for nine days. No one is on the streets. 

The words "two weeks" floated in last night. It feels like we'll have a reason to feel hopeful again.


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It is so kind to say that about Joe staying in my trailer, but it wasn't my trailer. He came by as I was moving out, and asked if he could stay a couple of days until he found another place. I told me it wasn't mine, but a couple of days would probably be OK. That was almost four years ago. So Eliza is the hero. The trailer had become unlivable due to electrical   problems, but she let him stay. No electric or water.

They closed our library, but probably not soon enough. I really wasn't that worried about getting sick until somebody I knew died.


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Posted by: @lawrence


Totally agree. 

I'm fine. I've been self isolating for nine days. No one is on the streets. 

The words "two weeks" floated in last night. It feels like we'll have a reason to feel hopeful again.



All along I've been getting mid-April for when "it" subsides.  I'm not sure what "it" is; whether it's a treatment, the general panic and fear, or the actual virus itself, but I know that around that time "it" gets better. ? 

Also, I've been seeing 4:20 all the time (and I swear I'm not a pot head, lol).  I'm not sure if it's connected to this or something else, but I feel there is something big for that date.  (it could just be something big for me, personally, of course)

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Thank you. Reading your post, I feel the numbers going down and some sort of treatment during that time period. It takes us out of so much fear.



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My gut feeling, hopefully far better than the Trump, is that this might be divine intervention going on. In order to get our country in the world in a better, more compassionate mindset, more aware, place, we need to feel what keeps us as one. I think the world has been going down a horrible path, and perhaps especially the United States with the greed, xenophobia, And lack of compassion for others. That said, I think those who are ignoring the danger they put others in by ignoring the the demands to stay home and or keep their distance from others, need to first change their mindsets before this will get under control. I think those who have blindly followed this terrible man in the US, need to see just what a phony selfish lying and self-serving moron he is.. I also believe we need to become more giving and compassionate for others as many are already showing. But I don’t know if these people were compassionate before. When I was at Disney World last December, and employee interrupted my conversation with another employee from Brazil about the rainforest and global warming. This other woman asked me if it was affecting me. I said It affects all of us. But she insisted if it didn’t affect me, do not worry about it. I hope and pray that people like her Or changing the way they think. Meanwhile, if this is divine intervention and I hope it is, we will Become the country in the world that many have for seen here.



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I completely agree Anita. We are being taught a huge spiritual lesson. 

When I recently threw out the Tarot, I saw the divine energy guiding the entire process.

Every day now, I go into a deep meditation and send out healing and comfort to everyone in need.


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I just heard that Rand Paul tested positive for COVID-19.  He's asymptomatic and self-quarantined.  Meanwhile his crackpot daddy, Ron, recently published an article warning people of the coronavirus hoax, perpetrated by the Democrats.  

Rand Paul took the test because he's traveled a lot.  The kicker is, if you're a politician or famous, it seems like you can access a test fairly easily.  



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Posted by @lawrence:

Every day now, I go into a deep meditation and sending out healing and comfort to everyone in need.

Great idea.  I will be joining you.

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Thanks for that update!  And also not as new I'll add in:

That the John Hopkins Center for Health Security has announced that the World Health Organization LAUNCHES MULTINATIONAL TRIAL FOR COVID-19 TREATMENTS The WHO announced that it will soon launch a major trial of prospective COVID-19 treatments.

The trial, referred to as the SOLIDARITY trial, will assess possible therapies to treat COVID-19 infections across at least 10 countries. Trial countries include Argentina, Bahrain, Canada, France, Iran, Norway, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, and Thailand.

Four trial arms consisting of drugs or combinations of drugs will be tested against a control arm consisting of standard supportive care. The trial arms will consist of remdesivir; a combination of lopinavir and ritonavir; lopinavir, ritonavir, and interferon-beta; and chloroquine.

All 4 options have shown some evidence of effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 in either in vitro or animal models. After the announcement, research was published that indicates studies in China that assessed lopinavir-ritonavir treatment combinations did not find strong results in the study population. 

Add to that Isabella's wonderful commented on recovered patient's  plasma study and they truly working quicky on many studies and trials! 


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Posted by: @deetoo   

Rand Paul took the test because he's traveled a lot.  The kicker is, if you're a politician or famous, it seems like you can access a test fairly easily.  

I know people who have also traveled a lot but can't get the test.

 One of the visions I had seen back in 2014 for the 2020's was that Washington DC had a dark cloud around it while the rest of the country went about their own lives. Inside the beltway was a Babylon world out of touch with the people they were pledged to protect.  Outside the capital the people no longer listened to them. The people rolled up their sleeves and got to work building a better world. Then comes a Continental Congress and with it the end of a corrupt party.  It is a cyclical story.  

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Right on!

My sister in law's brother in law went to the emergency  room in Anchorage after returning from traveling in multiple states.  He had a fever, a non stop hacking cough and pain in his chest. They turned him away to self-isolate at home. Told him he needed additional criteria to qualify for a test.

I guess he was neither a celebrity, a congressman or rich enough!

I know people who have also traveled a lot but can't get the test. It seems that the test is just for the elite.  The elites don't realize where their bread is buttered.

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Do NOT doubt Jeanne's visions!! lol

I was chuckling to myself yesterday because I was thinking back to when I first found this site, and read all the predictions about people turning more toward local government, becoming self-sufficient, kinder, more caring toward the earth-and I wanted to believe it but just didn't see how it could happen.

Now it's happening. And the lying, corrupt party in power crumbling and fading away-I think (hope!) we're on the brink of that. So much truth in the saying that it's always darkest right before the dawn. 

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@michele-b, how is your sister-in-law's brother-in-law doing?


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This just happened so we don't know yet. But did you notice they added self-isolate for 7 days not even 14?

Alaskans travel by air like we drive. Many live in tiny communities even teach,  work for State or Feds or on pipeline.  Villagers fly on tiny prop planes just to go buy groceries for 3 to 12 months at a Costco. If you're a resident all luggage is free because of how common and how essential travel is.

Luckily this couple is retired but a large family spread over several areas. Families travel many times a year and make multiple stop overs on different islands that are airport hubs.

The E.R.s  know that so extra crazy. Means they probably had NO tests or maybe never did . Few people who do have COVID-19 brought it in this way. Started with a few way up in Fairbanks. 

Lots and lots of state business travel all over making business connections. All it takes to raise the curve.



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