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California tragedy. The mudslide storm

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Sadly, the mudslide storm, that has just happened, in san jacinto, is one of many such incidents that I predicted in general, recently, for California. I am not really claiming credit, except to say i predicted that california  was going to have multiple such incidents, over th then coming year. I did not get the San Jacinto tragwedy directly, but only as part of a general trend, that as i said, would rather shake Californians badly over the next year. It will be one thing after another, I recall saying, that will make people there feel they are living in a giant disaster movie. The string of earthquakes are yet to come. The drought will get worse, the wild fires are going to enter a new severe phase, and also we are going to see forest tragedies, with animals dead from the huge heatwaves. I am predicting at least one major heatstorm, but possibly three. Plus the chronic impacts on the food and agriculture areas there. I also foresee some rather bad urban disturbances and riots. People are going to start feeling that the California life style is finally over. The new california will emerge this year. it will be harsh, and the State government will struggle to cope. They will not get much help from washington. Help will be kept back. trump will be involved. The hollywood Royalty will be really campaigning against Trump, and all his works, this year. I am particularly worried about a single major firestorm, where several smaller storms converge and combine. it simply overwhelms the fire fighters. This one is very serious, will get global attention, and is probably late summer. a town might be lost. 

Paul W, llibutti, Paul W and 1 people reacted
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I read today that the scientists expect a lot of earthquakes this year because the earth's rotation has slowed down and they have found that is a contributing factor
