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Past Lives

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There seems to be many questions under prediction section about past lives and WW2. 

The closest I remember to a past life, is living on a farm, actually having one girl and being in the kitchen, smiling and wearing cloth like you would see on the show "Little House on the Prairie."Lol. I don't got any felling I was there when WW1 or WW2.

Over the years, I have read numerous book about Atlantis and Lemuria's. What I got from this is the Atlantis was materialistic, while the Lemuria's were more spiritual. I always thought how beautiful it would be if both were combine to create a balance in the future to benefit everyone.  I also believe technology has advance so quickly over this last hundred or years, that we can't dismiss it might be possible, there is a higher then normal Atlantis people reincarnating in this life. I believe I live during Atlantis, and I like my technology, but I also realize how spirituality and growth is also important. While most technology has been used to benefit people, it also been used for creating weapons. I have positive hope, tech and spiritual growth combine will be able to help us, and the planet. I wonder if anyone else is picking up anything?

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I wonder where Zoron went, it's been a while since he's posted, I hope he's ok. I mentioned him because he used to have certain things to say about this subject. For myself I've read a lot about reincarnation,in particular the works of Ian Stevenson and Brian Weiss. I have also performed a past life regression on a friend when I was 14 ( disaster, don't do it, it's how I learned about the Armenian genocide), and used tapes to hypnotically regress myself. So its a subject I'm fascinated by, but also scared of. The story I want to tell right now is about my husband. He is agnostic atheist, very skeptical of most things. And yet he seems to have incredible psychic ability, that far surpasses anything I can do. He is open to his perceptions being psychic, but is skeptical at the same time. In university he studied German, and has had an obsession with that language and culture his whole life, he is particularly obsessed with world war two nazi technology. He has dreams in German, and has had since before he studied the language. In those dreams he speaks and understands fluent German. When he was a small child he asked his mother about a tree that used to be in their yard, he described the tree, but it was cut down before he was born. His whole life is littered with stories like this, and to this day he has weird experiences. He seems to know who's going to phone him before they do.  I have had a long standing suspicion that some of this is reincarnation related, but I can't prove it, I can only suspect. I hope other's will weigh in on this, as it's a fascinating subject. 

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I too am wandering where Zoron is.  My youngest daughter use to say she waited on the other side to come back. Now that she is older, she do not mention anything anymore. It is great your husband has that connection but still is skeptical. It is better to be skeptical and seeking the truth, then never seeking it at all. This is the drive that will push you in the right direction. My favorite movie is "The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield. I have read numerous books such as "Children That Time Forgot". I am also interested in Mayan Ruins, and always wanted to visit. I feel this is one place I live in my past lives too, and I would feel at home if I visit.

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I did a past life regression. It was in the late 1400's and I lived in Scotland (I'm American now) It was the most fascinating experience. I also think it was one of my happier lives. I think I had a bad Asian life as I have always had a revulsion for Asian items, not people, just the  items.


My grandson remembers parts of his past life. He did things at the age of 2 that we knew right away that he was talking about another life. Sometimes he would get so confused my daughter would have to ask him if he was talking about this life or the last life. He would stop, think and then start to giggle like he remembered it was the other life. He is 20 now and still remembers some things.

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When my daughter was about 2, we were sitting in our living room at the time, playing. She always had a little purse she would carry with her, especially when we'd leave the house (I still have it - kept it with some baby clothes!). Out of nowhere, she turned to me and said "Would you be a dear and hand me my purse?" I got goosebumps. This was a phrase my maternal grandmother said to me often (she passed in 1980), and because we lived far from family, and my daughter wasn't even in daycare, I knew she couldn't have heard it from another adult. I was very, very close to my grandmother and was very sad when she died (she was 70 at the time, not so old by modern standards). Of course, I handed her the purse. She never said it again. I asked a medium a few years later about it, and she said, "Oh, your daughter is a walk-in. Your grandmother's soul made an agreement to be born in that body so that you would be her mother." Over the years I observed other things that my daughter couldn't have known to do or say surface every now and again, like little bubbles in a lake. I believe what the medium told me, I think my daughter was my grandmother in her last life before this one.

Another story I have is that about 10 years ago I befriended a couple who were in their 20s at the time (so quite a bit younger than me, born in the 1980s).  They were very into "retro" things. She is a tall, big-boned redhead, he is a bookish type, way shorter than her.  They were college sweethearts ad had a 1940s style wedding.  One night I had a long dream about them. In the dream, they both looked kind of the same as they did in real life. I dreamed that it was WWII. She was an army nurse. He was a soldier. Long dream short, he died in the war and then a little bit later, so did she. When I woke up, I understood I had seen their past lives, and that it made perfect sense for them to have strong nostalgia for a time before they were born. I did tell them about my dream, they kind of shrugged it off...

As for myself, when I have dreams about being in past lives, I'm always poor, unhappy, etc. Clearly I was never royalty! My past life dreams tend to be chaotic (and I haven't had any in years), so I ran them by that same medium. She said she could see a few of my past lives, but that I'm a very old soul (makes sense). She told me I was a minor prince somewhere in the middle east, thousands of years ago, also that I was a Native American man who did trick horse riding in one of those wild west traveling shows in the 1800s. And that in the Dark Ages, I was a [woman] healer who got betrayed by someone close to me and subsequently was burned at the stake. This last one is the only one I ever had dreams of, so I know she was on target. It also explains why as a small child I had a crazy fear of any kind of flame.

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I believe I have uncovered at least four past lives. It made me realize that my current identity is a part of a bigger whole. I understood my current existence is a part of a longer journey. It is a humbling experience to say the least. 

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I don't remember if I ever had a past life. However, I know that it exists. Call me crazy, but I've seen it occur in animals.

My mom and I had this male tiger tomcat (named Jessie) when I was young, who had these striking blue-green-gold eyes - absolutely stunning! He ended up being attacked by a coyote and died. A few years later, I went to my local shelter and there was a young pure white female cat with the same blue-green-gold eyes. It immediately starting yowling when it saw me, going crazy and reaching out through the cage. The employees were so surprised. They told me the cat had been melancholy and quiet since they brought it in. I felt a pull to the cat. I knew she was supposed to be mine. I took her home, and the darndest thing happened; we had a picture of a young Jessie with his former red collar in front sitting up on the mantle of our buffet. She immediately went over to and started pawing at the picture. Then she picked up the collar, walked over to me and set it in front of me (like a dog!). I was so surprised!! My mom just laughed it off and said: "maybe Jessie came back to us?" We teased that we should name her Jessie Jr. but she definitely did not like that name. We ended up calling her Jasmine. That cat, was my best friend. I ended up teasingly calling her my daemon, after I read the book The Golden Compass. We were absolutely inseparable. 

12 years later, Jasmine passed away from a severe stroke, and it broke my heart. 2 years after her death, I am down visiting New Orleans in July when I happen by a rescue shelter/pet shop down in the french quarter. In the window is a male black and white kitten, and another pure white female with one black dot on her nose. The pure white one lifts its head and there again are the same blue-green-gold eyes. I mean exact same! I have pictures that I always show people who don't believe me. The gold specks are always in the same place and same shape (two little diamonds next to the pupil). The green is light and surrounding the pupil and the blue, a very very light almost grey surrounds the outer rim of the iris. But this time she was sick. One eye was closed completely and her nose and mouth were encrusted with gunk. But I just knew she was my late Jasmine. 

I went into the shop and asked to see the kit. The lady was surprised, since most people don't ask for the sick ones. She told me that the kitten wasn't up to be adopted because of her severe illness and that I wasn't allowed to hold her. I understood, but I told her that I would be interested in adopting once she was better. I don't think the lady believed me. I had to leave the shop and return to my b&b, but I went back the next day and spent several hours just sitting beside her. She was so very ill, I was worried she would die. I told the shop lady that I was just visiting for the 4th of July and that I would be going back to finish out a job in Mississippi at the end of the week and return home (up north) soon after, but that I was seriously interested in adopting the pure white female. Obviously she didn't think I was serious, she told me that if, at the end of the week, I was still interested in adopting the kitten and the kitten was better, that I could adopt her. I said alright. The next day I went back to Mississippi to finish my contracted work. I called every day to check on her (she improved some, but I was informed that she would lose one eye. I was also told the kit was prickly - hated to be held - and seemed almost feral). At the end of the week I told the lady I'd be returning to New Orleans to pick up the kit in two days. To say she was flabbergasted was an understatement. 

I went straight to the pet shop when I returned to NOLA. I got everything set up, food, carrier, medicine, paperwork, payment, etc. During this process, I begged to hold her. They reminded me that she was prickly, but the minute she got into my arms she calmed down. She felt straight asleep, curled up in the front of my jacket. Amazed the people LOL. I tried to name her Jasmine, but she wouldn't accept the name. Ended up naming her Maeve. I know that she has the same soul as my past two companions, and I know that she instinctual remembers (she has similar quirks that Jasmine used to have), but I also know she is a different incarnation. 

It's weird, but call me crazy, I 100% believe animals reincarnate too. 

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I've only caught a glimpse of one past life, where I was a woman in the early 1800's. I saw myself with my husband, and I could feel the love we had for each other. Based on surroundings and feelings, I think this was still in the US-tho where I couldn't say other than rural. However, rural in the 1820's in many instances would be downtown now.  Unfortunately, my meditation was disrupted before I could find out more. I've also found myself knowing things about Native American culture that surprised me (and much to my surprise found a HUGE white wolf coming to me in one meditation), and I've always had a draw towards London which I believe was in my past somehow. 

As for Dr. Brian Weiss, he's a nice man. I was asked to do a tv show with James VanPraagh. I did the reading with James in CA, and then we were to do the tv show in Texas. Long story short, on the plane to TX James introduced me to Dr. Weiss. Realizing I didn't know who the Dr. was, James pulled me aside and told me a little about Dr. Weiss. It was at that point I realized that the entire adventure I was on wasn't to get the reading or to do the show, but to find out about Dr. Weiss' work. I enjoyed my brief time interacting with him. Upon my return from that trip, I began to read every one of his books, and they aided me in so many ways. Many Lives Many Masters taught me that if I didn't find a way to deal with those who had been abusive or inappropriate in my life during this lifetime, I'd be back to take another crack at it. It was a large task for me, given some of the things I already had on my plate, but well worth the work. I won't have to do this again!

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What an opportunity and great synchronistic experience Cindy!

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I've taken in and loved animals my entire life and I am so deeply touched by reading about your anazing experiences with what most certainly must be a very deep and unique set of experiences between you and a soul connection to animals that feel like members of you original star family!

What phenomenal experiences and relationships between you and what blessings you have been to one another!    

Thank you so much for sharing this Seyrin!   
